
You can search for “Divine Cultivation System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Time passed by little by little.

It’s obviously a very short time.

But whether it is in Qin Shaofeng’s or anyone else’s mind, it seems that centuries have passed.

I saw with my own eyes that the illusory shadow smashed the first defensive great array with no difficulty, and even the second defensive great array was smashed, and everyone’s hearts couldn’t help but tighten.

The last defensive is great array, must resist!

Everyone prayed silently in the heart.

Most people have been frightened by the fragmentation of the first two void defense great arrays, not at all notice more details.

Qin Shaofeng was sighed in relief after seeing those illusory shadows attacking the last great defensive array.

How can the great array of Void Realm’s defenses be broken so easily?

The fragmentation of the previous two great arrays is inseparable from the attack of the void talisman.

But he has used several void talisman in previous battles.

Shadow didn’t even condense his Yaoshen clothes until after fighting for a while. It can be seen that those Xu Cherries are not omnipotent.

At least the trump card he hasn’t used, those illusory shadows may not be able to be copied seriously.

Up to this point, he had completely confirmed the matter.

Illusory shadow is tyrannical, but it only copied the void talisman he used a few times.

The previous two defensive great arrays were also shattered by those talisman attacks.

Although he knows so much, he is happy at all does not raise.

Because he doesn’t know whether those illusory shadows can replicate the same defense great array.

It would be too difficult for them if they did copy.

It turns out that he still has too many worries.

Until Qi Xian arranged the attack on the great array, he did not see those illusory shadows starting to set up the defense against the great array.

This makes him fiercely sighed in relief.

His eyes subconsciously moved towards the dark hole deep in the ‘great hall’.

Perhaps they will enter the next level after entering the cave.

But it is also possible that when they enter, those illusory shadows will change back to chase after them.

No matter what the situation will be, he is not allowed to relax.

moved towards the many dark shadows who were still attacking the great array of defenses took a look, and he took out the foundation stone of another defense array.

“Qi Xian, research this great array as quickly as possible.” Qin Shaofeng shouted.

Qin Shaofeng’s command has developed subconsciously.

He simply did not hesitate, and he had already received the cornerstone of the array sent by Qin Shaofeng and started to study.

“Little Feng, what are you going to do?”

Qi Mu looked at the set of foundation stones of the array and asked curiously.

“Naturally take this to enter the next level.”

Qin Shaofeng took a deep breath and said: “We want to enter that channel. In order to avoid the illusory shadow from disappearing, we can only prepare in advance.”

Qi Mu and the others have already looked around.

After seeing those frantically attacking and defending the illusory shadow of the great array, they have already begun to feel worried.

Don’t look at their previous fights for a short time, but Qin Shaofeng also consumed more than 30 Defensive Talisman.

Qin Shaofeng knows clearly that Qin Shaofeng only has one hundred Defensive Talisman.

If those illusory shadows really do not disappear, it is Qin Shaofeng unwilling, and they can only choose to give up some people.

As for how long the defense of the great array can last, it is no longer something they need to consider.

“Qin Eldest Brother, I have roughly figured out the situation of this array. It should be similar to the great array of defense we arranged before, except that the defense is fully fuse into one direction. I believe that with 10 breaths time, I can Arrange it out.” Qi Xian has already spoken.

“Okay, prepare to attack the great array to kill those illusory shadows, and then let Brother Qi Mu and Qi Zhen immediately lead you into the passage and start the formation directly.” Qin Shaofeng ordered.


Qi Xian doesn’t have much worry about the formation.

He answered quickly, and his formation had already begun.

It’s not easy to use array to attack, but it didn’t take too long to let him really show it.

With the attack on the cornerstone of the great array array, the rays of light flicker.

The surrounding void seems to be completely shattered immediately, and all the illusory shadows that attacked and defended the great array shattered.

Even those illusory shadows that appear according to Qin Shaofeng’s ability are no exception.

The defense of Yao Shenyi is indeed strong.

But Qin Shaofeng’s cultivation base is still too short, and it is impossible to fully use the defense of Yao Shenyi.

In addition to the time duplication of the illusory shadow, it is naturally impossible to resist the attacks of the Voidland array.

The moment Qi Xian finished this, he opened the defense great array.

Qi Tomb and Qi Zhen, who had been prepared for a long time, immediately caught him, moved towards the dark hole and rushed in.

All this seems to happen between lightning flints.

It seems that the rays of light flicker.

In the dark hole, the first ‘boom’ sound has already been made.


Qin Shaofeng immediately greeted everyone.

Luo Star Monarch, who always stood by his side, immediately pulled him and moved towards the black hole and galloped.

He is showing his loyalty, but he still doesn’t want Qin Shaofeng to be in danger.

Even if Qin Shaofeng has many methods, it is the same.

The illusory shadow shattered under the attack of the void, and it takes at least 10 breaths time to recover.

Although everyone has different speeds.

But at the beginning of the condensing of those illusory shadows, they have all entered the dark passage.

As soon as everyone came in, rays of light flickered from the channel.

The whole passage is illuminated in a flash.

Qin Shaofeng just took a look at the depths of the entrance of the cave before moving towards, and then he retracted his eyes.

Just as he was worried.

Those illusory shadows not at all disappear because they enter this hole. Although the speed of condensation has not increased, it still continues.

This kind of situation makes everyone still uneasy.

“Qi Zhen, Qi Huang, and your three Heaven’s Mystery Building’s Peak martial arts preparations, if the illusory shadows condense before Qi Xian finishes the array, you will completely block the entrance of the cave. illusory shadow comes in.”

Qin Shaofeng’s voice sounded again.

He doesn’t know what the people of Heaven’s Mystery Building are like, but he doesn’t need to know.

Anyway, Qi Mu and Luo Star Monarch are the Young Masters of the strength of both parties. It is normal for him to choose to let them rest.

All five people moved towards him, and Qi Qi nodded agreed.

But when they moved towards the great hall before, after taking a look at the condensing illusory shadow, they began to look forward to it.

Go on, Qi Xian!

We believe that you will be able to defend the great array before the illusory shadows are successfully condensed.

They personally fought those illusory shadows for so long, but they know clearly how tyrannical the attacks of those illusory shadows are.

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