
You can search for “Divine Cultivation System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“Luo Young Master said well, I support Luo Young Master.”

Little Liu subconsciously called out.

Following his words, Long Xiaoxiao, Shen Jun, Zhang Ye and Ren Tiankuang are also subconsciously nodded.

Such words make the expressions of Long Haoyue and Liu Kaishan even more weird.

Naluo Star Monarch will really do what he said?

Why does his words sound so weird?

They have different ideas in their entire group.

Qi Xian, three people and Heaven’s Mystery Building three people, almost spurt a mouthful of blood because of this.

Luo Star Monarch then devotion to righteousness that inspires reverence.

Combined with the people in Luo Star Monarch normally, they have thoroughly understood why Luo Star Monarch did this.

Even Qin Shaofeng as an outsider can already think of many things.

Presumably because Luo Star Monarch is worried about his fall, no one can take him out alive, so he would rather sacrifice his own person.

This kind of person is really terrifying for their own lives.

What makes him more speechless is that Luo Star Monarch can devotion to righteousness that inspires reverence after doing such a thing selfishly.

It’s really a wonderful flower!

Heaven’s Mystery Building three people is indeed complicated.

Qin Shaofeng is not much better.

He looked at Luo Star Monarch in front of him, and in his mind was actually subconsciously thinking of Ziwen City that he had brought to the Cangming Realm.

But speaking of the degree of insidiousness, I am afraid that only Ziwen City can compare with him, right?

It seems that when you go to Heaven’s Mystery Building in the future, you should be careful with this person.

He just meditated in the heart.

But he didn’t know that he was a fan of the authorities, and he was frightened by Luo Star Monarch’s move.

Ziwen City was taught by the sinister Zilong.

Although he is not very young, what he has done is far from being comparable to that of Star Monarch, one of Heaven’s Mystery Building’s private owners.

When they were thinking about it, Qi Xian, who was already familiar with the arrangement of the array, had already arranged the second defensive great array.

Now we have begun to arrange the third array.

Qin Shaofeng felt the change of the array, and moved towards Luo Star Monarch again. After taking a look, he had already retracted his gaze.

Luo Star Monarch is indeed sinister enough.

But Luo Star Monarch is also afraid of death.

As long as he can grasp this, he is not afraid that Luo Star Monarch will do anything unfavorable to him.

In this case, he naturally does not need to pay too much attention to the situation of Luo Star Monarch.

He and Long Haoyue and the others looked back early.

The three people in Qi Mu just watched the excitement, and they were slightly jealous.

Heaven’s Mystery Building’s heart is very lively.

They want to say something more.

But they also have to admit that if something happens to Qin Shaofeng, they want or leave, it is almost impossible.

Because of this, the complexity in their hearts has gone to the extreme.

I want to say something, but I don’t know how to say it.

Qin Shaofeng’s gaze has already fallen outside the defense great array at this time.

The group of illusory shadows are indeed attacking the great array by themselves.

But that kind of attack still keeps the damage of the defense great array increasing.

Especially the four illusory shadows portrayed by him, from time to time will create an Offensive Talisman urn, which makes the defensive great array more and more damaged.

In just such a short period of time, the damage has been more than half.

If it weren’t for Qi Xian who has already mastered the arrangement of the great array defense, I am afraid that such a great array defense is simply not enough to help them survive.

The waiting time is not very long.

When the defensive great array of the outer circle was about to collapse, Qi Xian had already deployed the third defensive great array.

“Qin Eldest Brother, what should we do next?” Qi Xian asked anxiously.

“Started to deploy the attack on the great array.”

Qin Shaofeng said with a sullen face: “Have you already confirmed how to attack the great array?”

“Believe that you can deploy the attack on the great array before these two defenses are destroyed.”

A look of shock suddenly appeared on Qi Xian’s face.

He didn’t expect that Qin Shaofeng trusted him to such a degree.

You believe him too much, right?

Qi Xian wants to cry but no tears can be shed

But he didn’t dare to hesitate at all. After receiving the materials from Qin Shao’s grave, he immediately began to think.

All the grievances, he must wait for the array to be arranged before he is qualified to speak.

With such thoughts, his thinking speed is naturally fast to the extreme.

Just a few breaths.

He has already started to use the simplest place array cornerstone.

As soon as he started to get started, he immediately understood the real arrangement of the array, and immediately began to accelerate.

Qin Shaofeng didn’t know anything about the layout of the array and could only wait anxiously.

The gazes of other people followed the people of Heaven’s Mystery Building speechlessly, and had to gradually change outside.

After all, Luo Star Monarch’s reasons are too overbearing.

Really as he said, even if the real high-level of Heaven’s Mystery Building is here, there is no way to tell if he is not.

It is precisely this situation that makes Heaven’s Mystery Building three people no matter how angry they are, they can only suppress their anger.

Furthermore, it’s not dangerous yet!

If you really offended Qin Shaofeng because of what they said, you only need a word from Qin Shaofeng, and they will die here.

They no longer have any doubts about this.

After all, Qin Shaofeng and Qi Mu are the real companions, and they are only brought with them because their people begged.

Luo Star Monarch is the only one who really gave the vote.

Now falling out will only be to their own disadvantage.

Driven by various emotions, no matter how much resentment they have, they can only choose to bury it in their hearts.

The waiting time is always so tormented.

Wait only a moment.

Luo Star Monarch has already integrated himself into the Qin Shaofeng group seriously, came to Qin Shaofeng and asked: “Qin Eldest Brother, what should we do now? What do you need a little brother to do, Just order it.”

Everyone was defeated again.

Qin Shaofeng’s thoughts were also forcibly interrupted, and the corners of his mouth twitched fiercely.

This guy is really shameless!

He just did one thing, he thought he made a name, and he climbed up the game.

Anyway, when he is employing people now, he won’t really say anything to refuse.

“I’m not sure for the time being, but I will probably need your help later.” Qin Shaofeng nodded said.

“Qin Eldest Brother can order at any time.”

Luo Star Monarch nodded happily.

Looking at his appearance, it seems that he is really going to go through water and tread on fire for Qin Shao’s grave. Qin Shao’s grave can’t help but laugh.

Mind: Sinister people are really amazing, and they feel that they can do so naturally.

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