
You can search for “Divine Cultivation System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“hu hu hu!”

one after another It sounded as if the breeze hung over my ears.

The illusory shadow in the great hall finally began to condense successfully.

Although is Qi Zhen and the others, it is clear that Qi Xian’s array layout has come to an end, but he can’t help but feel nervous, all moved towards Qin Shaofeng and look over.

“Block it!”

Qin Shaofeng didn’t seem to see the same idea.

The faces of the five people burst into tears.

Mind: Eldest Brother, this time, shouldn’t you give each of us a Defensive Talisman?

Qin Shaofeng did not take the initiative to speak, and they did not dare to ask it seriously.

Can only walk to the entrance of the cave one after another.

I don’t know.

Qin Shaofeng is impossible to use Defensive Talisman so casually.

The number of those illusory shadows is indeed extremely large, but this hole cannot accommodate that many illusory shadows rushing in.

When this advantage is exhausted, he will not waste Defensive Talisman.

The big deal is after everyone gets injured, just take out some medicine pills and treat them.

After all, along the way, how did everyone not at all get hurt with his help?

The consumption of medicine pill is naturally the smallest part.

“hu hu hu!”

Suddenly, many shadows rushed over.

The five people see that Qin Shaofeng has never taken out Defensive Talisman’s movements, and the sadness on his face has become thicker.

Especially Lu Yao, who was standing by the four people without checking, took a half step back a little later.

Just this half step made Qin Shaofeng frown.

If something goes wrong because of this half-step, it’s a trouble.



Another sound from the defense array came out.

A faint white radiance suddenly appeared in front of the five.

rays of light is from the defense great array.

Because of the formation of the great array, those illusory shadows hit one after another.

Following the sound of ‘peng peng’, all the illusory shadows rushing over were knocked out by myself.

“Finally succeeded, very good.”

Lu Yao’s fear of death is one of the top three in the crowd.

He immediately sighed in relief.

The battle finally came to an end and he sat on the ground subconsciously.

“Luo Star Monarch, give this guy a palm of the control talisman you used before.” Qin Shaofeng’s voice suddenly sounded.

“Use the control talisman? To whom?”

Everyone looked back at him together.

Luo Star Monarch was stunned.

But when they followed Qin Shaofeng’s gaze, they immediately saw Lu Yao sitting on the ground.

“Here, give it to me? You want to control me?”

Lu Yao jumped up suddenly, pointing to Qin Shaofeng and shaking all over.

Qi Tomb and the others do not understand the situation.

But I also know that Qin Shaofeng is impossible without a target.

No matter what Lu Yao did, they had to act.


The three people from Qi Tomb have surrounded Lu Yao.

“Qin Shaofeng, what exactly do you want to do? Although my identity is not like Luo Star Monarch, it is also Heaven’s Mystery Building Lu Family direct descendant.”

“And everything we are here is being explored by the high-levels inside the building. If you dare to disadvantage me, our Heaven’s Mystery Building will never let you go.”

Lu Yao is really scared!

After all, the fall of Huang Libra was just before.

If he is controlled, it basically means he will die here.

“Heaven’s Mystery Building won’t let me go?”

Qin Shaofeng couldn’t help laughing: “Luo Star Monarch, since I am an outsider who is not qualified to be with you, then let’s part ways. Although you helped me with this, I have also brought you there Here.”

“Lu Yao! Do you want courting death to fail?!”

Luo Star Monarch jumped up before Qin Shaofeng finished speaking.

He just heard Qin Shaofeng calling him, he already guessed what Qin Shaofeng was going to say.

He didn’t dare to let Qin Shaofeng finish talking.

Although Qin Shaofeng’s words not at all stopped, they were completely suppressed by his shouts: “Lu Yao, everyone knows what you have done just now. If you refuse to accept this talisman, If you don’t know, I can only kill you as Heaven’s Mystery Building Second Young Master.”

His shout was surprisingly loud.

The most valuable thing is that his words and Qin Shaofeng end almost at the same time.

When he finished speaking, he seemed to notice Qin Shaofeng’s impatience, and immediately turned around and said: “Qin Eldest Brother, this matter is within our Heaven’s Mystery Building, so we can hand it over to the little brother Up.”

When he finished speaking, he moved towards Lu Yao again and glared.

As for the very clear he just said, he is full of nonsense.

He doesn’t even know what happened just now, after all, his eyes are on those illusory shadows.

But Qin Shaofeng said to sanction him, there must be a reason.

He also knew that Lu Yao was no less afraid of death than him.

Even for the next safety, he is impossible to let Lu Yao go to himself like this.

“Luo! Star! Jun!”

Lu Yao immediately ran away: “That Qin Shaofeng clearly saw our Heaven’s Mystery Building upset. If you want to use this method to deal with our Heaven’s Mystery Building, would you help him deal with our own person?” p>

“You fart!”

“You said to yourself, what did you do just now?”

Luo Star Monarch moved towards the Peak powerhouse of the two Heaven’s Mystery Building’s sky and moon position and shouted: “Zhou Zecheng, Luo An, control him for me.”

these two people also don’t know what happened.

But Qin Shaofeng ordered like that, obviously for a reason.

Although Huang Tianyuan died for Qin Shaofeng, Zhou Zecheng almost followed in the footsteps, but they all knew that it was only done by Luo Star Monarch.

Qin Shaofeng didn’t mean to target them Heaven’s Mystery Building.

At this time, I ordered it, naturally because Lu Yao did something they didn’t understand.

“You, you…”

Lu pointed finger towards them back and forth again and again.

But this cave is not wide at first, and it’s good enough to accommodate them side by side. Where can he retreat?

It only took four steps to back up to the wall.

“Lu Yao, if you want people to know, you can’t do it yourself.”

Luo Star Monarch said solemnly: “What you did just now is equivalent to betraying all of us. I will give you one last chance. If you still refuse, then I have to order.”

“Luo Star Monarch! Qin Shaofeng! Our Lu Family will never let you go!”

Lu Yao’s cultivation base is good though.

As Young Master, his battle strength is not as good as Luo Star Monarch.

Even if it is singled out.

The three people of Heaven’s Mystery Building can defeat him by any one, not to mention that when the three people work together, he simply has no ability to compete.

Not to mention, under the order of Qin Shaofeng, Qi Tomb and the others are already glare like a tiger watching his prey.

Qin Shaofeng? !

A bright glow flashed across Lu Yao’s eyes.

He clearly knows how much Luo Star Monarch cares about Qin Shaofeng.

In fact, is also like so.

Without the leadership of Qin Shaofeng, they want to leave here alive, it is just a dream.

If Qin Shaofeng can be taken down, he may not have the chance to survive.

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