The four people battle strength does not seem to be much different.

When Qin Shaofeng myself makes a choice, I am naturally more willing to help Qi Mu first.

“Brother Qi Mu, you help me stop those shadows, and I will pick up others to enter the great array of defense.” Qin Shaofeng shouted, and immediately charged ahead.

Qi Tomb’s cultivation base battle strength is indeed the number one existence among this group of people.

But the illusory shadow he faced was also tyrannical.

Facing four Dao Void shadows at the same time.

The Defensive Talisman energy that Qin Shaofeng applied to him is also the fastest.

When I saw Qin Shaofeng this time take action, it turned out to be solving the trouble for him, so I immediately let him sighed in relief.

One breath and one breath are extremely fast.

It is just between the lightning and flint, he has already moved towards the illusory shadow of Sidao Qin Shaofeng and rushed over.

What I have to face this time is the illusory shadow of Qin Shaofeng.

If you change to someone else in the team, you may be relaxed.

But he would never do that.

He doesn’t know how different Qin Shaofeng’s strength is from the cultivation base, but he also knows it. Qin Shaofeng must not be underestimated.

There is such a thought in his heart, which makes his take action full-strength.

Zun Xian Yin.

It is exactly the same attack method used by Qin Shaofeng to kill the illusory shadow.

But when the Heavenly Seal in his hand, just moved towards the nearest one attacked out, he was surprised to find that the other party’s attack made him feel physically slightly trembled.

true strength is nothing in front of him.

But such an attack on strength also made his expression slightly changed. He thought: No wonder Little Feng chose to help me destroy those illusory shadows.

His real battle strength should still be above Xian’er, right?

It’s really a strong guy!

Qi Tomb in the heart silently thought, his attacks have been moved towards the four Dao Void shadow attacks.

After the martial artist cultivation base reaches the monthly position, the difference between each Rank 1 is the difference between Heaven and Earth.

When Qin Shaofeng was already yelling that sentence, he had already taken the lead in moving towards Qi Huang and rushed over, and four more attacked talismans in succession.

The direction of the attack was Qi Zhen.

In the bursts of rumbling sound, four Dao Void shadows disappear again.

“Qi Zhen, you go to help others to clear the siege and send everyone into the defense within arrays as soon as possible.” Qin Shaofeng shouted, and he rushed to Qi Huang’s side.

With the dual defense on his body, forcibly opened his arms and blocked the three illusory shadows that attacked Qi Huang.

“Qi Huang, you also help others.”

Qin Shaofeng’s shout sounded again.

Everyone has already recognized him as the team leader.

In this crisis, it is normal for him to be responsible for ordering.

However, the orders he has given now are far more than before, making the five members of Heaven’s Mystery Building moved towards him and looked over.

It was discovered that he was only relying on his own defense to intercept all the three silhouettes that attacked Qi Huang. Everyone’s mouths grew in astonishment.

“What happened to that brat, he was able to withstand the attack of the illusory shadow of the peak of the three heavens and moons?”

“He also imposes the strength of the void Defensive Talisman on him. It is normal to resist one or two strokes, cocoa…”

“But how can he block one after another?”

“After he was attacked by the illusory shadow at the peak of the sky and the moon, the silhouette didn’t even move at all?”

“This, is this incredible?”

“How many treasures are there on his body?”

The five people in Heaven’s Mystery Building exclaimed one after another, shocked so much that they all forgot to defend after a brief loss of consciousness.

Fortunately, when they faced the four illusory shadows called the id, they didn’t have much power to fight.

Even if I temporarily forgot to resist, there was not much change.

Being beaten is still being beaten.

It just got one more trick than before.

Qin Shaofeng’s rescued Qi Huang also lost consciousness in an instant.

But he had known for a long time that Qin Shaofeng still had a defensive suit on his body, but he was not as shocked as the others.

He has obtained the defense used by Qin Shaofeng’s help, but he didn’t even look at the last illusory shadow of his own.

Qin Shaofeng takes action at the same time. It can be said that Qin Shaofeng replaces it alone, which is equivalent to replacing three powerhouses with the powerhouse.

The three people move together.

The speed of rescue went directly to the peak.

Just between two breaths.

Long Haoyue seven people were all thrown into the defense within arrays by them.

After finishing these immediately, they rushed towards the five people moved towards Heaven’s Mystery Building.

With the change of Qi Huang’s position.

Just now I had to force Qin Shaofeng to hit Qin Shaofeng, so that Qi Huang’s silhouette suddenly turned away.

Qin Shaofeng’s action in the illusory shadow is immediately activated.

He still doesn’t want to show too much fear of strength in front of these people.

Since Yao Shenyi had already been exposed, he naturally no longer needed to worry about exposing the defense.

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