
You can search for “Divine Cultivation System 濡欑瑪闃?” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“This… how is this possible?”

“Rank 1 Xuanyue rank martial artist, he can hit one with just one move, at least there is the shadow of the battle strength of the earth and moon rank peak?”

“What’s his situation, why is Xuanyue so strong?”

“Why do I feel that his attack is almost comparable to that of Little Liu?”

Among Two Great Influences, everyone who didn’t know the Qin Shaofeng battle strength exclaimed.

Even Qi Tomb, who had some speculations about Qin Shaofeng battle strength, is still held breath cold air.

He knew Qin Shaofeng was always hiding the cultivation base.

But I don鈥檛 know that Qin Shaofeng is so hidden.

Long Haoyue and the others exclaimed again and again.

The 7th grade cultivation base of the earth and the moon can be easily knocked over. At least there are people with the peak battle strength of the earth and the moon?

This…this is too afraid right??

What they don’t know is that Qin Shaofeng’s current cultivation base is already the eighth-level moon.

And he has too many unimaginable battle strengths in his body.

Don’t say that the battle strength of these silhouettes is too general.

If he had a full strength outbreak, even the rank 1 Wuxiu might not be his opponent.

“Qin Eldest Brother, you, are you too strong?”

Although Qi Xian didn’t look back, he could feel the movement behind him, and couldn’t help but wake up from the state of concentration.

“What is strong, why don’t you finish the array quickly?” Qin Shaofeng shouted immediately.

speaking of which soon, all this happened between lightning flints.

When they started talking.

The four silhouettes of Qi Xian who were beaten by Qin Shaofeng one after another moved towards Qi Xian and rushed over.

“It’s just a group of illusory shadows, they are endless.”

Qin Shaofeng couldn’t help shouting furiously.

When he saw that the illusory shadow killed by the void battle strength was reborn, he had other plans in his mind.

It is not enough to just construct a great array of magic.

If this is the case, Qi Xian must not be disturbed.

Thinking about it in his heart, he has already taken out the ghost song of the sword.

“Ghost Slash!”

Suddenly shouted loudly.

His silhouette has already rushed out, this blade is directly moved towards the four silhouettes and cut down.


With a single cut, the four silhouettes were immediately cut off.

But before he was too eager to come, he was once again stunned by the scene before him.

The illusory shadow he killed with a void-level attack by talisman before, really needs more the ten breaths time to recover.

But he only relied on his own battle strength, and the four Dao Void shadows that he blocked and killed had recovered in just a blink of an eye.

Looking at that, the level of interception is not as good as being blown out by him.

“What are these things?”

Qin Shaofeng couldn’t help but screamed, but he had to put away the sword and ghost cut, re-leg raised his feet, moved towards the four silhouettes and kicked out.

When the four silhouettes were kicked flying again.

Along with a flash of gold rays of light, it immediately made everything around me clear.

When all the illusory disappeared, everyone breathed in cold air again.

Where is this desert, it is clearly in a building.

And behind them I don鈥檛 know how far away, it is indeed the forest where they came.

But the forest is at least ten miles away from them.

Furthermore, the gate of this palace seems not small, but in fact it is only more than two meters wide. It is basically impossible for them to walk in with their own consciousness.

Think again of the road they have traveled before.

Everyone suddenly became calm.

Look at the illusory silhouettes who are attacking them. Everyone can see that they have successfully entered this place similar to the great hall, obviously because of the illusory shadow.

By the way, why do those illusory shadows bring them here?

They don’t believe it, there will be no reason.

The more they think, the more fear they feel.

Qin Shaofeng had already seen the essence of this place as early as when he was shouting, and naturally they would not have the hesitation of theirs.

The Defensive Talisman was taken out of the space ring at the first time.

It was renewed for everyone again.

Only then took out a set of cornerstones of defense array.

“Qin Shaofeng, immediately start arranging this defensive array. It does not need to be unworthy, as long as it can shelter us people.” Qin Shaofeng shouted loudly, moved towards the four Dao again Void Ying rushed up.

At the same time, four more attacks were launched by talisman.

He can’t just sit back and watch his illusory shadow attack, otherwise the trouble will be really big.

When he was in endless hell, he used to face the self.

But clearly know how difficult the id is.

Just facing a self, it is really easy for him to defeat, even if it is two, he is confident.

But face four existences similar to the id at once.

He has no confidence at all.

even more how, he still doesn’t want to let a few people in Heaven’s Mystery Building see his true strength.

On the other hand, Qi Xian has already started to act immediately as the cornerstone of the array.

After Qin Shaofeng determined his array ability, he has already asked him to study defense array and attack array.

Although he has not arranged the two arrays himself, they have been completely perfected.

Qi Xian picked up a lot of array cornerstones and immediately began to arrange them.

The cornerstones of the array are continuously integrated into the ground and disappeared.

Power of Heaven and Earth is also gradually improving the array, and is quickly absorbed.

His formation speed is indeed not slow, but it is not as fast as expected.

Those ten breaths, when he used most of the foundation stone of the defense great array, he had completely recovered, and Qi Qi moved towards Qin Shaofeng rushed over.

It seems that the great array is more than half perfect, but in fact, the later it takes more time.

Qin Shaofeng will not feel reluctant at this time.

Use the attack talisman immediately.

The attack of the four Dao Void Realm immediately turned towards the four Dao Void Shadows.

Just an in a flash.

The four Dao Void shadows disappeared invisible again.

Qi Mu and the others looked at his consumption like this, and there was a burst of pain in his heart.

Any talisman is extremely expensive treasure!

Moreover, at such a rate of consumption, can they really support it until the end of their trip?

Except for Qin Shaofeng, only Qi Xian is truly at peace.

He doesn’t want to be calm.

It was the first time that he arranged a defense array. Although he had already thoroughly studied it, he was very nervous when he did it.

“go! Go! Go!”

Qi Xian feels that his year of thinking is not as short as he has now.

It seems that his brain capacity is about to burst because of this crazy thinking.

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