
You can search for “Divine Cultivation System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

Qin Shaofeng’s move into the battle circle stunned everyone at once.

Because everyone else is trying to attack.

He went to the place where the number of moved towards illusory shadow was the most.

Standing forcibly at the position with the most illusory shadow, let the illusory shadow attack motionless.

“Is the fighting still like this?”

“This defensive ability is too terrifying, but can it play such a role?”

“It’s really… I’m going!”

“How many treasures are there in him, no wonder he is so confident.”

The four people of Heaven’s Mystery Building once again couldn’t help but exclaimed.

Their voices are all subconsciously.

But when they uttered these words, Luo Star Monarch’s heart suddenly sank.

Will he not shock Qin Shaofeng’s ability?

But with his greed and fear of death, he clearly knows that some things can be known and some things cannot be known.

He can be arrogant in front of an ordinary person.

If he is in Heaven’s Mystery Building, he can even find a way to snatch Qin Shaofeng’s treasure.

But definitely not now.

If these people’s words make Qin Shaofeng feel uncomfortable.

Today’s Qin Shaofeng only needs a single thought to make them all die here.

“Shut up all of you, Young Master Qin will create opportunities for us regardless of the consumption, why not kill me quickly?” Luo Star Monarch called out anxiously.

Among the four people, although there are also two pampered young masters.

But people have different ideas from people.

The two are blindly relying on family influence and are used to domineering, how can they think of so much?

Heard Luo Star Monarch’s words, only when Luo Star Monarch is really anxious.

While puzzled, she was also secretly sighed.

It seems that the vision gap between me and Star Monarch Young Master is really not small!

They lamented one by one.

But there is not even the slightest lag in the movements of the hands.

While thinking in my mind, the attacks have moved towards illusory shadow one after another.

The intensity of successive attacks immediately eased the trend of illusory shadow’s advantage.

“What’s the situation?!”

After several people noticed that the illusory shadow had been reduced to the current level of this, when they were finally able to breathe a sigh of relief, a cry of exclamation suddenly sounded.

Although everyone is not too familiar.

But everyone can still hear this voice, and it is the tomb of Qi who is mainly responsible for flying Qin Shaofeng’s four Dao Void shadows.

Everyone looked back subconsciously.

This eye immediately caused everyone’s pupils to shrink violently.

I saw Qi Tomb returning at Rapid Speed.

The eyes are quick and the hand is quick, he has already taken over him, moved towards Qin Shaofeng illusory shadow and attacked the past Qi Zhen, and he has actually gone in front of those illusory shadows.

The same kick flew out.

Everyone saw together that when they got the illusory shadow of Qin Shaofeng, facing this foot, they did not evade in the slightest, and even forcibly resisted.

In my imagination, he will be kicked flying, not at all.

On the contrary.

Qi Zhen who flew out of that kick was actually sent flying out when the attack hit the Qin Shaofeng illusory shadow.

“How could this be? That illusory shadow……”

Luo Star Monarch subconsciously exclaimed.

But when I was halfway through talking, I was forcibly stopped by myself.

It was not the first time that they saw the almost identical scene, subconsciously looking back moved towards not far away, looking at it by the strength of oneself Qin Shaofeng who resisted the shadow of Dao Void.

On his face is a fiercely draw.

“These illusory shadows can actually use Young Master Qin’s trump card. What kind of illusory shadow is this?” Luo Star Monarch exclaimed.

Everyone is hearing this.

They all already knew how terrifying the defense Qin Shaofeng displayed was.

But this is not the point.

When they saw that the illusory shadow used a defensive method, another subconsciously occurred in their minds.

That was the scene where Qin Shaofeng used the void talisman to easily kill the illusory shadow.

Will these illusory shadows also be able to use such methods?

“What are you looking at, why don’t you withdraw soon?!”

Qin Shaofeng also thought of this, the fear in his heart far exceeded everyone.

Void talisman’s attack, even if they enter the void defense great array, they may not be able to resist for long.

If you just face up like this, there will only be a dead end.

I was terrified.

And now the number of illusory shadows is not too large, he has ignored other people, and the first one rushed towards the defense great array.

His shouts and actions immediately awakened others.

Among them, only Qin Shaofeng’s cultivation base is insufficient.

The rest is the peak powerhouse of Heaven and Moon.

Several people moved together.

Its speed is so fast that it has caught up with Qin Shaofeng in the blink of an eye.

Qi Mu and Luo Star Monarch held Qin Shaofeng at the same time.

“Fu! Talisman!”

Qi Huang’s exclamation suddenly sounded from behind.

Everyone felt a tingling scalp at the same time.

But under this crisis, many of them still looked back subconsciously.

The moment it was discovered that it was Qin Shaofeng’s four Dao Void shadows, and the four Dao Void empty talisman moved towards Qin Shaofeng take action at the same time, everyone’s expressions had begun to turn into awe.

Huang Tianwen and Lu Yao from Heaven’s Mystery Building were even immediately, and they flashed past moved towards.

Obviously, they are also afraid of death.

I don’t want to be buried with Qin Shaofeng.

But they only thought of themselves and the four Dao Void shadows who were using attacking talisman, but they did not think of others.

Especially their immediate superiors.

Among them, Qi Xian is not the first in terms of fear of death.

The real first fear of death is Luo Star Monarch.

But Luo Star Monarch’s fear of death is not just limited to short-lived living.

His intelligence is probably not much worse than Qin Shaofeng.

At least stronger than everyone else present.

After witnessing the scenes led by Qin Shaofeng, he has clearly realized the importance of Qin Shaofeng.

If Qin Shaofeng died.

None of them need to think about going out alive, even if they can get the treasure left by Qin Shaofeng.

That’s why.

He saw four Qin Shaofeng’s illusory shadows condensing the immediately of talisman out of thin air, and his gaze shifted to the two of them.

It was discovered that both of them actually made moves to stay away from Qin Shaofeng.

He immediately released Qin Shaofeng’s hand, leaving Qin Shaofeng’s side faster.

This is the most dangerous time.

Huang Tianwen and Lu Yao not at all noticed his actions.

But the three people of Qi Tomb, Qi Zhen, and Qi Huang are all frowned. They want to scold but know that it is not the time to scold.

But the scene that made them even more didn’t expect appeared in a flash.

I saw Luo Star Monarch, the fastest escape, not only didn’t really stay away, but when he escaped 10 meters, he had already gone behind Huang Tianyuan.

Three talisman in succession have appeared in his hand.

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