
You can search for “Divine Cultivation System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

In a blink of an eye, it was another five-month transition.

When Qin Shaofeng brought everyone to Taihua Mountain again, what he saw was a scene of the end of the world.

The whole Taihua Mountain, where there is a little mountain range look.

They just came in.

Qin Shaofeng was taken aback by what he saw with his eyes.

The current Taihua Mountain should be said to be about the same.

Although it cannot be said that it was three feet of ground dug, it seems that it is not much different.

In the whole world.

Countless ghost and corpse slaves are madly destroying the mountain range main body, as if they are trying to dig through the entire Taihua Mountain from the outside with the secret key.

Qin Shaofeng was shocked: “Everyone speeds up to kill, I want to see what happened here!”

Moya immediately arrested him.

Simply speaking of battle strength, Mo Ya is indeed not very good, but after all, he is a powerhouse of the shining star, and simply taking him on the road can’t be considered.

Ke Nine Heavens gave an order.

Captain, the twenty patrol guards of the cultivation base, are like tigers entering a flock.

In just a few blinks, the endless ghost slaves have been torn open a path.

Li Naling and Di Shan are protected by Qin Shaofeng.

Ke Nine Heavens is most concerned about the changes here.

Below he personally opened the road, the speed at which everyone rushed was about the same as Qin Shaofeng’s full-strength running.

Just came to the altar place in the vicinity.

Qin Shaofeng saw at a glance that there was only one mountain in the past with a diameter within 1000 meters.

Countless ghost slaves are digging at the foot of the mountain at full-strength.

It seems that they actually want to overthrow the place where the great array of the altar is located, in order to open the seal of the great array of the altar.

“Have you finally finished exploring?”

Ximen Lingzhong’s voice came from afar.

This is only five months.

His voice sounded, but it had begun to become extremely weak.

Obviously he has had a hard time in these months.

“The situation of the Tomb of the Yaoxing Ten Thousand Gods has been settled, how is your side? How long can it last?” Qin Shaofeng asked anxiously.

“I am afraid it will take less time than the old man promised.”

Ximen Lingzhong scolded: “A few months ago, I didn’t know what happened in the Void Realm. The ghosts and corpse kings seemed to be suddenly crazy.”

“Although the old man resisted, those guys didn’t know what to think, and let the ghost slaves start destroying this mountain peak from the outside.”

“The old man can still hold on for a few months.”

“But this mountain peak under my feet can last for half a month at most, or even ten days or so.”

Qin Shaofeng’s face suddenly turned into azure.

ten days to half a month!

Is there so little time left in the Land of the Stars?

“Uncle, if I stay with some people to help you clean up these ghosts and corpses, how long do you feel?” Qin Shaofeng had to ask.

“No more.”

Ximen Lingzhong shook his head, and said: “This mountain is not as easy to dig as you think, otherwise it will not take a few months to complete this; even if there is no ghost slave to dig the mountain, it can only increase by one more. Only two days.”

Qin Shaofeng complexion changed.

Ximen Lingzhong said so much, all he was talking about.

They have been impossible for too long.

“If this is the case, please ask Uncle to delay as much as possible. I will take someone to arrange the follow-up, hoping to find a way to leave before the ghost king comes.”

Qin Shaofeng became really anxious and moved towards everyone shouting: “Let’s go!”

Everyone moved together.

Ke Nine Heavens was slightly startled and moved towards the top of the mountain and shouted: “Eldest Brother, let me stay and help you?”

“No need, your cultivation base is too bad, staying will only let the ghost king come out, making it inconvenient for me to escape.” Ximen Lingzhong said.

Ke Nine Heavens suddenly blushed.

After he was imprisoned in the endless prison, he was thinking about how to escape, but he couldn’t settle down to ease the cultivation.

Ximen Lingzhong’s words made him regretful.

“If this is the case, then go over there with me to see the situation. If the ghost king is really killed, when the time comes, many people will probably die here.” Qin Shaofeng hurriedly persuaded Tao.

“Little Feng said yes, go! Everything depends on his arrangements.” Ximen Lingzhong was also instructed.

A few months ago, when he saw Qin Shaofeng kill out with the people from endless hell, his thoughts had changed.

If not.

What does the ghost king’s madness have to do with him?

It’s really hard to resist, he can take Qin Shaofeng away directly at worst.

But the arrival of the man from endless hell changed his mind.

He did come to take advantage of Qin Shaofeng.

Speaking from a certain perspective, now Qin Shaofeng is still impossible to be the person next to him, and even more impossible to help him do anything.

People in the Land of the Stars are even more so.

But Li Naling and the others are completely different.

If he can bring back this batch of powerhouses, as long as Qin Shaofeng and Ke Nine Heavens still listen to him, he will be equivalent to having a secret influence.

That way he will do a lot easier in the future.

Driven by various reasons.

It makes him almost exactly similar to Qin Shaofeng’s ideas now, and he really stands in the same camp.

This will be the case.


Qin Shaofeng has already begun to regret the consumption of that hour.

I hurriedly shouted, and took the lead in leading people moved towards the distance to rush out.

Li Naling and the others follow closely from behind.

And when he shouted out, Ke Nine Heavens didn’t hesitate anymore, and hurriedly followed.

A full-strength killing.

Everyone has arrived at Fire Cloud City in just one hour.

After months of fighting.

Although is Fire Cloud City added Luo San and the others, at this moment it is also a crushing defeat.

Most of the original city wall has disappeared.

The living people in the entire city have completely abandoned the city wall.

With the martial artist’s tyrannical battle strength, a human wall is formed in the most central area of ​​the city.

After Qin Shaofeng led the team to rush over, his eyes were a little red.

“Why did this happen here?”

His silhouette has not yet arrived, and the voice has been heard far away.

“This voice…”

“Little Feng, it is Little Feng who is back!”

Chen Old Xing, the ghost voice came over.

next moment, Chen Old Xing ghost waited for a high-level alliance to kill them under the protection of Luo San and the others.

When they got together this time, Chen Old Xing Old Ghost suddenly burst into tears.

“Little Feng, you can count back.”

“Well, it’s really good, hahaha…”

Chen Old Xing ghost shouted loudly, but two lines of tears couldn’t stop.

The old man is not alone in tears.

As long as the senior leaders of the alliance who came out with them, all eyes are red.

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