
You can search for “Divine Cultivation System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“Don’t worry, let’s go back first.”

Qin Shaofeng just saw their expressions, and there was a chuckle in his heart.

Quickly persuaded him to let Ke Nine Heavens lead someone to clear the way.

Return to where the Alliance is now.

He finally understood the reason why everyone was crying just now.

When I left a few months ago.

There are still more than 20,000 people in the alliance. Without Two Great Influences pressing on top of their heads, it is naturally a thriving scene.

After these months of fighting.

The total number of people in the alliance who had fought with him was only a few thousand.

Even with the people he brought out of the endless hell.

As well as the people who returned from the influence of all parties, there are only less than 20,000 people left.

At this time, everyone seems to be divided into three groups.

A group of people are responsible for holding weapons, and seem to be endlessly resisting the ghost slaves who are constantly rushing over.

A group of people fell directly on the ground and fell asleep.

The last group of people was frantically digging the ground under their feet.

After several months of digging, they even dug out a huge bottomless hole from the ground under their feet.

“Qin Alliance Lord, you are finally back.”

While Qin Shaofeng was still observing the situation, a slightly unfamiliar voice came from the crowd.

Immediately, a few people who were dressed in gorgeous clothes, who seemed to be diametrically opposite to the others, pushed everyone around and ran over.

These are actually acquaintances.

It is normal for him to feel unfamiliar.

Because the people who squeezed over are the thunderbolt of Thunderbolt Sect and the others, just don’t know how they got here.

But now, he is not in the mood to think about the reason.

Looking at the desperate crowd around.

“All those who rest and rehabilitate will be ordered!”

Qin Shaofeng hair stands up in anger, roared out loudly.

The person who was asleep was suddenly awakened by his shout.

Get up one after another.

The moment they saw Qin Shaofeng standing in the middle of the crowd, everyone’s eyes turned red.

“As long as the people who have died of relatives and friends stand up and kill the man who brought this short fatty to this Eminence, don’t keep one!” Qin Shaofeng roared.

Everyone was hearing this and all were taken aback.

It is Chen Old Xing ghost and the others, and I never thought that Qin Shaofeng would issue such an order.

Qin Shaofeng made some promises to Lei Dongtian, but he still knows some.

Why are you going to kill all of a sudden?

“Qin Alliance Lord, what are you doing?”

Lei Dongtian and the others were even more startled.

As a Sect Master, Lei Dongtian was trembling all over, shouting loudly: “You have promised to take our people away, how can you say nothing but count?”

“And the people I brought are also helping you to dig, how can you do this?”


Qin Shaofeng broke out into laughter caused by anger: “Dwarf fatty, do you really know why?”

The cultivation base aura of the powerhouse of Huangyue is slowly radiating out.

Just because of pressure, everyone in Thunderbolt Sect softened their legs and fell to their knees.

“Since you asked this Eminence why, then this Eminence will ask you why!”

Qin Shaofeng moved towards Lei Dong Tian and the others step by step.

Take out each step.

“Step! Step!” sounded.

Lei Dongtian and the others all felt together, Qin Shaofeng seemed to step on their hearts fiercely on each step.

The feeling of depression almost made them crash.

“Dwarf fatty, you come to tell this Eminence, how did the people of the Four Elephant Sect and Cloud Sea Sect find my alliance?” Qin Shaofeng growled.


“It turned out to be…they!?”

“We were betrayed?”

All the eyes of everyone who heard his words turned red.

Even Lan Cheng, who was in an underground cave and had taken over as the Fire Cloud Country King, crawled out of the cave when he heard the voice of Qin Shaofeng.

The sudden questioning made his eyes flushed suddenly.

He leaped forward and asked with tears in his eyes: “Qin Eldest Brother, what did you just say? We were found because of these guys?”

“You let him speak for himself.”

Qin Shaofeng is too lazy to answer this question.

But he said this sentence.

Lan Cheng doesn’t need anyone’s testimony, his eyes have become scarlet-red: “Royal Father! Royal Father!”


Lan Cheng rushed to the side of a saber around waist, took out the long sword from the other’s waist, and moved towards Lei Dongtian with red eyes and walked over.

“Why! Why are you betraying us?”

When he roared, a sword was already slashed down.

But it was not Xiang Lei Dongtian’s neck, but his left arm.

Lei Dongtian’s cultivation base was indeed above Lan Cheng, but he was suppressed completely unable to use the power of qi and blood, and his left arm was chopped off by one of his swords.

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