
You can search for “Divine Cultivation System 妙笔阁(” in Baidu to find the latest chapter!

“It looks like it should be.”

“They have not all said that according to the rules of the Cangming Realm, heavenly ascension was previously equivalent to body refinement and general cultivation, and heavenly ascension is a leap towards Martial Dao.”

“But if you want to pass this level, you need to pass the Realm of the planet of the planet.”

“Now I have truly entered the month position, that is to say, I have truly entered the martial arts cultivation column. It seems normal that there are some difficulties during this period.”

Qin Shaofeng kept mumbling to himself.

Li Naling and the others are both powerhouses.

Although they didn’t show anything, they were all listening with their ears upright.

I don’t know if I don’t listen.

At this moment, everyone was almost stunned by Qin Shaofeng’s words.

According to his statement…

It seems that this brat can calculate the difficulty in Martial Dao cultivation according to some precise number?

Yes…but…but but…

How can this be so special?

He is still not Human Race?

“Little Feng, I know you didn’t treat us as outsiders, but I still have to tell you, self-talk like this, never show up again.” Li Naling said worriedly.


Qin Shaofeng suddenly woke up.

No need to ask again.

Just looking at the expressions on everyone’s faces, he already understood what had just happened.

Obviously, I was too bored for this situation.

Nodded deeply.

“Many thanks to the prisoner’s reminder.” Qin Shaofeng said.

“We don’t need to say thank you again.”

Li Naling smiled and said: “And we are going to Cangming Realm soon, don’t mention the word prisoner anymore. You can call me Ling sister later.”

“Huh? Ling… Sister Ling?”

Qin Shaofeng suddenly fell in a cold breath.

The shock of Li Naling’s words made him even forget another item of data in the character interface.

This one is more than a thousand years older than him!

“You are the niece of Ximen Lingzhong. In a way, you are indeed half seniority lower than me.”

“But your other 1st-layer identity, the discipline identity of Wujinxuan Senior, is half seniority higher than mine.”

“It has to be said, there is nothing wrong with this Sister Ling.”

Li Naling laughed and explained.

Qin Shaofeng was still shocked, but when he moved towards Mo Ya and Di Shan and the others, he saw that everyone was nodded.

“In the Martial Dao arena, seniority is already messy. Although I and Ling Zhong Eldest Brother have brother support, they are also different from master and servant.”

“even more how we are in contact now, you can just call me Old Brother from now on.”

“That’s right.”


Everyone responded in unison.

No one seems to feel uncomfortable about this matter.

Qin Shaofeng is helpless.

But it’s a good thing that seniority has suddenly improved so much.

After thinking about it, he nodded gently.

“Since Sister Ling and everyone Eldest Brother look down on me so much, I am not very good in politeness. Everyone has been very tired after fighting for more than five months. Everyone has a rest hour, so let’s prepare Get out of here!” Qin Shaofeng readily accepted.

“Okay, everyone rests.”

Li Naling is still the prisoner.

The order is given that everyone is sighed in relief.

Qin Shaofeng took advantage of this gap and quickly opened the character interface.

After some observation, he understood what the other data was.

Strength value: 2000/2000

“The martial arts are improved!”

Qin Shaofeng in the heart said silently.

“System Prompt: Congratulations to Player Qin Shaofeng martial arts upgrade, the current illusory Protoss seventh stage.”

After the improvement this time, Qin Shaofeng really feels how huge his room for improvement has become.

Player: Qin Shaofeng

Level: Rank 1 Bad Month (0/2000)

Star position: mark martial artist (white)

Body: illusory Protoss (7th order)

Star value 100/0

Martial body value: -/5000

Ghost marks: 6-32

martial skill: Ghost Three Slashes, Thunderbolt Thousand Flashes, Heavenly Secrets, Supreme Void Dafa, Infinite Seal Jue

Sky Map: Space Level 2 (0/10000)

Ghost Fire Golden Core: 1000/1000

Star and moon value: 16000/200,000

Innate Skill: illusory true spirit, god and devil spirit book

Sea of ​​​​Consciousness: Sky Dragon City

Equipment: Luo Tian Zen Shadow, Ghost Song, Yaoshen Clothes, Yaoshen Fan Mansion

The improvement of the martial arts directly leveled the star and moon value he can accumulate to 200,000.

Of course, this is not the result of the previous improvement.

Over the past five months.

His martial arts have already been leveled to Rank 6, and now it’s just another upgrade.

Now it seems that for a long time in the future, he doesn’t need to worry about the speed of his martial arts being not enough.

All variations and changes in the system interface made him feel good.

Anyway, everyone has a supreme treasure of forbidden weapons.

He simply took out the last pile of food he had ever prepared.

Have a swig with everyone.

They said that they had a rest time for one hour. After a full hour was spent, they finally chose to leave.

On the road again.

Qin Shaofeng only started to feel the changes in military force after the overall improvement this time.

The cultivation base only has Rank 1 for the lack of months.

The increase in battle strength is tens of thousands of times.

According to his feelings.

If he encounters a ghost that has been encountered before, comparable to the seventh-order barren moon position, he can also fight one.

Even the battle can be solved easily.

This kind of improvement is not a little bit!

Qin Shaofeng was overjoyed.

This trip to the tomb of the Yaoxing Ten Thousand Gods took nearly half a year, but the improvement it brought to him was simply unimaginable.

“I don’t know what’s going on outside now, whether Cloud Sea Sect and Sixiangzong have any more difficult opponents. When the time comes, it’s a good thing to let me try my hand.” Qin Shaofeng felt the current situation Strong, can’t help but whisper.

As soon as the voice came out, he heard a burst of laughter.

Hurrying back.

It just happened to see Li Naling looking at him, saying with a smile: “Little Feng, I advise you to dispel this idea.”

“Don’t forget that among the people you sent back, there are 10 Rangers Captain, including Luo San and Wang Sheng.”

“Although they only have two powerhouses, Luo San and Wang Sheng, their battle strength is not what you can imagine now.”

“Really encounter an opponent that they can’t solve. After you pass, it doesn’t seem to be different except for death, right?”

Li Naling burst out laughing without mercy.

Momentarily, everyone laughed again.

Qin Shaofeng’s face suddenly turned black.

But he had to admit that Li Naling said that it was really the case. It seems that in the future, if there is anything in front of them, it is enough to think in mind.

The hearing power of these shining stars is so strong that it has reached the level of inhumanity!

too much hurt my pride, right?

I can’t stand it anymore!

Qin Shaofeng almost made a noise.

Fortunately, their feet are not slow, they have come to the edge of the world leading to Taihua Mountain, then they coughed a few times: “Don’t laugh, let’s talk to my Lingzhong Uncle alone, so we should I went back.”

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