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Because of the injuries, Kunwu understood that he was not at all strong enough to ignore all existence.

He will also be in danger in the face of siege.

Knowing this, Kunwu changed Kuno Dao World’s policies and began to cultivate effective assistants.

Even if there are real geniuses, Kunwu can distribute the power of Dao World in Kunwu Dao World, so that those geniuses can be cultivated.

Of course, these prerequisites are all established without affecting its own strength.

Refining the entire Dao World is the power of Dao World, which has the entire Dao World. In this Dao World, there is an invincible existence.

Kunwu is invincible in Kunwu Dao World, because he controls the power of Kunwu Dao World.

However, a Dao World includes ‘one’ of Dao World Power, which can only have up to 50 Dao World Powers.

Grand Dao 50, that’s it!

And Kunwu Dao World has integrated a lot of Dao World power, and the integrated Dao World power, although it can also become the Dao World power of Kunwu Dao World.

But for Kunwu, if he did n’t get the power of Dao World from another Dao World, he could control up to 50 Dao World powers in Kunwu Dao World, even if Kunwu Dao World merged How much power Dao World has.

However, even if it is 50 copies of Dao World power, that is already equivalent to all Dao World powers in Kunwu Dao World, which also includes those Dao World powers of other Dao World.

This is like, a small pool is connected to a small puddle next to it. Although it is located in two places, the water in it can actually be fused together.

Although there is no change in the total amount of water in the small pool, there is actually more water in a small puddle.

And this extra water is the power of Dao World equivalent to those of Dao World in Kunwu.

Therefore, the distribution of these extra Dao World forces has a great impact on Kunwu not at all.

Even he has absolute control over the strength of those Dao Worlds.

If someone betrayed him with the power of Dao World, he would be able to give back the power of Dao World to the other party.

In the years before Dao World of Kunwu, under the leadership of Kunwu, the plunder of other Dao Worlds has resulted in a lot of Dao World power.

It is the power of Dao World that was obtained at the time of the 7 World Wars. Now, the power of Dao World of other Dao Worlds that Kuno Dao World has integrated has exceeded 100 copies!

This is an exaggerated number!

But helplessly, Kunwu has not plundered any one of Dao World, which is the most critical and most important one of Dao World.

Moreover, he did not give the power of Dao World to any one of them in Kunwu.

Only after experiencing the war of the 7 realms, Kunwu began to select geniuses, and gave Dao World the power to cultivate powerful subordinates.

But it seems to be because when Kunwu unified Kunwu Dao World, the methods used were too bloody, which was the cause. Although Kunwu Dao World had already acknowledged allegiance to him, Kunwu, there were still many people. There is rebellion.

Kun Wu knew this very well, but because of his confidence in his strength, Kun Wu didn’t care.

However, when training powerful subordinates, Kunwu was a subconscious choice, the newly born race genius.

These newly born race people belong to his real people in Kunwu after he unified Kunwu Dao World.

In fact, those newly born races in Kunwu Dao World regard Kunwu as the only god in Kunwu Dao World!

And seriously speaking of which, it is precisely because of the existence of Kunwu, unified the Dao World of Kunwu, constantly plundering the power of Dao World of other Dao World, this is the birth of these races.

It is not wrong to regard Kunwu as their only True God.

Since Kunwu wanted to cultivate subordinates, it was naturally provoked from these races.

And even if you take a step back, the genius in these newly born races is much better than the original race of Kunwu Dao World.

The immortal incarnation of Qin Shaofeng, known as Qin Feng, saw exactly this and entered Kunwumen as a newly born race.

And most importantly, at that time Kunwu’s true body was recovered from a deep sleep due to serious injuries. The outside world was just his clone and trusted aide to handle everything.

If at the time of the first, Qin Feng, the immortal incarnation, did not advance the Promotes to Law, and began to integrate into the Power of Laws of Kunwu Dao World itself, it would be easy to detect.

At that time, not to mention Kunwu’s true body, even if it was Kunwu’s clone, it could see through the essence of Qin Feng’s immortal incarnation.

But unfortunately, after the promotion of the rule of law, Qin Feng really entered the horizon of Kunwu clone.

However, after this Realm, Kunwu’s clone can no longer see the identity of Qin Feng, but just thinks that Qin Feng is a genius of a new race born in Kunwu Dao World.

And at this step, Qin Feng has completely dealt with a series of things such as his origin.

As long as Kunwu’s true body does not appear, no one can see his true essence, then his identity is not dangerous.

And the most clever thing is that after meeting Qin Feng that time, Kunwu’s clone was very satisfied with Qin Feng’s innate talent, and then because of the true body, he intentionally trained subordinates. Kunwu clone gave Qin Feng a Dao World power. .

This time, there is no problem.

Because this merges with the power of Dao World, the true origin of Qin Feng, and the nature of its body, even Kunwu’s true body cannot be seen.

Because nothing happens, the clone of Dao World by Qin Feng from Kunwu clone is actually the Dao World of Dao World by Qi Yuanxing.

It can be said that from that moment on, Qin Feng’s immortal incarnation was completed, and Qin Shaofeng sent them out of the mission of these seventeen immortal incarnations, and it was probably the fastest.

Because at that time, as long as Qin Feng left Kunwu Dao World and returned to Qiyuanxing Dao World, he could bring back this Dao World power.

Although it is in Kunwu Dao World, unless it is allowed by Kunwu’s will, any creature, or even everything, in Kunwu Dao World cannot leave Kunwu Dao World.

But because Qin Feng is just an immortal incarnation of Qin Shaofeng, and its body and ability are combined by Qin Shaofeng’s law of God and the super heaven god chess piece, after being combined, the immortal incarnation is refined.

Therefore, as long as the Ten Seven Immortal Incarnations get the power of Qi Yuanxing’s Dao World, they can communicate with Qin Shaofeng main body by virtue of the strength of their own God’s Law, and then instantly return to the Qin Shaofeng main body.

Qin Feng did not do so.

Although Qin Feng is deep in the Kunwu Dao World far away from Qiyuan Star, he can vaguely feel some ambiguity of Qiyuan Star through his own God’s strength.

For example, Qin Feng is clear about the time difference between Dao World in Kunwu and Dao World in Qiyuan.

It is precisely because of this, even if Qin Feng got the power of Qi Yuanxing Dao World, he did not leave immediately.

Because of the law of God, he can always return to Dao World of the Initiating Star.

Based on this, Qin Feng a thought flashed through the mind was intended to be cultivated at Dao World in Kunwu.

Although Qin Feng is just an immortal incarnation of Qin Shaofeng, his will and thought are actually Qin Shaofeng’s will and thought.

If Qin Shaofeng knows how to deal with this immortal incarnation of Qin Feng, he must also plan to let this incarnation incarnate and continue cultivation at Dao World in Kunwu, and then return to Dao World in the Yuan Dynasty at a critical moment.

Because compared to Qi Yuanxing, Dao World in Kunwu is really suitable for Qin Feng cultivation.

Dao World, where Qi Yuanxing is, has been plundered by many Dao World forces, and has lost ten or seven Dao World forces.

Although later, there was the power of Qin Feiyang to collect the Dao World of Earth Dao World, looking forward to make up for those of Dao World that Qi Yuanxing lost.

In fact, the power of Dao World lost by one Dao World can not be supplemented by the power of Dao World of other Dao World.

Not to mention, the power of Dao World that Qin Feiyang collected from Earth does not have that many.

Even because it was the power of Dao World, when it was integrated into the power of Dao World of Earth Dao World, it caused some instability in Dao World of Qiyuan Star.

The most obvious example is the destruction of beasts on Apocalypse, which is a place of fusion.

After all, the power of one Dao World to integrate into the other Dao World’s Dao World needs enough strength.

If there is not enough strength, then absolute strength must be suppressed.

But these two, Dao World of Yuanyuan Star have none.

It can be said that Dao World of Qiyuanxing is in a very bad situation.

Not to say that it is not suitable for cultivation, and even the birth of Dao Realm powerhouse is extremely difficult.

But what about Kunwu Dao World?

Not only has the full power of Dao World, but also can smoothly integrate into the power of Dao World of other Dao World.

Moreover, Kunwu Dao World suppresses the entire Dao World, which causes Kunwu Dao World simply not to have any negative strength, let alone a strange existence such as the destruction of the beast.

Therefore, in terms of the cultivation environment, Kunwu Dao World does not know how many 10000 times stronger than Qi Yuanxing Dao World.

In other words, simply cannot compare between the two.

At the very least, Dao World in Kunwu is not short of Dao Realm powerhouse, and even Dao Realm powerhouse. In Dao World of Kunwu, it just steps into the real expert list.

After all, to go out and plunder other Dao World’s Dao World forces, you also need to have the strength of Dao Realm.

Therefore, Qin Feng took into account that this cultivation environment of Kunwu Dao World did not return immediately.

And most importantly, when Dao World of Kunwu received the power of Dao World of Dao World, he heard it in person, and Kun Kun cloned it.

When the time comes, it’s time to go to Dao World, which gives him the power of Dao World, to plunder the Dao World power left by that Dao World.

In other words, I am afraid that when Kunwu’s true body recovers, he will go to Dao World of Qi Yuanxing to plunder Dao World of Dao World of Qi Yuanxing.

Compared to the destruction beast that Qi Yuanxing is now suffering, Qin Feng thinks that Kunwu Dao World is the most terrifying enemy.

Because even all the Destroyed Beasts on Qiyuan Star have awakened as many as possible. This is probably not an opponent of Dao World, a plundering team.

In fact, with all the strengths of Qi Yuanxing and even Dao World where Qi Yuanxing is located, as long as Kunwu Dao World sends out a dozen Dao Realm powerhouses, I am afraid that it will completely crush all strengths of Dayuan World.

This is the real crisis!

Whether it is the reason for cultivation to improve his strength, or to better understand the enemy’s interior, Qin Feng feels that staying in Kunwu Dao World is the most suitable thing.

Because Kunwu Dao World is the strongest enemy!

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