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Dao World has no boundaries, this is called out of bounds.

And out of bounds, even with Dao Realm powerhouse, it is unimaginable.

Dao World also has a name, you can know the name of a Dao World, that is definitely not an ordinary person.

Because a Dao World is a complete big universe, and there are countless stars in a big universe.

And among beings, there are few creatures who can absolutely understand the planet that they were born in.

For the existence of other planets, there are naturally fewer things.

It’s a thing the big universe calls Dao World. There are very few people who know it. On this basis, you can know the existence of Dao World’s name. It can be counted as the entire Dao World’s countless souls. It is as rare as phoenix feathers and unicorn horns.

Kunwu Dao World, a Dao World with absolute domination.

Many years ago in Kunwu Dao World, a very powerful existence appeared, its name is Kunwu.

From birth to growth, Kunwu has been extremely powerful along the way. In the end, he unified all influences of Kunwu Dao World with absolute strength.

Even Kunwu named his Dao World in his own name.

As a unified Dao World, Kunwu’s strength is unquestionable.

Kunwu is not only the Dao World Number One Powerhouse in Kunwu, but even other Dao World. The powerhouse that can be compared with it is almost non-existent.

The 7 World Wars that affected 7 Dao Worlds that year were actually caused by Kunwu.

Because after agreeing to Kunwu Dao World that year, Kunwu soon collected the power of Dao World owned by Kunwu Dao World, and even directly integrated the power of Kunwu Dao World’s “one” Dao World into itself.

But precisely because of this, when Kunwu reached his own limit.

Such a limit is that he is in Dao World in Kunwu. As long as he is alive, no one can reach the same Realm as him.

But again, under such limits, Kunwu found that he could no longer make inroads.

It can be said that this is not the limit of his Kunwu, but the limit of the Kunwu Dao World. At the time, the situation of the Kunwu Dao World only allowed him to be in such a state now, and it would be impossible for him to break through.

However, under such circumstances, Kunwu knew about the existence of other Dao Worlds, because it knew that if Kunwu Dao World could swallow the power of Dao World that merged with other Dao Worlds, or even swallow the entire Dao World, then Kunwu Dao World would It can be improved and become more powerful.

If Kunwu Dao World is promoted and becomes strong, then it means that Kunwu can become strong and strength can continue to improve.

Therefore, Kunwu started to find a way to break through other Dao World and was ready to plunder other Dao World.

Under such circumstances, Kunwu really did this.

This is Earth Dao World. The reason for its decline is that Kunwu plundered Dao World where Earth is.

But similarly boundless, the existing Dao World also has the powerhouse with the same ambition as Kunwu.

Although Kunwu strength is very powerful, there is a special situation.

That is, the soul of any Dao World, as long as the Dao World was born, is the strength of its flourishing period.

Once he leaves the Dao World where he was born, in the outer space, the strength he possesses will decline because he cannot obtain the enforcement of his Dao World.

And if you enter other Dao World, you will be suppressed by other Dao World, and strength will be weakened more.

It is precisely because of this, that there is no one big one, let Kunwu quickly plunder other Dao World.

This is why, although other Dao World powerhouses have some fears about the strength of Duo Kunwu, they are not completely afraid.

In the case of plundering other Dao World forces, they still take action on Kunwu.

The largest and most extensive war was the 7th World War.

In the Seven Realms battle, Kunwu led Kunwu Dao World’s powerhouse to plunder more than 7 Dao World of Earth’s Dao World, forcibly plundering.

Even other Dao Worlds have been plundered, and even Dao World, where Qi Yuanxing is, has been plundered by Kunwu Dao World.

However, it was precisely because of this that Kunwu was besieged by other Dao World’s top powerhouses, and in the end was seriously injured.

Of course, compared to Kunwu, more than 80% of those top powerhouses who besieged him have fallen.

However, Kunwu also paid a great price for this. This price is so far. Kunwu, who had suffered serious injuries in the 7 World Wars, has still not fully recovered.

A few years ago, Qin Shaofeng sent out ten of the 7 immortal incarnations. One of them, Qin Feng, came to Kuno Dao World.

Because of having the law of God, Qin Shaofeng, an immortal incarnation, entered Kunwu Dao World, but not at all was rejected by Kunwu Dao World.

Qin Feng, the immortal incarnation, also successfully took root in Dao World in Kunwu.

Kunwu Dao World Because of the completely unified relationship between Kunwu, there is only one influence in Dao World, that is, Kunwu Gate!

And because the strength of the entire Dao World needs to be increased, in order to plunder other Dao World resources and the power of Dao World.

This is what makes Kunwu Dao World ’s Time Flow Speed ​​faster than other Dao World outside the world, but it is countless times faster.

Don’t look at the 5-6 years in Antiquity Saint Domain, but for Qin Feng who entered Dao World in Kunwu, it’s been over 100000000 million years.

Because the Ten Seven Immortal Incarnations have been transformed by the law of God, which is no matter how long the years have been in the past, and no matter what the level of these immortal incarnations is.

They are still the immortal incarnations of Qin Shaofeng, and even if they are born with self-awareness, they have identified themselves as a clone.

Qin Shaofeng was so reassured at first that he was not worried about what happened to the moths because of the long period of time.

It can be said that after getting the law of God, Qin Shaofeng is absolutely in this respect. The value of the law of God is much higher than the super god god pieces and Grand Dao soul ring.

After Qin Feng came to Dao World in Kunwu, it started from the very beginning. It started with a small foundation and passed Kunwu Gate’s lowest assessment to become Kunwu Gate Rank 1 disciple.

Because Kunwu Dao World only has the influence of Kunwumen, from low to high, the entire Kunwumen has countless levels of discipline.

The lowest level of science in Kunwu Gate is the 100th degree science.

The 100th order is the 1 levels from Rank 100 to 100, with Rank 1 being the lowest and 100 being the highest.

In the upward direction, there are Sun, Moon, and Stars 3, etc. Among them, the highest level and the lowest star rating.

But even the latest star disciple is a terrifying strength.

What is a star is the strength of Star Lord Realm.

In other words, the star disciple at Kunwumen was the strength of Dao Realm.

In the case of monthly disciple, strength is even more horrible, which is equivalent to Elder’s existence in Kunwumen.

As for the daily disciple, it is also completely out of the title of disciple, or this is the powerhouse with the title of each and everyone.

Every powerhouse in Kunwumen’s title level is extremely afraid of existence.

Because in the entire Kunwu Dao World, the master of Dao World Kunwu must be first, and below it is the Gate Lord of Kunwu Gate.

Under Kunwumen Gate Lord, there are 4 chief mate Gate Lord.

After that, it was the powerhouse titled Japanese.

Today Qin Feng is one of the eighth grade powerhouses!

Yes, that’s right, now Qin Shaofeng, one of the top ten immortal incarnations under the pseudonym Qin Feng, has not only been promoted to Dao Realm long ago, but even Qin Feng has gone a long way on Dao Realm. section of the road.

If Qin Shaofeng knew this, I’m afraid he would immediately take this immortal avatar back and integrate it into himself.

Because there is this immortal incarnation Realm and strength, what destroys the beast, what Earth Dao World merges with the power of Dao World of Dao World, which is trivial.

The reason why Qin Feng can have such a high achievement is because of his transcendent innate talent.

If it was put a long time ago, Qin Feng, who angered Dao World in Kunwu, simply would not show all innate talent.

Because of the strength of his innate talent, simply cannot be born from Kunwu Dao World.

As the master of Dao World, Kunwu, I’m afraid it can be found instantly.

However, this situation changed after Kunwu plundered other Dao World’s Dao World forces and incorporated them into Kunwu Dao World.

Kunwu Dao World is originally a complete Dao World. If it is integrated into the power of Dao World of other Dao World, it will naturally be affected by the power of Dao World of other Dao World, and some special changes will occur.

For example, Kunwu Dao World’s current blood refinement family is not the race that Kunwu Dao World originally bred.

When countless years ago, Kunwu plundered 3 Dao World powers of a Dao World, Kunwu Dao World appeared a lot of new races, completely different from the original race of Kunwu Dao World.

This kind of blood refinement is one of them, and the innate talent is excellent, with extremely powerful innate talent.

After all, how to say this is also the race born of the power of Dao World with 2 Dao Worlds after the fusion.

And since the blood refinement family started, Kunwu Dao World has continuously integrated the power of other Dao World’s Dao World. This is why more and more special races have appeared in Kunwu Dao World.

These races are the races born from the special changes of Kunwu Dao World after the power of Dao World of 2 or even several Dao Worlds was merged.

When Qin Feng learned of this situation, naturally he did not hide his strength, and showed his innate talent without any fear.

Under such circumstances, after Qin Feng paid homage to Kunwu Gate, he got the key cultivation of Kunwu Gate.

Even in the shortest time, after becoming the star disciple of Kunwu Gate, he was summoned by Kunwu, the master of Kunwu Dao World.

Although Kun Wu had fallen into a deep sleep to recover from his injury, he still left some clones.

Kunwu clone naturally did not see through Qin Feng, but instead determined that Qin Feng was in the 7 World Wars. He plundered the power of that many Dao World and integrated it into Kunwu Dao World, the super evildoer genius born.

In fact, since the 7th World War, many genius disciples have actually appeared in Dao World in Kunwu, and Qin Feng is the best one.

Prior to the Seven Realms War, Kunwu was arbitrary with Kuno Dao World and had absolute dominance.

Even after he became the master of Dao World in Kunwu Dao World, he was able to split apart part of the power of Dao World, which would not affect him in any way, but still did not share the power of Dao World.

But after being besieged by a bunch of powerhouses in the Seven Realms war, Kunwu fully understood.

He is really strong, but not strong enough to make everyone unmatched, and not strong enough to ignore the world and suppress other Dao World.

Therefore, facing a bunch of siege by powerhouse, he still has difficulty coping.

Otherwise, he would not have suffered such a serious injury.

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