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Although Qi Yuanxing has such a crisis of destroying the beast, compared with Kunwu Dao World, simply destroying the beast is nothing.

Knowing this, Qin Feng decided to cultivate at Dao World in Kunwu.

But even if it was given by Kunwu clone, a copy of the power of Dao World belonging to Dao World of Qiyuan Star, it took Qin Feng a long time to refine this copy of the power of Dao World.

This is also because the power of Dao World is from the power of Dao World of Dao World of Qiyuan Star. There is not much difficulty in refining Qin Feng itself, plus the strength of Qin Feng, the immortal incarnation possessing the law of God.

Combining these factors, when Qin Feng finished refining the power of Dao World, it was actually fast.

Even for the refining speed like Qin Feng, Kunwu clone was a bit surprised. After a careful inspection of Qin Feng, it was determined that Qin Feng is a super genius.

Therefore, this Kunwu clone actually gave Qin Feng another Dao World power of Dao World.

In this regard, Qin Feng naturally came.

Perhaps in the eyes of Kunwu clone, these other Dao World powers that have been integrated into Kunwu Dao World are completely owned by Kunwu Dao World. Even if it is refined to others, he is also under the control of Kunwu Dao World. The absolute control of his true body.

This is pretty good.

In fact, those who refine the power of Dao World are already completely under the control of Kunwu.

But there are some unexpected special conditions in the world.

Qin Shaofeng’s main body has the law of God, which actually has a strength that Qin Shaofeng never knew.

The law of God is really the strength of God!

The god mentioned here is not the kind of god that reaches the so-called Spirit Realm, but a true god.

Even Kunwu, the master of Dao World in Kunwu Dao World, is not a true god!

The existence of God is absolute and omnipotent.

As long as God wants, between that one idea, all Dao World outside the world can be merged into one place instantly, and all Dao World beings can be destroyed instantly.

This is the true God!

Qin Shaofeng simply doesn’t know, if he can fully control the law of God, then he can become a true God.

Because the law of God belongs to the strength of God, the power of God is self-evident.

But unfortunately, today Qin Shaofeng doesn’t say he has complete control over the laws of God. Even if Qin Feng, the ten indestructible incarnations, is just reluctant to use the strength of God’s law.

To be precise, it is not Qin Shaofeng that actively uses the strength of God ’s law, but Qin Shaofeng, when refining Qin Feng and other ten indestructible incarnations, the law of God has issued some strength on his own, Extermination has a strange influence.

But no matter how little it is, the law of God is God’s strength after all. There is an absolute strength.

This is to make Qin Feng and other ten immortal incarnations, there is a certain special ability and strength.

For example, Qin Feng, an immortal incarnation, refined the power of other Dao Worlds in Kunwu Dao World in Kunwu Dao World. It is logically subject to the control of Kunwu Dao World and thus Kunwu.

However, with the influence of the strength of God ’s law, Qin Feng can completely break away from Kunwu’s control of him, and even take the power of Dao World that has been refined by him, and leave Kuno Dao World directly.

For this, Kunwu simply can do nothing.

If Kunwu distributes a Dao World power that belongs to Kunwu Dao World, once Qin Feng is refined, it will be completely controlled by Kunwu.

The existence of Kunwu now is equivalent to the existence of Kunwu Dao World and the will of the entire Kunwu Dao World.

Qin Feng, or anyone, refining the power of Dao World in Kunwu Dao World, it will definitely be suppressed and controlled by Kunwu Dao World.

After all, Qin Feng’s immortal incarnation is only affected by the strength of the law of God, and he will not be able to escape such a powerful Kunwu Dao World.

Of course, if it was replaced by Qin Shaofeng’s true body, it would probably be fine.

Qin Shaofeng’s true body has the complete law of God, incorporating the power of Dao World from many other Dao Worlds. It will not be controlled by other Dao Worlds, and it can even be directly used for its own purposes.

If it weren’t for this, it would be impossible for Qin Shaofeng to merge Earth Dao World and Dao World, the ‘one’ of the two Dao Worlds, and still be in peace, or even merge. Still very smooth.

In general, as far as Kunwu Dao World is concerned, as long as it does not belong to the original Dao World of Kunwu Dao World, once Qin Feng is refined, it is still controlled by Kunwu Dao World on the surface.

But in fact, as long as the strength of God’s law is used, Qin Feng can completely break away from such control, and it has little effect at all.

However, among the Dao World of Kunwu, Kunwu is extremely arbitrary to the entire Dao World, which is completely hegemonism.

Had it not been for the severe siege of the Seven Realms War, he would not have assigned any part of the power of Dao World to cultivate effective subordinates.

In Kun Wu’s eyes, all the power of Dao World, even if it is not available, is dispensable for him, it must be fully controlled by him, and others must not be touched.

Even if the power of Dao World can now be separated to cultivate a strong subordinate, it is impossible for Kunwu to use the power of Dao World, which belongs to Kunwu Dao World, to cultivate any subordinate.

But this is a good thing for Qin Feng, because as long as Dao World in Kunwu does not belong to the original Dao World power of Kunwu Dao World, the power of other Dao World Dao World, how much he refines and integrates, then There is no harm.

And this can also be used to improve the Realm and strength in Kunwu Dao World.

Where can I find such a good thing?

In fact, Qin Shaofeng’s ten immortal incarnations are the only Qin Feng incarnations with such good luck.

Then, that’s it, Qin Feng felt at ease in Dao World cultivation in Kunwu.

However, Qin Feng did not know that he was one of the immortal incarnations of Qin Shaofeng. Although it was far away from the Qin Shaofeng main body, nothing would have happened.

However, under the influence of the strength of the law of God, Qin Feng’s immortal incarnation has a special connection with Qin Shaofeng’s main body.

And this special connection came after Qin Feng, an immortal incarnation at Dao World in Kunwu, gave the power of Dao World, which belongs to Dao World where Qi Yuanxing is, to complete refining. .

It can be said that after Qin Feng refined the power of Dao World, he could actually use the main body of Qin Shaofeng to convert the strength of that Dao World to Dao, where Qiyuan Star is located. World.

But it is precisely because of this, that is why, during the fusion of the powers of Dao World and Earth Dao World, two Dao Worlds, a new Dao World power appears.

Under such circumstances, the integration of the two Dao Worlds can naturally generate more negative strengths.

But even so, at most, this is to speed up the destruction of the beast a little bit, and no matter how fast it is, at most it is more than ten or 20 years, and it will definitely not take only 5-6 years. The destruction of the beast was almost completely broken.

The reason why Qi Yuanxing is in the present situation is because Qin Feng, the immortal incarnation, refining and integrating Dao World in Kunwu Dao World, has more power.

After fully refining the power of Dao World belonging to Dao World, the clone of Kunwu felt that Qin Feng was a material that could be created, and once again gave a power of Dao World.

Although the power of Dao World is not the power of Dao World that belongs to its original Dao World, it is a bit slow to refine.

However, it was not too difficult for Qin Feng to refine the power of Dao World before refining it.

The most important thing is that after refining a copy of the power of Dao World, Realm is already very powerful. Refining a copy of the power of Dao World is naturally faster.

Then, after refining a copy of the power of Dao World, this is causing Qin Feng to connect with this immortal avatar through the main body again, giving Qi Yuanxing an extra copy of the power of Dao World.

This time, it can be awful.

Because this extra Dao World power is not only the Dao World power of Dao World where Qi Yuanxing is located, nor is it the Dao World power of Dao World where Earth is located, but it is Genuine’s third party other Dao World. Power of Dao World.

So, at that moment, Qi Yuanxing is the power of Dao World with 3 Dao Worlds.

This not only makes Qi Yuanxing Dao World in a more unstable state, but also the negative strength that was born is more terrifying.

However, such a consequence is that the destruction of the beast is completely prematurely broken.

And it is precisely because of the strength of the Dao World of the three parties, the negative strength born from the fusion of Dao World, this is the destruction of the beast within the body condensing the existence of the destruction of the crystal stone.

This is good and bad!

But for this, Qin Feng, the ‘culprit’ of the indestructible incarnation, is simply unclear, and Qin Shaofeng himself is even more ignorant.


Illuminati Antiquity Saint Domain.

After understanding the current situation of Antiquity Saint Domain, Qin Shaofeng can understand it. Now Antiquity Saint Domain is in a very uncomfortable situation.

Because a large number of Destroyed Beasts appeared, causing most of the entire area of ​​Qiyuan Star to fall into the Territory of Destroyed Beasts again.

Fortunately, because of killing and destroying the beast, there will be occasional destruction of the crystal stone, which can improve the strength and realm of the cultivator of Antiquity Saint Domain.

Otherwise, according to this loss, the loss of Antiquity Saint Domain may be even more serious.

Speaking of this destruction of crystal stone, there are great special circumstances.

Because the law contained in a low-grade destruction crystal stone is sufficient to allow a Nirvana Realm to enter the Ruler realm.

Even some powerful Ruler realms, got some low grade destruction crystal stones, can fully condense the pattern of Grand Dao, and be promoted to be Supreme Ruler.

Antiquity Saint Domain also relied on killing and destroying beasts, and after obtaining the destruction of the crystal stone, it barely resisted.

Even many strengths killed powerful Destroyed Beasts and got middle grade or even high grade Destroyed Crystal Stone.

And if the middle grade destruction crystal stone is sufficient, it can completely create a powerhouse of Ruler Supreme Realm.

If high grade destroys the crystal stone, even Realm’s powerhouse like Ruler Supreme can be improved.

If you can get the superior grade to destroy the crystal stone, it will be no problem to become Bai Di and Celestial Emperor Jiang Hengtian this powerful Ruler Supreme.

Therefore, the appearance of this destruction crystal stone is a good one.

This also made the cultivator of Antiquity Saint Domain not feel completely desperate after the appearance of the beast of destruction and the strong strength shown by the beast of destruction.

Under the temptation of destroying the crystal stone, even if it has destroyed countless powerhouses and even many Ruler Supreme because of the destruction of the crystal stone, it has not stopped the desire of some cultivators.

After all, the more destruction of the crystal stone, the stronger the powerhouse can be.

This is an absolute temptation to countless cultivators!

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