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In the eyes of others, the “golden age” is, in Qin Shaofeng’s opinion, Qiyuanxing’s “back light and back light”!

The truth is true!

Although the existence information of the Destroyed Beast has been made public, a large number of powerhouses and experts have appeared in the Antiquity Saint Domain. At the time of the Destroyed Beast, at first is a very good phenomenon.

When it comes to this, I have to say that in fact, after the destruction of the beast, it can also bring some benefits to the cultivator.

“Can killing destroyed animals benefit the cultivator?”

Qin Shaofeng was surprised when he heard such words from Gong Qingzi.

Is it good to kill and destroy beasts?

Why doesn’t he know this?

According to his father Qin Feiyang, Destroyed Beasts are just the negative strength of the two Dao World’s Dao Worlds in the fusion.

Perhaps such a negative strength is extremely good for the Destroyed Beast, but for the cultivator, it is absolutely rubbish and does nothing to gain it.

Even if it is absorbed by the cultivator, such a negative strength is likely to cause itself to suffer from a special kind of ‘foulness’, causing the cultivation base to fall.

However, now Gong Qingzi is telling him that killing and destroying beasts has some benefits to cultivator. How can Qin Shaofeng not be surprised?

“Yes, what is the specific situation, I also not quite clear!” Gong Qingzi shook the head.

Her knowledge of the Destroyed Beasts also came from Qin Feiyang. Her knowledge of the Destroyed Beasts was the same as Qin Shaofeng.

But this time, the destruction of the beast that appeared in the seal, there is something special.

“Although it’s not clear what happened to the Destroyed Beast, once the Destroyed Beast is killed, a special crystal stone will appear!”

Speaking, Gong Qingzi is a raised hand with a small black crystal stone in his hand.

“Now, look at this crystal stone!”

this is……

Take that little crystal stone, Qin Shaofeng eyes flash with a trace of amazement.

Is this something within the body?

But … why is there a law of strength?

Qin Shaofeng froze.

Because he obviously felt that this black crystal stone in his hand had an inexplicable rule strength.

Even Qin Shaofeng felt it. The rule strength in this crystal stone seems to be very pure, and it can absorb and refine it to its strength.

And this little black crystal stone looks very small, not so much.

However, Qin Shaofeng has realized it. If the rules of this black crystal stone are refined and refined, it will be enough for a Ruler First Step Realm Ruler to directly cultivate a Grand Dao pattern and completely upgrade to become Supreme Ruler.

This is too incredible!

Qin Shaofeng was shocked, because he didn’t expect it to happen.

Is the birth of Destroyed be able to cultivator leveled to Supreme Ruler Realm’s crystal stone?

What the hell is this?

Could it be that the beast of destruction has produced mutation, which is a special law born of strength?

Qin Shaofeng guessed, but soon he noticed something.


This strength …

Seems to feel something, Qin Shaofeng’s pupils widened instantly, and my heart was a stormy sea.

Because he felt that the rule strength in this crystal stone was actually aura with the power of Dao World.

Is this the power of Dao World?

Qin Shaofeng was pretty sure he didn’t feel wrong.

Because he has seen or even experienced the strength of Dao World’s strength, the crystal stone in his hands to destroy the beast does indeed contain the power of Dao World.

It’s just a subtle touch, but it’s amazing enough.

You must know that it is a powerful powerhouse like your father, and it is impossible to absorb and refine the power of Dao World.

At most, it is only with the help of Qi Yuanxing’s Star Lord to integrate the power of Dao World into his strength.

But this is just integration, not refining.

This is very easy for a Dao World, some great Star Lords.

However, once the Star Lord, who has been integrated into the power of Dao World, has fallen, then at the moment of its fall, the power of Dao World integrated into it will be dissipated instantly, and it is still the power of Dao World, without any changes.

But Qin Shaofeng discovered that the black crystal stone in his own hands is different. Although very subtle, such a strength and such aura are indeed the power of Dao World.


But now the problem is coming!

As a beast from a negative strength and a destroyer with a strength, how can a crystal stone with the power of Dao World aura appear after death?

And wasn’t this destroyed beast completely destroyed after it was killed, without any trace?

In this regard, Qin Shaofeng is very puzzled.

“Does every crystal beast possess this crystal stone?” Qin Shaofeng asked suddenly.

“No, not every Destroyed Beast possesses such a crystal stone.”

Gong Qingzi shook the head, saying: “Although I don’t know what is going on, such a crystal stone is difficult to appear. Not every destroyer possesses such a crystal stone. In terms of destroying beasts, everyone calls such black crystal stones “destroying crystal stones.”

“It can be said to destroy the crystal stone, but for us cultivator, it can play a lifting role.”

Gong Qingzi slightly smiled, saying: “This piece of ruined crystal stone in your hand is only the most minor one, and it contains ascending strength, very few!”

“Oh, are there other higher-level destruction crystal stones?” Qin Shaofeng asked.

“Naturally, and there are many laws of strength!”

Gong Qingzi explained: “Destroy crystal stone is now divided into 4 levels, one is low grade to destroy crystal stone, and the other three are middle grade to destroy crystal stone, high grade to destroy crystal stone and superior grade to destroy crystal stone!”

“Like the destruction of the crystal stone in your hand, it is the low grade destruction of the crystal stone. In general, only 3 Star-level or higher-level destruction beasts will kill such a low-grade destruction of the crystal stone. “

“Middle grade can destroy crystal stones only by killing 6 Star or higher destruction beasts. High destruction crystal stones can only kill 8 Star and 9 Star level existence ruins. And The superior grade destroying crystal stone can only be obtained by killing 10 Star destroyers! “

Gong Qingzi said, but soon her words turned again.

“However, this is not certain. Because it is very likely that you kill a 5 Star-level destroyer and get only a low-grade destroyer crystal stone. However, killing a 1 Star-powered destroyer exists and you get a middle-grade destroyer crystal stone. .It’s weird about this! “

Speaking of this, Gong Qingzi was puzzled.

Because after the destruction of the beast, the destruction of the crystal stone appears very unstable.

After the 1 Star Destroyed Beast is killed, there may be a middle grade destruction crystal stone, and if the 6 Star Destroyed Beast is killed, the low grade destruction crystal stone may also appear.

Of course, it is more likely that simply destroying the crystal stone will not appear.

Because the chance of killing the destroyed beast appears to destroy the crystal stone, but it is very low.

Basically killing ten Destroyed Beasts, a Destructive Crystal Stone does not necessarily appear.

As for why this happens, Qin Shaofeng has no clue. To be honest, even after the destruction of the beast, there will be a phenomenon of crystal stone destruction. Qin Shaofeng is still in a messy state!

But Qin Shaofeng guessed that most of this has a great relationship with the power of Earth Dao World and Dao World’s Dao World.

For this, Qin Shaofeng is correct in guessing.

In fact, it is true!

The origin of this Destroyed Beast is Earth and Qi Yuanxing, the ‘one’ of the two Dao Worlds, the power of the Dao World, and several other powers of the Dao World. In the process of integration, the negative strength appeared. Then came the special existence.

Therefore, with the integration of the two Dao World’s Dao World powers, as the negative strength appears more and more, the destruction of the beast will also change accordingly.

Especially now that the system owned by Qin Shaofeng has been fully assembled, the power of the ‘one’ Dao World of the two Dao World has been finally merged.

The power of Dao World’s ‘one’ Dao World is the most mysterious and can be said to be the most powerful strength.

Maybe Qin Shaofeng cannot use the power of the ‘one’ Dao World of the two Dao Worlds, but this does not prevent the fusion of the power of the ‘One’ Dao World of the two Dao Worlds.

In fact, during this time, the Qin Shaofeng system entered a state of renewal evolution, which was caused by the complete integration of the power of the ‘one’ of the two Dao Worlds.

The power of the ‘one’ Dao World of these two Dao Worlds has no effect on Qin Shaofeng in the process of integration. At most, most of the strength and functions of the system cannot be used for the time being.

Others have no effect on Qin Shaofeng, but they have a great impact on the two Dao Worlds, Earth and Qi Yuanxing.

One of the most obvious is that the destruction of the beasts in advance is a large number of seals.

Under the influence of two Dao World ‘one’ Dao World forces, the two Dao Worlds, Earth and Qi Yuanxing, and the other Dao World forces which have been collected by Qin Feiyang, have also accelerated the integration speed.

This naturally has an impact on the destruction of the beast.

In fact, according to Qin Feiyang’s original plan, he just integrated the power of Dao World of Earth Dao World into Dao World of Qiyuan Star, and to be more precise, he just integrated it into the Grand Dao ladder of the wild animal world.

In this way, even if something happens, it will not have much impact on Qi Yuanxing, let alone the destruction of the beast in advance.

Because the beast world is not only a special space independent on Qi Yuanxing, but even for Dao World where Qi Yuanxing is located, the existence of the beast world is also a special independent state.

But such an independent state is now forcibly broken.

This is because Qin Shaofeng originally sent his ten indestructible incarnations and sent out the power of the robbed Dao World of Qi Yuanxing, Dao World, to the behavior of looting back.

Although this was inadvertently caused, it was because of behaviors such as Qin Shaofeng that some strange phenomena appeared.

You must know that the time of each Dao World is in a different system, and the time simply is not a state of flow rate.

After his ten or seven immortal incarnations, after sending to other Dao Worlds, it may only be a few years.

But it is also quite possible that some of Dao World’s incarnations have already experienced it. Compared with Qin Shaofeng’s current incarnation of Yanyang, it has a long time.

With those immortal cultivation talents, strengthen the big skills.

As long as it doesn’t fall, once time has passed, it will become strong without any problems.

Then, because of this, Qin Shaofeng’s ten indestructible incarnations, among them, already have the imagination to collect the power of the lost Dao World.

And not only that!

Qin Shaofeng simply did not expect how amazing the ten 7 indelible incarnations he sent out would be.

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