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Only a few Ruler Supremes have escaped?

Qin Shaofeng heart startled, Gong Qingzi just talked to him. During that investigation, several powerful races sent a very powerful lineup.

Not counting the Ruler Supreme, the rest of the lowest are the existence of the Ruler Supreme Level, and the number is also very large, but the combination is a very powerful lineup.

However, such a team with a great array of contents was destroyed by the destroyed beast?

Qin Shaofeng expressed doubts and was a little puzzled.

Destroyed beast is a very powerful existence, which is also divided into many levels, the lowest is 1 Star Destroyed Beast.

However, even if it is a 1 Star Destroyer beast, its Realm is equivalent to those of the Antiquity Saint Domain cultivation with 100 lines of Grand Dao, and already has the powerful cultivator of the title of Emperor.

And because of the powerful destruction strength possessed by the Destroyed Beast, the strength possessed by the Destroyed Beast itself is stronger than the Antiquity Saint Domain cultivator of Same Realm.

Under normal circumstances, 1 Star’s Destroyed Beasts usually have a stronger battle strength than the 100 Realm cultivator of Grand Dao.

A 1 Star Destroyer also needs at least 3 Antiquity Saint Domain cultivator of 100 Realm of Grand Dao, in order to barely fight it.

If a very powerful Destroyer appears, it will be a trouble for Antiquity Saint Domain.

Because of some powerful destroyers, even the general Ruler Supreme is definitely not an opponent.

But Qin Shaofeng remembers very well that when the brutal beast world was discovered by the influences of Antiquity Saint Domain, it wasn’t long before Destroyed Beasts appeared outside the Antiquity Saint Domain.

Although the place where the Destroyed Beast appeared was still very far away from the place where the Antiquity Saint Domain was, and the Destroyed Beast did not come to the Antiquity Saint Domain.

But after so many years, many Antiquity Saint Domain powerhouses have appeared, leaving Antiquity Saint Domain to explore the area so far, and also encountered some beasts of destruction.

Although encountering the beast destroyers, most of them were actually killed by the beast destroyers.

After all, there are still a few people who survived by chance.

And at that time, Qin Shaofeng knew that Bai Di, one of his father’s incarnations, and Celestial Emperor Jiang Hengtian and some other Ruler Supreme powerhouses went to check it out.

However, after finally killing some Destroyed Beasts, the White Emperor and the others returned.

At that time, it was at most 4 5 Star-level Destroyed Beasts, which was equivalent to 400 powerhouses of the Realm of Grand Dao.

It’s just such a destruction of the beast, it is not really harmful.

With 100 Grand Dao patterns in Antiquity Saint Domain, you can try to build the Dao Foundation and achieve the status of Ruler Supreme.

However, such a success rate is very low. Only by cultivation showing more Grand Dao patterns can we be more certain to build the Dao Foundation successfully and step into the Ruler Supreme Realm.

Therefore, many Supreme Ruler-level experts, but after cultivation produced 100 lines of Grand Dao, did not impact the idea of ​​Ruler Supreme, but still cultivation Grand Dao.

But this Realm’s Supreme Ruler, although it is not yet Ruler Supreme, is stronger than Supreme Ruler, and it is already higher than Supreme Ruler Realm.

Therefore, in the Antiquity Saint Domain, there is a Supreme Ruler of the Emperor Realm, which is called the Emperor Realm.

But for the Destroyed Beast, it is just a 1 Star Destroyed Beast, which is already Equivalent to ordinary and has the Supreme Ruler of Realm.

Below the title of Emperor Realm, unless is innate talent is the excellent Supreme Ruler, otherwise, single is not the opponent of 1 Star Destroyer.

Even under the expert title of Realm, under the same realm, it is difficult for a person to cope with a 1 Star beast of destruction.

In real terms, 1 Star’s Destroyed Beast is equivalent to the battle strength of an Emperor Powerhouse with 2 100 Grand Dao Realm.

The 9 Star-level Destroyed Beast has the battle strength against the general Ruler Supreme Realm.

According to the information left by his father at the time, Qin Shaofeng remembered that it was only 9 Star-level destroyers, and the number exceeded 100,000.

Now listening to Gong Qingzi’s statement, there are only a few troops with 10000000 million troops in the race. In the end, only a few are left, which makes Qin Shaofeng have a guess in his mind.

“Is there a 9 Star Destroyer?” Qin Shaofeng asked.

“En!” Gong Qingzi nodded, “At that time, the army of several races encountered a batch of 9 Star-level destroyers, which ended in a very tragic end.”

A batch?

Qin Shaofeng’s expression flashed a little in his face, but fortunately, he was returned by Gong Qingzi, and he had already identified the major event in his heart, but he was not too surprised.

However, under Gong Qingzi’s narrative, Qin Shaofeng only realized that the situation was far worse than he expected.

Because the batch of 100 Star Destroyed Beasts with more than 9 is only a small part of it.

After the first joint army was tragically killed by the beasts of destruction, race influences such as Antiquity Saint Race and Ancient Demon Race finally felt that something was wrong.

Then they joined together a batch of strengths.

And this batch of strengths is even more powerful, not only the number of more than 100000000 million, in the end, among them, Ruler Supreme also sent dozens.

Under such an army, in the eyes of Great Race, the batch of destroyed beasts will surely be destroyed!

In fact, it is true, that batch of Destroyed Beasts was really destroyed by this 100000000 million army.

But terrifying is that this is just the beginning.

Because after that batch of destroyed beasts was destroyed, more destroyed beasts actually appeared again.

This time, not only 9 Star-level Destroyers, but even 10 Star-level Destroyers also appeared.

The 9 Star-level Destroyed Beast has a strength that rivals the general Ruler Supreme, and the 10 Star-level Destroyed Beast has a strength that is far beyond the ordinary Ruler Supreme Realm.

Although the 10 Star-level Destruction Beast cannot be compared with Bai Di and Celestial Emperor Jiang Hengtian this powerful Ruler Supreme.

However, only Ruler Supreme like 10000 battles of the emperor can only hold 3 invincible positions against 10 1 Star-level destroyers at one time. If you want to defeat or even kill each other, it may take some time.

In the powerhouse under the White Emperor and the Celestial Emperor, I am afraid that only experts such as the Jiang Family Lao Lao can easily deal with those 10 Star-level destroyers.

Then, this doesn’t require much Gong Qingzi.

When it was known from Gong Qingzi’s mouth that after the appearance of 10 Star-level Destroyed Beasts, Qin Shaofeng knew in his mind that a few races on the 100000000 million army could only be defeated.

As Qin Shaofeng guessed, Gong Qingzi’s next words confirmed his guess.

After the failure of this time, several races were silent.

Eventually, they no longer maintained the arrogance of a powerful race, and began to call for some powerful influences.

Because the beasts of destruction appear, they are not their major races, they can solve the problem, and they must seek more strength.

But even so, with the massive battle strength support of many influences, the situation has not improved.

Even killed more than 100,000 9 Star-level destroyers, and a lot of 10 Star-level destroyers.

But I don’t know why, those sealed beasts of destruction are awakening faster and faster, and the waking up of destruction animals are more and more.

This caused a lot of losses for many big races and many great influences.

It was in this case that Gong Qingzi stood up and offered to send the message of destroying the beast, proclaiming the entire Antiquity Saint Domain, and letting all the experts of the Antiquity Saint Domain come out and destroy the beast together.

And because of that time, Gong Qingzi showed a strong strength.

Speaking of which, I have to mention that when Gong Qingzi returned to the Antiquity Saint Domain, it was Qin Shaofeng’s mother Jiang Yuxi who came to the door, recognized the daughter-in-law, and then pointed Gong Qingzi cultivation.

Among them, not only Gong Qingzi, Geng Qiutong, Lian Yufeng, etc., were also instructed by this mother-in-law, Jiang Yuxi.

As the first familiar of Qin Shaofeng, Gong Qingzi, who inherited most of Qin Shaofeng’s skills, is the most outstanding of the few women.

Under the guidance of Jiang Yuxi, Gong Qingzi not only cultivated to Ruler Supreme Realm early, she even cultivated “Golden Judgement” and also leveled Soul Realm to Soul Realm long ago.

Even when Qin Shaofeng returned to the Earth cultivation fleshy body, Gong Qingzi took over the strength of the Grand Dao ladder and gave his soul Realm to leveled to the soul perfection Realm.

Although her soul golden body great perfection Realm is not the same as Qin Shaofeng main body, as long as Qin Shaofeng wants to be able to step into the soul Dao Realm, it is just a step away.

Even if this step is separated, there is a general ditch distance, but this also gives Gong Qingzi a great strength.

Of the few 10 Star-level destroyers that were destroyed, more than 70% of them were killed by Gong Qingzi alone.

Therefore, in the face of her proposal, no influence was opposed.

The most important thing is that now that Antiquity Saint Domain has really reached the most critical time, it cannot be continued like this.

Eventually, the entire Antiquity Saint Domain finally knew the existence of the beast of destruction, and also understood that Antiquity Saint Domain was already facing the crisis of destruction.

Under such circumstances, the Antiquity Saint Domain erupted into a strength that has never been seen before.

Numerous hidden world cultivating experts have been born, each and everyone has been deemed to have fallen, or the old Monster died during meditation has appeared.

momentarily, a lot of experts appeared in the entire Antiquity Saint Domain, and the number of Ruler Supreme appeared was even more outrageous.

It seems that Antiquity Saint Domain has entered a golden age.

But when Gong Qingzi said such a situation, Qin Shaofeng’s eyes flashed a strange light.

Golden Age?

Countless Ruler Supreme?

I’m afraid it’s just back in time, right?

Qin Shaofeng has always believed that the existence of Dao World has some spiritual wisdom.

It’s just that these spiritual wisdom are just like rules, without any emotions and feelings, not only Dao World, but even planet is also like so.

Now is the crisis of Qi Yuanxing. If the Antiquity Saint Domain on Qi Yuanxing is destroyed by the destroyed beast, Human Race is destroyed by the destroyed beast.

Then the regular Qiyuan star will be exhausted and become a dead star!

Perhaps because of this situation, Qi Yuanxing’s will resisted, and Qi Yuanxing emerged a large number of experts and powerhouses to deal with those destroying beasts.

However, due to Qi Yuanxing’s current situation, Qin Shaofeng can only classify this situation as Qi Yuanxing’s returning light.

Because this is probably the last strength of Qi Yuanxing, it can only erupt this time.

If it fails, then Qi Yuanxing will also perish.

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