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Huaxia, a high-level restaurant in XH.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng and Tang Ning’er just came out of Dinis and were eating.

During this time, Qin Shaofeng can be seen, this little lass is crazy.

play! play! play!

Have fun!

Excited to play!

Keep playing!

heaven knows how long this little lass has been locked up, after this comes out, it seems to be flying out of the cage like a bird out of the cage!

However, after learning from Tang Xin’er, the situation of this little lass, Qin Shaofeng let the little lass go crazy and accompany her everywhere.

Looking at this moment, facing a table delicious and angry Tang Ninger, Qin Shaofeng was amused in his heart.

After playing this girl, it is exactly 2 things!

Shook the head gently, but Qin Shaofeng soon got eyebrows slightly frowned.

Because he found a youngster wearing sunglasses, it seemed to be watching himself. If the other person’s eyes fell on Tang Ning’er, Qin Shaofeng wouldn’t be too strange.

Anyway, Tang Ning’er is a standard little beauty. Although the body is not fully open, it is a full little beauty of slender and elegant.

During this time, because of the beauty of this little girl, it caused a lot of trouble.

But Qin Shaofeng is not alone with this little girl. At this time, Qin Shaofeng brought ten subordinates of the Innate Great Grandmaster Realm.

Some minor troubles were solved by his ten subordinates before he and Tang Ninger were near.

However, this time is somewhat different.

Qin Shaofeng clearly felt that the sunglasses man’s gaze, but his Innate Great Grandmaster subordinate, did not feel the other’s sight.

Although the sunglasses man did n’t have any murderous aura at all, Qin Shaofeng still felt that there were some problems, and the other party seemed to harbor evil intents.

And still came at him!

“Ninger, my stomach is a little uncomfortable. Go to the toilet first, and you eat slowly!” Qin Shaofeng said suddenly.

However, his opening was a bit of suspicion by Tang Ninger, the little lass.

“Ah, brother-in-law, are you really, haven’t you seen people eating? It’s so hateful to say such disgusting things!”

Tang Xin’er was very dissatisfied: “Okay, okay, you go quickly, don’t rush back, wait until I finish eating and then you come back, otherwise it will taste and affect my appetite!”

Qin Shaofeng: “…”

The corners of his mouth twitched twice, and Qin Shaofeng didn’t know what to say.

This little lass is getting bigger and bigger.

Shook the head gently, Qin Shaofeng helplessly said: “Okay, my Eldest Young Lady!”

Qin Shaofeng got up and left directly, but the moment he turned around, the helplessness on Qin Shaofeng’s face disappeared instantly, and there was a killing intent in his eyes.

Oh, I just want to see who’s eyeing me!

Coldly smiled in my heart, Qin Shaofeng looked towards a lonely place to get out.

Then, as expected by Qin Shaofeng, the man in the sunglasses had not finished eating. After seeing Qin Shaofeng’s departure, he straightened out and came over to Qin Shaofeng.

As a hidden Aristocratic Family disciple, Wang Linyun has his own pride.

And unlike the general Wang Family disciple, Wang Linyun is not a powerful martial artist, or to be precise, he is not a pure martial artist.

He is as big as Wang Fei, but in the cultivation of martial artist, Wang Linyun just dare to step into the Innate Martial Artist Realm.

It’s just the Innate Martial Artist Realm. This age may be a rare genius for some ordinary martial artist Aristocratic Family.

But for the powerful Wang Family among the Aristocratic Family, innate talent like Wang Linyun is simply worthless.

Fortunately, Wang Linyun is not the same. He is not a pure martial artist, because he was a phantom when he was born, and he is also a very special spiritual power.

Spiritual powers are very special, even among them. Generically speaking, spiritual powers are very horrible once they become strong.

The most important point is that the psychic powers are also the easiest to improve.

Maybe the speed of the realm promotion of psychic powers will decrease after entering level 8 to become the power king.

When Wang Linyun took an action, he was awakening the spiritual ability. This is also a good seed for Wang Family.

Those who are born with mental powers are very rare.

As a powerful hidden Aristocratic Family, although the Wang Family is mainly a martial artist, this does not mean that the Wang Family will exclude the existence of abilities.

A born spiritual power, even the Wang Family, attaches great importance to it.

If it wasn’t for Wang Linyun’s birth, it is likely that the Wang Family would train it to become the next Patriarch.

But even so, this Wang Linyun has been cultivated by Wang Family and is now a 9th-order power emperor.

Under the same realm, the strength of the psychic powers is much stronger than other power elements such as Fire Element and Water Element.

This is because the attacks of spiritual powers are often invisible and invincible.

What’s more, Wang Linyun’s ability has a special ability, that is, he can directly search the other person’s brain without the other’s resistance, and obtain a lot of memory of the other person.

Therefore, he was photographed by Wang Shihao.

Wang Family can’t take action against Qin Shaofeng openly, but if they do it secretly, Wang Shihao thinks it is feasible.

Wang Linyun is a special genius hidden by the Wang Family. In addition, he has the ability to search other people’s brains. The most important thing is his own Innate Martial Artist Realm.

In Wang Shihao’s opinion, Wang Linyun just met such a condition and sent Wang Linyun out.

Wang Linyun, who received this mission, was also very relieved.

Although he knew that Qin Shaofeng should be a very powerful Martial Sovereign, at least a Martial Sovereign above 6th-layer Realm.

But Wang Linyun didn’t care much. Although he was just the power emperor of Early Stage Realm, according to the division of martial artist Realm, he was equivalent to 1st-layer Martial Sovereign Realm.

Of course, this is just his Spiritual Power Realm, but it is such a Realm that gives Wang Linyun a strong strength.

If it is unexpected, even an expert like Wang Shihao is likely to reach the stage and be defeated by Wang Linyun.

Moreover, it is not the first time that Wang Linyun has seen Qin Shaofeng. During this time, he has used some means to hang around Qin Shaofeng many times.

After finding out Qin Shaofeng’s side, there were only ten Innate Great Grandmasters and no one other than a little girl. Wang Linyun was completely relieved.

Therefore, he intends to take action directly on Qin Shaofeng, and today he appears next to Qin Shaofeng.

At this moment, seeing Qin Shaofeng leave the table, he knew he had the opportunity to do it himself.

After seeing Qin Shaofeng walking to a remote corner, Wang Linyun’s heart was coldly smiled.

Oh, this Qin Shaofeng actually took the initiative to go to a remote corner, this is really bringing about one’s own destruction!

There was a smirk in the corner of his mouth, and Wang Linyun stepped quickly into that corner, and at the same time, Spiritual Power surged, ready to attack at any time.

But in this brief moment, Wang Linyun, who stepped into the corner, suddenly heard a relaxed laugh.

“Yo friend, how are you!”


Wang Linyun was frightened, and subconsciously gushed out the powerful Spiritual Power, directly to the place where the sound came.

But at this time, that voice sounded again, and this time brought a hint of dissatisfaction.

“Oh, I took the action so hard as soon as I met, this friend, I, Qin Shaofeng doesn’t seem to offend you!”

Qin Shaofeng smiled and looked at Wang Linyun in front of him, facing the impact of the powerful Spiritual Power, completely turning a blind eye.

Spiritual Attack?

Don’t be funny, just this point of Spiritual Power, even Divine Consciousness has not been condensed out, and you want to hurt me?

But for such a situation, Wang Linyun’s heart was shocked!


How can this be?

The moment Qin Shaofeng made his voice, Wang Linyun knew that he had been exposed, and I am afraid that Qin Shaofeng already knew his existence.

But it wasn’t this that really surprised and shocked Wang Linyun, but … how was he all right?

Although it was a subconscious attack, he just had a Spiritual Power shock. I am afraid that even the ordinary 2nd-3rd Layer Realm’s Martial Sovereign can’t carry it.

After the martial artist realm promotion, the Spiritual Power will also be improved, but compared to the spiritual power, the martial artist is still very low on the Spiritual Power.

But now he has not suffered the slightest damage to Qin Shaofeng. Only Qin Shaofeng’s Spiritual Power is certainly not weak, which can be justified.

This was beyond his expectation.

However, Wang Linyun’s psychological quality is not bad. Although he was shocked that Qin Shaofeng also has a strong Spiritual Power, he does not think that Qin Shaofeng’s Spiritual Power is stronger than his Spiritual Power.

“Hmph, Qin Shaofeng, don’t think that your Spiritual Power is a bit strong, you can be arrogant in front of my Wang Linyun, compared to my Wang Linyun, your Spiritual Power is still too weak!”

Wang Linyun was sneaked, and an even stronger Spiritual Power burst out in an instant.

This burst of Spiritual Power, although it is intangible, exists, but it is twisted by Wang Linyun, like a sharp sword. Fiercely stabs at Qin Shaofeng’s head.

Qin Shaofeng still smiled, as if not aware of Wang Linyun’s attack.

Soon, Wang Linyun’s face was extremely difficult to look at.

Because of his attack at this time, simply did not differ from the previous one.

Did not do any harm to Qin Shaofeng!

No, to be precise, it has no effect on Qin Shaofeng simply.

At this moment, Wang Linyun finally understood something.

That is, on the Spiritual Power Realm, Qin Shaofeng Realm is definitely stronger than him, and it is not a little bit strong, and many of them!

At least the other’s Spiritual Power Realm has made him despair.

That attack just now, but his full strength attack!

“Who the hell are you?” Wang Linyun asked with a somber look at Qin Shaofeng.

Qin Shaofeng slightly smiled, instead of answering this question, he asked: “You are from Wang Family!”

Wang Linyun complexion changed, inwardly complained in one’s heart, because before I felt that Qin Shaofeng was catching a turtle in a jar and let his fish go, so he didn’t deliberately hide his identity.

Apparently Qin Shaofeng now knew his identity.

“No, I’m not from the Wang Family, I’ve been hired to come to you to settle accounts!” Wang Linyun gritted his teeth and denied it.

“Don’t admit it?” Qin Shaofeng smiled slightly. “It’s okay, I know it myself!”

not good!

After Qin Shaofeng said such a thing, Wang Linyun thought it was not good.

He can search other people’s brains and get the memory of other people’s brains, so is Spiritual Power better than his really strong Qin Shaofeng?

I’m afraid the other party is more powerful than him in this regard!

Thinking of this, Wang Linyun’s heart was fierce, and suddenly a powerful amount of Spiritual Power broke out.

However, at this time, he was not dealing with Qin Shaofeng, but had to understand and keep some hidden information of Wang Family by himself.

But unfortunately, at the moment when his thoughts appeared, his whole body was suddenly stunned, as if the brain had been hit hard, and the whole person was in a daze.


This is the only thought in Wang Linyun’s heart at this moment!

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