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Oh, it really is the Wang Family!

Looking at Wang Linyun, who has completely collapsed to the ground, Qin Shaofeng eyes flash with disdain.

This Wang Family really couldn’t help it.

However, the strength of this Wang Family …

Qin Shaofeng eyebrows is slightly frowned. With his now fleshhy body Martial Sovereign 3rd Layer, the cultivation base is equivalent to the strength of Martial Sovereign Peak Realm, which can completely ignore many hidden Aristocratic Family families.

However, according to Wang Linyun’s memory, Qin Shaofeng is understood. Although Wang Family is now the brightest of Patriarch Wang Shihao, a 7th-layer Realm Martial Sovereign.

But now Qin Shaofeng already knows that there are Four Great Elders above Wang Shihao.

The Four Great Elders of the Wang Family happened to be Wang Shihao’s father.

It is worth mentioning that the previous Patriarch of the Wang Family, including the previous Patriarch, were not Wang Shihao father, but Wang Shihao’s Eldest Brother and a cousin.

The name of this Wang Shihao father is Wang Shengdong. The counterpart is the expert of Wang Family senior Martial Sovereign Realm, but he is a martial artist who has lived for 100 years, and now I am afraid that he is more than 100 50 years old.

The last Patriarch of the Wang Family was a cousin of Wang Shihao, and the Substitute Patriarch was his Eldest Brother.

That Wang Shengdong not only has a very strong innate talent, but also prefers female sex. There are many daughters, and even in his 120s, he gave birth to an excellent son such as Wang Shihao.

As the strongest of the Wang Family, Wang Shengdong was already a Martial Sovereign Realm long ago, and it is said that before Wang Shihao was born, he had already set foot on the Martial Sovereign Peak, but he did not break through late.

Then, after seclusion again, because there was no slight advance, there was anger in my heart, after finding a woman to vent, this was the current Wang Shihao.

“Is Martial Sovereign Peak Realm?”

Thinking of such a character, Qin Shaofeng’s eyes are more or less cautious.

Because the other party has been staying at Martial Sovereign Peak Realm for a long time, and more or less has some trump card.

Somewhat is intractable against such enemies.

And Wang Family is not only a Wang Shengdong. According to Wang Linyun’s memory, Qin Shaofeng knows that this Wang Shengdong is only one of the Wang Family Four Great Elders, and the remaining 3 Great Elders are not weak.

Of course, even so, Qin Shaofeng didn’t care much.

Perhaps Wang Shengdong is very strong, and the Wang Family’s other three Elder strengths are not weak, but if they really fight, those people are simply not enough for him to see.

What makes Qin Shaofeng really care about is not the Four Great Elders of Wang Family, because Qin Shaofeng also got a very unexpected thing from Wang Linyun’s memory.

That ’s because Wang Family seems to have some hidden things, and because of such hidden things, even the hidden Aristocratic Family who owns the Saint Realm world, Wang Family is not afraid at all.

Even in the early years, the demise of a powerful and hidden Aristocratic Family was related to the hidden matter of the Wang Family.

The powerful hidden Aristocratic Family of the extinguish sect has a long-known Martial Saint.

Wang Family accidentally offended the other party, and was knocked on the door, killing many people.

But in the end, the Hidden Aristocratic Family with Martial Saint was destroyed overnight.

Qin Shaofeng can understand from Wang Linyun’s memory that the extinguish sect of the powerful and hidden Aristocratic Family of Martial Saint is related to the Wang Family.

After knowing this, Qin Shaofeng’s mind came up with the idea of ​​directly annihilating the Wang Family, which faded away a lot.

Even the powerful hidden Aristocratic Family of the Martial Saint oversee can be directly destroyed by such hidden things as the Wang Family.

That probably means that the Wang Family may exist in the powerhouse of Wu Saint Realm, or that the Wang Family can use the other strength of Wu Saint Level.

But which one, it is a bit dangerous for the current Qin Shaofeng!

“It seems that we really need to improve fleshhy body Realm as soon as possible!”

After being silent for a while and having a decision in mind, Qin Shaofeng left directly.

As for Wang Linyun’s corpse, an Innate Great Grandmaster soon appeared, and it was disposed of.


Because of Wang Linyun’s appearance, this made Qin Shaofeng return to Fengya Villa soon.

Although Tang Ninger was dissatisfied with this, he had played a lot of places during this time, and little lass was somewhat satisfied.

After returning to Fengya Villa, Qin Shaofeng told her that when her cultivation base breakthrough came to Innate Great Grandmaster Realm, she would take her abroad to play.

But if there is no breakthrough to Innate Great Grandmaster Realm, then continue to cultivate.

Regarding such requirements later, Tang Ninger naturally unwilling to do.

But unfortunately, after Qin Shaofeng told her these words, she didn’t care about her, and sent this little lass directly to the 9 Ling Palace, and it was still a specific area, which was directly designated by Qin Shaofeng, without Innate Great Grandmaster Realm cannot break through.

Then Qin Shaofeng was at peace.

Qin Shaofeng, who returned to Fengya Villa, finally understood what happened across the Pacific Ocean.

“Tsk tsk, didn’t expect those genetically modified organisms to come out!”

Looking at the information given by Xie Lao, Qin Shaofeng froze.

With Qin Shaofeng’s eyesight and understanding of the underground river, when you see the big movements in the Pacific Ocean, you naturally know what is going on.

And most importantly, that prehistoric crocodile-like creature, Qin Shaofeng, was originally sensed by Divine Consciousness, and the big guy was the existence of a tenth-order Realm.

The tenth step is the strength of Wu Saint Realm!

These rice guys are really awesome!

I, Qin Shaofeng did not dare to provoke the situation in the underground space. You are so awesome, and you also made those genetically modified organisms?

To be honest, Qin Shaofeng really admires such a situation.

However, in the face of this situation, Qin Shaofeng’s mind was a bit subtle.

“Looking at this situation, it seems that some people have introduced those genetically modified organisms, so … isn’t all the genetically modified organisms in that underground space out?

The thought of Qin Shaofeng’s mind was excited.

Because if it were, it would be really good.

Once those genetically modified organisms are not present, he can mine the Spirit Stone in that underground space.

The Spirit Stone in the underground space is very pure, allowing him to absorb and enhance his own fleshhy body Realm.

Even with the Spirit Stone of pure Spirit Qi, this can be used to set up a 9-spirit fire array!

When the time comes As long as each spirit jade stone of the attribute takes out a piece, it can arrange enough tempering fleshy body for the real spirit’s 9 spirits to gather fire.

Because as long as the Spirit Jade Stones of several attributes are used to arrange the 9 Spirit Concentration Array, then the pure Spirit Stones can be used as fuel.

Although the 9-spirit gathering fire array arranged in this way is definitely not as powerful as that arranged with a large number of individual attribute spirit stones.

But this is completely enough for Qin Shaofeng at this stage.

At least it is not a big problem to put fleshy body Realm tempering into Wu Saint Realm.

It is worth mentioning that Qin Shaofeng had to admit the cheekyness of Wang Family.

This Wang Family secretly sent Wang Linyun to assassinate him, but on the bright side it was Wang Feiran who continued to find him refining Martial King Dan.

One month before Qin Shaofeng returned, Wang Feiran came to Fengya Villa and left a lot of medicinal herbs and some spirit jade stones.

Qin Shaofeng guessed that it was the time when Wang Feiran came to Fengya Villa to let Wang Family determine his location, because he talked with Wang Feiran on the phone at the time, and finally let Wang Feiran leave things, and he will return to refining Dan later medicine.

Then, I am afraid that only after that time, Wang Linyun came to him and walked around.

However, these are not the key points. The key point is the spirit jade stones left by Wang Feiran at that time. In addition to the Fire Element, Water Element, and Earth Element spirit jade stones that Qin Shaofeng already owned, there are actually 3 Metal Element spirit jade stones. stone.

This is exactly what Qin Shaofeng got together, and the Five Elements spirit jade stone with 5 attributes of Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth.

This is already enough to arrange a good 9 spirit gathering fire array.

Of course he had to advance in advance, he had to have a large number of Spirit Stones that were purely Spirit Qi.

And now might be an opportunity!

Facing such an opportunity, Qin Shaofeng had to say that he was excited.

“Perhaps this is an opportunity!”

a thought flashed through the mind, Qin Shaofeng is planning to go to the rice country.

No matter which underground space now has any other genetically modified organisms, just to give the Bragg family a gift, Qin Shaofeng also feels that he must go once now.

Soon, Qin Shaofeng quietly left Fengya Villa.

Of course, before leaving, Qin Shaofeng deliberately gathered a clone in order to confuse Wang Family and other hidden Aristocratic Family families.

But with Qin Shaofeng current realm, this clone is very barely condensed, and the entire body is in a fuzzy state.

There is no way that Realm is too low to achieve this step, which is actually quite good for Qin Shaofeng.

However, it doesn’t matter, because letting the clone wear clothes, only after revealing the neck and head, Qin Shaofeng let this clone 90% strength, all condensed in this exposed part.

Therefore, this is quite similar to Qin Shaofeng himself, but it can also confuse some people.

After doing these things, Qin Shaofeng quietly left Fengya Villa.

Although it is also the Martial Sovereign Peak Realm, Qin Shaofeng can also use some means to achieve volley flight.

But that’s only a short time and it takes a lot of Fiendgod Inner Qi.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng finally chose to fly.

Ten or more hours later, Qin Shaofeng stepped into the land of Los Angeles again.

Then, finding a neutral position, Qin Shaofeng quickly rushed to the Bragg family.

At this time it was night, but it was very suitable for Qin Shaofeng to catch the road.

However, Qin Shaofeng also found out that this time when he came here, it was 2 looks better than the last time.

People in the country seem to like living overnight. Qin Shaofeng came to Los Angeles the last time, but he still saw the lively scenes at night.

But this time, after the night came, the street was a bit deserted.

But thinking of what happened in the country during this time, Qin Shaofeng knew it.

I’m afraid it’s all because of those genetically modified organisms!

It is just that Qin Shaofeng is still very puzzled, why are those genetically modified organisms not appearing in the Bragg family Headquarters?

Although it ’s deep there, for a tenth-order genetically modified organism, the height of 3 4000 wood is simply not much?

But why didn’t those genetically modified organisms come up from the Bragg family Headquarters that region?

In this regard, Qin Shaofeng felt a little puzzled.

Is it true that those genetically modified organisms have not been found, can they reach the ground from the upper passage?

“Forget it, don’t want that many anymore, let’s solve this Bragg family first!”

Shook the head gently, Qin Shaofeng looked at the tall building in front of him, corner of the mouth slightly raised.

Here’s the Brig Family Headquarters!

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