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As a 9th-level power emperor, killing some rare beasts of 7th grade 8th rank is not difficult for Simon.

Ignoring Kate in shock, Simon a thought flashed through the mind, and the powerful Wind Element power strength gushed out, opening a waterless channel directly on this underground river.

Then, his body flickered, and Simon ran straight towards the upper reaches of the underground river.

Now that he has arrived, he will completely solve the problem. Considering that there may be such a powerful creature above the underground river, Simon intends to go upstream to find all such underground creatures and kill as many as possible.

Simon is fast, and he wants to resolve the trouble here as soon as possible, and then go back.

When Kate saw this, he instantly understood Simon’s idea, clenched the teeth also followed along, but at his speed, it was difficult to catch up with Simon.

But not wanting to save his life!

Now there are many genetically modified organisms coming out of the underground space of this bridge underground river.

Therefore, after a quick search, Simon found 2 3 7th grade genetically modified organisms.

“Sure enough, there are still many such creatures in this underground river!”

Feeling three 3th grade auras, Simon’s gaze was cold, and he immediately took action again.

There are only three 3th grade genetically modified organisms, that naturally cannot be Simon’s opponent, so his take action, the three 7th grade genetically modified organisms also turned into a pile of minced meat.

And this is just the beginning, Simon soon discovered more aura.

Then Simon started to kill.

momentarily, the entire underground river turned into a scarlet, and the minced meat of countless genetically modified organisms appeared.


In the distance, in the underground space, the seven tenth-rank genetically modified organisms suddenly noticed something.

In the entire underground space, these seven tenth-order genetically modified organisms are considered to lead all genetically modified organisms in the entire underground space.

Although they do not care much about other genetically modified organisms, they will not allow them to be slaughtered by Human Race.

These tenth-order genetically modified organisms have already noticed that Simon is killing those genetically modified organisms.

Suddenly, a crocodile looks like, but the size is more than 100 meters of genetically modified organisms, growled, turned into a huge shadow, and went straight into the underground river.


Oh la la !

Simon, who was killing a 7th grade genetically modified organism, suddenly felt a surging sound of water in the distance.

“Hmph, is there another bastard who is dying?”

Simon sneered, his heart sneered.

For these underground river creatures, whether they are their opponents or not, they will charge towards themselves.

In this case, Simon has encountered several times.

But every time he encountered such a situation, Simon waved a azure wind blade to kill the culled underground river creatures directly.

But this time happened unexpectedly.


With a dull noise, Simon was surprised to find that his azure wind blade was breaking, as if it had hit an extremely hard wall.

However, compared to this situation, the colossus that suddenly appeared in front of him was the food that shocked Simon 10000.

“Prehistoric crocodile?”

Seeing a huge crocodile suddenly appearing in front of him, the first thought in Simon’s mind was the prehistoric crocodile that appeared in the movie.

And this one is ten times larger than the prehistoric crocodile that appeared in the movie.

However, what surprised Simon most was the aura of this giant prehistoric crocodile.



This is the last single thought head in Simon’s mind.

Because the moment when this prehistoric crocodile appeared in front of Simon, it was a strength that sent Simon to death.

And it doesn’t give Simon the time to react, just open his mouth and swallow Simon.

Not only that, after swallowing Simon, a 9th-order power emperor, this prehistoric crocodile-like genetically modified organism stirred up surging water waves and ran directly to the lower reaches of the underground river.

After the prehistoric giant crocodile left, not far from the small hole of each and everyone, Kate looked at the surging shadow slightly, and the whole person shivered.

Is Simon dead?

Dignified a 9th-order power emperor, is that dead?

Kate couldn’t believe it for a while, but felt the powerful aura away, and he had to believe it.

What the hell is that monster?

Unexpectedly have such a strong strength?

After a moment of fear in Kate’s heart, she could not help looking at the upper reaches of the underground river, looking at the dark upstream direction, Kate’s heart shivered.

Because he seemed to feel it, the dark place seemed to have a strong presence.

With that in mind, Kate simply couldn’t stay.

This place upstream, killed him, he did not dare to go up, so he can only return to the downstream.

After a little induction, Kate felt it. The prehistoric crocodile who swallowed Simon was gone. Then he cautiously rushed back.

Fortunately, he was relieved that the prehistoric crocodile did not seem to find the passage leading to the lake, and the other party seemed to run directly along the river of the underground river toward the exit near the Pacific Ocean.

Seeing this, Kate did not hesitate to go straight into the passage, then entered the lake again and returned to the ground.

And then, Kate didn’t pause for a moment, and just walked away frantically distantly.

Because now this place has been regarded by him as a very dangerous position.

Kate’s guess is correct because after swimming to the end of the underground river and coming to the Pacific, killing all the Human Races he encountered, the prehistoric crocodile-like genetically modified organism began to summon other genetically modified organisms. Already.

Although it is unable to urge tenth-order genetically modified organisms, even other genetically modified organisms below tenth-order, it can’t drive them all.

But under its summon, there are still 100 7th grade genetically modified organisms, and 20-30 8th-order and 5 6 9th-order genetically modified organisms. In response to its summon, they came out of that underground space.

At this time, a 9th-order genetic modification was discovered. The passage to the surface lake, with some 7th grade and 8th-order genetically modified organisms, was killed directly, and all the subordinates of Vitero were killed. Already.

If Kate is still here, I’m afraid he was killed.

After killing all of Vitero’s subordinates, these genetically modified organisms returned to the prehistoric crocodile.

Then, led by the ten-stage prehistoric crocodile-like genetically modified organism, these genetically modified organisms began to occupy a place in the Pacific Ocean, and Zhanshan became king.

momentarily, people in the country are near here, but countless dead and injured.

Many people have also seen that those genetically modified organisms, especially the tenth-order prehistoric crocodile-like genetically modified organisms, were once considered to be Goras by the Mi people.

This day is regarded as a disaster day by the Mi people!

In the face of such a situation, the Rice military naturally noticed it.

Viteo also immediately received such news, especially when it was known that the places where the powerful rare beasts appeared were just the area at the exit of the underground river, which made him look a little surprised and had a guess in his mind.

And this speculation became frightened after he could not contact anyone in the Explorer base.

Kate really seemed too scared. After fleeing the lake, he simply didn’t want to go back to Viteo, but instead sought a place to hide.

Even when he heard that a giant prehistoric crocodile Golas appeared in the Pacific Ocean, Kate was even more afraid.

That creature is too terrifying!

Even the 9th-order power emperor can be swallowed in one go.

This made Kate give birth to the insecure idea of ​​staying in the country, so he finally escaped from the country and went to a small country in Europe.

What happened in Rice later made Kate very grateful for the decision he made.



Of course, the Rice Army will not believe this. In their opinion, it is nothing more than some special creatures that’s all.

It’s no surprise that the sea is so large that such a powerful creature appears.

Therefore, the Rice Army intends to dispatch an army to destroy these rare beast-like creatures.

Unfortunately, the military of the State of Mi is not aware of the strength of these powerful creatures, and Naveo seems to be afraid that he is now implicated, which will affect his further plans.

Therefore, he concealed these creatures, most likely from the underground river, from the Rice Army.

Therefore, the Rice Army’s estimation of the strength of those genetically modified organisms was seriously wrong, but it only sent an army of ordinary person.

Such a situation is conceivable. Even such a general military scope includes rack fighters.

But unfortunately, in the end these armies were just in a face-to-face meeting, destroyed by those genetically modified organisms.

This made the Mi military start to face these genetically modified organisms a little bit, and then it was a round of missile strikes.

But as a result, not at all has no effect.

Facing the missiles hiding the sky and covering the earth, the tenth-order prehistoric crocodile-like genetically modified organism directly arranged a large strength field to protect all genetically modified organisms.

In the face of such a result, the Rice Army finally felt that something was wrong. These rare beast creatures appeared too powerful.

Eventually, they dispatched the Phantom Force.

But the results are not so optimistic!

Even though it has been paid enough attention, the Mi Army sent hundreds of powers at one time, and it was still led by 100 power empires, of which the level 3 power king was more than 8 people.

But in the end, there was only a metal 9th-order power emperor who barely escaped and was still seriously injured.

The 9th-order metal emperor is an extremely powerful defense. It is no exaggeration to say that the science and technology strength on Earth, I am afraid that only a nuclear bomb can produce sufficient lethality to a 9th-order emperor.

But now it is such a powerhouse, facing a group of rare beast creatures, and ended up with a serious injury.

This made the Mi Army finally understand the seriousness of the situation!

The sudden emergence of such a powerful group of rare beast creatures is a disaster for the rice country.

At this point, Veteau knew something.

He originally thought that Simon’s death was connected, and although it was related to these sudden rare beasts, he did not think about the consequences of Simon’s death.

But the situation in front of him made him clear that Simon was mostly killed by the group of rare beasts.

But the more so, the more he concealed things from any knowledge.

If the news is broadcast, it will have a great impact on him!

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