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Wang Feiran did not disappoint Qin Shaofeng, but in less than a week, he came to the door again.

And this time, Wang Fei was really prepared.

He brought 3 3000 years of High Grade spirit medicine and a large number of High Grade spirit medicine.

Wang Feiran’s intention is very clear, that is, let Qin Shaofeng refining 3 Martial King Dans without side effects, and 20 Martial King Dans with side effects.

For the Martial King Dan with side effects, Qin Shaofeng will call it Martial King Dan directly, and the Martial King Dan with no side effects will be called True Martial King Dan directly!

But the medicinal herb required by Martial King’s refining is really simple.

With some common medicinal herb and some Low Grade spirit medicine, it can be completely refined.

The reason for this is entirely because Qin Shaofeng used some methods when refining Martial King Dan.

The Martial King Dan refining from this method has the ability to squeeze consumption and the potential of the user.

However, for Qin Shaofeng, simply has no burden at all.

Without my Martial King Dan, even if you have the potential to become a Martial Sovereign Realm, I am afraid that under the current conditions of Earth, you cannot achieve Martial King, let alone Martial King.

The elixir that you have now can make you a Martial King, what else are you dissatisfied with?

In fact, Qin Shaofeng is not mentioned. Even people who understand the effects of Martial King Dan, such as Wang Feiran’s cousin, can’t wait to use Martial King Dan.

For many people, being a Martial King is enough!

Since Wang Feiran has the ambitious Wang Family’s next Patriarch, he naturally has to cultivate enough strength.

The 20 Martial King Dans are what he intends to use to train his subordinates.

As for the 3 True Martial Wang Dan, he naturally took it.

Although Qin Shaofeng said, to help Wang Feiran refining the elixir, Martial King is only required to pay for 3 High Grade spirit medicines, and True Martial Wang is only ten High Grade spirit medicines, and they are all just ordinary High Grade spirit medicine.

And this is just the reward. As for refining 3 True Martial King Dans and 20 Martial King Dans, the required medicinal herb is provided by Wang Feiran himself.

Qin Shaofeng gives the number of medicinal herbs required for Martial King Dan and True Martial King Dan. One True Martial King Dan is a 3000-year High Grade spirit medicine.

As for Martial King, it is a normal High Grade spirit medicine that requires 20 strains!

That is to say, 3 True Martial King Dans and 20 Martial King Dans require 3 strains of 3000-year High Grade spirit medicine and 400 ordinary High Grade spirit medicine.

Because this is the first time for such a big business, Qin Shaofeng directly gave Wang Feiran a special treatment price.

That is the required medicinal herb and the reward. It only takes 3 strains of 3000 years of High Grade spirit medicine and 500 strains of ordinary High Grade spirit medicine.

This is a reduction of 100 high grade spirit medicines. Although it is just ordinary high grade spirit medicine, it is also a big price.

This made Wang Feiran very grateful.

Of course, Wang Fei did not know that the three so-called True Martial Wang Dans were just 3 Star-level Nine Layer Spirit Pills from Qin Shaofeng refining.

Even a 3-Star Nine Layer Spirit Pill, Qin Shaofeng can completely refining with ten ordinary High Grade spirit medicines.

As for Martial King Dan, that’s even less.

By means of stimulating one’s own potential, Qin Shaofeng can completely refining a Martial King Dan with 3 strains of High Grade spirit medicine.

In other words, with 3 True Martial King Dans and 20 Martial King Dans, Qin Shaofeng only needs more than 100 ordinary High Grade spirit medicines, and it can be done.

Then, when Qin Shaofeng traded with Wang Feiran this time, nearly 400 ordinary High Grade spirit medicines and 3 3000 years of High Grade spirit medicine were earned.

This is not something that can be described in 2 words of profiteering. This fucking is super profiteering.

No one can make as much money as Qin Shaofeng.

But that sentence was right: Zhou Yu hit Huang Gai and he was willing to hit one!

In Wang Feiran’s eyes, this medicinal herb was too expensive.

For this reason, he has the opportunity to impact Martial Sovereign Realm in advance, and gives it an early use.

The three 3-year-old High Grade spirit medicines are actually the medicinal herb that Wang Feiran used to attack Martial Sovereign himself.

This is his privilege under Wang Family status.

However, after using this time, he has no such privileges.

If it hits Martial Sovereign in the future, he will not have 3000 years of High Grade spirit medicine.

But in this regard, Wang Feiran did not regret it, because he planned to use these 3 True Martial Wang Dan to earn more 3000 High Grade spirit medicine.

As the Eldest Young Master of the Wang Family, Wang Feiran knows many peers of the Aristocratic Family.

And the person who can interact with him is naturally not ordinary. The so-called thing is similar, if it has no identity, simply it is not worth Wang Feiran to associate.

And this time, he intends to use this True Martial Wang Dan for profit.

Of course, these things have nothing to do with Qin Shaofeng.

Anyway, he is already making a lot of money this time. As for Wang Feiran getting these elixir, how to deal with it has little to do with him.

3 strains of 3000 grade High Grade spirit medicine, Qin Shaofeng refining it directly into Nine Layer Spirit Pill.

In fact, these three 3-year-old High Grade spirit medicines have been harvested long ago. How to deal with the spirit medicine can not be planted again.

If not, Qin Shaofeng will probably plant these 3 High Grade spirit medicines.

Since it cannot be planted, Qin Shaofeng naturally immediately refining it to Nine Layer Spirit Pill.

And because there are 3 strains of High Grade spirit medicine from 3000 years old, as the main medicine, Qin Shaofeng directly added 300 strains of Ordinary Level of High Grade spirit medicine again, all together to start refining Nine Layer Spirit Pill.

The Nine Layer Spirit Pill refining in this way is the 4 Star Nine Layer Spirit Pill of Genuine.

Qin Shaofeng also had good luck, and directly refined out ten 4 Star-level Nine Layer Spirit Pills.

What makes him feel helpless is that now that he has 4 Star-level elixir, but he can’t immediately use them to break through to the 8th Layer Realm of the “Fiendgod Collection” foundation.

The 8th Layer Realm in the “Fiendgod Collection” Foundation Chapter is equivalent to the martial arts realm among martial artists.

This is the tenth-level Saint Level powerhouse!

But Qin Shaofeng is now because the fleshhy body Realm can’t keep up, so he can’t move these elixir temporarily.

This is a very uncomfortable situation for Qin Shaofeng.

“Well, it seems that we can only continue to speed up the collection of attribute Spirit Stone!”

Sighed softly, Qin Shaofeng’s helpless face.

However, he also told Wang Feiran and asked him to help collect the attribute Spirit Stone.

Now he has three types of Spirit Stones: Fire Element, Water Element, Wood Element and Earth Element.

On Earth, these attribute Spirit Stones are called Spirit Jade Stones, such as Huo Lingyu Stone, Wood Spirit Jade Stone, and so on.

Although such Spirit Stones are rare, they still exist for the hidden Aristocratic Family.

However, according to Wang Feiran, these spirit jade stones are often used for cultivation to enhance the cultivation technique because they contain special attribute Spirit Qi. They are extremely precious.

Of course, such a precious degree, after Qin Shaofeng refining 3 Martial King dan, and the price of a spirit jade stone as a reward, Wang Fei is directly without the slightest hesitation.

In fact, for Wang Feiran, if it is not a special cultivation technique for cultivation, this general Spirit Stone is not much different from the use of Spirit jade stones with attributes.

Not to mention their Wang Family, that is, other hidden Aristocratic Family families, who can cultivate special cultivation techniques, but there are very few.

Being able to pay for spirit jade stone is actually cheaper for Wang Feiran than High Grade spirit medicine.

This made Qin Shaofeng see that there was less than 9 hopes for the gathering of fire.

9 Although the spirit gathering fire array can also be set with 3 different attributes of Spirit Stone, it can be arranged, and then perform body tempering.

But Qin Shaofeng’s now fleshhy body Realm has reached the Martial Sovereign 3rd Layer Realm.

If this is only to arrange 3 Spirit Gathering Arrays with 9 types of Spirit Stones, then it is unlikely that simply won’t have much effect, unless it has a large number of Spirit Jade Stones.

However, the spirit jade stone in Qin Shaofeng’s hand now has four attributes: fire, water, wood, and earth.

However, the spirit jade stones of these 4 attributes are only 2 or 3 pieces. Even if 9 spirit gathering fire arrays are arranged, the effect is very poor.

Qin Shaofeng estimates that if the 9-spirit gathering fire array of 9 attribute spirit stones can be arranged, even if there is only one spirit jade stone for each attribute, it can also have a strong body tempering effect.

So, still that sentence, he can only collect it slowly now.


Qin Shaofeng didn’t know. After Wang Feiran took those elixirs, he immediately changed his mind.

He originally thought of it this way, taking one True Martial Wang Dan himself and leaving 2 True Martial Wang Dan to trade with others.

As for the remaining Martial King Dan, he just took it for himself.

But after this Wang Feiran had an idea, he kept all the Martial King Dans and planned to trade them with the Martial King Dans. The 2 True Martial Kings Dans were temporarily retained.

Of course, Wang Feiran didn’t plan to go to that genius in Martial King. After all, he deals with people with identity. If there are too many people in the pit, even if he is in his identity, it is a huge trouble.

But he doesn’t need to pit people!

The Hidden Aristocratic Family is very powerful, and there are many who have strong strength, but just like their Wang Family, among other powerful Hidden Aristocratic Family, there are also genius and mediocrity.

For those who are not so talented in innate talent, let alone the potential of Martial Sovereign Realm. Without the help of Martial King, simply cannot break through to become a Martial King.

And often such people are basically some family members.

They were followed by Wang Feiran!

Soon, Wang Feiran took advantage of this opportunity to make 2 dealers of Martial King Dan, and 20 Martial King Dans were soon traded out.

Twenty Martial King dans. He got them from Qin Shaofeng and paid 20 ordinary High Grade spirit medicine.

But these 20 Martial King Dans were sold by him so much that they became a 3000-year High Grade spirit medicine, and 1000 ordinary High Grade spirit medicines, and some spirit jade stones.

From this point of view, this Wang Feiran’s heart is darker than Qin Shaofeng!

Ordinary High Grade spirit medicine, even 20 Martial King Dans were sold by him for 3000 years of High Grade spirit medicine.

If this is known to Qin Shaofeng, I’m afraid it will be a shock.

However, if Qin Shaofeng really knew this, he would not be displeased, but would be very happy.

Because of this, Wang Fei is considered to have opened the market for Martial King Dan for him.

In this case, it would be easier for him to collect Spirit jade stones and High Grade spirit medicine.

But Qin Shaofeng didn’t know that under this premise, this Martial King Dan also caused him some trouble.

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