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There are actually a lot of Aristocratic Family in Huaxia Yin, but many martial artists are not aware of it.

And some hidden Aristocratic Family people like to build villas and manors in some forests.

In the eyes of outsiders, at best, it looks like an invisible rich.

Gao Family is one such hidden Aristocratic Family!

The 5 Great Family in China’s martial artist world, the strongest martial artist is already Martial King.

The hidden Aristocratic Family is generally very strong, and the weakest can be equivalent to the 5 Great Family. Of course, this is only a comparison on the bright side.

The truth is another matter.

For example, there are 100, 100 are the family influence of Wang Family, and there are 100 Martial Kings in overseeing 3.

But no one knows. In fact, many 100 people have broken through and become Martial Kings.

These breakthroughs became the 100 disciples of Martial King, and all went to the Wang Family.

This is because the hidden Aristocratic Family family has ample Spirit Qi, which is very suitable for cultivation for Martial King.

Gao Family is also like so, Gao Family’s estate is a place full of Spirit Qi.

Because of the status of the Gao Family, there is a spiritual eye, although this spiritual eye is almost exhausted.

But even in this state, this allows the Gao Family to have Spirit Qi more than ten times stronger than the outside world.

Therefore, the strength of Gao Family is also good.

On the surface, the Gao Family has 7 Martial Kings, and even rumors are that there is a person Martial Sovereign Old Ancestor oversee.

But in fact, the Martial Kings of the Gao Family have already broken through ten, and now there are ten Martial Kings.

As for the Martial Sovereign Old Ancestor of the Gao Family, it has been secluded for decades and has not appeared for a long time.

However, even if it is not the high Family Old Ancestor, the current Gao Family is still a person Martial Sovereign.

No, it should be said to be 2 people now!

This time, Wang Feiran received a 3000-year High Grade spirit medicine from the Gao Family.

In order for Martial King Dan to buy a good price, Wang Feiran publicized it, and even in front of everyone, asked his cousin who was only promoted to Martial King to take another Martial King Dan.

His cousin is actually well-known, and many people know it. He learned that the other party was suddenly promoted to Martial King, but it surprised many people from the Aristocratic Family.

Because under normal circumstances, even if the other party can be promoted to Martial King, it is estimated that it will be 20-30 years later.

But precisely because of this, after he took a Martial King Dan and was promoted to become a 2nd Layer Martial King, it was completely sensational.

Just when the Third Young Master of the Gao Family was present, I was excited, and I spent extremely expensive. I bought 3000 Martial King Dans for a 3-year High Grade spirit medicine.

For this, he father Gao Yangfeng was furious.

However, after understanding the medical efficacy of Martial King Dan, Gao Yangfeng calmed down the anger in his heart.

As for now, Gao Yangfeng not only did not have anger, even his heart was abnormally excited.


He actually broke through!

In the closet of Gao Family, Gao Yangfeng absolutely did not expect that he could break through and be promoted to become Martial Sovereign!

This Gao Yangfeng is just the Martial King of 9th Layer Realm, and he is already in his 50s this year. He has set foot on Martial King 9th Layer Realm for more than ten years.

During the ten years, he spent a lot of Gao Family resources, but he still stayed where he was.

At this time, the younger son made a fool of Martial King Dan. He didn’t care, but after a little inquiring, he knew that this Martial King Dan was out of the ordinary.

At first he intends to use these 3 Martial King Dans in the right place, so that the Gao Family has 3 more Martial Kings.

But he heard that as long as it is the Innate Great Grandmaster of 10th Layer Realm, take this pill can be promoted to Martial King.

Martial King-level martial artists, even if they are in the hidden Aristocratic Family, no family will be too few.

It’s just that among the Innate Great Grandmaster of the Gao Family, there are only two people in the 10th Layer Realm, one is his old uncle grandfather.

The other party is too old, even if it breaks through, it hasn’t been alive for a few years. Gao Yangfeng feels that it is a waste to use it on the other party.

As for the other person, it was one of his cousins, but the other party barely broke through to the Innate Great Grandmaster 10th Layer Realm. Gao Yangfeng was worried that even if he took this Martial King Dan, the other party would not be able to break through to become a Martial King.

Therefore, he planned to keep these 3 Martial King Dans.

But in the end, Gao Yangfeng suddenly had a clever idea, thinking about taking his 3 Real Martial Kings as his Realm, would he improve him?

He didn’t advance for ten years, and eventually he couldn’t bear the temptation. One could not help but took 3 Martial King Dans.



Feeling his present realm, Gao Yangfeng was extremely excited.

He absolutely did not expect that he could one day set foot on Martial Sovereign Realm.

Although Gao Yangfeng also felt at the same time, although he was promoted to Martial Sovereign, it was still a bit reluctant. The most important thing was that he could feel his body and suffered a very bad loss.

Although this loss has no impact on his health and strength, not at all.

However, Gao Yangfeng knew that such a loss was likely to make him lose a lot of his life, and it is estimated that it would be difficult to improve in the future.

However, Gao Yangfeng did not care about this.

He who has already stepped into Martial Sovereign Realm, although he can’t have as many lifespans as other normal Martial Sovereign, but in his current situation, it is no problem to live another 50-60 years.

As for progress, he has been staying at Martial King 9th Layer Realm for more than ten years, but now it is replaced by Martial Sovereign Realm, but it is completely different.

Not only is it worthless, even in Gao Yangfeng’s view, he made a lot of money.

Now counting him, the Gao Family has 2 Martial Sovereign.

But the appearance of Martial King Dan filled his heart with a hint of ambition.

Now there are more than a dozen Martial Kings in the Gao Family, but many of them have reached 8th Layer 9th Layer Realm.

Even the Great Elder of the Gao Family has now entered the Martial King 10th Layer Realm.

If this is enough Martial King Dan, wouldn’t the Gao Family have more Martial Sovereign level powerhouses?

When thinking of this, Gao Yangfeng’s heart became hotter.

Then, Gao Yangfeng quickly sent someone to inquire about the source of Martial King Dan.

In fact, Gao Yangfeng was still very worried. He was worried that this Martial King Dan was refining from Wang Family.

If Martial King’s origin is really Wang Family, then he can only look at it.

The strength of the Wang Family is very powerful. Even if it is only the strength on the bright side, there are 3 or 5 Martial Sovereign. The strongest is the Martial Sovereign 7th-layer Realm.

This is the existence of their Gao Family cannot afford to offend.

Speaking of this can be considered Gao Family, luck is good, Wang Feiran attaches great importance to Martial King Dan, and has long been divided into 100 provinces and the others, the news that Martial King Dan is Qin Shaofeng refining, giving a deep blockade Woke up.

In fact, when he went to Fengya Villa for the second time, Wang Feiran let his second uncle go with him.

His second uncle is a Martial Sovereign of a 3rd Layer Realm!

Wang Feiran’s attention is also obvious, that is, to explore the details of Qin Shaofeng.

As a result, the second uncle of the 3rd Layer Martial Sovereign Realm could not see the depth of Qin Shaofeng, which made Wang Fei willing to trade with Qin Shaofeng.

And in order to ensure the origin of Martial King Dan, not only him, but also the Wang Family also put a password on 100 Yifan and the others.

Coincidentally, his cousin who went with Wang Feiran had an impure relationship with a female disciple of the Gao Family.

Then, after a drink or something, the pillow was blowing, and the Gao Family knew about Qin Shaofeng’s existence.

Then, Gao Yangfeng was understood, and Martial King Dan was refining by Qin Shaofeng.

Soon, Gao Yangfeng conducted a very detailed investigation of Qin Shaofeng.

After the investigation, Gao Yangfeng made a decision and quietly went to Fengya Villa to win Qin Shaofeng.

As long as he captures Qin Shaofeng, his Gao Family can continuously own Martial King Dan.

In this way, the strength of his Gao Family can be improved rapidly.

This is the real temptation ~ confusion!

Because under his understanding, Qin Shaofeng is not a special existence, and the female disciple of his Gao Family also learned from the cousin of Wang Feiran.

The reason why Wang Family didn’t move Qin Shaofeng was because of some special reasons.

As for these special reasons, although Gao Yangfeng does not know, he subconsciously believes that the Wang Family cares about his identity and status.

After all, among the hidden Aristocratic Family, the Wang Family is also a family that pays great attention to reputation, and in the impression of Gao Yangfeng, the Wang Family does not seem to have had anything strong or weak.

After such an analysis, Gao Yangfeng immediately felt relieved.

Since Qin Shaofeng has nothing to do with the Wang Family, he can rest assured that bold will do it well.

As long as it is secretive, who knows about it?

And in order to hide the situation, Gao Yangfeng also made up his mind, this time he intends to take action himself.

Although he has just broken through to Martial Sovereign Realm, he has been staying at Martial King 9th Layer Realm for a long time.

Now even if he is suddenly promoted to Martial Sovereign Realm, he has not seen too much Realm instability.

Therefore, after careful thinking and detailed planning, Gao Yangfeng set off with several great experts from the Gao Family.

Because the action is to be secretive, so how many people Gao Yangfeng took with him at this time not at all.

He just brought 8 people!

But even eight, this is powerful enough, because these eight are all experts of Martial King Realm.

Except Gao Family Great Elder and several Gao Family Martial Kings below Martial King 3rd Layer Realm staying behind Gao Family, the remaining Wu Wang Quan was taken away by Gao Yangfeng.

The 8 Martial Kings are not the 1st-layer Martial Sovereign of Gao Yangfeng, that is also very powerful, one 9th Layer Martial King, two 2th Layer Martial Kings, and the rest are Martial Kings of 8th-6th Layer Realm.


After another deal with Wang Feiran, Qin Shaofeng was very relaxed.

Because at this time Wang Feiran brought more medicinal herb, even the 3000-year-old High Grade spirit medicine, also brought 6 strains.

At the same time, Wang Feiran also brought a lot of spirit jade stones to Qin Shaofeng.

It’s just a pity that these spirit jade stones are just the Spirit jade stones of Fire Element, Water Element, Wood Element, and Earth Element.

Spirit jade stones such as Metal Element, Lightning Element, and Wind Element are not even one.

This made it impossible for Qin Shaofeng to arrange it, allowing him to fleshhy body realm promotion to the 9 spirit gathering fire array of Wu Saint Realm.

However, Qin Shaofeng was not worried because he had already told something vaguely to Wang Feiran.

If he has more spirit jade stones, then the True Martial Wang Dan he can refining will be more effective, allowing him to take it several times.

This True Martial Wang Dan is the effect of Martial King Realm promoted 1-layer. Wang Feiran can only take 3 True Martial Wang Dan now.

That is to say, he can at most use True Martial Wang Dan to promote his realm to 5th layer Martial King Realm.

But now Qin Shaofeng says he can take it a few more times, so how can he bear it?

Immediately he assured Qin Shaofeng that he would collect more Spirit Jade Stones, and other Spirit Jade Stones of other attributes would definitely be collected.

Of course, this so-called can only take 3 True Martial Wang Dan, in fact, they are just Qin Shaofeng deliberately moved some hands and feet in the refining 3 Star Nine Layer Spirit Pill.

It now seems to work well.

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