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9 In the palace, Qin Shaofeng began to refining the elixir.

The elixir that allows an Innate Great Grandmaster to break through to Martial King Realm, as far as Qin Shaofeng is concerned, can only refining Nine Layer Spirit Pill.

Not much needed, a 2 Star Nine Layer Spirit Pill is enough.

Under normal circumstances, Qin Shaofeng refining a 2 Star Nine Layer Spirit Pill, which only requires ten Middle Grade spirit medicine.

3 Star-level Nine Layer Spirit Pill, in fact, is ten ordinary 1000-year High Grade spirit medicine, you can refining one.

In fact, the 3 Star Nine Layer Spirit Pill can also be refined with Middle Grade spirit medicine.

The 4 Star Nine Layer Spirit Pill, as long as it has a few more High Grade spirit medicine, can also be refined from ordinary High Grade spirit medicine.

But in this way, Nine Layer Spirit Pill refining, although it can also raise the cultivation base level, there are no unstable side effects.

But for Qin Shaofeng, there are some flaws that will affect his body to some extent.

Therefore, for the sake of future consideration, Qin Shaofeng naturally needs the best Nine Layer Spirit Pill for his own elixir.

But for others, and not yet own people, Qin Shaofeng has no worries.

Therefore, at this time, he refining the 2 Star Nine Layer Spirit Pill. He created a large amount of ordinary medicinal herb, added dozens of Low Grade spirit medicine, and then refining it.

This Nine Layer Spirit Pill effect is really bad.

Although it can also improve Realm, let a 10th Layer Realm’s Innate Great Grandmaster directly break through to Martial King Realm, and as long as the number is sufficient, it can also be directly leveled to Martial King Peak Realm.

However, the use of such 2 Star Nine Layer Spirit Pill has certain side effects.

After all, it is based on ordinary medicinal herb plus Low Grade spirit medicine refining, which can be really a effective product.

The final effect, as Qin Shaofeng said, will fully exhaust all the potential of the body and stop at Martial King Peak for life.


This mind your own business, he has already said the side effects in advance, people want to buy it, and then follow the other party’s meaning.

Wang Feiran only needed 3 pills, but Qin Shaofeng this time was a little more than refining, and he directly refined out more than a dozen.

There is no way. In order to prepare to improve my subordinate, let me just start the cultivation subordinate just started, quickly promote to Innate Martial Master Realm, Qin Shaofeng, but let Black Tiger buy a lot of ordinary medicinal herb.

And he just refining the elixir, and directly used those medicinal herbs.

Then, he directly refining out a dozen defective 2 Star Nine Layer Spirit Pills.

And most importantly, such a residual Nine Layer Spirit Pill does not require Qin Shaofeng to pay attention to refining, but only a little refining, and it took 2-3 minutes to complete.

However, Qin Shaofeng not at all intends to appear immediately.

If it can be refining out so quickly, is it still playing with fur?

Let Wang Feiran think that this medicine can be easily refining?

How else can he make a lot of money?

Oh, is it making a lot of spirit medicine?

So, based on this, Qin Shaofeng for was forcibly stayed in the 9 Ling Palace for 2 hours, and then came out.

However, even so, when Qin Shaofeng reappeared, Wang Feiran and the others were startled.

The Wang Family has Alchemist, and can also refining the elixir for Martial King realm promotion.

But whether it is the required spirit medicine or the time it takes, it is very much.

Wang Feiran was ready to wait a long time at Fengya Villa.

So after Qin Shaofeng reappeared in just 2 or 3 hours, he was a little surprised.

“Qin Shao, is that pill refining okay?” Wang Feiran tone with a hint of doubt.


Qin Shaofeng nodded, and in the eyes of the other’s surprise, he threw 3 elixir directly to the other.

“Here are the 3 elixirs you need. I also told you about the effects and side effects. How to deal with it is your own business!” Qin Shaofeng said lightly.

Subconsciously took 3 elixir, and Wang Feiran still momentarily did not come back to his senses.

Martial King Realm’s elevating elixir, refining it so soon?

Wang Feiran felt something unconvinced in his mind, but he felt the elixir in his hand at the next moment, and the unbelief in his heart disappeared immediately after the surging medical power.

Really strong medicinal power!

Looking at the elixir in his hand, Wang Feiran was very shocked. He could feel that the surging medicinal power of the elixir in his hand was enough to make him feel good.

Even Wang Feiran was sure that if he took this pill, Realm would definitely be promoted.

But thinking of Qin Shaofeng’s words, he still kept the excitement in his heart and dispelled the thought of taking the elixir in his hand.

His cultivation talent is excellent. Although entering the Martial King Realm, the cultivation speed has slowed down, but compared to others, his cultivation speed is still fast.

At this rate, he could be promoted to Martial Sovereign Realm at 30 years old.

However, once you take the elixir, the limit is Martial King Peak Realm.

For him, it was worth the loss.

Of course, these situations must be based on the premise that the elixir in the hands is effective.

A thought flashed through the mind, Wang Feiran said to Qin Shaofeng: “That, Qin Shao, this elixir is the first time I have encountered it, and I don’t know what effect it will have after taking it.”

“So, I want my cousin to take one now, breaking through Martial King Realm. In this way, if there is any change during the period, Qin Shao can give pointers!” Wang Feiran laughed.


Qin Shaofeng was disdainful in his heart, pointing a hair, or not trusting the effectiveness of my elixir.

However, Qin Shaofeng did not object!

Seeing is believing, after all!

“Okay, no problem, you can start now!” Qin Shaofeng said indifferently.

Seeing this, Wang Feiran smiled lightly, and then looked at his cousin, making a meaningful glance.

In fact, his cousin had a lot of changes in his heart. He wanted to use the elixir to directly become a Martial King.

I couldn’t bear it at this moment. I immediately went to take a medicine from Wang Feiran, and then didn’t pay attention to anything. I sat down directly on the knee and swallowed the medicine.

He did n’t worry at all because Wang Feiran and Wang Ankai were here, and he was completely relieved.

But there is still a trace of sorrow in his mind, this elixir really can make him promote to Martial King?

And just when he had such an idea in his heart, he was shocked by the next moment, and he felt it, and the elixir he swallowed himself burst into a surge of strength.

Faced with such a strength, he began to subconsciously cultivate this cultivation technique.

Then there was nothing then.

Because when he runs his cultivation technique subconsciously, the surge of strength within the body he actually runs frantically according to his cultivation this cultivation technique.

This speed is at least 100 times faster than his usual cultivating speed.

In this case, it was just a few moments of breathing, and he felt it suddenly. His body shook, as if he had broken through some yoke. His Realm was ascended.

Martial King!

In this brief moment, he clearly felt that he had been promoted to Martial King.

This made him extremely excited.

Martial King, I am also Martial King!

But at this moment, Wang Feiran and the others watching, have long been stunned.

How long has this been?

Ten breaths are gone?

Then, was this fucking promoted?

It turned out to be Martial King, it can be so simple!

Wang Feiran and the others momentarily have some confusion.

“That’s it, no problem now!”

When Wang Feiran was confused, Qin Shaofeng said lightly.

Wang Feiran came back to his senses, then took a deep breath, suppressing the excitement in his heart, and said to Qin Shaofeng: “No problem, I know the effect.”

Slightly paused, Wang Feiran said, “Brother Qin, can you tell me, what kind of price does this elixir without side effects require?”

This time, Wang Feiran changed his name to Qin Shaofeng.

Before Qin Shao, it was not a respectable title, but Wang Feiran just called that’s all casually.

But now that Brother Qin is heard, Qin Shaofeng has been regarded as being equal to him.

Qin Shaofeng smiled softly and said, “Brother Wang is refreshing, and I don’t hide anything. In fact, I don’t have any 3000-year High Grade spirit medicine, and I can’t refining the side effect of improving elixir.”

“And for me, the better the refining elixir is, the higher the level is, the more helpful it is for my pill refining, and it will increase my level of pill refining. So, this reward is nothing but second.” Qin Shaofeng said .

paused and then Qin Shaofeng stated his price.

“So let me refining what elixir, this medicinal herb you provide, like this Martial King Dan that can improve Martial King Realm, I charge 3 strains of High Grade spirit medicine, but Martial King Dan without side effects, I Ten high grade spirit medicines are collected. Of course these high grade spirit medicines are just ordinary ones. “

Martial King Dan!

Sure enough, not just in name only, but also in reality!

Wang Feiran was nodded in his heart. He did n’t feel expensive for the price quoted by Qin Shaofeng.

In fact, he still felt a bit cheap.

However, considering that Qin Shaofeng said that the high-level High Grade spirit medicine refining Martial King Dan with no side effects can improve his Alchemy Technique, Wang Fei has no doubt.

3000 Grade High Grade spirit medicine is very precious. For ordinary martial artist, simply cannot find it.

Therefore, he subconsciously believed that Qin Shaofeng could not find this level of High Grade spirit medicine, and wanted to use his Wang Family to obtain such level of High Grade spirit medicine to improve his own level of pill refining.

However, Wang Fei did not care!

He produced a medicinal herb and Qin Shaofeng refining elixir.

Then he can improve and Qin Shaofeng can improve his pill refining Realm.

This is completely a matter of mutual benefit.

Therefore, he did not pay much attention to the compensation of 3 strains and 1 strains of High Grade spirit medicine proposed by Qin Shaofeng, but found it quite reasonable.

So, after thinking for a moment, Wang Feiran looked up at Qin Shaofeng, nodded and said: “Okay, just as Brother Qin means. However, I don’t have 3000 years of High Grade spirit medicine, so I’ll go back first And come back to trade with Brother Qin! “

More than nothing!

Even if it is Wang Feiran’s status in the Wang Family, he has no qualifications to possess the 3000-year High Grade spirit medicine.

Of course, if he can impact Martial Sovereign now, the Wang Family will definitely provide him with enough 3000 years of High Grade spirit medicine!

As for now, he can only go back to ask his father.

“No problem!” Qin Shaofeng nodded, “As long as there is a medicinal herb, Brother Wang can come at any time, no problem on my side!”

“All right, I’ll leave now!”

After getting an affirmative answer from Qin Shaofeng, Wang Fei immediately led away.

Feeling the aura of his cousin Jin promotes to Martial King, he is very urgent now, wanting to get this Martial King Dan, and then let his Realm rise quickly.

The Wang Family can inherit Patriarch, but it is not just him. If his Realm is higher, the odds are naturally greater.

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