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Will he appear here like this?

Seeing Qin Shaofeng suddenly appear in front of his four people, Kason and the others are going crazy.

The damn detector was broken, and even the enemy was so close that it didn’t detect it.

But Andrew was horrified at the moment.

Because he was only very thoroughly checked, there was no problem with this detector not at all.

The reason for this is that it only shows that the presence of Qin Shaofeng in front of it is beyond the detection range of the detector.

This new type of detector can detect the presence of an 8th order King.

If you want to go beyond the detection range of the detector, there is only …

Tier 9-Sovereign ~!

Is this Qin Shaofeng a 9th Order Sovereign?

The thought of Andrew was trembling at the possibility.

The existence of the 8th-order King is an unbelievable existence to him, which is a blessing in his life at a glance.

Now he actually saw Order 9 Sovereign, which for him …

Definitely fucking dead end!

But next moment, let Andrew flew beyond the heaven.

Because he saw that Kaisen and their three people took action on Qin Shaofeng?

Oh god what did I see?

3 5 Rank 6 Little Brat, are you going to take action on the 9th order Sovereign?

Well, this Kason is really a fool!

I don’t know why, Andrew’s mind now appears to be such an idea.

Maybe it was knowing certain death, no doubt, and mocked Kaisen once in my heart!

The three people, Kason, didn’t know. The thought in Andrew’s mind at this moment seemed to them that the detector must be broken.

In addition, Qin Shaofeng itself does not make them feel any dangerous aura, so they plan to take action directly.

Take down Qin Shaofeng directly!

Of course, I have to say that the thoughts of the three people of Kason are a little naive, and maybe some self-deceit.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

I saw Qin Shaofeng raised his hand gently, and there was no extra movement. The three people of Kason flew out instantly.

“Aiya, it’s over!”

After taking action, Qin Shaofeng seemed to feel something, and a little regret flashed in his eyes.

He really regrets it.

Qin Shaofeng naturally knew that these four people were the so-called genetic warriors.

But he thinks that the genetic fighter’s defense ability should be good, after all, it was transformed.

As a result, he slightly improved some strength.

However, it is conceivable that his so-called improvement is fatal to Kason and the others.

Before the three people landed, they were already dead.


He really is a 9th order Sovereign!

Looking at the three people of Kason who had completely turned into corpse, Andrew shouted in his heart.

Then, when Qin Shaofeng turned his attention to him, Andrew didn’t think so, and he knelt down with both hands and held his head and shouted, “I surrender, I surrender!”

Uh, this?

Looking at Andrew yelling and surrendering, Qin Shaofeng was holding back.

What is the situation?

But soon Qin Shaofeng discovered that the foreigner really planned to surrender.

Well, the other party is afraid of death!

In this case, let the other party have a small life!

Soon, Qin Shaofeng notified some martial artists to come and take away the equipment in front of him, and by the way, dispose of the corpse of Kason and the others.

As for Andrew, he has been escorted to Fengya Villa.

An hour later, Qin Shaofeng had learned a lot from Andrew’s mouth.

For example, the purpose of this time is to detect the strength of Fengya Villa.

As for Andrew’s organization, Andrew doesn’t know much.

It is only known that their organization has the ability to modify genes, and the influence is very large, mainly in the rice country.

But Andrew is just a technician with Rank 3 strength, and his status in the organization is very low, just a little higher than the average genetic warrior.

Andrew is nothing compared to those real high-rises.

However, after listening to Andrew’s words, Qin Shaofeng thought of it. It seems that yesterday there was a Great Family of the Rice Group to find the refining method and Pill Recipe of the spiritual artist Spirit Pill.

It is not whether Qin Shaofeng will agree or not, just because the other party will bring out the so-called US $ 1 billion, Qin Shaofeng wants to call the palm to death.

1 billion US dollars!

This seems like a lot.

But now Qin Shaofeng is clear. If you have money, you might be able to buy some Low Grade spirit medicine, but if you have Middle Grade spirit medicine, then it is impossible.

On Earth, there are many things that cannot be bought with money.

Otherwise, there will be no special currency like spirit jade in the Huaxia martial artist community.

1 billion dollars?

I can’t even buy a Low Level Spirit Pill this time, and still want Pill Recipe and the refining method?

is it possible?

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng is letting the Scorpion Old drop off.

In fact, Qin Shaofeng also noticed that after seeing his refusal, the other party planned to come.

But the aura that scorpion erupted made them honest.

However, Qin Shaofeng is now clear. Old Feng is only superficially honest, but he has secretly performed some small actions.

Andrew they are proof!

Although Andrew is not very clear about the organization they belong to, according to him, Qin Shaofeng is sure that the person who sent Andrew to conduct the mission is definitely the one who previously paid $ 1 billion for the martial artist Spirit Pill. refining method and the influence of Pill Recipe.

As for what the opponent will do after detection, Qin Shaofeng doesn’t know, but he believes he will soon understood.

Because Qin Shaofeng directly sent Andrew back to the organization.

Throw a bait, hoping to lead a big fish out.

“BOSS should be done!”

Andrew cautiously said.

Since surrendering, Andrew has been very careful in front of Qin Shaofeng, and he has already figured it out.

Who is this trying to kill?

The BOSS in front of him is Level 9 Sovereign. If he can follow such a powerhouse, it will be a good thing for him.

Qin Shaofeng also saw Andrew’s inner thoughts, but he said nothing.

Because he found out, the detector that Andrew brought him was very interesting.

Detectors or something, Qin Shaofeng is not unheard of. I think the detector on his Magic Cloud was even more powerful.

With detection capabilities, it is even better.

It’s just a pity that the Demon Cloud hadn’t brought him back. Otherwise, if the Demon Cloud was used for detection, it would definitely detect some Spirit Stones on Earth.

Even the spirit medicine can be easily detected.

However, after staying in Moyun for so long, and also helped Moyun to evolve many times, Qin Shaofeng is still very knowledgeable about some of the mechanical family technology.

When he saw Andrew’s mechanical class, it seemed that the technology was good. This was to let him a thought flashed through the mind, and then he kept the other side.

Like watching Andrew, Qin Shaofeng said: “Andrew, now I give you a chance, just take orders from me, and I will give you knowledge and technology that you can’t imagine. Of course, if you desire strength, you can get it. “

“BOSS I Andrew Austin, why you acknowledge allegiance you, always follow your steps!”

Andrew knelt on one knee, Chen Chen said incredibly.

Not kneeling!

Andrew’s mind was clear, if he didn’t agree, he would definitely die.

However, following such a powerhouse is also a good thing for Andrew.

“Very good, then just like everyone else, just call me Young Master!”

Qin Shaofeng was satisfied nodded, then a thought flashed through the mind: “Since you are already my subordinate, then I will give you something!”

Speaking, Qin Shaofeng right hand stretched out, pointing to Andrew’s forehead.


A pale white rays of light flashed, shot directly from Qin Shaofeng’s fingers, and entered Andrew’s forehead.

When the white light hit, Andrew was startled.

But before he responded, the white light came into his mind and suddenly turned into a huge message.

This is part of the information Qin Shaofeng obtained in the Moyun, but only a very small part, all about the knowledge of detecting energy.

Teaching with Divine Consciousness, Andrew quickly accepted the message, and then …

“Oh my gosh, this … this …”

Andrew called out in alarm, with unbelief in his eyes, and finally looked towards Qin Shaofeng, and asked: “BOSS, it’s Young Master, Young Master, are all the information you gave me true?”

“Of course it is true!” Qin Shaofeng nodded.

“Really! It’s true, my god. The technology in this information is probably 100 years ahead of Earth. No, it is several hundred years!”

Andrew muttered stupidly, his face unbelievable.

But in this regard, Qin Shaofeng is slightly smiled, and he is very dismissive.

The message he gave Andrew was only a very small part, and it was the simplest.

Compared to Earth, Qi Yuanxing’s technology is not as simple as leading the Earth by several hundred years.

You know, the mechanical technology on Qiyuanxing has evolved into life, and it has become a mechanical family.

In terms of technology, the technology of the machinery family is ahead of Earth. I am afraid that it will be 10000 years.

After all, the machine family has evolved to the present, but the existence of such a ruler was born.

Earth is a long way off!


San Francisco, United States, a hidden laboratory under a building.

“di! di! di! ”

A sudden burst of alarm erupted on a computer device in the laboratory.

An experimenter in a white coat hurried over.

“Oh my god, this detection result is amazing!”

The experimenter called out in alarm, but also knew the seriousness of the matter, and immediately passed the result on.

A few minutes later, the results of the survey were reported to appear in an office on the top floor of Great Xia above the laboratory.

At the moment, there are only two people in the office, one of whom is the same person who previously offered Qin Shaofeng a $ 2 billion price to purchase the Pill Recipe and manufacturing method of the martial artist Spirit Pill.

That’s Jack person’s name.

Except for Jack, the rest is Jonathan Breg!

Yes, 2 people are brother, Jack is younger brother, Jonathan is Big Brother.

The two are also president and vice president of the Breg Group.

The Breg Group is a pharmaceutical manufacturing and research and development group, which ranks first in the United States.

But this is only a superficial identity. Jonathan and Jack are both members of the Bragg family, and compared to the Bragg family, their identity can barely be considered high.

And it’s all thanks to their father, who is the helm of this generation of Bragg.

The Brig family is not very well known to ordinary people in the United States.

The most famous place is the Breg Group.

In fact, in the Special Domain of the United States, the Bragg family is very strong.

Because the Brig family has powerful genetic modification technology, subordinate has a large number of genetic fighters.

The Bragg family in the United States has an absolutely strong strength.

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