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Fengya villa.

Looking at the letter in his hand, Qin Shaofeng corner of the mouth slightly raised.

This letter was sent by Jeffrey, and the Gladstone Rook incident happened 3 days ago.

After killing Areggos, Jeffrey brought the Glaston family magicians who were still able to fight, and directly entered the Gretley family Rook.

In the end, under the leadership of Jeffrey, this alternative infighting for more than 1000 years finally ended.

Yesterday morning, after solving everything, Jeffrey immediately wrote a long thank-you letter and let Luke hand it over to Qin Shaofeng.

Although it is English, since Divine Consciousness awakened, learning English is completely trivial to Qin Shaofeng.

In the letter, Jeffrey thanked Qin Shaofeng again and again.

To be honest, this is also true. If it was not Qin Shaofeng refining that elixir, it would also help Jeffrey absorb it, and even expand Jeffrey’s Spiritual Power. I am afraid that the Gladstone family has become history.

Not only that, when Jeffrey left, Qin Shaofeng also gave him a few 1 Star Nine Layer Spirit Pill.

Because the value of the three Huo Lingyu stones is great for Qin Shaofeng, he didn’t want to take advantage of Jeffrey, so he added a few 3 Star Nine Layer Spirit Pill.

It is worth mentioning that in the end, with a try attitude, Jeffrey gave Old Demon King a 1-star Nine Layer Spirit Pill when King Demon was about to be relieved.

The result is self-evident!

Under the effect of 1 Star Nine Layer Spirit Pill, Lord Old Demon actually saved his life.

Nonetheless, Old Demon can live up to 7-8 years, and can only become an ordinary old man who has completely lost his magic.

But Old Demon King did not care, because now the Gladstone family has a new magic king, and he is dispensable.

In fact, there was nothing wrong in Olds’s mind, and he even thought that King Old Demon was the best result.

Because of this, Lord Old Demon finally enjoyed a peaceful old age.

So, in Jeffrey’s view, Qin Shaofeng not only made him the benefactor of the magic king, but also saved them from the Gladstone family, and even allowed the old Demon king to survive and enjoy the benefactor of his old age.

Jeffrey is naturally grateful for such a benefactor.

In addition to delivering the letter, Jeffrey also offered Luke some gifts.

It was actually some Spirit Elements of Water Element and Wood Element. Although they were not as big as the three Huo Lingyu stones, there were quite a few in number.

Taken together, it is completely able to arrange 9 spirit gathering fire arrays.

However, considering that the best array of the nine spirits gathers is an array of nine attribute Spirit Stones, Qin Shaofeng has pressed it, and now the idea of ​​the nine spirits gathers is arranged.

Although it is only three kinds of Spirit Stones, it is still possible to arrange a 3-spirit fire array, but the effect is not very good that’s all.

In addition to these accidents, Jeffrey even gave an island to the Gladstone family directly to Qin Shaofeng for free.

In the letter Luke brought, there were all the documents about the ownership of the island, these all are the documents that Jeffrey had processed.

Now as long as Qin Shaofeng signs his name, that island is his.

This is completely beyond the imagination of Qin Shaofeng, but Qin Shaofeng was not polite to Jeffrey and directly accepted everything.

Seeing Qin Shaofeng did not refuse, Luke’s heart was sighed in relief.

Because Master Jeffrey said, to make Qin Shaofeng subordinate these things, Luke had always been afraid that Qin Shaofeng would refuse it!

However, despite accepting the island, Qin Shaofeng did not immediately go to check the island.

That place will wait until he has time.

In these 3 days, in fact, many people except Jeffrey came to Qin Shaofeng, hoping to buy elixir directly from Qin Shaofeng.

However, Qin Shaofeng rejected this one after another.

Want to buy elixir?


Go to 100 Yifan!

Now Qin Shaofeng has planned to entrust the martial artist Spirit Pill to 100 Yifan and let him sell it.

This way he is also happy!

Of course, in addition to the case of buying elixir, there are also some influences, and I plan to purchase Pill Recipe directly, and the method of refining martial artist Spirit Pill.

However, in the face of these people, Qin Shaofeng simply ignored them and let the Scorpion deliver the guests directly.

Scorpio is now fully familiar with the strength of Martial King Realm, as long as he explodes the aura of Martial King Realm, it is enough to shock many people.

But even so, there are still unwilling people.

Fengya Villa is located on a high mountain outside 2 a dozen or more li. It was originally deserted and uninhabited. Now it has every and everyone sophisticated equipment.

Among these devices, only 3 or 4 blond men were present.

These people don’t seem to be very powerful aura, but if they are induced by Divine Consciousness, they can notice that there is a great strength in the bodies of these people.

But these strengths seem to be just strength similar to life force, without the slightest Spirit Qi fluctuation.

Even if they are magicians, they are not martial artists.

If I were to give them a name, it would be transforming the soldiers.

That’s right, these four people are unique transformation soldiers of the country, also known as biochemical warriors. No matter what they say, they should be genetic warriors.

Because their strength does not come from themselves, or even from cultivation, but from personal genetic modification.

Genetic modification is mutated to obtain a strong strength.

Although this transformation has a small chance of success, if it succeeds, it will be comparable to the martial artist.

Therefore, genetic warriors also have ranks.

The four people in front of them are all genetic warriors, a Rank 3 gene warrior, two rank 2 gene warriors, and the captain, led by Kaisen, is a Rank 5 gene warrior.

“How is Andrew?”

Glancing at Fengya Villa in the distance, Kason turned to shout to a short man who was playing with the instruments.

“Hurry up, don’t rush me!” Said the short Andrew, impatient.

Although Andrew is only a Rank 3 gene warrior, he is a technician. In the escape organization, the status of technicians is often higher than that of ordinary combatants.

Therefore, it’s just Andrew, a Rank 3 genetic warrior, who doesn’t have to watch Kason’s face at all, and can even anger the other side loudly.

However, Kason didn’t care.

The four people are a small team, basically all working together to organize and issue missions.

At this time, their mission was to figure out what kind of battle strength the people in the villa across the street had.

Neil and Mark remained vigilant aside and looked around to see if there was any danger.

According to organizational intelligence, there is an 8-level powerhouse in that villa.

The 8th-level powerhouse is a King-level existence, whether it’s Kason or Andrew, don’t dare be careless.

Until the equipment was completely commissioned, Neal and Mark were not afraid to relax their vigilance.


Suddenly, a device was being fiddled with by Andrew making a noise.

“Hahaha, finally done!”

When he heard this noise, Andrew laughed, and turned to Neil and Mark at the same time, and said, “Okay, now you can take a rest. The exploration instrument has been assembled. From now on, if an expert approaches, the instrument will detect of.”

Neil and Mark heard that, immediately sighed in relief, the tight body finally had some slackness.

But Kason hurriedly said, “Hurry up, quickly detect the villa and see how much battle strength there is immediately. I don’t know why, I always feel uneasy when I stay here!”

Originally Andrew also wanted to say, let Kason do not worry, but after listening to Kason’s last sentence, his heart was also tense.

Like Kason, he was actually a little upset, so he quickly nodded and said, “Okay, I’m going to detect it quickly. After the detection, we leave this damn place!”

After that, Andrew started to fiddle with those instruments again.

Then a while later, Andrew was called out in alarm: “Oh my God, didn’t expect such a small villa, there are so many experts?”

At the moment, there was an approximately 20-inch LCD screen in front of Andrew, and now the display shows this pile of light spots.

green, yellow, blue, and red.

Green has the most light points, there are more than 100, yellow has more than 20 light points, and blue has only 7 or 8 light points, but red has only one light point.

Seeing these spots of light, whether it was Kason or Andrew, or Nick, Mark, they all lost their voices collectively.

Because they knew what the colors of the light dots meant.

One green dot represents a 5th-order expert, a yellow dot represents Rank 6 and blue represents a 7th grade. As for the only red, that is the color of the dot represented by King 8.

There are 100 5th-level experts, 27 Rank 6 experts, 8 7th grade experts, and a King.

I’m afraid that strength is actually hidden in this little villa?

This is incredible and scary.

“This … isn’t that a problem with the detector!” Mark swallowed saliva and said aside.

“Impossible!” Andrew immediately rejected, “This is a new type of detector newly developed in the organization, but it can detect the 8th order King, and it has been checked many times before, absolutely no problem!”

no problem?

Kason and the others glanced at each other to see the restlessness in others’ eyes.

Since there is no problem with the detector, this shows that the detection result is correct.

Looking towards the light spot on the display again, Kason suddenly got cold and said in a hurry: “Since it has been detected, then quickly retreat and spread the news.”

Andrew didn’t say much at this time. Instead, he started to dismantle these instruments.

But just as Andrew started to dismantle, a slightly playful voice appeared in their ears.

“Well, this started to tear down? No, I haven’t seen it clearly!”

Suddenly, four people exploded all over their hair.

Although this speaker is speaking Chinese, I do not know why they understand it.

And it seemed that the sound was ringing directly in their heads.

The next moment, a person suddenly appeared in front of Kason four people.

After looking at this sudden person, the four people were shocked.

Because the person who appears in front of them at this moment is the one who needs to detect the true strength most in their trip-Qin Shaofeng!

He actually appeared?

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