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Because of genetic modification technology, the Bragg family has the status of out of the ordinary.

Even internationally, many great influences are very taboo about the Brig family.

Although in the United States, with the genetic modification technology, the strongest is not the Bragg family, but the Special Division of the United States military.

The Kebregg family, however, is a genetically modified warrior with more than five Tier 5.

And this is a figure on the bright side. Secretly how many Level 8 genetic warriors the Brig family have, I am afraid they only know it.

And according to outside world rumors, the Brig family also owns a 9th-order powerhouse.

9-level powerhouse, that is 1000 in ten-thousand does not have one of the absolute Imperial Family.

At this time, the Brig family looked at Hua Xia, a man named Qin Shaofeng youngster.

Because by chance, the Brig family discovered the existence of the martial artist Spirit Pill.

Out of psychological curiosity, I’m also interested in the effect that elixir has on martial artists.

The Brig family bought three low grade martial artist Spirit Pill.

Then he brought back the Bragg family.

At first, no one cares, because it has an effect on the promotion of the martial artist, it does not mean that it has an effect on the genetic warrior.

Martial artist is cultivation, but genetic warriors are just genetic modification, the two are not the same.

But in an unintentional situation, the Breg family member accidentally threw the elixir into the ground, and then fed his pet dog, and the situation was completely different.

As the Bragg family with powerful genetic technology, they basically do some genetic modification of themselves.

Of course, the people of their Breg family will not completely distort their elites to go to strength increasing.

They just use their own genes for low-light regulation to keep their genes in the most perfect state that’s all.

But this is also limited to themselves, to others, it is different.

For their own safety, every member of the Brig family has a strong genetic warrior around him.

Even their own pets will be transformed into strong pets of strength.

The dog of the Brig family member is just an ordinary golden retriever, which his mother gave him when he was a child, and has been raised until now.

Of course, the Golden Retriever was more than 20 years old before that, and it was naturally genetically modified to live so long.

However, after all, this is just an ordinary golden retriever. Even if it is genetically modified, it cannot be leveled to go.

The Golden Retriever just barely gave the strength to the 2nd-order Realm, although over the years, the Breg family member also wanted to raise the Golden Retriever’s strength.

But until now, limited by its own genetics, the golden retriever did not break through to Rank 3 anyway.

But after swallowing that elixir, things changed dramatically.

That golden retriever has promoted to Rank 4!

Yes, it is not Rank 3. A elixir directly promoted the golden retriever to promotes to Rank 4.

Suddenly, the member of the Bragg family knew that the elixir in his hand was not ordinary and immediately reported it to the family.

When the Brig family learned of this, immediately they examined the golden retriever.

The results of the inspection were shocking to the researchers of the Bragg family.

Because the golden retriever can no longer be genetically modified, genetic evolution has actually occurred.

Genetic evolution is very rare.

Even with the gene technology of the Bragg family, it is not easy to evolve a gene of a life.

For the Brig family, genes can be modified and adjusted, but it is very difficult to make them evolve.

However, once genes have evolved, it is definitely a huge change.

But genetic evolution is not necessarily all good, there are also bad aspects.

Once the direction of evolution is wrong, it is very bad.

Even with the strength of the Bragg family, it is difficult to evolve a lifeform gene, and it is even more impossible to control the direction of evolution.

But the situation of that golden retriever was very weird.

Because its genetic evolution has only achieved an enhanced evolution on the original basis, it is very rare.

And most importantly, researchers from the Bragg family discovered that this was all brought about by the magical elixir.

In fact, the Brig family has long researched Chinese elixir. Whether it is the so-called Innate Pill or other elixir for improvement and treatment, they have all studied.

However, their research was found that the elixir from the Chinese martial artist refining was basically just a combination of the special energy of the medicinal herb to force the users to improve.

And this kind of promotion has a great impact on the gene not at all, but it has stimulated the physical body and caused a corresponding promotion.

Even the true elixir refining by the Alchemist, the Brig family has obtained it and studied it.

But research has found that even if the elixir is the best, it will have no effect on genes.

Therefore, for the Chinese medicine martial artist refining elixir, the Bragg family has long ceased research.

But the Brig family now finds themselves wrong, because this so-called martial artist Spirit Pill can actually enhance genes in general.

It will not affect the genes of lifeform itself, but only a special reinforcement based on the original.

But this is exactly the point that the Breg family took seriously.

Just an evolutionary evolution?

This is enough!

Because of this, if they are leveled up with their genetic modification technology, then this elixir can completely strengthen the genes of the transformed people.

For example, this golden retriever is only a second-order Realm. After the effect of the elixir, after a genetic evolution, it has become the existence of Rank 2.

Rank 4’s strength is nothing to the Brig family simply.

But if this kind of genetic evolution strength is used for people in the High Level section!

For example, 7th grade, 8th grade, and even 9th grade!

Imagine some people, through genetic modification technology, can only become 7th grade fighters at most, this is the limit.

There is also a limit to a person’s genetic modification, and it is impossible to carry out unlimited transformations.

At least the current technology of the Bragg family can’t do that step at all.

In a human body, 7 or 8 times of transformation and optimization have reached the limit of one person.

Therefore, in many cases, the 7th grade is the limit of the human body, and even most people, their limit is at most Rank 6.

The higher the level, the fewer people you can reach!

If not, the Brig family would have owned a cluster of 8th-level King-level powerhouses.

They can’t do it!

But now they see hope. The advent of this martial artist Spirit Pill’s elixir can carry out a genetic evolution for those who have reached their limit.

In this way, Rank 6 genetic warriors can be promoted to 7th grade, and 7th grade can be leveled to 8.

For level 8, you can …

Just thinking about it, the Bragg family became extremely hot.

Of course, this situation is not so easy to achieve.

The higher the level, if you want to carry out such genetic evolution, the special energy of the elixir will increase.

However, the Brig family didn’t care.

More is more, this is better than nothing!

Then, at the second auction of the 100, the Brig family sent someone to participate in the auction.

And this time, whether it is Low Level Spirit Pill, or Middle Level and High Level Spirit Pill, the Brig family bought some.

After researching the results, the Brig family found that these so-called Spirit Pills are really good, and they can genetically evolve the genetic warriors who have reached the limit of transformation.

But as said before, the higher the level of genetic warriors, the more special energy in Spirit Pill is needed.

The Bragg family refers to these special energies as Spiritual Energy!

But according to the level of Spirit Pill, even the Spiritual Energy contained in high grade martial artist Spirit Pill can only make the Rank 6 gene warrior evolve into a 7th grade gene warrior at most.

Unless you have a large number of high grade martial artist Spirit Pill, and then promote enough Spiritual Energy from it, then 7th grade genetic warriors can evolve into 8th grade genetic warriors!

For the Brig family, what they value is not the number of high grade martial artist Spirit Pill that they need to care about, whether they are successful or not.

Now that it is determined to be successful, the other thing is how to get more high grade martial artist Spirit Pill.

But 100 places in China are special!

Breg is confident that if they really intend to start with 100 companies, there is still hope that they will win 100 companies.

But the cost of doing so is huge.

And the most important thing is that there are some close links between the 100 companies and Huaxia officials, which makes Bragg dare not rush into the 100 companies.

Fortunately, after many investigations, the Brig family found that the true origin of these martial artist Spirit Pill was not 100, but a youngster named Qin Shaofeng.

This is easy to do.

There is no need to take action on 100 companies. It is easy to obtain the manufacturing process and secret recipe of martial artist Spirit Pill from a youngster.

I don’t want to end up with such a thing, but I still get messed up.

Because of the sent-out Jack, he actually planned to buy the counterpart’s manufacturing method Spirit Pill for 1 billion dollars, but was rejected by the other party.

Such news, after returning to the Bragg family, caused a lot of voices from other members of the Bragg family, blaming Jack for doing things wrong.

This is no wonder, after all, Jack did n’t really understand the matter in advance, and Jack ’s personality was a little too much of a playboy, and he regarded the average person as low and the others. Human Race.

The other Human Races are only deserved to be servants of their Bragg family.

In fact, not only did Jack have this idea, many people in the Bragg family have such ideas.

After many generations of genetic optimization and adjustment, the people of the Bragg family are now very good at genetics.

Of course, they think that their genes are the most perfect, they are the most outstanding and highest grade Human Race on Earth.

Jack is an arrogant, and he believes that Qin Shaofeng himself is an ordinary person, and fortunately he got the magical elixir manufacturing method, which is a lucky guy that’s all.

Jack is not a martial artist, let alone Alchemist, so it is simply impossible for him to know how difficult it is to refining martial artist Spirit Pill.

In Jack’s view, the martial artist Spirit Pill is just a special medicine, as long as you master the manufacturing method, anyone can make it.

So he didn’t take Qin Shaofeng simply seriously.

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