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Chapter 1501 is coming from a strong enemy

Only need to kill 9 Barbarian Race extreme fighters, then Qin Shaofeng’s “Infinite Kill” mission, then the tenth 1 Star indicator can be completed

“It’s almost nine!”

Looking at the number in the mission column on the system property interface, Qin Shaofeng was a little bit hot.

After all, this tenth 1 Star reward is very objective!

And now Qin Shaofeng has also sensed it. On this main battlefield, there are many outstanding fighters in the Barbarian Race.

But the problem is that if these top fighters are scattered, even Qin Shaofeng alone will not be able to kill them quickly, even if they use Shenjin.

After all, this is the main battlefield, and he can no longer carry on the instant movement with Divine Consciousness.

And it is precisely because this is the main battlefield that this led to the extreme fighters appearing here, basically with a large group of other Realm’s Barbarian Race fighters.

Barbarian Race seems to be dominated by an extreme warrior, bringing a Legion battle.

Therefore, for Qin Shaofeng, killing a Barbarian Race warrior is no less than killing a Barbarian Race Legion.

Although Qin Shaofeng is not afraid, in fact, once Qin Shaofeng is entangled, it can be easily besieged by other Barbarian Race Legion, which is not a good situation.

Fortunately, facing this situation, Qin Shaofeng also has a solution.

Then use the magic shadow to kill the extreme fighters in the Barbarian Race!

According to Qin Shaofeng current realm, the magical shadow cast by the show has a strong strength. If it is a sneak attack, it is very likely that a Barbarian Race’s extreme warrior will be seriously injured or even killed directly.

If it is direct Self-destruction, then there is no need to say much, even if it is the ultimate warrior in the Barbarian Race, as long as the strength is not very strong, basically it can’t escape Qin Shaofeng’s Self-destruction-type attack.

certain death, no doubt!

In particular, in order to improve the formidable power of the magic shadow, Qin Shaofeng also deliberately consumed 2 100 Skill Points, leveling the eye of Fiendgod to 7 stars, making the formidable power of the magic shadow more powerful.

Eyes of Fiendgod: Super Divine Rank Skill, eyes with True God and True Demon strength, and strong strength above the law.

The current level is 7 stars, with exclusive skill Fiendgod space, Fiendgod huge strength, Fiendgod command, magic writing mark, magic shadow, retrospective, reincarnation Dojutsu, Fiendgod copy, Fiendgod soldiers, Fiendgod amulet, God Demonization body, magic power . (Upgrading under 1 Star requires 300 Skill Points)

After Qin Shaofeng leveled the Eye of Fiendgod to 7 stars, the formidable power of those skills awakened by the Eye of Fiendgod has been improved accordingly.

If the magic shadow, Qin Shaofeng split apart can make ten shadow clones.

Of course, even if Qin Shaofeng split apart out of the number of 100 shadow clones on the 1000, it is all right, but the more the number of shadow clones split apart, the stronger the shadow clone’s strength will naturally be.

And if you split ten shadow clones apart, it will make these ten shadow clones have 80% strength comparable to Qin Shaofeng’s own.

Qin Shaofeng now has more than 90000 7000 Law Cores inside the body.

That is to say, at the moment in the Inner World of Qin Shaofeng within the body, 97 1000 star arrays have been arranged, which is equivalent to reaching 97 Grand Dao lines Realm.

And Qin Shaofeng owns Power of Laws from ordinary Supreme Ruler cultivation, but his own Fiendgod eyes and Fiendgod body give birth to cultivating Divine Demon’s Power, which makes the strength even stronger.

Therefore, even if it is only Qin Shaofeng 80% strength, it is very powerful.

In particular, the 7-day awakening skill of the Eye of Fiendgod at this time is more advantageous for the magic shadow.

Divine power solidification: One of the exclusive skills of the Super Divine Rank Skill Fiendgod, which belongs to a special Active Skill, after using, can solidify its own Divine Demon’s Power.

At first Qin Shaofeng’s introduction to this divinely solidified attribute is somewhat incomprehensible.

But after some practice, Qin Shaofeng finally understood what this so-called solidification meant.

This is a solidification of Qin Shaofeng’s own Divine Demon’s Power.

These cured Divine Demon’s Power can also allow Qin Shaofeng to be stored elsewhere. Although it cannot be stored for a long time, if it can be used, it can still have a great effect.

For example, Qin Shaofeng puts his Divine Demon’s Power on the shadow clone split apart from Divine Demon Shadow after curing, which is equivalent to storing a large number of Divine Demon’s Power for this shadow clone.

This will not only keep this shadow clone for a longer time, but even burst into a very strong formidable power.

In fact, it is a shadow clone with 80% of Qin Shaofeng’s own strength. There are still many skill and martial skills that cannot be exhibited.

It is only equivalent to 80% strength, but it is not Divine Demon’s Power is also like so. If you want the shadow clone to have 80% of Divine Demon’s Power, unless Qin Shaofeng is in the state of God’s recovery, use this magic shadow.

Otherwise, Qin Shaofeng can split apart at most to produce such a shadow clone.

After all, ten 80% of their own Divine Demon’s Power is equivalent to 8 Divine Demon’s Power owned by Qin Shaofeng.

Without the help of God’s recovery, simply cannot complete.

And even in the state of God’s recovery, cast the magic shadow, so that the ten shadow clones have Qin Shaofeng 80% of Divine Demon’s Power.

However, after all, shadow clone is not Qin Shaofeng himself, Divine Demon’s Power existing within the body. Too much, it will affect its own state, and make it as a whole unstable.

In this case, it is difficult to keep the shadow clone for a long time.

But now that the divine power is solidified, such a problem is completely solved. Even if it is Divine Demon’s Power, which far exceeds the limit of the shadow clone itself, only one divine power is solidified, it is still very stable.

Of course, even if there is divine power, Divine Demon’s Power cannot allow shadow clones to store unlimited.

Basically, a shadow clone with the help of divine solidification can store several times as much as Qin Shaofeng’s own, and even more Divine Demon’s Power.

This mainly depends on how strong the shadow clone is.

If there are more than 1000 shadow clones split apart, each shadow clone can only store up to 2 times the power of laws of Qin Shaofeng with the help of divine power.

If it is 100, it can store 5x. If it is ten, it is ten times.

For 3 shadow clones, it is Divine Demon’s Power that can store 50x Qin Shaofeng itself.

If only a shadow clone is split apart, then the Divine Demon’s Power that this shadow clone can store is 100 times the Qin Shaofeng itself!

This is terrifying.

Of course, for such a shadow clone, Qin Shaofeng didn’t dare to try it, because even the huge Divine Demon’s Power, even if he was not able to control it.

It is very likely that once it appears, the shadow clone will explode instantly.

Just ten number of shadow clones, then a shadow clone with the help of divine solidification can store ten times more Divine Demon’s Power than Qin Shaofeng itself.

In this way, the strength of the ten shadow clones is even more powerful, basically equivalent to the strength of some Realm Supreme Ruler with more than 170-180 Grand Dao lines.

If these shadow clones did not have some special abilities such as the eyes of Fiendgod, I am afraid that strength would be even more powerful.

However, this is enough, the strongest against the Barbarian Race extreme strength like his jaw kui, the strength of these shadow clones is also sufficient.

With Qin Shaofeng’s own shadow clone, which is ten times the Divine Demon’s Power, it can completely burst out several amazing formidable powers.

Moreover, it is still a holy hand of Qin Shaofeng’s full-strength, such a formidable power, even if it is a Barbarian Race powerhouse like Ji Kui, it cannot be resisted.

Even if it is Self-destruction directly, it only needs a shadow clone to kill the fighters who are as strong as the strength of the jaw queen.

Of course, the strength of the jaw kui mentioned here does not add the body of the jaw kui, the layer of purple light strength given by his father jaw.

In general, the shadow clone with solidified power can fully possess the strength of killing the top fighters in the Barbarian Race.

And because it was killed by its own shadow clone, this can be considered Qin Shaofeng himself.

So, now Qin Shaofeng is showing the magic shadow, split apart out ten shadow clones, let ten shadow clones 4 find the ultimate warrior to kill.

In fact, if this were not the case, Qin Shaofeng would not be possible now. In such a short period of time, 91 Barbarian Race fighters have been killed.

And it is precisely because Qin Shaofeng killed the top fighters in the Barbarian Race, and the Antiquity Saint Domain finally sent to the powerhouse with the title of Realm, and entered this wild animal kingdom, which led to the wild animal kingdom and Antiquity Saint Domain. In the two-party battle, the Antiquity Saint Domain side became more and more dominant.

If it were n’t for the existence of a special Barbarian Race fighter who could drive a large number of barbaric beasts, I ’m afraid that on the battlefield Barbarian Race, simply is not an opponent of Antiquity Saint Domain.


“Well, it’s another one, it’s already the 94th, and there are 6 left!”

Somewhere, Qin Shaofeng murmured softly, with a slight tone of joy.

Because just now, he felt that one of the ten shadow clones scattered out by himself killed one of the most extreme soldiers.

However, at the same time Qin Shaofeng’s mind was slightly regrettable.

Because Qin Shaofeng lost his sense of the shadow clone at the same time as the kill, it was clear that the shadow clone was Self-destruction and killed the Barbarian Race fighter.

Although the strength of the ten shadow clones is already very strong, if you encounter a Barbarian Race fighter with a large number of fighters, it is basically difficult to use other means than Self-destruction to target the fighters.

Qin Shaofeng’s instructions to the ten shadow clones are to use the self-destruction attack method to perish with the target if they still cannot kill the target after using a lot of means.

Although this way, you can’t get the brutal pattern of an extreme warrior, but that’s nothing.

“Well, forget it, as long as you can complete the mission!”

Shook the head gently, Qin Shaofeng put away his regrets and looked up into the distance.

“Then I started to act. According to information from Hu Ye, Northwest seems to have 3 or 5 extreme fighters. Don’t miss it!”

Qin Shaofeng was planning to set off when he was in shape.

But at the next moment, Qin Shaofeng seemed to notice something, his face changed sharply, and his eyes were even more shocked.

Later, before Qin Shaofeng looked up, he heard angry roar.

“Qin Shaofeng thief, this King has found you!”


An explosion sounds, a powerful aura, rolled in an instant.

In this brief moment, Qin Shaofeng seemed to feel that the whole sky was suppressed by this aura, fiercely.

Strong enemy!

Absolutely strong enemy! ~

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