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Chapter 1500: Nine Left

Now there is only a brutal beast, with its own Grand Dao Law.

This is a very strange thing.

However, for many Ruler Supremes, this is an opportunity, a Supreme opportunity.

A complete Great World, in the center of Grand Dao Law, there will be a special place, this is the Grand Dao ladder.

The Grand Dao ladder can be said to be the core of a complete Great World, but it will take a special form and exist as a ladder.

This kind of staircase is entirely based on the strength of Grand Dao Law, a kind of existence of Grand Dao Law from nothing to concrete.

Therefore, this ladder has the purest strength of Grand Dao Law.

It seems that the Grand Dao Sky Ladder has countless steps, and each time you climb the ladder, you can get a layer of Grand Dao Law’s insight and strength.

It is said that if you can climb to the apex of the Grand Dao ladder, it can become a general existence of the Grand Dao Law, or even replace the Grand Dao Law.

You need to know a complete world, but it even works because of Grand Dao Law.

Being the existence of Grand Dao Law, it is naturally the existence of Supreme.

As a Great World like the ancient continental, naturally it also has a corresponding Grand Dao ladder. According to Hu Ye’s information, Qin Shaofeng understood that the ancient Dain continental ladder is actually very powerful.

But I don’t know when it started, the Grand Dao ladder of the ancient continent disappeared.

No, to be precise, it doesn’t really disappear.

This situation, at most, is the Grand Dao ladder of the ancient continental, which no longer shows that’s all.

If it really disappears, then the Grand Dao Law of the ancient continental should also disappear. In this case, the ancient continental is probably not there anymore.

But now in this brutal beast, it is the Ruler Supremes of Antiquity Saint Domain who show the Grand Dao ladder of brutal beast with some kind of strength.

As a Realm’s powerhouse such as Ruler Supreme, naturally there are few things that can arouse their interest and make them fascinated.

The things that have allowed so many Ruler Supreme to plan for many years are naturally not simple.

Now it’s clear what the true purpose of these Ruler Supremes is.

Win all Barbarian Race?

Conquer the entire brutal beast?

What a joke, how can a brutal beast-like place cause the conquest of these Ruler Supremes?

Their real goal is actually the Grand Dao ladder that’s all.

Although the Grand Dao Law of the Brutal Realm and the Grand Dao Law of the ancient Continent appear to contradict each other, it does not matter because the Grand Dao Law of the Brutal Realm can be completely eroded by the Grand Dao Law of the Ancient Continent.

In this way, it can also be explained that the Grand Dao ladder of the brutal beast can also play a role in the cultivator of the ancient continental.

The Grand Dao ladder is a good thing. You just need to climb up, you do n’t need cultivation at all, you can get the corresponding Power of Laws and Realm.

Even if you reach Ruler Supreme this Realm, you can get a boost.

To know that if a Ruler Supreme wants to improve, the difficulty is 10000 points.

Without sudden enlightenment, I am afraid that 100,000 or even millions of years will not get a slight improvement.

This is why, at this time, the invasion of the brutal beast world, no matter which great influence, or even the Ruler Supreme among the Antiquity Saint Race and the ancient Demon Race, temporarily put down the grudges and all joined together.

Now finally seeing the results, these Ruler Supremes are naturally a bit excited.

As for the King of the Barbarian Race, these Ruler Supremes simply didn’t care.

In fact, whether it ’s the King of the Barbarian Race now, or the old Shun leader and even a Barbarian Race, they never thought that they were invaded by the ancient continent at this time. In the final analysis, it was not because of them, but because of them. The animal world itself!


Brutal beast, on a dilapidated battlefield.

“Hmph, these Anticulty Saint Domain cultivators are really bad!”

Looking at the ten corpse in front of me, the jaw was quite disdainful.

The ten corpse under his feet were exactly the powerful team sent by Ancient Race, which was all titled Emperor.

This team is really strong, and even the jaws are very strong, so they used their real strength, the special strength after combining the two types of Grand Dao Law.

After the real strength broke out in the jaws, how long did the whole battle not at all end?

In the end result, Jaw was able to forcefully kill Ancient Race, a strong great array, with his strong strength.

That ’s right, it ’s violent killing. The jaw-strength strength really broke out. Simply is not what these 2 Ancient Race powerhouses can compete with.

Jawman naturally has a general understanding of the situation of Antiquity Saint Domain. He also knows some situations of Antiquity Saint Domain. He knows that the team that he killed is a powerhouse with the title of Emperor Realm.

This made him angry, and finally poured out a lot.

Although I couldn’t find Qin Shaofeng, to avenge my elderest son and young son, but to kill a large number of geniuses in Antiquity Saint Domain, and some true powerhouse, this can be considered good.

But just in the mood for a short while, Jaw’s face suddenly became gloomy again.

Because at that moment, the golden armor ladybug Insect Queen who contacted him gave him a very irritating message.

He had another son killed!

This time is his 3rd son, 3 zygomatics, and also a good Barbarian Race warrior who is innate talent. Although the 3 zygomatics is slightly inferior to the eldest son and the young zygomatics, but compared to others For Barbarian Race geniuses, that’s definitely genius.

And just yesterday, Jaw learned that he had three jaws, and also integrated many Grand Dao patterns. Realm promotion to 3 Realm, which became the top fighter in the Barbarian Race.

But it is precisely because of this that his three jaws are also immediately rushed to the battlefield to kill the army of Antiquity Saint Domain.

I don’t want the other party to have yet to make a contribution, beheaded and killed a cultivator who merged with an Antiquity Saint Domain.

With such information, Jaw’s heart was extremely angry.

Although there are many sons, there are only a few people who can see him and be regarded as his own son.

But now, the jaw owl with the most innate talent first, and then the strongest eldest son jaw queen, now it’s his 3 sons, and they have all been killed.

Even if this is the case, what makes the jaw mane 10000 points extremely angry is that at this time, like the jaw kui and jaw concubine, the killer who killed his 3 jaw concubines was the Qin Shaofeng!

Knowing this result, one can imagine how angry the jaw was.

He has only a few sons who can please him, and now 3 of them are the most outstanding ones. They all died in Qin Shaofeng’s hands.

“Damn Qin Shaofeng, I’m not going to kill you, I swear I won’t be human!”

The jaw was roaring constantly, and an extremely surging aura burst into his body.

Under this surging aura, the corpse of the 2 Ancient Race powerhouses at his feet were instantly shaken into powder.

The Antiquity Saint Domain powerhouse, which can have 100 lines of Grand Dao, has already passed the powerful Grand Dao Law and has been regularized. It has an extremely hard defense force, and the general strength is hard to hurt.

But now it is aura with a jaw, and Zhen has become a fan!

From this we can see how terrible the strength of the jaw is.

Not only that, at the moment when the jaw was exploding, a path of fissures cracked in the ground centering on him, and these fissures extended a distance of 100 miles.

If someone looks at it from a high altitude at this moment, you can see that the earth seems to be hit by fiercely by a giant giant, and the ground is broken up.


After the roar erupted, the jaw was turned into a black light, flickering toward the farthest like lightning.

At this time, Jawman finally knew the trace of Qin Shaofeng from the death of his 3 sons.

He had thought about where Qin Shaofeng was, and even he had some speculation in his mind that Qin Shaofeng had already withdrawn from their wild animal world.

But he was absolutely didn’t expect, Qin Shaofeng not only did not hide at the moment, but also did not withdraw from the brutal world, but appeared on the main battlefield where the brutal world was fighting the Antiquity Saint Domain 2 army.

However, now that it is understood, it will soon end.

In Jawan’s opinion, as long as he gets there, Qin Shaofeng certain death, no doubt.


At the same time, Qin Shaofeng simply didn’t know that the extreme warrior in the Barbarian Race that he had just killed was actually the third son of the jaw barbarian.

Even Qin Shaofeng didn’t even know the name of the other party. After he noticed the aura of the jaw, Qin Shaofeng’s heart was shocked and he was very happy.

“Hahaha, it’s another quota, and this strength seems to have become the ultimate warrior, it’s easy to succeed!”

It’s really easy to succeed, because the moment Qin Shaofeng flashed to the other side, he was directly bombarded and killed.

Instant kill !

Absolute instant kill!

With Qin Shaofeng’s current strength, instant killing a Barbarian Race that has just entered Realm’s Extreme Warrior is simply not necessary.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng didn’t even understand what the name of the extreme soldier he killed and what status he had in the Barbarian Race.

From Qin Shaofeng’s point of view, the jawcrew that was just killed just gave him the indicator of the 1th Star of the “Infinite Kill” mission, and only added a progress.

At this point, Qin Shaofeng has completed more than half of the target kill amount.

Infinite Kill: Special Mission. Special Mission will only be triggered in certain places after the player completes some Special Mission and gets special reward.


Progress: Unlock Ten 1 Stars!

1 Star: Completed!

2 Star: Completed!

3 Star level: …


Ten 1 Star: (72/100): Kill the best of 100 Barbarian Races in the brutal world! Reward Skill Point 400 points, system Exchange Points 100 million!

It happened that the number of maxillocondyles was 70th 2 and, like the previous jaw queens, the emergence of the maxillocondyles also led a group of barbarian races.

Of course, these top fighters are also top fighters that have been ‘bred’ with Ji Kui.

However, Qin Shaofeng doesn’t care about these, he cares about the number of himself, because countless Barbarian Race fighters cultivated to the extreme warrior Realm, or the extreme warriors who have been ‘born’, can let Qin Shaofeng complete the ‘infinite killing’ mission The index of the tenth 1 Star.


Ten 1 Star (73/100): …

Ten 1 Star (74/100): …


Ten 1 Star (91/100): …

Finally, at a certain moment, after killing an extreme fighter again, Qin Shaofeng’s killing indicator finally entered the countdown.

There are 9 left!

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