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Chapter 1502: Strong Jaws

who is it!

Unexpectedly have such a powerful aura!

Feeling this sudden appearance of Aura, Qin Shaofeng’s heart was shaking.

Because the opponent’s aura is too powerful, even if it is far away, Qin Shaofeng seems to be overwhelmed by the opponent’s aura.

Such existence is too terrifying!

However, Qin Shaofeng soon became the understood counterparty.

Because in this brief moment, the entire sky is full of purple lights, and these lights are all phone calls from lightning.

Purple light is dazzling and amazing!

Qin Shaofeng is familiar with such a strength, because he has not seen it for the first time.

Because he had seen such strength from the jaw condyle and jaw kui long ago.

It is worth mentioning that, in the case of maxillofacial, because Qin Shaofeng took a sudden action and immediately killed the other party, which caused the maxillofacial ridge to have time, and used his father’s jaw to give him the purple light strength.

Well, this way of death is very aggrieved.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng has only seen such a purple strength twice.

However, even if it is only twice, the impression that this purple strength left in Qin Shaofeng’s mind is very profound.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng immediately knew who the powerhouse was suddenly at this moment.

Jaw pretty!

It’s jaw!

Damn, it’s a big deal!

From the roar of the other party, Qin Shaofeng immediately understood that his own killing of the jaw condyle and jaw kui had definitely been exposed.

Now that this jaw appears, it is absolutely for revenge for his two sons.


Without hesitation, at this moment, Qin Shaofeng was casting Shenjin and fled.

Nonsense, can’t you escape?

After personally feeling that this jaw is quite aura, Qin Shaofeng simply did not have the idea of ​​resistance.

too strong!

Although the pure light strength from the jaw condyle and jaw kui made Qin Shaofeng’s mind clear, the strong jaw strength was absolutely strong.

However, even so, Qin Shaofeng still has some confidence in his mind.

He owns the eyes of Fiendgod, and now Inner World within the body has also arranged 97 1000 star arrays.

And with the improvement of my Realm, whether it is strength or something, it has been strengthened.

It can be said that in the eyes of Qin Shaofeng, simply the powerhouse of the general title of Emperor is simply nothing more than that.

Therefore, before Qin Shaofeng felt that no matter how strong the jaw strength was, it was also a strong limit.

Even if he can’t beat him, the other party won’t be able to kill him easily.

But at this moment, after experiencing the aura of the other person in person, Qin Shaofeng immediately overthrew his previous thoughts.

Fuck, what a joke, such a powerful presence in Barbarian Race?

Just the moment when I felt the aura of the jaw, Qin Shaofeng knew that the other party was definitely an existence that he could not compete with.

That aura is too strong, so strong that Qin Shaofeng has the feeling of facing his Master Baidi in his heart.

That’s right, on the jaws of aura, Qin Shaofeng felt the existence of aura like Ruler Supreme.

Of course, this is not to say that this jaw has the strength of Ruler Supreme.

It can only be said that in the face of the jaw, Qin Shaofeng feels like being in the face of Ruler Supreme.

Feeling powerless!

Feelings that must not be confronted!

So Qin Shaofeng immediately chose to escape!

Moreover, she still cast Shen Shen to the limit and fled madly to the distance.

“Want to escape?”

Seeing Qin Shaofeng, who had suddenly disappeared because of the display of God Flash, a sneer of disdain appeared on the jaw face.

“This King is going to look at your act recklessly thief, where on earth are you going!”


At the next moment, the shape of Jaw Mane flashed, but it disappeared.

Among the beasts, Barbarian Race cultivation Grand Dao Law strength of the beasts, even if they are cultivated to extremely powerful warriors, they cannot carry out the instant movement.

It seems that the Grand Dao Law of the Brute World is impossible to cultivate the ability of instant movement.

However, inherited from my mother, a lot of jaws of Spirit Race cultivation will naturally move instantly.

But before, even in the wild animal world, even if you master the method of instant movement, you can’t carry out the instant movement.

The jaws are also in recent, the Grand Dao Law in the brutal beast has been eroded more than half, and after his own Realm has been greatly improved again, this can be the instant movement.

However, it seems that it is only after grasping the instant movement that this results in that even if the Jawbar Realm is far beyond Qin Shaofeng, the distance of an instant movement will not let him directly in front of Qin Shaofeng.

This is to give Qin Shaofeng the chance to escape, and use the instant movement of God to flash again and again.

It’s just that even if the master doesn’t see it, the jaw barbarian has started the instant movement. The distance of an instant movement is still farther than the Qin Shaofeng instant movement.

And with the instant movement time and time again, the jaw is actually more and more comfortable with the instant movement, more and more skilled.

This made the jaw pretty close to Qin Shaofeng. In the face of this situation, Qin Shaofeng was anxious.

But now Shen Xing and being pushed to the limit by him, this is already his fastest speed.

And because of the extreme performance of Divine Demon’s Power, Qin Shaofeng’s Divine Demon’s Power consumed by Divine Demon is also very amazing.

This caused him to have to enter the state of resurrection.

Although Qin Shaofeng’s current Fiendgod body refinement is Dafa, because he is promoted to 6 stars, he can perform 5 times of recovery in one day, and each time he can have 5 minutes of Divine Demon’s Power to maintain the victory.

But today, Qin Shaofeng casts the magical shadows, letting the magical shadows to kill the extreme fighters in the Barbarian Race, but he has performed the resurrection of God twice.

This, together with the current time, is the third time, and there are only 3 times left.

This means that Qin Shaofeng has less than 5 minutes left.

Qin Shaofeng must completely escape from the jaw within 5 minutes, otherwise he would be in danger.

However, the current situation has made Qin Shaofeng deeply understand that even if it is full-strength, he can’t get rid of the jaws.

Shi Zhan went on like this, not to mention ten minutes, as long as he could be caught up by the jaws as long as 5-5 minutes.

The situation is getting more and more dangerous!


“Well, it’s really boring, these Barbarian Race fighters are too weak!”

Somewhere in the main battlefield, Bai Nixian looked boring and even yawned.

At this moment, not far from her feet, there were several Corpse of Barbarian Race fighters.

If anyone were here at this moment, they would be surprised to find that this Barbarian Race warrior’s corpse is actually the powerhouse of the Barbarian Race who has reached the top warrior level.

Judging from the wounds on the corpse of these extreme warriors, they were all killed by one person.

It is conceivable that they are all subordinates who died in Bai Nixian.

For this strange place in the wild animal kingdom, Bai Nishang had long wanted to come in and take a look.

But helpless is the previous brutal world, but there is a strong suppression of strength, leading to think of her Realm’s powerhouse, it is impossible to enter.

Now it’s hard, because Antiquity Saint Domain launches an attack on the brutal beast, which allows Bai Nishang to finally enter the brutal beast.

But she quickly discovered that after entering the animal kingdom, the situation in the animal kingdom disappointed her.

Bai Nixian originally thought that this wild animal world was so special that it could make her Master father and many Ruler Supreme powerhouses pay as much attention. It must not be simple.

But after entering, she found out that the wild beasts in the wild beast world were so weak.

Even if it is a 9 Star-level superior beast, it is not her opponent, and even she only needs a few moves to kill a 9 Star-level superior beast.

Brutal beasts don’t work, then the indigenous Barbarian Race, as a brutal beast, should have some strength!

With such expectations, Bai Nishang entered the main battlefield where the beast world and the Antiquity Saint Domain 2 fought.

But as a result, she was even more disappointed.

Because the Barbarian Race is not very powerful, this can be said from the extreme corpse of the Barbarian Race under her feet.

“Ha, it’s not that these Barbarian Race fighters are too soft, it’s all because you are too strong in strength!”

When Bai Nixian was disappointed, she replied alone.

This person is the Jiang Family genius who entered the wild animal world together with Bai Nishang. Because the Grand Dao Law of the wild animal world has been eroded a lot, the people who enter the wild animal world now will basically not separate. .

This Jiang Family genius is extraordinary. In terms of age, it is not a contemporary younger generation.

The other party is now over 300 years old, but he was awakened by the special bloodline of Jiang Family and Demon Slaying Clan Bloodline, which made him even 300 years old.

But in fact, for him with a special bloodline, it is equivalent to 20 years old.

Although not as exaggerated as Bai Nishang, it is also an example of rarely seen.

Because of the special bloodline, this Jiang Family genius, the current realm has long reached the title of Emperor Realm.

Even now the Grand Dao pattern he has cultivated has exceeded 500.

Even if it is placed in the Antiquity Saint Domain 7 great influence, those powerhouses with the title of Emperor belong to a powerful existence. Basically, only Old Antique-level characters with ancient years can reach Realm.

This is Jiang Qiankun, Jiang Family Number One Genius!

As Jiang Family Number One Genius, and also awakened the special bloodline in Demon Slaying Clan, although Jiang Qiankun does not say that he is proud of nature, his vision is still very high.

This average person is difficult to get into his eyes. There are few people who can be called friends by him. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have dao companion until now.

Such a situation, with Jiang Qiankun’s status and innate talent cultivation base, is very rare among the Antiquity Saint Domain 7 great influence.

After all, in many cases, if you have a good dao companion, the two parties can fully perform dual cultivation to accelerate the improvement of the Realm on both sides.

This is not the person that Jiang Qiankun sees at all. The person he looks at is Bai Nixian.

In fact, Jiang Qiankun’s idea still faced opposition from many Jiang Family seniors.

Because in the eyes of those older generations, although Bai Nixian was Bai’s adopted daughter, in fact Bai Nixian’s Bloodline was not powerful.

Bai Nixian’s current situation is all because of her own 9-color Divine Physique that’s all.

But 9-color Divine Physique is a special physique, and it can’t inherit the help of the descendants, even the bloodline of the offspring. It has no effect.

Therefore, not only in the eyes of the older Jiang Family, but also in the eyes of many influences, except for the 9-color Divine Physique, the white neon dress is no different from an ordinary person.

And because of the special nature of the 9-color Divine Physique, people who have the 9-color Divine Physique have a good early cultivation, but the more the Realm gets higher, the more difficult it is to improve.

This is not the right candidate for bloodline inheritance!

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