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Chapter 1499 Grand Dao Sky Ladder

2 powerhouses with more than 500 Grand Dao patterns, with ten powerhouses with at least 2 100 Grand Dao patterns.

Such a powerhouse team with the title of Emperor is completely annihilated?

In the face of this situation, those powerhouses in Antiquity Saint Domain were shocked, because it was incredible.

Yes, this brutal beast is indeed very difficult to capture. Even many Ruler Supremes have no way to win the brutal beast directly. Instead, they chose a layout for many years. In the end, they started to fight against the brutal beast. Offensive.

But this is not to say that the Barbarian Race in the brutal beast is very powerful. The reason why the brutal beast is difficult to capture is because of the brutal beast itself, not the existence of those Barbarian Races.

Because of the obstruction of the Grand Dao Law of the brutal beast world, this has caused the situation that the brutal beast world is difficult to capture, so it is difficult to say that the brutal beast world is not the strong strength of the Barbarian Race.

In fact, in the eyes of many people in Antiquity Saint Domain, merely a Barbarian Race simply is nothing.

Without the protection of the Grand Dao Law of the Brute World, the Antiquity Saint Domain has numerous influence races and has the strength to destroy the Barbarian Race.

Therefore, after learning that Jawman had beheaded Gubo and Demon Sovereign, many Antiquity Saint Domain powerhouses believed that Jawman was trying to die.

Even if the jaw is pretty much the Number One Powerhouse of the Barbarian Race, the strength of the opponent is definitely not as strong as it is, which is equivalent to a strength that’s all with a Realm of 200-300 Grand Dao lines.

And this is still the strength of the higher level. Antiquity Saint Domain knows the Barbarian Race very well. After knowing the Barbarian Race cultivating wild pattern, it will be difficult to continue to improve after reaching 100 Realm.

And the lifespan of the Barbarian Race is not that long. Even those Barbarian Race fighters who have 100 wild patterns Realm, the lifespan is at most 200-300 years that’s all.

In fact, it is precisely for this reason that most of the influences in the Antiquity Saint Domain despise the Barbarian Race, which is definitely an indigenous race in the Barbarian Race itself, without the shelter of the Grand Dao Law, simply unable to withstand a single blow .

But now, let everyone know that things don’t seem to be as simple as they think.

Ancient Race sent out such a powerful team of emperor title, and was killed by the jaws.

You must know that the Grand Dao Law of the Brutal Beast has been eroded by the Grand Dao Law of the ancient continent by more than 70%.

Under the circumstances that the Grand Dao Law of the brutal beast has been eroded so much, not only can the Emperor’s title Realm’s powerhouse enter the Savage beast, but even the Emperor’s title Realm’s powerhouse can play a good strength.

At least in the eyes of many Antiquity Saint Domain influences, a powerhouse with the title of Emperor with 2 100 lines of Grand Dao, and the strength that can now erupt in the wild animal world, is definitely not a barbarian race in the wild animal world.

But now, not to mention the arrival of 2 100, that is, a powerhouse close to 600 Grand Dao Realm, has fallen into the wild animal world.

It can be seen that the strength of the Barbarian Race is not as simple as they think.

In fact, the influence of Antiquity Saint Domain ’s influence, not at all, is really wrong. In fact, they hit from the very beginning, and estimated the strength of the Barbarian Race, even if it is not 100% perfect, but it also has an almost, nothing too big. The difference.

But no one knows, at this time, there is a different kind of jaw.

It has the Brutal Beast Realm and Antiquity Saint Domain, 2 types of Grand Dao Law strength Bloodline, and 2 types of Grand Dao Law which are born mixed.

In fact, even if this is the case, the two types of Grand Dao Law are mixed together, and it is already a miracle to survive, it is impossible to perform cultivating at all.

But who called this jaw quite a good mother, for his selfless dedication to everything, cast the Spirit of Spirit Race, so that the jaw quite completely merges the strength of the two Grand Dao Law, and becomes a very special existence .

Coincidentally, because the wild animal kingdom was invaded by Antiquity Saint Domain, the jaws were discovered, and they can absorb other Antiquity Saint Domain Supreme Ruler cultivating Grand Dao Law strength.

In this case, this makes the jaw quite a short time, and the strength has been raised by several levels.

Not only has it become the strongest of the entire brutal beast world, but even the Realm’s powerhouse, which is the title of most emperors in the Antiquity Saint Domain, is probably not as strong as the strength of the jaws now.

After discovering that Jaws had such a strong strength, the ancient Demon Race was already prepared, and the thought of revenge on the Demon Sovereign child was immediately dispelled.

Of course, they are not completely revengeless, but now because the jaw is quite unexpected, they must be united with other strengths.

And they must also unite and kill the King of the Barbarian Race as early as possible.

The stronger the strong strength of this jaw, the more it is necessary to take advantage of this rare opportunity to remove the opponent.

Because those influences of Antiquity Saint Domain have taken into account a problem, that is, a jawman has such strength, what about other Barbarian Race fighters?

It should be known that the extreme fighters in the entire Barbarian Race are not in the minority. Even if there is no second extreme fighters with such a strong strength, the strength of the strong jaws allows the influence of the Antiquity Saint Domain to re-strength the strength of the entire Barbarian Race. Make estimates.

Now the jaw is just a single person. Although the strength is unexpectedly strong, it is also a good time to kill the other party. Once the other party stays with the Barbarian Race army, it is difficult to kill the other party. Already.

Therefore, the great influence of momentarily Antiquity Saint Domain began to discuss again how to remove the jaws.

However, those Ruler Supremes were not involved.

No matter how powerful the jaws are, it may not be the powerhouse of the Ruler Supreme Level, because the Grand Dao Law of the brute beast world has already been decided, and the brute beast world cannot produce a powerhouse of the level of Ruler Supreme.

Therefore, in the eyes of these Ruler Supremes, they have not taken their jaws seriously.

Now these Ruler Supremes have more important things, and they need to take action.

At this moment, in the special Small Space of the Nirvana Realm, 10000 emperors look dignified.

“10000 Emperors, is it time?”

A Ruler Supreme suddenly asked 10000 Emperors.

“Almost!” The 10000-thousand Emperor didn’t answer back, and then shouted to all the Ruler Supremes present, “You can help me again, I already feel it, Grand Dao of that brutal world. Law has reached a tipping point! “

The last words of the 10000-thousand Emperor array made many Ruler Supremes present.

“Are you finally here?”

“Very good, it’s a success!”

“Can’t be careless, be happy first, but the last step. Hurry up and increase the input of Power of Laws!”

“Yes, increase the Power of Laws!”

“it is good!”


Bang! bang! bang! bang! bang!

momentarily, the Ruler Supremes present were even the White Emperor and the Celestial Emperor, and they broke out powerful Power of Laws and injected them into 10000 Emperors.

After getting 10000 arrays of Power of Laws, the emperor entered directly into his own ruler array.

Suddenly, an unusual special strength erupted at the towers at the entrances of the brutal beast world and the nirvana world.

However, this strength is not targeted at the Grand Dao Law of the Brute Beast, and it will not increase the erosion rate of the Continuous Grand Dao Law from the ancient times.

After the emergence of this strength, it blasted directly into the void of the brutal beast, as if it had purposefully extended into the depths of the void.


There was no world-shaking bang, and there was no huge explosion. A slight shock in the void seemed to be something that was struck by this strength.

Immediately afterwards, in the deep void of the brutal beast, a flash of light seemed to appear as a vague thing.

But this vague thing seemed to be an illusion-like picture, so it disappeared instantly.

However, at that moment, the blurred picture vaguely revealed such a scene.

It is a ladder with countless steps, as if a ladder to the sky, mysterious and peaceful, but invisible is an aura with an incomparable climb.

And most importantly, this ladder seems extremely huge.

At the moment when the illusory shadow of the beast world appeared, Celestial Emperor immediately eyes flashed a bright light far from the Nirvana world, he suddenly looked at the white emperor, but saw that the white emperor also came over and nodded to him.

At the same time, 10000 arrays of Emperors raised their heads and said in a pleasant tone: “I feel it, I feel it, it is the ladder, the Grand Dao ladder!”


The 10000 surprises of the emperor suddenly excited other Ruler Supremes.

“Hahaha, finally succeeded!”

“Appeared, finally appeared, this Grand Dao ladder finally appeared!”

“Sure enough, there is a Grand Dao ladder in that brutal world, we bet on it!”

“Hahaha, this is exactly good!”

At this moment, this group of Ruler Supremes is completely without the majesty of Ruler Supreme. Each and everyone is extremely happy, and even remarkably incoherent.

At this time, Celestial Emperor Jiang Hengtian suddenly spoke out.

“Don’t be too happy. The Grand Dao ladder only appeared once. It’s far from being fully apparent. Let’s focus on it!”

Celestial Emperor Jiang Hengtian’s remarks brought many of the excited Ruler Supreme back to reality, and then each and everyone became serious again.

That’s right, this Grand Dao ladder only appeared once, and it didn’t really appear.

This is just the beginning, and it is the most critical time. Now is not the time to be happy. Don’t accidentally end up in a hurry.

Grand Dao ladder?

If it is Qin Shaofeng again, it will be extremely shocked.

Because the name Qin Shaofeng actually just knew it, this is what Hu Ye told him.

Although Hu Ye’s inheritance is not complete, he still knows a lot.

For example, this Grand Dao ladder!

This so-called Grand Dao ladder can be said to be a complete World’s Grand Dao Law.

The strength of Grand Dao Law is the most complete strength.

Don’t look at Antiquity Saint Domain has countless Secret Realm Spaces and countless small world planes, but in fact all these small planes, Secret Realm and space, just share a Grand Dao Law.

So all these things add up to a complete Great World.

I don’t know why, where Antiquity Saint Domain and Nirvana Realm meet, there is such a world, a world with Grand Dao Law.

This is the brutal beast world!

In the ancient continent, Secret Realm, planes, etc., are about the same size as the brutal beast world, but there are as many stars as there are even larger ones than the brutal beast world.

However, Grand Dao Law does not exist in these places, whether it is a plane, or space and Secret Realm.

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