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Chapter 1498: Angered Jaws

The further this ‘Infinite Kill’ mission is, the higher the star rating, the more powerful this reward will be.

There are already 10 Skill Points with 350 Star awards and 510000000 system Exchange Points.

But these ten 1 Star rewards are even more.

For a full 400 Skill Points and 100 million system Exchange Points, Qin Shaofeng said that he would not hesitate to say that it was absolutely false.

“Kill the best of 100 Barbarian Races?”

Qin Shaofeng eyes flashed, my heart is ruthless, sister, it’s done!

After this vote, when the time comes, let alone Skill Point is more than 1000, then the System Exchange Points can double more than 100 million 70 million!

2 Anyway, next moment Qin Shaofeng is immediately rushed to the next area where the Barbarian Race Extreme Warrior appears.

And this time, Qin Shaofeng still directly used the state of God’s recovery, and then there was no need to worry about the consumption of Divine Demon’s Power.

Qin Shaofeng’s speed is naturally extremely fast.

In the end, he crossed the battlefield of several tens of thousands of li in ten seconds, reached the other side, and even caught up with the few fighters.

Then, there was no unnecessary nonsense, Qin Shaofeng broke out directly, holding Flying Feather Blade in hand, and added Flying Level Blade Pill Fire to the Flying Feather Blade, killing the 4 top fighters in just a few seconds.

“Very good, killed 4 fighters, there are 96 left!”

After he succeeded, Qin Shaofeng eyes flashed, and he went on to the next destination without stopping.

Finally, after the resurrection of the gods performed by Qin Shaofeng at this time, he actually killed 9 extreme fighters.

That is to say, in just 5 minutes, Qin Shaofeng almost completed the target of “Unlimited Kill” mission 1 Star 10%.

Of course, this is only now at this time, because these extreme fighters killed by Qin Shaofeng are regarded as the second batch of troops.

And this is the second batch of fighters. They were almost killed by Qin Shaofeng.

Now, Qin Shaofeng can only wait for the third batch.

However, on this battlefield, there are still some extreme fighters, that is, the battlefield where the main force of the 2 sides, Legion, fought.

On that battlefield, even if it was Qin Shaofeng’s strength, it was absolutely dangerous to enter alone.

Prior to this, Qin Shaofeng had no idea of ​​entering the main Legion battlefield by himself, but now Qin Shaofeng intends to act for the tenth 1 Star indicator of the “Infinite Kill” mission.

Head to the fierce battlefield where the main force of that song, Legion, fought!

But Qin Shaofeng didn’t know that it was because of his decision that he accidentally avoided him.

Because at this time, the jaw was about to arrive, and Qin Shaofeng had already killed that area of ​​Jai Kui.

If the jaw was rushed to that region, even if it was some distance, as long as it was not far away, he could still find Qin Shaofeng with the jaw’s strength.

But now that Qin Shaofeng intends to go to the main battlefield, which is far from where he killed Jai Kui, even if the jaw strength is strong, he cannot find Qin Shaofeng’s whereabouts.

Sure enough, half a day later, when Jaw came to the place where Jai Kui fell, and couldn’t find Qin Shaofeng, he was very angry.

Then, under his anger, the others suffered.

Because Qin Shaofeng could not be found, the contestant of other Antiquity Saint Domain could become the target of Jawman’s anger release.

This is not the main battlefield. Without that many powerhouses, the Antiquity Saint Domain powerhouse that can appear, at most, is the Supreme Ruler with eight-nine ten Grand Dao lines Realm.

But don’t say eight-nine Supreme Ruler of the Realm of Grand Dao, even if it is a powerhouse with the title of Emperor, I am afraid that most of them are not likely to be jaws.

Suddenly, the disaster-like fate for many Antiquity Saint Domain contestant came.

Any Barbarian Race, as long as the strength is good, has the strength to use the Grand Dao Law of the brutal world. Although such an application cannot be used as an attack method, it can hinder the contestant of the Antiquity Saint Domain and stimulate the teleport strength of Jade Talisman.

In this regard, the jaw is even more powerful. He had a single thought for the first time, and all the jade talisman of the Antiquity Saint Domain contestant in the circle 10000 area had lost the teleport ability and could not be teleported back to the nirvana of Antiquity Saint Domain. World.

Then, in this area of ​​circumference 10000, the pieces of Antiquity Saint Domain contestant fell.

Numerous geniuses have died in the anger and anger, and even the Ancient Race Number One Genius Gubo was not spared!

This is also the first time Heaven’s Chosen has fallen since entering the wild beast world.

When Gubo fell, Nirvana world caused a sensation, and countless people were shocked.

With Gubo’s innate talent, the other party has the potential to become the Ruler Supreme and the leader of the Ancient Race next generation.

But she’s dead now?

Ancient Race is not Spirit Race. The soul is very special. It has powerful spirit intelligence and can be resurrected with the help of Spirit Altar in Spirit Race.

As soon as Gu Bo died, it was completely dead.

This made the top of the Ancient Race utterly outraged. Immediately sent the powerhouse in the Ancient Race, and the murderer who killed Gubo was bound to be brought to justice.

At this time, no one knew that the murderer who killed Gubo was the Absolute King jaw of the brutal beast.

When people knew the news, it was time for the second extreme Heaven’s Chosen to fall.

Heaven’s Chosen, the 2nd highest drop, is a child of Demon Sovereign!

No one thought of this!

Because Demon Sovereign has many methods, it also has countless life-saving trump cards, which should be absolutely safe in the wild animal world.

In fact, this is almost the same.

Because when killing the Demon Sovereign son, even the jaw was almost made the other side escape.

Because at the moment when he suffered a fatal blow, Demon Sovereign took the blow with his physical body by degenerating his body, so that his soul was preserved.

According to this situation, as long as the jaw is left, the soul of the Demon Sovereign son can be rescued, and then by means of the smile of the ancient Demon Race, the Molding Body Rebirth can be restored.

But what made the Demon Sovereign son absolutely didn’t expect that he had hidden his soul from the ancient Demon Race Supreme secret technique, and was finally discovered by the jaws.

In fact, the jaw is almost not found, but because it seems to be detected, the Demon Sovereign child is not simple. He subconsciously probed with his Divine Consciousness, and wanted to feel what the Demon Sovereign child is the Antiquity Saint Domain.

But this inspection is to detect the hidden soul of Demon Sovereign.

In the end, naturally, when the soul of the Demon Sovereign son was discovered, the jaws were even more angry, and finally the Demon Sovereign son was forcibly tortured for a long time, which completely blasted the soul of the Demon Sovereign son.

However, the Demon Sovereign child, as the next generation successor of the ancient Demon Race, is naturally protected by the ancient Demon Race.

Although the magic house does not have a spiritual altar like Spirit Race, it also has some special means, which has saved a trace of the soul of the Demon Sovereign son in advance.

Finally, after the fall of the Demon Sovereign son, the seniors of the ancient Demon Race revived the Demon Sovereign son with the help of the soul of the Demon Sovereign son.

After the resurrection of the Demon Sovereign child, although the innate talent is not much damaged, Realm has fallen a lot, and it is said that it has fallen out of the Supreme Ruler Realm.

However, Demon Sovereign is much luckier than the complete fall of Gubo.

Then, the information about the murderer of the jaws was also spoken from Demon Sovereign.

This made Antiquity Saint Domain finally know that the murderer who killed them in the wildest Heaven’s Chosen of Antiquity Saint Domain is who you are.

However, this situation is very puzzling to those senior executives at Antiquity Saint Domain.

Because at this time, Antiquity Saint Domain also entered the brutal beast world and knew some of the current basic conditions of the brutal beast world. They also knew that the current Barbarian Race of the brutal beast world had been completely unified and the Barbarian Race barbaric king appeared. !!

And this barbaric king is exactly jawbar!

But why did this jaw bark suddenly appear?

The opponent is not in the deep area of ​​the Barbarian Race tribe, leading the Barbarian Race army, has not appeared?

And what most puzzles everyone is that the place where this jaw appears quite is actually the main battlefield of the 2nd Army, but a peripheral zone.

This jaw appears suddenly in this peripheral zone, killing 2 of Heaven’s Chosen in the Antiquity Saint Domain, what is the situation?

Although Gubo and Demon Sovereign’s innate talents are very powerful and have unlimited potential, future achievements are absolutely limitless.

But for now, even if 100 Demon Sovereign sons are tied to Gubo, for a barbarian king like Jaw, I am afraid that it is not as threatening as the two Emperor Realm powerhouse!

What was that jaw move?

However, it doesn’t matter what the behavior of the jaw is.

Importantly, those executives at Antiquity Saint Domain saw an opportunity to kill the jaws!

According to the information from Demon Sovereign, the Antiquity Saint Domain executives knew that the jaw was pretty single.

You must know that the jaws are the king of Barbarian Race. If you can kill the opponent or catch them directly, it will definitely be a morale loss for the Barbarian Race.

Previously, Jaws had been in the Headquarters of the Barbarian Race tribe, and they wanted to catch each other alive. It was nothing like destroying the Barbarian Race completely.

Therefore, those executives at Antiquity Saint Domain have never thought of it.

But now it’s different. Now I don’t know why, the jaw came out actively, and it was still single.

This is definitely a rare opportunity!

momentarily, Antiquity Saint Domain started to discuss, organized a large number of experts to the place where the jaws were infested, and the jaws were caught alive!

In this case, I am afraid that this battle can be ended in advance.

However, during the discussions at the top of the Antiquity Saint Domain, Ancient Race took action.

When it was learned that the killer who killed Gubo was jaw barbarian, Ancient Race immediately made a contestant.

Find the jaws and kill them!

Even for this reason, the Ancient Race not only dispatched the Old Antique-level powerhouse in the background of the clan, but also used some Ancient Race experts in the main battlefield Legion, and then organized a team of 2 people to kill the jaws.

Although there are only ten or two people, the ten or two are all Realm’s powerhouse titled Emperor, even the two of the strongest of the two Old Antique levels, but they are all cultivation more than 2 Grand Dao lines Realm.

The 500 Realm of Grand Dao, that is the absolute expert in the title of Emperor.

And this time, there were still 2 directly dispatched, plus the remaining ten experts who have at least 2 100 channels of Grand Dao Realm, the title of Emperor, such a lineup is already amazing.

Knowing that the Ancient Race organization has such a strong great array, many people know that Ancient Race is really angry at this time.

At the same time, many people also think that the jaw is quite finished.

What makes people absolutely unexpected is that after this team met Jawbarrow, it was killed by Jawblight by a bright light!

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