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Chapter 1453 Law Space?

But heartache is not heartache, sadness is not sadness, it doesn’t matter if you don’t care, it’s one thing.

What makes Ji Da care is that when he took the action himself, this Qin Shaofeng also killed such a companion, and still in their front of one’s eyes, which made his face gloomy.

Not to mention, the Jaw of the Master behind him had already spoken.

No need to look back, all the jaws seemed to be faintly seen, and the anger on the jawline face far behind.

And the consequences of his little Master’s anger are not what he can handle.


Thinking of the terrifying consequences of the anger of the jaw, the jaw reached a fierce rage, yelling at Qin Shaofeng.

“Damn invaders, I see you are simply courting death!”

Courting death ?

Qin Shaofeng corner of the mouth showed a sneer, and then turned his head to glance at the jaw gently, with a slight disdain in his eyes.

“Ah! I want to kill you!”

The slight disdain in Qin Shaofeng’s eyes completely ignited the anger in Jadda’s heart, and he was almost furious.


Looking at Jay Dana, she didn’t eat her expression, Qin Shaofeng coldly smiled.

That’s it!

“Damn invaders, trash, you go to hell!”

Seeing Qin Shaofeng didn’t answer, he just looked at him disdainfully, and the anger in Jada reached his heart.


An explosion sounds, as if the volcano was completely lit, after the jaw reached the angry roar, the whole person erupted completely.

Oh la la !

The fierce fire light flickered throughout the body, and the entire jaw flared up instantly.

Take a closer look. This is not a burning thing at all. This seems to be the burning jaw of the whole person. In fact, it is just the explosion of all the Power of Laws within the body in this brief moment.

The general fire light that seems to be burning is completely a state that’s all that Power of Laws uses to a certain extent.

Such a powerful and hot fire light is enough to say that the strength of this jaw reaches, and one can imagine how powerful it is.

The Barbarian Race is different from the cultivator of the Antiquity Saint Domain. In the cultivator of the Antiquity Saint Domain, you can cultivate several kinds of attributes of Power of Laws, even if the natural spirit root is just a single attribute.

With the improvement of the cultivation base, some changes will occur in the physical body and even the spirit root.

Especially after owning the Power of Laws, its own spiritual root will be integrated with the physical body. When Power of Laws is more and more, it can be born because of the same origin of the attribute, and then awaken the Power of Law of other attributes. Laws.

Of course, the origin of the law of awakening does not naturally have the origin of the law of awakening. It is easy to cultivate and the formidable power is not very powerful.

But even so, in the cultivator of Antiquity Saint Domain, it is very common to be able to cultivation the origin of several laws.

But the Barbarian Race in this brutal world is different, because the Power of Laws that the Barbarian Race can use are only a single attribute.

No Barbarian Race can have 2 types of Power of Laws at the same time, 3 or more, which is even more impossible.

Any Barbarian Race, no matter how innate talent is, the Power of Laws it owns is a single attribute.

But because of this, after being able to explode his own attribute Power of Laws freely, because of a single reason, it seems that the attribute Power of Laws of the Barbarian Race are very pure.

Because of its purity, this burst of formidable power is also extremely amazing.

The strongest jaw in front of her eyes, full-strength under the anger, surprised Qin Shaofeng.

“His, damn, this Fire Element Power of Laws really strong!”

Qin Shaofeng’s heart tightened, and at the same time, his evaluation of the strength of this jaw reached again.

This kind of strength is not simple anymore, it is not comparable to those of the higher fighters who were easily killed by him before.

The strength of this jaw is really strong!

Although Qin Shaofeng’s eyes looked towards the jaw, with a slight disdain, in fact, after feeling the aura of the jaw at the moment, Qin Shaofeng’s alertness to it was leveled to the extreme, especially at this moment In the state, making his own Fire Element Power of Laws even more violent, which made Qin Shaofeng even more careful.

“Burning fire!”

A loud shout, the whole body of the jaw is full of fire light, and the wild goose is just like a wild goose.


The explosion of aura, the surging fire light, and the scarlet-red fire light, seemed to burn the sky around the peripheral li, all red.

And that jaw himself is more like a direct change, a whole flame person, with one after another blazing, burning flame all over his body.

This is the formidable power of the Barbarian Race’s single attribute Power of Laws. Once the Power of Laws reaches a certain realm, the Power of Laws that burst out is not as much as the Antiquity Saint Domain cultivator of the same realm.

But this outbreak of Power of Laws can also be embodied, and in general, the embodied Power of Laws represents amazing formidable power.

After that, the jaw reached!


For a while, the law was surging.

This movement of the jaw, the circumference several li seemed to be a burning sea of ​​fire, and instantly shrank to a 100 meters Raging Flames Space. The whole body was red, and the flame overflowing heaven was turbulent!

And with the movement of the jaw, this Raging Flames Space smashed over Qin Shaofeng hiding the sky and covering the earth.

this is?

Seeing this scene, Qin Shaofeng’s pupils shrank sharply.

Law space, this is actually law space!

Qin Shaofeng’s face was utterly surprised when his heart fell down in a cold breath.

The so-called Law Domain is actually a special phenomenon formed by the outbreak of Power of Laws, reachings a certain realm.

A special attack that rectifies space by law!

It is very difficult to achieve this step.

After all, it ’s just simply using Power of Laws to evolve a space. The difficulty is not small, unless it is the Power of Laws that broke out, it is very powerful.

Strong enough to form a special space!

Otherwise …

Only when Power of Laws is pure to a certain degree can this effect be achieved.

Qin Shaofeng knows that the Power of Laws of Barbarian Race is a single attribute of Power of Laws, which is very pure.

But before that, Qin Shaofeng still disagreed.


No matter how pure it is?

After all, the purity of Power of Laws does not necessarily mean power.

But at this moment, Qin Shaofeng finally understands that this so-called Barbarian Race single attribute Power of Laws is pure enough to burst out of terrifying formidable power.

Because in this brief moment, Qin Shaofeng felt that the Power of Laws Realm that broke out of the jaw, although it was equivalent to ordinary 2nd Layer Supreme Ruler Realm, the Power of Laws that could break out.

But because the counterpart Power of Laws is a single pure Power of Laws, the formidable power is very unusual.

This formidable power is far beyond the ordinary 3rd-4th Layer Realm Supreme Ruler. The strength that burst out with Power of Laws is only comparable to the ordinary 5th-6th Layer Realm Supreme Ruler.

It can be said that the strength of the jaw reached at this moment is enough to be equivalent to the Supreme Ruler of a 5th-6th Layer Realm in the Antiquity Saint Domain.

This is already very strong!

Qin Shaofeng now only has 30 1000 star road arrays, which is equivalent to the 3rd Layer Supreme Ruler Realm, and is also affected by the brutal beast world. The 1000 star road arrays that he can explode now are barely 20.

Even if it is the motivated Black Tortoise battle armor, and some means to increase the strength, Qin Shaofeng’s battle strength at this moment is equivalent to a 3rd-4th Layer Realm’s Supreme Ruler.

There is still a gap between this jaw in front of me.

However, Qin Shaofeng also discovered a situation.

Although the Raging Flames Space erupted from the whole body, it looks very enjoyable with the law space, but the 100 meters Raging Flames Space is not really a law space, at most it is a zigzag with a law space.

Compared with the space of the law of a real powerhouse, the formal power of this law space is much weaker!

This kind of law space is exhibited. Once the target is captured, the opponent will definitely be suppressed by the law space it is applying. In serious cases, it can be directly suppressed to a state without battle strength.

For example, those Ruler Supremes can use a space of laws to directly suppress the people under the Ruler Supreme Realm to a state without battle strength.

This is why Ruler Supreme is invincible in the eyes of ordinary people.

But even if this jaw is displayed as a space of laws, it is just a prototype, but it definitely has the ability that it does not know.

Never be caught by the opponent’s rule Domain!

As soon as I saw it, Qin Shaofeng knew in his mind that the formidable power of Raging Flames Space.


At the next moment, Qin Shaofeng’s figure shook like a faint light phantom. In the face of a covering attack like Rage Flames Space, he ducked away.

Phantom of the Demons!

One of the 5 Star-level martial skills of the Ancient Demon Race, although it is only a 5 Star-level, and does not have any combat strength.

But if used for escape, the formidable power of this Phantom is stronger than most 7 Star skills.

Just a flash, Qin Shaofeng the whole person seemed to be casting God Flash, avoiding the law space of the jaw.

In fact, the jaw reaches Realm. Although the space of the law that he exhibits is not bad, it is not the space of the law, after all, if Qin Shaofeng thinks about it, he will use methods to destroy it violently.

But Qin Shaofeng not at all did so, and he still chose to dodge his attack.

“hateful !”

Seeing Qin Shaofeng dodging his own attack, Jagda became even more angry.


Aura surged, fire light rose, and Jada rushed to Qin Shaofeng again.

It’s just a pity that Qin Shaofeng still dodged easily with the speed of the magical shadow.

The next situation is that Jaida is chasing after Qin Shaofeng, and Qin Shaofeng relies on the Phantom of the Shadow to dodge Jaida’s attacks again and again.

Since Jadda exhibited the law space at this moment, the Raging Flames Space that wrapped him looked far away as if it were a huge fireball of 100 meters.

Looking at it this way, Qin Shaofeng seems to be chased down by a huge fireball.



As the fireball rose, Qin Shaofeng’s figure flickered, and it seemed that Qin Shaofeng and the two jaws were very cooperative.

I’m on, you hide!

Sincerely tacit understanding!

“You goddamn garbage!”

Multiple attacks failed, which caused Jawda to be exposed. The Raging Flames Space, which was only 100 meters in size, rose again and became 300 times.

Burning aura skyrocketed, and formidable power became more powerful.

But at this time, the jaw who was caught in the anger, not at all noticed that Qin Shaofeng’s aura at this moment seemed to have changed a bit.

Qin Shaofeng’s aura seems to be getting stronger in little by little!

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