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Chapter 1452 Soaring Points (1)

But since we learned that Qin Shaofeng can kill Barbarian Race fighters, especially the Barbarian Race’s median fighters, those in the Nirvana world are not calm.

Killing the Barbarian Race fighters in the brutal world, at least this must have a Power of Laws of Realm’s Grand Dao pattern!

It must also be said that you must have Supreme Ruler Realm to do this!

After Qin Shaofeng killed a Barbarian Race lower fighter and 2 median fighters, everyone knew that Qin Shaofeng must have been promoted to Supreme Ruler Realm, and I do n’t know what method to use to break out in the wild animal world. Many Power of Laws fought.

This caused many people to be shocked.

Because it has been a long time since Qin Shaofeng became famous!

I am afraid that apart from those years in Time Acceleration in the all-around competition, this is only a few months!

Just a few months of trifling, have you grown to this step?

In the face of such a situation, everyone could only sigh in their hearts, and said something unusual.

Sure enough, it is the Legacy Disciple of Baidi Sir!

However, just as everyone was feeling, the situation changed again.

Because in this brief moment, it is also the time for Qin Shaofeng to dodge his jaw attack and take action on the rest of the jaw.

This time, Qin Shaofeng took an action, but that was awesome.

Because of this time, the target of Qin Shaofeng take action is the upper fighters of more than 20 jaws tribe!

“Crap, then Qin Shaofeng’s points have started to increase again!”

Suddenly cry out in surprise sounded again, and then attracted the attention of countless people.

“What, start again?”

“No way, didn’t Qin Shaofeng kill a Barbarian Race superior fighter squad?”

“Did he meet another elite squad of Barbarian Race?”

momentarily, the crowd moved instantly.

But what surprised everyone more is still behind.

Because of Qin Shaofeng’s points, after this time is increased, it is like a blowout, which is completely out of control.

At the same time as the first 30 points increased, there were two consecutive points with almost the same increase.

And just for a moment, Qin Shaofeng’s points flashed again and again, there were several more than 30, 10,000 points, directly increased.

In an instant, I added 7 8 3 nearly 100,000 points!

That is to say, Qin Shaofeng killed 7 or 8 Barbarian Race fighters with more than 30 wild patterns in just one moment?

Shocked, dumbfounded!

In this brief moment, many people in the Nirvana world are directly stunned in turn.

And what shocked them the most is that this seems to be just the beginning.

As if there was a chain reaction, after that, at most it took two breaths, Qin Shaofeng’s points jumped crazy again.

Yes, it is jumping.

Adding 3 nearly 100,000 points at one time, and still appearing more than 20 times in a row, isn’t that a jump-like growth?

There were no three breathing times before and after, but Qin Shaofeng’s score was 3-20 jumps.

And the most terrible thing is that each jump like this can at least increase Qin Shaofeng’s points by 3 120,000, of which the highest 37 80,000 points, a one-time increase, are not uncommon.

There were even 2 or 3 appearances, with an increase of 4 100,000 Points.

This is to say that among the Barbarian Race fighters killed by Qin Shaofeng, there have been 40 warriors of Barbarian Realm.

At this moment, it is when Qin Shaofeng started to kill the subordinates of the upper jaws. These warriors of the jaw tribe are all upper soldiers with more than 30 Realm of wild patterns, and several of them Wild patterns, all more than 40.

Perhaps in the eyes of the Barbarian Race and other options that entered the brutal world at this time, these higher fighters are very powerful.

And with such a high rank of fighters formed with Realm, the strength is undoubtedly strong.

Unfortunately, they met Qin Shaofeng.

The Black Tortoise battle armor is fully open, within the body Divine Demon’s Power is working to the extreme.

In this state, Qin Shaofeng’s martial skill broke out. These high-level fighters simply were not opponents, and even the opportunity to resist was lost because of Qin Shaofeng’s sudden sneak attack.

In this way, in just 2 or 3 breaths, except for the jaw reaching, and the upper jaw of the jaw cymbals and the 2 upper fighters with 50 or so wild realm accidents around them, this time the upper fighters brought by the jaw cymbals have been exhausted. Qin Shaofeng slaughtered.

Oh, by the way, one of these Barbarian Race fighters was not killed by Qin Shaofeng.

That was at first, and Qin Shaofeng cut off the jaws of both hands with a knife.

Qin Shaofeng battled the jaws, not at all and killed at at first. He used his own god, Pill Fire, to attach a special strength, and launched a burning attack on the jaws without the body.

In the end, the jaw warfare was pained because he couldn’t stand the strength from the Pill Fire of God.

It is precisely because of this, that he has not lost his breath at this moment and is still alive.

However, according to this situation, I am afraid that it does not take long, this jaw battle will also die under the power of the Pill Fire of God.

At most it is a matter of time!

That is to say, a team of over 30 soldiers with a total of more than 1 people in the jaw concubine team was almost given to Realm by Qin Shaofeng.

Then, Qin Shaofeng, because he killed more than 30 superior soldiers at one time, his points increased greatly in one go.

10 million !

In a short period of time, Qin Shaofeng’s points have skyrocketed by as much as 10000000.

Qin Shaofeng had a lot of points before, because after killing Xunfei seclusion, he killed hundreds of warriors of the Jaw tribe with the sable beasts taken from Xunfei.

Although most of these fighters are only the next fighter Realm, they will give Qin Shaofeng a maximum of 30,000-50,000 points.

But because there are too many people, and the number of people is 100, Qin Shaofeng’s points have already exceeded 30 million before the maxillary condyle.

According to the previous situation, with Qin Shaofeng’s more than 3000 10,000 points, he can rank 1st.

However, because of the proposal of Ling Young Master, great Heaven’s Chosen joined forces, which actually made them hunt many Barbarian Race fighters.

Even after knowing the existence of the Barbarian Race, the geniuses who entered various influences in the brutal world began to join in groups of three or four to deal with other Barbarian Races.

This is also why the nearly 5000 teams led by the jaw battle fell to almost complete destruction.

Therefore, at this time, the top 100 contestant points in the Nirvana world leaderboard have at least exceeded 3 million.

As for the contestant of top 20, their points are more than 10 million.

Even if Qin Shaofeng had more than 3000 10,000 points, he still didn’t rank in the top 10.

However, after this time, with an increase of 10 million points at one time, Qin Shaofeng’s ranking is ascending to the top ten.

And even if it now has more than 4000 10,000 points, Qin Shaofeng’s ranking is worth 10th place.

Since finding out that killing Barbarian Race can get more points, those contestants who entered the brutal world, especially those of Heaven’s Chosen, have greatly reduced their interest in brutal animals, and instead began to hunt the Barbarian Race fighters crazy .

This led to the top ten contestants who scored more points than one.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng, who is ranked in the 10th place, has more than 4000 3 million points.

Even starting at 6th place, the points have been as high as 50 million.

The top 3 points are the most terrible, all are above 9 10 million, and even the points of the Spirit Young Master and Demon Sovereign children have broken through the 100 million mark.

But many people believe that this is just the beginning. These 100 million points seem to be many, but they are not.

I can only prove this directly, that is, at this moment, Qin Shaofeng directly increased the 10 million points in a very short time, which is completely visible.

You can add 10 million points so quickly. After waiting a long time, can you not add more points?

This is indeed true!

That’s right, the points on the current leaderboard are just the beginning.

Because the jaw tribe warriors who came with the jaw cymbals this time can really be regarded as a real army.

Although this number is still not as good as the number of cultivators in the Antiquity Saint Domain that entered the Savage World at this time, it is also over 100,000.

And this is just the beginning, and there is no further support behind, no one can say for sure.

And now there is just a jaw tribe. Barbarian Race in the brutal world exists in 3 major tribes!

A jaw tribe can send such a warrior. The remaining Yaoshun 2 tribe, even if the strength is not as good as the jaw tribe, it is definitely not worse!

So, this is really just the beginning.

Of course, the specific situation is not quite as simple as most people think.

10 million points are not easy to add.

At the very least, Qin Shaofeng is now in a certain state of danger.


At this moment, the jaw palate was very angry.

In the original view, an intruder like merely a Qin Shaofeng did not have that qualification to let him take action.

As long as the jaw is dispatched, he only needs to sit and wait for the jaw to capture the opponent, and it’s all right. The others don’t need to worry about anything.

But now?

Because of a stun of God, the damned intruder had killed all the subordinates he brought.

Faced with such a result, the jaw concubine’s heart could not be more angry.

“Jada, I’ll give you 7.5 minutes. If 7.5 minutes have passed, you haven’t caught this damn Qin Shaofeng to this Young Master, you can take care of yourself!” Jaw yelled in a low voice, his face It was full of anger.

Not far away, he was also in the chin of the bun, and he shivered fiercely, and his heart was frightened.

As for the jaws of the jaws, Dako knows his character very well, and he knows that he is extremely angry now.

If he really does not capture Qin Shaofeng within 7.5 minutes, then he will definitely suffer.

In fact, you don’t need to say anything about the jaw condyle. Originally, Ji Da had planned this, so needless to say what happened now.

When he took action himself, the damn intruder had killed so many of his companions.

Just like the jaws, although the lives of these jaw tribe warriors are simply not very important to the jaws, he is just like the jaws and also doesn’t care much about the lives of these people.

In fact, for people like Jaw Claw and Jaw, even if everyone around him is killed, they don’t think they will feel heartache or sadness.

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