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Chapter 1454: Ascension in Battle

That’s right, in this brief moment, Qin Shaofeng’s aura is indeed gradually increasing.

As a matter of fact, Qin Shaofeng Realm started to improve by little by little since this jaw fell into anger.

But about this, because Qin Shaofeng’s deliberate hiding was very good, the jaw was not noticed at all.

The jade that played against him was because he was caught in an angry mood, and naturally he was not even aware of this situation.

As for Qin Shaofeng’s promotion, there is naturally a reason.

I do n’t know if it was because of anger. When Qin Shaofeng killed the subordinates of the jaw, the jaw and the jaw and the others did not notice. After Qin Shaofeng killed the upper fighters of the jaw tribe, those Corpse’s superior warrior, corpse, is gone in unconsciously.

This is of course not that Qin Shaofeng directly blasted those corpse when taking action, or something.

Those high-level fighters, the brutal lines on them, the Power of Laws contained in them must be more powerful, the more pure and rich, how can Qin Shaofeng directly destroy the corpse of those high-level fighters?

The reason for the disappearance of the corpse of the higher fighters is actually that the reason is very simple, it was all quietly taken away by Qin Shaofeng.

As for taking away the corpse of these higher fighters, Qin Shaofeng’s purpose is also very simple, only one is to absorb the brutal patterns on these corpse.

After Fiendgod’s eyes awakened Fiendgod’s soldiers, and then Fiendgod’s soldiers could perform demonization of Flying Feather Blade, Qin Shaofeng discovered the flying feather blade’s phagocytic ability and once again soared a Realm.

By chance, Qin Shaofeng tried to use the Flying Feather Blade to absorb the brutal lines on the Barbarian Race.

The results of it?

Successfully, the Flying Feather Blade can actually absorb the barbarian lines on the Barbarian Race, and even the absorbed lines can be stored by the Flying Feather Blade.

It’s just that the stored time is not long, and it only has a maximum of 3 hours.

After 3 hours, the Flying Feather Blade devours the brutal patterns of storage, and then it disappears into nothingness.

And even within these three hours, the brute of the inner space that rebounds will flow with the ebbing of time.

But this is also no way out. After all, Qin Shaofeng’s Inner World cannot directly take in the Barbarian Race corpse.

It is Qin Shaofeng’s Flying Feather Blade, which can enter Qin Shaofeng’s Inner World freely.

Therefore, even though the Feather Blade swallows up the storage to absorb the rough lines on the Barbarian Race, it will cause more serious waste.

But for Qin Shaofeng’s current situation, he has only chosen to do so.

Assimilate wild lines in battle to improve his Realm.

In fact, it didn’t take long for Qin Shaofeng to think of this method since the appearance of the maxillary condyle. This method was rarely crazy.

This is also the main reason why he was directly bombarded by other jaw tribe fighters in the face of the attack of Jaw.

At this moment, because I had been immediately collecting the high-level corpse corpse, Qin Shaofeng naturally began to use Flying Feather Blade to absorb the bruises on those high-level fighters.

The reason why they did not absorb the Barbarian Race fighters they had killed before was because Qin Shaofeng knew that the Barbarian Race fighters brought by Jaw Crest not only reached the higher fighter Realm, but also the brutal patterns owned by each and everyone , All contain very powerful Power of Laws.

Absorbing such wild lines, the speed of improvement will naturally be faster.

Now what Qin Shaofeng is pursuing is to increase the speed of Realm.

As Qin Shaofeng had expected, absorbing the bruises of these higher fighters, his Law Core was really fast.

In just such a short time, Qin Shaofeng passed the Flying Feather Blade from the brute lines of the upper fighters, absorbed a large amount of Power of Laws, and then directly condensed more than 3000 Law Cores.

More than 3000 Law Cores, this completely allows Qin Shaofeng to arrange three 3 star arrays in his Inner World again.

This is equivalent to three more Grand Dao patterns!

And at this moment, when facing jaw attacks again and again, Qin Shaofeng Inner World’s Law Core is increasing every moment, and the rate of increase is still very fast.

At the same time, Najida’s anger against Qin Shaofeng became more and more prosperous.

He took action attacks many times, and was dodged by Qin Shaofeng one after another. How could this not make him angry?


As before, the faint light flashed, and Qin Shaofeng once again turned into a faint black faint light. When the Raging Flames Space struck, it flashed out instantly.


An explosion sound, the flames struck, but this blow from the jaw was missed again!



There was a bit of resentment and anger flashing in Jida’s eyes. This Raging Flames Space attack was his strongest unique skill. With this move, he was among the same realm Barbarian Race fighters, but there were few rivals.

This is why he said that he is the future warrior of the Jaws tribe.

This jaw reach is also really energetic, although his Raging Flames Space is just a prototype of the law space.

However, according to the progress of his cultivation, one day in the future, his Raging Flames Space can truly evolve into the law space of the Fire Element attribute.

However, that is also the future. Now he is not the top powerhouse like Ruler Supreme, and he does not have the ability to show real space for laws.

Therefore, the formidable power of this move, although out of the ordinary, is very powerful.

But the most deadly point is that speed can’t work, it can’t reach the performance and explosion of let him do as one pleases.

If you meet an ordinary opponent, even if the speed is not good, the jaw reaches the speed of the opponent. After all, for this burning fire, the jaw reaches a powerful speed secret technique.

Casting his cultivating battle skill is also used to increase speed.

This Barbarian Race ’s battle god battle skill is a bit special. Although the cultivation method is the same, each cultivation battle battle skill is different.

Because of the innate talent, the cultivation of the pretty god battle skill will have different abilities.

Of course, if you focus on one aspect, the cultivation’s savvy god battle skill must have the ability of that party.

Ji Da naturally also cultivation the savage god battle skill, and he not only cultivation the savage god battle skill successfully, but also got the savage skill of speed.

Therefore, with his burning fire shining to the sky, in cooperation with the savage god battle skill he cultivated, the strength of this jaw is really unusual.

But, unfortunately, he met Qin Shaofeng.

Specific speed?

Just kidding, Qin Shaofeng’s star-level martial skill is too much for him, and most of the martial skills copied directly from Fiendgod can be fully utilized by him.

At this moment, Qin Shaofeng’s Phantom Phantom is performing faster than Old Demon who specializes in cultivation Phantom Phantom several hundred to one thousand years.

With this anger, Jada reaches outrage again to take action.

But at this time, instead of bursting out of the Raging Flames Space, he directly closed the Raging Flames Space and turned it into a flame feather coat. He put it directly on himself, then both of his hands, and directly punch towards Qin Shaofeng banged.

Jada is now clearly seen. Regarding speed, at his current speed, absolutely cannot catch up with Qin Shaofeng.

Especially several times, he consumed a lot of Power of Laws, letting his wild god battle skill burst instantly, gaining explosive speed in an instant, and attacking Qin Shaofeng with Raging Flames Space.

But even so, every time, he can still be avoided by Qin Shaofeng.

Because the moment Qin Shaofeng was about to be bombarded by him, he was able to burst out at an astonishing speed, as if it were an instant movement, and directly avoided his attack.

Ji Da didn’t know. In the face of his sudden outbreak of the Battle God’s battle skill, even at such a speed, even Qin Shaofeng’s Phantom of the Wraith could not escape.

In the end, Qin Shaofeng still relied on God Flash to be able to dodged such an attack.

It’s just that it is a very small flash of God, which looks like Qin Shaofeng’s sudden burst of amazing speed. Even the distant jaw, there is no visible weak spot.

Anyway, the situation that Qin Shaofeng can hide so that Ji Da is eliminated directly in his heart, catches up with Qin Shaofeng directly, and then traps the other party in his burning Raging Flames Space.

As a result, he can only carry out other attacks.

However, when I thought that I was under the fire and ignited the sky, the punches I punched with a single punch were much stronger than in the normal state, and Jada reached a little confidence again.

Ji Da is confident of his fist. Once he hits Qin Shaofeng, he can definitely kill the other party into slag!


Punched out, the flame feathers transformed by the Raging Flames Space on Jaw’s body shook gently, and a burning aura surged out.

Then, the fist of the jaw blasted out, a fist glow with flames.


There was a shock in the void, a hot aura, and the fist glow with a strong red light, like a meteorite meteor, smashed at Qin Shaofeng.

Just a little bit, Qin Shaofeng knew that the formidable power of this move was absolutely important.


Without any hesitation, after feeling the blazing aura, Qin Shaofeng stepped on, the phantom of the magic trace was cast again, shua sound, and again dodged the attack of the jaw.


a loud sound, a fiery fire light hit the ground, and the ground exploded instantly.

fire light 4 shoot, countless flying stones!

But Qin Shaofeng is still safe and sound!

Regarding this, Jaida’s heart was angry, but at this time Jaida did not roar again, but she was shocked, her eyes turned to Qin Shaofeng in the distance, and she got up again and flew away, again punched out.

Because Jida is convinced that the speed of Qin Shaofeng’s sudden outbreak is definitely a powerful secret technique. Any such secret technique must be flawed, such as the number of times it is limited, or what kind of burden it has. At least it also needs to consume a lot of Power of Laws.

This is a good thing for Jada anyway, because he just has to wait.

Just wait until Qin Shaofeng ’s secret technique is completed, or Qin Shaofeng within the body Power of Laws is used up.

Then when the time comes, Qin Shaofeng has a dead end!

For this, Jaida is really confident, and he does not come from himself, but from the place where he was born-the brutal beast world!

Jada doesn’t believe that in an environment like the brutal beast, Qin Shaofeng, as an intruder, will have more Power of Laws than he does.

According to this situation, the person who will quickly consume the inside of the Body Power of Laws is definitely Qin Shaofeng, and it is definitely not him!

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