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Chapter 1327 7th Stage


Just when Qin Shaofeng was shocked by the powerful terrifying picture that appeared in the brain, the next moment picture turned to present another scene.

This time is just a silhouette, but this silhouette is somewhat different, as if the battle has ended.

However, just from the picture, Qin Shaofeng can’t tell, this is whether the silhouette finally won, or it finally escaped the opponent’s pursuit.

But the only thing Qin Shaofeng can be sure of is that the other party has run out of gas.

After seeing this silhouette, it seemed that he knew what was happening at the moment. He actually grabbed a bright star beside him with some kind of Great Divine Ability, and then carried out a sacrificial refining.

In the end, he turned a very huge star into a small mountain peak.

In this brief moment, Qin Shaofeng suddenly felt that this small mountain peak was extremely familiar. Take a closer look. Is this not the tenth level card, that is, the stele obtained by the Great Emperor Void?

Could this be the origin of the stele?

Qin Shaofeng’s mind suddenly burst into a single thought, and what happened next in the picture also confirmed the guess in Qin Shaofeng’s mind.

After refining the stars into small mountain peaks, that silhouette suddenly hit two lanes against the small mountain peak, then took one thing from the body and put it into the small mountain peak.

Finally, he threw a small mountain peak and threw out a star that looked a bit bleak.

This star seems to have some bad things. It seems that some Death Qi is heavy. On the huge star ground, there is only 1% of the area, and there is a little life force. The other places are all Death Qi.

In the end, this small mountain peak falls into this star, and the Death Qi has a very strong difference.

And after throwing the small mountain peak, that silhouette left without a break.

Soon after leaving the silhouette, Qin Shaofeng saw another stream of light passing by, and chased after the leaving silhouette.

This made Qin Shaofeng understand that the previous battle was not over yet.


The picture here is another change.

Then there was a heavy scene of Death Qi. In this place, there is a small mountain peak, which is like a small mountain peak refined from that silhouette.

Not long after this sub-picture appeared, a silhouette appeared, and finally found this small mountain peak.

Qin Shaofeng saw that the sudden silhouette was not the silhouette that refining the small mountain peak, but the one he had seen before, it was the Great Emperor Void!



There was a bang, in this brief moment, after the Great Emperor Void appeared, the picture was over, and then the whole explosion was completely disappeared in Qin Shaofeng’s mind.

As the picture disappeared, Qin Shaofeng suddenly felt a whole body shock, and then the whole person was thrown out of the small cultivation space, and even the tenth level card was thrown out, and appeared directly outside the stadium.

It was only then that Qin Shaofeng returned to the body and regained control of the body.

But at this moment, Qin Shaofeng felt how uncomfortable he was.

Power of Laws dried up, as if Divine Consciousness was completely drained.

In the eyes of outsiders, I saw it. Qin Shaofeng was thrown out with a pale face, and his aura was extremely weak. This pair is completely exhausted!

At this time, many people see Qin Shaofeng like this, they all seem to understand why Qin Shaofeng can persist to the end.

“Tsk tsk, this Qin Shaofeng is really ruthless! In order to persist to the end, he was desperate!”

“Hmph, why don’t you know what others might have learned from the stele!”

“Understand? Ha, is this possible? The stele does not even know the origin of the Great Emperor Void, nor does it comprehend anything. How could Qin Shaofeng be comparable to the Great Emperor Void?”

“Qin Shaofeng can’t have any gains. The other ten contestants, including Ling Young Master, and the unknown cultivation technique on the stele at the tenth level card, have all found nothing. I’m afraid Qin Shaofeng is the same!”

“I also think that Qin Shaofeng himself is probably clear, so I’m afraid he did not comprehend the stele at all, he just wanted to persist for a longer time, so as to win the championship of perception domain competition!

“Well, it looks like this!”



At this moment, the guesses of everyone outside the arena cannot be said to be all wrong.

Qin Shaofeng did not comprehend the stele, because no matter how Qin Shaofeng comprehend, there was nothing comprehend.

And in the latter case, Qin Shaofeng, at best, is to deepen his connection with the stele. That’s all.

However, in terms of gains, Qin Shaofeng is probably the one who has gained the most.

Fiendgod Pill Scripture does not increase the 5-star rating, neither does the increase of Law Core. Just the last pictures, it is a tremendous gain.

Qin Shaofeng doesn’t think those pictures are fake. Instead, he thinks those pictures are real things that happened.

But this is also the case, Qin Shaofeng still can’t calm down at this moment, because the picture is so shocking.

Qin Shaofeng believes that if these pictures come out, I am afraid that even in the top powerhouses of Ruler Supreme, it will cause a stir.

But such a thing, Qin Shaofeng knows that it is still not suitable to speak out.

However, in this way, Qin Shaofeng knew at least the origin of the stele.

It is a peerless powerhouse that does not know what Realm is, a small mountain peak refined from a huge star.

And what made Qin Shaofeng most curious was, at the last moment, what did the unknown powerhouse put into the small mountain peak?

However, no matter what it is, Qin Shaofeng knows that it is definitely a treasure.

And the stele was made by that refiner

The kind of powerhouse that can cause life and death contention is definitely an extremely valuable treasure.

For such a treasure, Qin Shaofeng naturally wanted it, but he was afraid of causing a killing disaster.

After all, for the existence of that thing, but even Ruler Supreme this top powerhouse can kill countless terrifying existence with his hands.

Eyeed by such beings, Qin Shaofeng’s current strength is absolutely dead.

However, Qin Shaofeng does not plan to give up like this.

A deep glance at the huge stele of the tenth level card revealed a bright light in his eyes.

No now, I will have strength in the future. I will definitely take out the contents of this stele.


After Qin Shaofeng came out, the savvy Domain competition ended shortly after.

As a result, there is no need to say more. Qin Shaofeng’s 2 competitions in the perception domain have achieved 1st place scores, double scores, and a total score of 20 points!

After Qin Shaofeng is Ling Young Master, double 2nd place, total score 18 points!

There is no doubt that Qin Shaofeng has once again won a Domain title.

“Another champion, this Qin Shaofeng is too evildoer!”

“5 consecutive championships! But end here too! The next ability to compete in Domain, Qin Shaofeng would be too difficult to get 1st place!”

“Yeah! After all, the ability to compete in Domain is too extensive. If Qin Shaofeng is to be a champion in this area, it is not as difficult as ordinary!”

“It ’s not necessarily. You must know that in the ability competition, pill refining and artifact refining occupy a lot of points. Bai Di Sir, whether it is artifact refining or pill refining, is very powerful. Since Qin Shaofeng has been Emperor Sir considers Legacy Disciple, then Qin Shaofeng may be able to get good results in these two competitions! “

“This is also true, but it depends on other people. After all, other race pill refining and artifact refining geniuses are not without them.”

“Then look at Qin Shaofeng’s performance next!”

“Hey, I’m looking forward to Qin Shaofeng winning the championship again, because I want to see those self-identified Heaven’s Chosen, what kind of expression will there be in the face of such Qin Shaofeng!”

“Ha, you say that, and I look forward to it.”



“System Prompt: Congratulations to Player Qin Shaofeng won the final championship with a total score of 20 points and 1st place on the ‘Perception Domain’ of the all-round competition. At this point, Player Qin Shaofeng has won 5 championships in the all-round competition and went smoothly. Completed the 6th Stage Mission ‘5 Champions’ of the ‘All-Around Champion’! “

“System Prompt: Congratulations to Player Qin Shaofeng completed the” All-Around Champion “6th Stage Mission ‘5 Champions’, successfully obtained 30 Skill Points, system Exchange Points 300,000, and the number of Player Qin Shaofeng within the body Law Core increased by 30!”


After the final result of the perception domain competition was announced, Qin Shaofeng got 2 system prompts, and his ‘all-around champion’ 6th Stage Mission ‘5 Champions’ has been successfully completed.

Then, the 7th Stage mission is open!

All-round champion: Antiquity Saint Domain rising winds, scudding clouds, countless genius evildoer. In such an environment, where can you go?

Shock it! juvenile! Do your best to shine your own rays of light in this all-round competition, crush those countless days and evildoer of Antiquity Saint Domain!

Mission content: This mission is a special trigger mission, which completes the evaluation without stars, and receives different rewards depending on the progress of the mission that the player can finally complete. Each stage of the mission has different rewards, the more rewards the more the stage. Once it fails, this mission ends!

(Note: If Player Qin Shaofeng can complete the mission of all stages of the all-round champion, you can get the mysterious reward prepared by the system.)

Goal progress is 7th Stage opened!

1st Stage: The victory is over! (Completed)

2nd Stage: First Champion! (Completed)

3rd Stage: Keep going! (Completed)

4th Stage: 3 consecutive championships! (Completed)

5th Stage: Ten Firsts! (Completed)

6th Stage: 5 Champions! (Completed)

7th Stage: Decathlon! Compete in the all-around competition in the Domain, participate in at least ten competitions, and all get 1st place results to complete the Decathlon! Reward Skill Point 50, system Exchange Points 1 million, special item Fiendgod copy card!

8th Stage: Unopened (opened after 7th Stage is completed)



This is the content of the 7th Stage mission of the ‘All-Around Champion’, which won 1st place for ten competitions!

The competence of the ability Domain is a bit special. After all, the ability is mentioned, but there are many, involving countless aspects and the domain.

Therefore, the entire competence of Domain, but there are many competitions in the project.

But because of this, Qin Shaofeng is definitely a challenging mission.

If it was a 2st place for 1 projects, Qin Shaofeng would feel nothing.

But for ten projects, it would be difficult.

After all, the competition of the Domain is not that someone will participate in the competition of each project. If you want to participate, you will naturally participate in the competition of the project that you are good at.

Therefore, it is really difficult for Qin Shaofeng to get the 1st place of ten competitions.

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