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Chapter 1326: Terrifying Picture

400 51 years!

This is the time that Ling Young Master insists on the tenth level card. Such a result is far ahead of the digital Heaven’s Chosen and other digital Heaven’s Chosen.

Ling Young Master also believes that he has obtained 1st place.

Unfortunately, this is not possible!

When being eliminated and seeing that there is still a small cultivation space for the tenth level card, the first reaction of Spirit Young Master is impossible.

Is anyone still insisting?

Young Master had something unconvinced in his mind, but soon he suddenly thought of something.

It’s okay, this should be Gubo. After all, the Great Emperor Void was born of Ancient Race. I am afraid that there are some records about this stele in Ancient Race.

If you think about it this way, it seems that Gu Bo can persist until now.

But next moment, when Ling Young Master saw Gubo outside the arena, he was completely calm.

Not Gubo!

Is it…

In this brief moment, the Young Master suddenly had a single thought head, a person’s name.

In order to confirm the guess in his mind, Ling Young Master turned his eyes and searched the scene.


It really looks like he!

His face sank sharply, but Ling Young Master was very unhappy.

Because he is understood at the moment, who is the only one who still has the tenth level card!

Qin Shaofeng!

Damn, how could he last so long?

Faced with such a situation, in addition to the anger in Ling Young Master’s heart, there was a depression.

Knowing that, he would not be so anxious.

Anyway, he entered the tenth level card 2 years more than Qin Shaofeng, which can completely stay in the small cultivation space of the tenth level card for 20 years!

If he waited until the last ten years to perform the secret technique, wouldn’t he be able to get 1st place?

But it’s too late to say anything now!

The ending is fixed!

Actually, it’s not the spirit. The Young Master doesn’t want to wait until the last time to perform the secret technique.

But he has been in the small cultivation space for 400 years, and the impact of the enlightenment strength has also caused him a lot of burden.

Persistence of 400 50 years is the state in which the Spiritual Young Master can burst out of the potential for victory. If he persists for ten years and 20 years, he will not be in the best state of victory.

At that time, if the secret technique was performed again, the formidable power would fall into his Peak state.

In just 400 50 years, the Spiritual Young Master can still guarantee the peak state to perform the secret technique, so that the self-perceived understanding and potential are in the best state.

If it is too late, you can dying.

Ling Young Master also took into account this situation, which dragged on to 400 50 years at this time.

However, Ling Young Master’s calculations are correct.

Whether it is Crown Prince of Monster God Palace, Qilin Young Master of Divine Beast, Demon Sovereign, one of the ancient Demon Race 3 Imperial Family, and Ancient Race Heaven’s Chosen, one of the 3 Saint Race .

These Heaven’s Chosen have been calculated by him thoroughly and think they are inferior to himself.

In fact, that’s right!

Under normal circumstances, the Spiritual Young Master can get 1st place for this project competition.

But his master, Young Master, counted the world, but missed a Qin Shaofeng.

Perhaps Qin Shaofeng was also accounted for by him, but because Qin Shaofeng’s previous performance made Ling Young Master feel that the other party was worse than him, he removed Qin Shaofeng.

And in this way, the seemingly Ling Young Master is right!

After all, the performance of Qin Shaofeng is obvious to countless people present, and everyone still feels that the competition of this comprehend cultivation technique and cultivation martial skill is definitely not a play.

But did n’t expect, the more I thought, the more Qin Shaofeng did not act according to common sense, and eventually this happened.

This is a big accident!

After seeing Ling Young Master eliminated, the scene was uproar again.

“Come out, it’s Ling Young Master out!”

“Well, it looks like the ending is set, I’m afraid the extra competition is gone!”

“Tsk tsk, Ling Young Master is eliminated, then the remaining Qin Shaofeng is a 1st place again, 2 competition double scores, the champion of this perception Domain competition has been won by him!”

“Oh my god, how many of these are these? Qin Shaofeng is too evildoer!”

“This is the fifth one. This fucking 5 consecutive championships. Does this Qin Shaofeng still want to win all Domain titles?”

“It’s not possible for all Domains! The next ability competition is a competition of all abilities. I don’t believe this Qin Shaofeng is all-powerful!”

“Yes, I think so too. I don’t believe that Qin Shaofeng can heaven defying, where does it go!”


Qin Shaofeng could not hear the voice of the outside world, and at this moment Qin Shaofeng finally waited for his time.

Fiendgod copied the cooldown on the stele and it was finally over.

After the first Fiendgod replication failed, Qin Shaofeng waited 100 years for a cooldown.

The second time was even more overdone, it was a 2-year cooldown.

Faced with this number, Qin Shaofeng said he was helpless.

However, now Qin Shaofeng can finally take a look at how much the success rate of Fiendgod’s replication of the unknown cultivation technique on this stele can be improved after 2 failures before and after his 460 years of cultivation.

It shouldn’t be just 1%.

“System Prompt: Congratulations to Player Qin Shaofeng performed Fiendgod replication successfully. The current replication target is an unknown cultivation technique with a success rate of 1.0001%! Because this cultivation technique is too powerful and is still in an unknown state, using Skill Point can maximize the success rate leveled to 5%! Does Player Qin Shaofeng use 100 Skill Point to increase the success rate leveled to 5%? “

Well, the success rate is finally no more than 100/1.



Well, this number is really fucking powerful!

However, the success rate leveled to 1%, which is somewhat good.

Well, just relatively speaking!

The Fiendgod replication failed twice, and it took more than 2 years of cultivation time, and the success rate was only leveled to 460%.

Faced with such a situation, Qin Shaofeng didn’t know what mood he should face to face such a result.

And what makes Qin Shaofeng kill the most to wish one were dead is that they have already had a success rate of 1%, and then consume 100 Skill Points, can they only level the success rate to 5%?

Qin Shaofeng said that this is unacceptable. When my 100 Skill Points are 100 system Exchange Points?

100 is just a 4% increase, no, exactly, a success rate of 3.9999%.

This 100 Skill Point is too worthless!

Not to mention that Qin Shaofeng does not have that many Skill Points now, even if he does, it is impossible to waste Skill Point like this.

Therefore, Qin Shaofeng did not hesitate to ignore the system prompt for using Skill Point to increase the success rate, and directly chose to Fiendgod the unnamed cultivation technique on the stele.

“System Prompt: Copy failed!”

Well, the system prompt sounds normal!

Without Heavens’ care, the system didn’t break out suddenly.

So, just 1% success rate, failure is normal, and Qin Shaofeng didn’t care.

However, after this time failed, Qin Shaofeng found that he was more closely connected to the stele.

Tight enough that he seemed to be able to manipulate the stele!

When such an idea appeared in Qin Shaofeng’s mind, he was immediately taken aback by his own thoughts.

Steering a stele?

What a joke, how is this possible?

Qin Shaofeng’s mind immediately denied the speculative thoughts in his mind, but it seemed as if he had taken root, staying in his heart, and couldn’t shake it out.

“Would you like to try it anyway? Even if it fails, there will be no less meat!”

After hesitating for a while, Qin Shaofeng finally touched the impatience in his heart, and decided to try to control the stone tablet.

Say it and try it!

In the next moment, Qin Shaofeng closed his eyes tightly, and all his minds were concentrated to sense the connection between himself and the stele.

Then, Qin Shaofeng followed this feeling, letting his mind move towards the stele, and finally seemed to sense the existence of the stele, Qin Shaofeng a thought flashed through the mind.

Great, that’s it!

Fierce eyes opened, Qin Shaofeng Divine Consciousness swarmed out, directly following his connection with the stele, injected into the side of the stele.


After Divine Consciousness swarmed, Qin Shaofeng immediately felt it, an indescribable shock.

This shock seemed to come from the depths of the stele, and then directly to Qin Shaofeng in the depth of one’s soul, so that Qin Shaofeng as a whole was completely shaken at this moment.

Completely sluggish!

People are stagnant, even in this brief moment, Qin Shaofeng’s soul seems to be stagnant.

But Qin Shaofeng’s thinking still exists. Then, while the shock appeared, a picture suddenly appeared in Qin Shaofeng’s brain.

The picture is a terrifying scene, heaven falls and earth rends, space collapse, countless fire sea, endless storms, endless snow and ice …

This is exactly the scene of the end of the world!

And what caused everything was just a battle, a battle of two figures.

Qin Shaofeng didn’t know where it was, but he saw a familiar scene.

Because in the picture of the end, Qin Shaofeng saw countless stars and earth, one after another huge planet, all have countless lives.

All kinds of life, there are life like Human Race, there are life similar to Human Race, and all kinds of weird race life.

Although it is only a picture, Qin Shaofeng is clearly aware of these auras of countless lives at this moment.

Powerful, the life on those huge planets is very powerful, although it is not as good as the Ruler realm, but there are also a lot of auras in the Ruler realm.

Even Qin Shaofeng feels a lot, there is an extra powerful aura life on some planets.

The aura of these lives is so powerful that Qin Shaofeng only sensed it on his Master and Honglao.

Ruler Supreme?

These all are the top powerhouse of Ruler Supreme Realm!

Such aura is almost every huge planet, some one or two, some a dozen, or even dozens!

This is too exaggerated!

But what is really exaggerated is that in the top powerhouse planet with such Ruler Supreme, in the picture, it is a gesture of supplication.

They begging, begging!

The begging object is exactly the two figures that Qin Shaofeng at first saw.

But no matter how begging or begging for life on these huge planets, it is useless.

Because the two figures that seem to be able to exist freely in the universe, I haven’t even looked at these planets at all. They are fighting with their attention completely and trying to kill each other.

And when they were at war, the way that Qin Shaofeng could not describe the terrorist attack strength described, erupted endlessly, destroying that one after another huge planet with a top powerhouse, destroyed it directly!

This is an extremely terrifying picture that completely exceeds Qin Shaofeng’s imagination.

Ruler Supreme is such a powerful top powerhouse, actually in this brief moment, it became the existence of trivial ant, so a large number of people died.

This had to make Qin Shaofeng speculate about those two figures.

What kind of series of powerhouses are these two figures in the end?

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