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Chapter 1328 Competition of Ability Domain

The content of this ‘Almighty Champion’ 7th Stage mission ‘Decathlon’ is left alone.

For this Rank 1 Mission Reward, Qin Shaofeng was very concerned.

Skill Point rewards 50 directly!

System Exchange Points even reached 1 million!

And these are all secondary, what Qin Shaofeng cares about most is the last special item reward-Fiendgod copy card!

Fiendgod Duplication Card: Special Consumable Item, Super Divine Rank Skill Fiendgod Duplication Exclusive Item! After use, you can get 3 additional Fiendgod replication opportunities for the skills that have failed replication in the past, and the success rate of each Fiendgod replication can be improved to a certain extent!

The moment I saw this Fiendgod copy card, Qin Shaofeng’s first thought was the stele of the tenth level card.

Now that Qin Shaofeng knows it, I am afraid that the simply possessed by the stele is not a powerful and unknown cultivation technique.

Maybe there is some work in that stele, but this is not the main thing.

Because Qin Shaofeng knows the origin of the stele and how it was refining it, it is completely an unimaginable powerhouse, grabbing a huge star, and then refining it directly.

The real usefulness of this stele is probably just to hide that treasure.

In a way, this stele is just a special weapon equipment.

With that in mind, Qin Shaofeng had another guess in his mind.

Maybe this stone stele needs special means or a powerful secret technique in order to refine it and then take out the contents.

And he copied the stele with Fiendgod copy. I am afraid that the copy is the method of refining the stele.

Once he Fiendgod copied this refining method, then he Qin Shaofeng can become the master of this stele, and can get everything in it.

So, this is why even the top powerhouse like the Great Emperor Void can’t detect the cultivation technique on this stele.

I’m afraid it’s all because of the powerhouse that refining this stele, at the last moment, the effect of several lights on the stele.

Without the method of refining, nor the cultivation technique and the martial skill, it is naturally difficult to comprehend anything.

Only the copy of Super Divine Rank Skill Fiendgod, owned by Qin Shaofeng, forcibly copied the refining stone stele.

However, it is precisely because of this situation that the success rate is extremely low.

This is why, after Qin Shaofeng failed to repeat the forced copy with Fiendgod, he did not get any information about the cultivation technique, but instead became more closely connected with the stele.

If Fiendgod’s replication is really successful, Qin Shaofeng estimates that he can completely refine the stele.

Therefore, this special item Qin Shaofeng intends to keep it, and then find a chance to use it on that stone monument.

Although this stone was just taken out and used in the comprehension of the domain of perception, Qin Shaofeng believes that when he strengthens his strength, he will always encounter this stone again.

In the current situation, it is better to keep this Fiendgod copy card.

Of course, before that, Qin Shaofeng had to complete the mission ‘decathlon’ of the 7th Stage of this ‘all-around champion’.

If the mission cannot be completed, the reward will naturally be lost, and the Fiendgod copy card will not be obtained.

However, this time is aimed at this Fiendgod copy card, Qin Shaofeng is determined to complete this ‘decathlon’ mission.


Player: Qin Shaofeng

Level: Nirvana Realm Peak

Exp Points: 100%

Profession: Devil King

Law Core: 1000/100 (a total of 100, the current Power of Laws in the limit of 1000 Law Cores)

Innate Spirit Root: The Body of Fiendgod

Skills: King’s Blessing, Eye of Fiendgod, Fiendgod Pill Scripture, Fiendgod body refinement, Dafa, Fiendgod copy

Familiar: Gong Qingzi, Leng Yaxuan

Equipment: Nine Profound Sacred Sword, Flying Feather Blade, Magic Cloud

Mission: Leveling Mission

Skill Point: 47

system Exchange Points: 416600

Items: Infinite Resurrection (Card)

Peerage: Meng Xin’er, Qin Yue’er, Zhao Yun’er, Bai Xue, Geng Qiutong, Lian Yufeng, Tang Qijian, Du Meng, Hu Ye, Xiang Chengfeng, world avatar, Yan Yang (indestructible avatar), cold Relentless (indestructible incarnation)


Qin Shaofeng took a moment to take a look at his attributes when the ability competition was about to start.

1000 Law Core!

That’s right, in the small cultivation of the competition tenth level card of the Perception Domain, Qin Shaofeng cultivated the Law Core to 2 900 Realm.

Therefore, after completing the ‘All-Around Champion’ 6th Stage Mission, Qin Shaofeng received a boost of 30 Law Cores, and the Law Core within the body finally reached 1000.

And at this time, Qin Shaofeng and Qin Shaofeng’s Fiendgod Pill Scripture are already 5-star Fiendgod Pill Scripture, which allows him to have Divine Demon’s Power with 1000 Law Core.

From this situation, Qin Shaofeng is now considered as a Ruler’s First Step Peak level cultivation base.

It’s just one step away from the Supreme Ruler, condensing 1000 Law Core into a Grand Dao pattern.

However, this matter is not urgent for Qin Shaofeng!

Because now the most important thing is this all-around competition!


It is now the second last Domain competition.

According to the number of competitions for all the events in the all-round competition, in fact, the competition for all the competitions in this ability, the competition for all the events has been less than half,

This is different.

In the previous 5 domain competitions, the strength domain has 3 competitions, the physical domain has 2 competitions, and the spiritual domain also has 2 competitions. This potential Domain competes with the perception domain that has just ended. It also has only 2 competitions.

All five competition items in the Domain add up, but there are more than ten, and eleven competitions have been reached.

It stands to reason that the competition for 5 domains has already been conducted, then the competition for all the projects should be similar, and the remaining 2 competitions are estimated to be few.

In fact, this is just the beginning.

Of all the Domain competitions, the real highlight is the competition between the last two Domains.

The competition of strength domain, this goes without saying!

No matter how evildoer the innate talent is, how abnormal the perception is, how amazing the potential is, it is a word.

Because no matter how genius it is, awesome people can’t have a strength that rivals Supreme Ruler in Nirvana Realm.

So you are genius not genius, you awesome not awesome, it all depends on your strength!

Speaking with strength is the truth!

The finale of all the all-round competitions is the final strength of the Domain Domain.

However, the ability to compete before the strength of the Strength Domain is also a highlight.

Because on this Domain, you can see that Antiquity Saint Domain countless geniuses who are good at various Domains, and give full play to their expertise in this arena.

Therefore, the competition of the entire ability Domain, there are many project competitions.

However, although there are more items in the competence Domain, there are actually several major ones.

pill refining, artifact refining, royal beast, cloth array, divide runes!

These are the five main competitions in the ability Domain competition. Needless to say, no matter where it is, even in the Antiquity Saint Domain, Alchemist and Artificer are very hot Profession.

Even some powerful Alchemist and Artificer, even if their strength is not high, there are people who have the same status as Ruler Supreme this top powerhouse.

The words of Royal Beast do not need to say more.

In Antiquity Saint Domain, they have young Sect Masters and influences. They are not strong influencers, but they have a powerful Life Source Battle Beast.

It is even said that there is a Supreme Ruler with a weak strength in an influence in the Antiquity Saint Domain, but this Supreme Ruler is a Life Source Battle Beast with a Ruler Supreme Level.

So, with his Battle Beast, he also became one of the top powerhouses of Antiquity Saint Domain.

Of course, in the Antiquity Saint Domain, there is an absolute resistance to these Beast Controllers that can control the beast. This is Monster God Palace.

But helpless even some other great influences, there are some powerhouses that have Life Source Battle Beast. After all, having a Life Source Battle Beast on their strength can improve a lot.

Therefore, even if it is helpless, Monster God Palace can’t put an end to the beast. Even more how, even in the Monster Race, there are a lot of Monster Races enslaving other Monster Races!

Arranging a competition does not require much explanation.

A powerful array division can wave a powerful array in the hands, which can kill powerful enemies and siege powerhouses.

Even some powerful array divisions can lay out an array of Ruler Supreme this level top powerhouse!

Therefore, array formation is also an important competition for the ability Domain.

As for the divine runes, there is no need to say more, because the divine runes are too important.

Whether it is artifact refining or pill refining, divide runes are needed, because adding divide runes can refining more powerful weapons and elixir.

And divine runes on the array, it has unique support capabilities.

For the same array, if you add divide runes, the formidable power can be doubled.

Even the more divide runes you add, the stronger the array becomes.

Especially some special weapons, but need to portray the array, and if these portrayed arrays are added with divide runes, the effect will definitely be better.

So in Antiquity Saint Domain, divine runes are also important.

Therefore, in the competence of the Domain competition, the 5 points of the competition are out of 10!

It is worth mentioning that the score of the entire ability Domain competition is 100 points.

Pill refining, artifact refining, Royal Beast, Array, and Divine Runes accounted for half of the 50 points.

而剩下的50分呢,则是分成了5个分数为5分的competition ,以及多个分数1到3分的competition 项目。

Anyway, the competition for the entire Domain competes, but there are more than 20 competition projects.

There are too many competitions for more than 20 projects. Even Qin Shaofeng does not intend to participate in competitions for all projects.

Because this is too tired!

However, due to the ‘decathlon’ mission of the 7th Stage of the ‘Almighty Champion’, Qin Shaofeng must also participate in at least ten competitions.

The ten competitions have been confirmed by Qin Shaofeng.

The main competitions for the five projects, artifact refining, pill refining, imperial beast, cloth array, and divide runes, Qin Shaofeng must have participated.

After all, these five competitions accounted for half of the total competence of Domain competition.

Qin Shaofeng intends to participate in the five competition projects with a score of 5.

However, Qin Shaofeng is not sure. In all ten projects, he can get all the 1st place.

Fortunately, the mission at this time of the ‘Almighty Champion’, that ‘Decathlon’ is not to say that in the competition of the ability Domain, it has won 1st place consecutively.

Therefore, in order to ensure that the Rank 1 segment mission can be completed, Qin Shaofeng will participate in the competition for other projects in addition to the competition for ten projects.

And even if it ’s not for mission, even if it ’s just to get more points to get the champion of this ability, Qin Shaofeng is going to participate.

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