"Qingqing, why are you here?"

After hearing this,

Xu Tian was stunned.

What's going on?

Didn't you say you were here?

Xu Tian frowned and asked:

"Ah...Auntie, didn't you tell Wanqing to let us come here to rescue you?"

Mu Renxue turned her gaze to Xu Tian and said in a daze:

"What nonsense are you talking about? This is the Night Demon's territory, how could I let Qingqing risk her life to save me?"

Xu Tian:"......."

He looked solemn.

At this moment, Mu Wanqing suddenly stood up.

Since Mu Wanqing had her back to Xu Tian, he could not see the expression on her face.

Xu Tian frowned and asked,"Wanqing, what's going on?"

Suddenly, a familiar voice came from behind.

"Oh, what a pity....The well-known space-based ability awakener turned out to be Zhi Zhang, and he hasn't reacted yet?"

Xu Tian turned his head and looked at the source of the sound, and said in surprise:

"Damn! Are you done? Seconds man!"

Cai Kunkun:"......."

【The resentment value from Cai Kunkun +666!】


Han Qian on the side couldn't help but sneered.

When he noticed Cai Kunkun's resentful eyes, he quickly held back his laughter, but his face was twisted.

At the same time, Xu Tian also set his eyes on him.

With a look of surprise, he said:

"Hey, those three guys were caught? Why didn’t you give me a reward?"

Han Qian:"......."

【Resentment from Han Qian +666! 】

Are you here?

I’ll give you a reward of 8! ?


Cai Kunkun sneered and glanced at Han Qian, as if to say...

I didn't expect you to have this day?

Han Qian's face suddenly turned gloomy, and he said coldly:

"Xu Tian, you can't escape today, if you have any last words, please tell me now."

"What? Do you really want me to go to hell and beat up your ancestors?" Xu Tian said nonchalantly.

Han Qian:"......."

【Resentment value from Han Qian +999!】

【Cai Kunkun's hilarious score +999! 】


Brother is awesome! You can even fight back against this? ?

Cai Kunkun silently gave Xu Tian a thumbs up.

Han Qian's face became even darker.

Seeing this, Xu Tian was surprised again:"Why is your face so dark? Are you going to transform into Super Poop Man?"

Han Qian:"......."

【Resentment from Han Qian +1000! 】

Han Qian's anger was rising like crazy, and he was about to say something.

But Xu Tian muttered in a low voice,"My shit is not as black as yours!"..."

The voice was very small, but the people present could hear it clearly.


I can't stand it anymore!

Then I won't stand it!

Han Qian's anger was off the charts!

Without saying anything, he released his supernatural power.

""Dark Night Wolf!"

Instantly, an illusory black wolf appeared behind Han Qian.

Its eyes were fierce, its teeth were exposed and extremely sharp.

It emitted a shocking cold light.

Xu Tian first glanced at the illusory wolf shadow, then at Han Qian, and said with a smack of his tongue:

"Tsk tsk, they are indeed master and servant, not only are they equally dark, but they are also equally weak!"

Han Qian:"......."

【Resentment from Han Qian +1000! 】

Cai Kunkun couldn't hold it in any longer and sneered:

"Poof! God is so dark and hollow, you are really a genius!’!"

Xu Tian:"......."

I'll just take it as a compliment!

Han Qian on the side clenched his fists, making a crackling sound.

His eyes were fierce, and the wolf behind him rushed directly towards Xu Tian!

Xu Tian took out a chair from the system space and sat on it directly, still eating melon seeds, and squinted his eyes and said:

"Hey, is Xubi here? Do you want wolfberry or okra? Great tonic! Not expensive! Only 100,000 per berry!"

Dark Night Wolf:"......"

His big head is full of question marks?

What is this human talking about?

Also, looking at his expression, why isn't he afraid of me?

Am I too cute?

Oh my!...shy!

⁄(⁄ ⁄•⁄o⁄•⁄ ⁄)⁄Shame, shame, shame.

Its steps stopped, and its eyes, which were originally full of hostility, became soft.

It looked at Xu Tian affectionately.


Xu Tian shuddered violently.

He spat out the melon seed shells in his mouth!

Why is there something wrong with the way this dog looks at me?

Could it be that even dogs are attracted by my peerless beauty? ?

Seeing this, the people present were dumbfounded.

The most confused one was Han Qian.

His eyes were blank, and the corners of his mouth twitched wildly, as if he had installed a small electric motor.

【Resentment value from Han Qian +555!】

【Resentment from Han Qian +666!

Xu Tian was stunned.


You can't even take care of your own dog, why are you blaming me? ?

Suddenly, Han Qian cursed:

"You useless thing, come on! Do you believe I will kill Xiaomei?"

As soon as he said this, the Dark Night Wolf's body stiffened, his eyes were filled with hostility again, and his fierce eyes stared at Xu Tian.

Xu Tian:"......."

Good fellow!

Although this dog is not a human, you are a real dog!

Xu Tian secretly smacked his lips in his heart....

Don't mess with this guy!

He's even threatening dogs when he gets ruthless!

Han Qian continued to threaten:"If you can't kill him within ten seconds, I'll leave Xiaomei to Ah Hui!"

As soon as he finished speaking!

The Dark Night Wolf seemed to be extremely stimulated, and its momentum suddenly increased!

The hair exploded!

An invisible airflow surrounded its body!

It blew Xu Tian, who was sitting on the chair, to the back.


It roared! It jumped up and pounced directly at Xu Tian.

But Xu Tian still looked calm, as if he had already planned everything out.

Just when the sharp claws of the Dark Night Wolf were about to pierce Xu Tian's heart.

Xu Tian hooked his finger at Cai Kunkun,"Little brat, come here!"


The skill failed!

Xu Tian frowned, but he had no time to think about it, so he quickly teleported backwards to avoid it.


The seat Xu Tian was sitting on was ruthlessly torn to pieces!

Seeing this, Han Qian sneered:"Haha, why don't you use your little trick?"

"Yes or no......It's ineffective?"

Xu Tian's eyes narrowed,"Did you do that?"

Cai Kunkun suddenly said,"Hey, fight poison with poison, specifically for old perverts like you!"

Xu Tian:"......."

Damn it DJ! Is he really restricted?


Teleportation is still available, why can't skills be used?

He doesn't have time to think about these things now....Seeing that his attack was unsuccessful, the Dark Night Wolf roared and pounced again!

The two were only five meters apart.

Xu Tian's back was also blocked, and even if he teleported to avoid it, he would still be affected by the attack!


Xu Tian seemed to have thought of something, and a cruel arc appeared at the corner of his mouth!

With a thought, a bottle of spray packaged in a silver-white bottle appeared in Xu Tian's hand.


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