Going down the stairs, I reached the bottom floor.

The first thing I could see was a series of wooden doors arranged in a fan shape.

"These are the rest rooms for the Night Demons on guard duty." Mu Wanqing said.

Xu Tian frowned when he heard this,"How did you know?"

Mu Wanqing was stunned at first, and stammered,"I...My mother told me.

Xu Tian nodded and did not dwell on this question any further.

"So where are we going?"

""There!" Mu Wanqing pointed to a room,"Go through that room and you'll find my mother imprisoned."

Hearing that, Xu Tian walked straight in and pushed open the door.

He first stuck half of his head in, and when he found no one, he waved to Mu Wanqing.

"No one, come on."


This room is not too big or too small, about 5 meters long and wide. There are many cabinets and wooden chairs inside.

Mu Wanqing led the way, and Xu Tian followed closely.

Passing through the lounge, a tunnel appeared in front of Xu Tian.

This tunnel was not pitch black, but emitted a faint green light!

"Wanqing, is this the place?" Xu Tian asked.

Mu Wanqing closed her eyes, then suddenly opened them and nodded.

"Indeed, my mother told me...She is at the end of the tunnel"

"Did she say anything else?"

"No." Mu Wanqing shook her head.

Xu Tian touched his chin and fell into deep thought.

At this moment, Mu Wanqing suddenly said:

"Xu Tian, are we going in now?"

"Let's go, I'll explore the way ahead, you follow closely."

After saying that,

Xu Tian's body flashed with white light, and he took a step and disappeared on the spot.

Mu Wanqing also hurriedly followed.

Just as Xu Tian and the other two had just left, two people appeared at the entrance of the tunnel.

They were both wearing red cloaks.

If Xu Tian was there, he would be able to recognize the two people.

One of them was Han Qian, who was called the Demon Envoy.

The other was Cai Kunkun, who was lured away by Xu Tian with the Hehuan Powder.

"Haha, how difficult did you think this mission was? I didn't expect it to be so easy."

Cai Kunkun lifted his middle-parted hair and sneered.

Han Qian next to him also smiled jokingly,"Coming here, even Monkey King has to use his golden hoop to poke the toilet! He can't escape even if he has wings!"

Cai Kunkun smiled when he heard this, and then suddenly asked,"Oh, by the way, including Xu Tian, we should have collected ten elemental sacrifices now, right?"

Han Qian shook his head,"No, we still lack a wood element."

Cai Kunkun frowned in some confusion,"Isn't Mu Renxue a wood element?"

Han Qian shook his head again,"She has been on the verge of extinction and cannot withstand the impact of the magic circle."

Cai Kunkun pondered for a moment and said,"Then what should we do? Could it be that........You want Mu Wanqing to be the sacrifice?"

Han Qian nodded, his tone calm:"Yes, only in this way can the sacrifice ceremony be initiated."

Cai Kunkun was shocked:"Fuck! Are you crazy? Mu Wanqing is an SS-level talent! If she is used by the Night Demon, she will have a bright future!"

Han Qian shook his head and explained:

"Now her value has been squeezed out, there is no point in keeping her, not to mention...If her subjective consciousness is restored, it will be like a time bomb."

Upon hearing this, Cai Kunkun nodded in agreement, with an ecstatic smile on his face:

"Hahahaha, whatever! We have been preparing for this plan for three years, and it is finally going to come true!"

"After this time...There will be chaos in China!"

"By the time...The Lingyin Army has no time to care about other things, so we Night Demons can regain our former glory!"

Han Qian and Cai Kunkun smiled at each other.

They both saw the ecstasy in each other's eyes!

Suddenly, Cai Kunkun raised the small package of Hehuan Powder in his hand and whispered:

"This Xu Tian...You are such a smooth talker, I don’t even know if this thing is real or fake?"

Han Qian beside him saw this and asked in confusion:"What is this?"


"Hehuan Powder? Is it the Hehuan Powder I imagined?"

"I think so. Xu Tian said he can last for three days and three nights, and even seventeen days in one night!"

"I knock, so awesome?"

The indifferent expression on Han Qian's face disappeared instantly, and his face was full of surprise.

"Have you tried it?"

"No." Cai Kunkun shook his head and said with a lewd smile:

"Do you want it?"

"cough cough...I'm a gentleman, of course....Yes!"

Han Qian took it and stuffed it into his chest pocket.

Cai Kunkun:"......"

His expression changes faster than turning the pages of a book! He had a calm expression just now, but now he has a lewd smile on his face? ?


He is indeed a man who can be a magic envoy.

Cai Kunkun suddenly said hurriedly:"If it is useful, remember to share some with me."

But Han Qian had already walked away, raised his hand and waved.

""Fuck! How immoral!"

Cai Kunkun cursed and hurriedly followed...........

In the tunnel.

Xu Tian, who was completely unaware, was cautiously leaning against the wall, slowly moving forward.

The deeper into the tunnel, the brighter the green light became.

Suddenly, Xu Tian stopped moving forward.

Mu Wanqing, who was following closely behind, seemed to be thinking about something and did not notice that Xu Tian had stopped. She continued to move forward, and her forehead hit Xu Tian's strong back directly.

"Ouch~ It hurts!"Mu Wanqing rubbed her forehead and said softly.

Xu Tian:"......"

"Miss, please be more careful! We are saving your mother, not mine!"

"Yeah, I know I was wrong." Mu Wanqing shook Xu Tian's arm with an expression of knowing her mistake.

She looked very touching.

Xu Tian covered his face helplessly, but he was secretly happy in his heart.

I knock!

Que Shirun!

Xu Tian whispered:"Look at the intensity of this light, it's almost there, be prepared to fight at any time!"

""Okay." Mu Wanqing nodded.

A black frying pan appeared out of thin air in Xu Tian's hand.

His body was tense!

The spiritual power in his body was already running quietly!

Be ready to escape at any time!

He continued to walk forward for about three minutes.

Xu Tian saw a green ball of light.

Faintly, Xu Tian could see a vague figure in the light.

The figure was thin, with his head drooping, his long hair covering his face, and he knelt on the ground weakly. His limbs were tightly restricted by the bloody chains extending from the wall.

Xu Tian frowned, and when he was about to ask Mu Wanqing,

Mu Wanqing's figure had already passed him by and rushed towards the ball of light.

Her eyes were red, and tears flowed out like a spring.

She cried:

""Mother! Mother!"

Mu Wanqing stretched out her hands, trying to touch the woman in the light.

However, the moment her fingers touched the light, her figure was directly bounced away.

Xu Tian hurriedly stabilized her body.

When he was about to say something,

Mu Wanqing had already rushed over again, trembling all over.

"Wanqing..."Don't!" Xu Tian shouted.

He could see that Mu Wanqing had lost her basic subjective consciousness at this moment.

She was overwhelmed by the sudden reunion after a long separation.

Her rationality was gone!

Xu Tian directly reached out and grabbed her collar and said coldly:

""You've been hit, your mother will be shot to death by you!"

Mu Wanqing was stunned when she heard this. Then she realized that the figure in the light ball had woken up.

But he was still spitting blood.

Xu Tian had just noticed this abnormality. He had a vague guess in his heart.......

The force used by the outside world to touch the light ball will directly rebound to the people in the light ball!


The Night Demon is really insidious!

Xu Tian couldn't help but curse in his heart.

At this time, Mu Wanqing also reacted, and her eyes became blank.


She stammered and tried to say something, but swallowed it back.

At this moment, the figure in the light suddenly looked up, looked at Mu Wanqing in Xu Tian's arms, and said in disbelief:

"Qingqing! Why are you here???"


There will be another chapter at 9 o'clock. It's not that I won't post it, but I don't have any manuscripts saved.(╥﹏╥)oCurrent code! Oli Ge!

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