This silver bottle...

It was the anti-wolf spray that the system had rewarded him with.

Xu Tian thought that this thing was useless and would rot in the system space.

But he didn't expect that it could be used now.

He didn't know if it had expired.

But seeing that there was no time to hesitate any longer,

Xu Tian unscrewed the lid and sprayed it on the face of the Dark Night Wolf!

Hiss, hiss, hiss--!

Countless small particles of water mist sprayed out of the bottle!

The impact was great!

The range was also very large!

It shot towards the Dark Night Wolf!

And the moment the front paws of the Dark Night Wolf touched the water mist, it was directly corroded.

Extremely fast!

There was no delay at all!

Everyone was dumbfounded!

Even Xu Tian was stunned!

What the hell!! ?

It must be fake!

It worked so quickly! ?

It's really a baby!


Han Qian heard the painful howl of Dark Night Wolf!

He suddenly came to his senses and stared at the Dark Night Wolf that was missing its right front paw!

His eyes were full of disbelief!

Han Qian witnessed the strange scene just now.

It is conceivable that this caused great trauma to his young mind!

Shocked.......! numbness.......

A suffocating feeling surged into his heart!

【Shock value from Han Qian +666!】

【The shock value from Cai Kunkun +666! 】

At this moment, Xu Tian came back to his senses and a bright smile suddenly appeared on his face:

"What a pity!...I can only eat less front paws!"

Han Qian:"......."

Fuck you!

"" Puff!" He spat out a mouthful of blood.

It was not because he was angry with Xu Tian!

But because Dark Night Wolf was his superpower, the former was injured, and the latter naturally suffered the backlash.

Xu Tian grinned and said:"Fuck! Why are you slandering me?"

Han Qian:"......."

What the hell is this? ?

Was your Chinese teacher taught by math?

""Poof!" Han Qian was so angry that he spat out blood again.

Well, this time it was Xu Tian who made him spit out blood! Han Qian suddenly shouted loudly:"Cai Kunkun, come on, fuck me!"

Cai Kunkun pretended not to hear and lifted his middle-parted hair,"Are you teaching me how to do things?"

Han Qian:"......."

"" Puff!"

Another mouthful of blood spurted out!....To be precise, it should be black blood.

Han Qian covered his abdomen in pain and looked at Cai Kunkun with gritted teeth:

"Are you a fucking spy? Why aren't you here?"

"If you ask me to go, I will go? Wouldn't that be embarrassing?" Cai Kunkun sneered,"I was planning to go, but for your sake, I decided not to go....Not going anymore!"

""Puff!" Han Qian's face was completely bloodless, his lips were pale, and his body was trembling slightly.

At the same time, the body of the Dark Night Wolf gradually became illusory.

Xu Tian saw the right opportunity and teleported directly in front of the Dark Night Wolf, spraying it at its head!

Hiss, hiss, hiss--!

The water mist was like the scythe of the god of death, taking away the last breath of the Dark Night Wolf.

Its body slowly dissipated, turned into dust, and fell to the ground.


Han Qian knelt weakly on the ground. His supernatural power was broken!

He has now become an ordinary person. He has no fighting power at all.

Seeing this, Cai Kunkun just sneered mercilessly,"Oh, it seems that the Demon Envoy is going to abdicate?"

"Cai Kunkun, will not die well!"

""Ha!" Cai Kunkun sneered, and the black mist quickly condensed into a spear, which pierced Han Qian's chest directly.

At the same time, the Hehuan Powder in his chest pocket also fell to the ground.

Han Qian's pupils dilated, his eyes gradually dimmed, and he fell straight to the ground without any vitality.


Xu Tian was a little surprised when he saw this scene.

"that...Brother, you are not really a spy, are you?"

Cai Kunkun pulled out the spear, wiped the blood off it with his fingers, and said seriously:

"Haha, I am an upright person, how could I be a spy?"

Xu Tian tilted his head, very confused:"Then why did you kill him? Isn't he your accomplice?"

Cai Kunkun looked at Han Qian's body with contempt:"He...Are you worthy? You even threaten a dog! You are worse than a beast!"

Xu Tian:"......."

I wipe it?

Do you say that the night devil is ruthless and his life is like a rumor



【Resentment value from Cai Kunkun +999! 】

He clenched his fists, really wanting to punch Xu Tian in the face!

What a fucking jerk!

Am I going to hit him!

Cai Kunkun sneered disdainfully:"Haha, do you think I'm the same as this guy? I can be easily provoked by you."

Xu Tian:"......."

You're not provoked?

Then why are you clenching your fists?

Are you playing whack-a-mole?

Hit one at a time? So happy?

I'll just watch you pretend!

Xu Tian rolled his eyes helplessly.

Cai Kunkun looked at the watch on his wrist. It was almost two o'clock in the morning.

He couldn't help but reveal a look of ecstasy in his eyes!

"Okay, the game is about to begin!"

"What game is this?"Xu Tian was confused, and suddenly asked:

"Are you really going to play whack-a-mole? Didn't you just say that we should love animals? Oh~~ How hypocritical! You are a scoundrel! You are so sanctimonious! You are worse than shit!"

(๑‾᷅^‾᷅๑) Xu Tian cursed’!

(▼ヘ▼#)Cai Kunkun:"......."

I knock!

What the hell is whack-a-mole?

Why don't you say masturbation?

And...When did I say we should love small animals?

You are talking nonsense!

You have really figured out the art of grafting!

【Cai Kunkun's resentment value +666! 】

Xu Tian grinned:"What game? Add me! I am the glory of the game!......Where is the gold?"

Cai Kunkun:"......."


【Resentment value from Cai Kunkun +1000! 】

He ignored Xu Tian's glib words and said with a cold look in his eyes:"The game has begun." As soon as he finished speaking, a loud noise suddenly came from outside!


No! To be precise, there should be 8 loud noises!

But they happened at the same time!

Xu Tian's eyes condensed, with a puzzled look on his face!

But suddenly, his waist was hugged by a pair of slender arms.

Xu Tian's body stiffened and he found that Mu Wanqing was hugging her tightly.

Not only that.

Mu Wanqing's eyes were already dark, and her body was constantly emitting a hazy black mist.

Her originally pure face was full of a hideous smile.

At this moment, she didn't look like a person at all!

But more like a demon!

A demon walking out of the abyss!

Ferocious and terrifying!

In an instant,

Xu Tian only felt the chill in his body rushing from his toenails to his head!

His body shivered violently!

"Wanqing, what are you doing! ?"

"Wanqing? Hehe..."It's just a dead person!" Mu Wanqing said calmly. Her expression remained unchanged.

Xu Tian's pupils shrank suddenly!

He could clearly feel the spiritual power in his body constantly dissipating.

Being swallowed up by the black mist on Mu Wanqing's body.

At this moment,

Mu Renxue, who was in the light ball, suddenly whispered:

"Qingqing, you...Your consciousness has been corroded?"


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