Xu Tian:"......"

Why does this sound weird?

Xu Tian stood up and was about to open the door.

"I'll give you some sugar......."

But before he could finish his words, the door opened automatically!


It wasn't opened, it was knocked open!


The wooden door fell straight to the ground!

Xu Tian glanced at Xu Xiaotang standing at the door with a gloomy look.

He couldn't help but roll his eyes!


After Xu Xiaotang entered the room, she excitedly threw herself into Xu Tian's arms and said softly:

"I broke the door, you won't blame me, will you?..."

Xu Tian"......"

Xu Tian, who originally wanted to curse, held it back after hearing this!

"Of course I won’t blame you, my good sister~"

Xu Tian placed his right hand on Xu Xiaotang’s smooth white hair and stroked it gently.

After all, who can resist a white-haired sister who knows how to act coquettishly?

"Brother, I heard that you won first place in this city competition. Is that true?"

"How did you know?"

"Of course I know! Gou Bayi Middle School is going crazy, and there are a lot of reporters interviewing me."

"The way my classmates look at me...I'm so envious! I'm so proud!"

Xu Xiaotang gave Xu Tian a thumbs up.

"Brother, you really make me proud!"

Xu Tian:"......"

What happened today?

Why do I feel a little weird every time I hear Xu Xiaotang talking?

Is it an illusion? I guess so!

"What did those reporters ask you?"

Xu Xiaotang was silent for a moment, then said:

"They asked me, your brother won the first place in the city competition, are you happy?...I said I'm not happy"

""Why?" Xu Tian asked in confusion.

He just said he was proud, but now he said he was unhappy?

"My answer is......He must have used his money power again, and my pocket money for buying candy next month will definitely be less."

Xu Tian:"......."

"So, brother, how much money did you use? You actually won first place?"

Xu Xiaotang showed a curious look.

"I have to plan to see if my pocket money next month can buy one lollipop or 100 million lollipops...."

Xu Tian:"......"

Do you want to humiliate me like this?

I have no face!

"Do you have so little confidence in me?"

"No! I have great confidence in you, brother. I am very confident that you can use your money to defeat others."

Xu Tian:"......"

Silence is golden!

Critical Hit x3!!!

At this moment, a voice rang out from the kitchen.

"Son, Xiaotang, it’s time to eat!"

""Here we come."

Xu Xiaotang, who was still lying in Xu Tian's arms, instantly became alert when she heard that she was going to eat! She stood up with a somersault and rushed out without saying a word!

Xu Tian:"......"

Well, I was wrong after all!

Destroy the world...

In the living room,

Xu Tian and his three companions were eating a sumptuous meal while chatting.

"Son, you really make your father proud!"

"You don't know, when I found out you were the first, I announced...Today, all chain stores nationwide are offering a 10% discount."Xu Shimei leaned close to Xu Tian's ear and said.

Xu Tian was stunned for a moment.

In his memory,...

Xu Shimei is like the boss of a club called"Feng Yue Club", which has opened a large number of chain stores across the country!

The national chain stores are offering a 10% discount!

This is incredible!

You may lose several small goals in one day!

"Dad, this won’t do! If the whole day is 10% off, I will lose a lot! ?"

"Hey! It's not a big deal, it's just a few dollars. Although we men don't have big breasts, we should have big minds!"Xu Shimei waved his hand and said nonchalantly.

Xu Tian:"......"

Well, I am ignorant!

Actually, it is not Xu Tian's fault. After all, in his previous life, he was just a low-level wage earner, working from 5 am to 10 pm, and his salary was very low.

And sometimes he was cheated by his superiors!

He had to worry about money every day!

It was miserable!

But now, in a blink of an eye, he has become a rich man!

Not only does he have no worries about food and drink!

His father is also very generous, and he doesn't care about a few small goals at all!

Even if ordinary people are YY, it is impossible to be so exaggerated!

"Xiaotian, I heard that you killed the silver-level beast GGbang by yourself. You are not injured, right?"

Hua Mulan asked softly.

Hearing this,

Xu Xiaotang and Xu Shimei beside him opened their mouths in shock!



Xu Tian saw this scene, smiled triumphantly, and said to Hua Mulan:

"Mom, don't worry, I'm fine. It's just a small animal. I can hold it with one hand. It's not worth mentioning!"

Xu Xiaotang:"......"

Xu Shimei:"......."

You know!

You can't hide the look in your eyes when you want to slap someone!

The three rolled their eyes!

Xu Shimei:"Son, what realm are you in now?"

Xu Tian:"Not too high, just the peak of the scrap metal nine stars"! ?

Silence...The ultimate silence!

As expected!

Xu Que's invisible pretense is the most deadly!

After a long time...

"What the hell!!!"

"What the hell!!!"

""What the hell!!?"

The three of them cried out in shock. Even Hua Mulan, who was usually very reserved, couldn't help but swear.

You know,

Xu Tian was still a scrap three-star yesterday.

And in the blink of an eye, he is now a scrap nine-star?

Six stars in one day!?

No one would believe this if they told others!

The three of them were so shocked that their scalps were numb, and their faces were full of disbelief!

Xu Tian also expected such a scene, and made a helpless gesture.╮(─▽─)╭

"There is no other way, the strength is here."

Three people:"......"

"Hahahahahaha! As expected of my son Xu Shimei,���He must be a sleeping dragon!"

Xu Shimei came back to his senses, put his arm on Xu Tian's shoulder, and said proudly.

His face was full of pride!

He has a son, Xu Tian! He has no regrets in this life!

Xu Xiaotang also had a sweet smile on her face.

Her brother, who used to feel inferior because of his poor talent, has become so strong now!

She is also happy from the bottom of her heart!

Hua Mulan frowned on the side.

Her expression changed.

After hesitating for a moment, she still said:

"Xiaotian, what's going on? Why did your realm rise so much all of a sudden?"

Hearing this,

Xu Shimei and Xu Xiaotang's expressions froze! They just had time to be happy, but they didn't know why such an incredible thing happened!

Regarding this question, Xu Tian explained calmly:

"I was in the spirit realm of [Wild Boar Forest], and I came across a flower that was emitting a faint white glow. The spiritual power in my body began to vibrate uncontrollably."

"So I picked it off, and the most amazing thing was that the strange flower actually entered my body directly, and at the same time, my realm was also elevated."

After that,

Xu Tian showed a bright smile on his face!

This was his carefully prepared trick!

After all, a sudden rise in realm must be an unusual phenomenon!

It is normal to be asked about it!

Although this set of tricks is quite convincing!


Hua Mulan is obviously not so easy to fool!

She still frowned tightly, and said with a slightly questioning tone:

"Oh? Is that so?"


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