As soon as these words came out,

Xu Tian's heart suddenly skipped a beat!

In his memory, his mother Hua Mulan seemed to work in the Law Enforcement Department.

But he was not sure what position she held....

Similar to the police station in the previous life, its main responsibility is to maintain social stability and fight against the evil awakened people in society.

It is a strong line of defense for the stability of Chinese society! At this moment, the scene was frozen for a moment.

At this moment, Xu Shimei broke the silence.

"Wife, why are you suffering from work sickness again? I got an opportunity in the spiritual realm, which means I am lucky! What is there to doubt?"

"Well, it is true. There have been a lot of vicious incidents recently, and my head is buzzing with busyness.

Hua Mulan stroked her forehead and sighed tiredly:"Okay, it's getting late, let's go to bed quickly."


Xu Tian couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

He returned to the bedroom and quietly closed the door.

Lying on the bed, his consciousness sank into sleep.

Because the city competition assessment was over, the school notified all students to have a three-day holiday!

So, Xu Tian basically stayed at home every day.

Either practice, or sleep.

Or be with Xu Xiaotang...

Watch the cartoon"Big Bear is here to chop trees again"》!......

Three days passed in a flash. On the morning of the fourth day,

Xu Tian went out early in the morning and headed for Gou Bayi Middle School.

Soon, he arrived at the school!

However, it seemed a little different here than usual!

At the school gate, there were crowds of people, densely packed with people!

The flow of people was several times more than usual!

They basically had a large camera in their hands, and they were shooting randomly at the school gate of Gou Bayi Middle School!

Xu Tian walked up in confusion, patted the shoulder of a gentle-looking man and asked:

"Hey! Man, do you know what this group of people is doing? Why are they crowding the school gate?"

"Huh? You don't know this? The first place in our Gouba City Tournament is a student from No. 1 Middle School, and his ability is an extremely rare space-related ability."

"If we can interview him, it will definitely be a big hit!"

The gentleman just turned his head and glanced at Xu Tian casually, and said lightly

""Oh, that's how it is."

Xu Tian touched his chin, and a look of enlightenment appeared on his face.

He was already so famous!

Even though it had been three days since the incident, there were still so many reporters interviewing him.

But at this moment, the gentleman suddenly turned around.

"Hey! Brother, why do you look so much like Xu Tian?"

"Do you think there is a possibility that I am Xu Tian?" Xu Tian said with a smile

"Damn! Brother, this is a joke! The Xu Tian in my book is still a little different from you."

"What!? A notebook?"

Xu Tian was shocked when he heard this.


Immediately, his mouth was covered by the gentleman.

""Hush~ Brother, keep your voice down, I spent 100 spirit coins to buy this, I can't let others get it for free."

Then, he let go of his hand.

Xu Tian still had an expression of disbelief.

But he still suppressed the shock in his heart and asked,"Xu Tian's notebook, what the hell is this?"

"Ah? Don't you know? Since the news that Xu Tian won the first place came out yesterday, someone leaked Xu Tian's notebook. I bought it from an acquaintance."

Hearing this,

Xu Tian was silent.

My notebook?

What the hell? I am still a virgin!

Who wants to harm me?

Don't let me catch them!

If I see them, I will definitely castrate you or block you!

Xu Tian was unwilling in his heart!

But at this moment, a familiar female voice came into Xu Tian's ears.

"Oh my god! Look! Xu Tian is there!"

Xu Tian was awakened by this voice!

Turning his head, he found that the person who spoke was the female reporter from the Sunshine Society who interviewed him three days ago.

Everyone looked over and their eyes fell on Xu Tian.

"Oh my god! Xu Tian! It’s the living Xu Tian!"

"Go! I want to interview him first!"

"Catch him! Don't let him run away!"

"Xu Tian is mine!"

Everyone was stunned for a moment!

Then they rushed towards Xu Tian like wild animals encountering food!

Boom boom!

The ground was shaking a little!

Seeing this, Xu Tian rolled his eyes helplessly at the female reporter!

""Fuck! Brother, are you really Xu Tian?" the gentleman said in shock.

"Well, if you say so, then so be it."

Xu Tian patted the gentleman's shoulder again,"Brother, you've suffered so much."

Then he turned and ran.

Xu Tian's incomprehensible words made the gentleman stunned for a moment.

However, he did not notice that there was an almost transparent circle mark on his shoulder.

At this time,

Xu Tian had already run ten meters away.

Many reporters followed closely behind him.


Xu Tian stopped, pinched the seal with his hands, and muttered:

""The Great Shift of the Universe!"

In an instant!

Xu Tian's body flashed with white light, and his figure instantly disappeared from the spot, followed by a gentle-looking man!

Seeing this scene, many reporters were stunned!

Someone said,"Fuck! Xu Tian has already entered the school!"

Behind them, Xu Tian had already leisurely entered the school, and did not forget to turn his head and wave his hand!

"Everyone! Goodbye!"

After the words fell,

Xu Tian didn't care any more and walked towards his class!......

Gou Bayi High School.

In the classroom of Class 1, Grade 3

"Hey! Did you see them when you came? There were a bunch of reporters at the door!"

"We can't see so many people, do you really think we are Lin Baye?"

"Oh~ I'm so envious! I wish I could get first place"

"What's the point of being envious? I heard that Xu Tian's grades are top-notch even in the entire county."

"I'm really curious! Xu Tian's supernatural talent is obviously the worst F-level, so why is he so strong?"

"It seems that our class is going to produce a legend!"

The students were discussing enthusiastically!

Before, they all stepped on Xu Tian's head and looked down on this waste with only F-level talent!

But now, it is still this group of people who praise Xu Tian and praise him to the sky!

It's really ironic!

On the podium.

The head teacher Wang Yuanfeng gently sipped the wolfberry tea, his eyes full of uncontrollable joy!

The students in his class won the first place in the city, even the first place in the province!

As a head teacher, he naturally received a big reward!

And at this moment.


There was a knock on the door, accompanied by a magnetic voice!


Hearing this, everyone in the classroom was attracted to it!

Seeing that it was Xu Tian, Wang Yuanfeng hurriedly said:

"Come in!"

Xu Tian sat back in his seat with a gentle smile.

Wang Hu, who was sleeping beside him, suddenly woke up,"Brother Xu, you are not harassed by those paparazzi, right?"

"Don’t worry, I, Brother Xu, am very capable!"

"That's good, I'll take a nap, remember to remind me when Lao Wang comes."Wang Hu yawned.

Xu Tian's mouth twitched and he nodded silently.

Sure enough!

Whether in the previous life or in this world, sleeping in class has become a custom!

I'm really curious!

How can sleeping in class achieve the unity of the two lives?


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