
Xu Tian cleared his throat and instantly attracted everyone's attention.

"Why did Xu Tian go to heaven? What was he going to do?"

"I don't know! But for some reason, looking up at Xu Tian from below, I feel a weird feeling."

"Me too, I feel my sex hormones are being secreted like crazy"

"Ah~the smell of hormones!"


There was a lot of heated discussion on the ground!

Xu Tian didn't care. He took a deep breath and then shouted loudly:

"I am the Tarzan next door, grab the vine of love, listen to me! Ahhhhhhh~Ahhhhhh~"

Wang Hu:"......"



They were all silent.

Is this the first place winner of the Gouba City Competition?

Are geniuses different from ordinary people

?...What a unique person!


Wang Hu landed on the ground, and Xu Tian also jumped to the ground!

""Xu Tian, how did you kill the silver-level beast GGbang alone?"

A female reporter from Sunshine Society squeezed out of the crowd and asked hurriedly,

"...Use a knife"

"Can you tell me more about it?"

"Jump, stab, snap, bounce."


"So how did you feel after winning first place?"

"not so good"


"Too bad, boring!



Do you really want to be so pretentious?

You're just short of having the word"awesome" written all over your face!

"Last question, is your ability really an F-level talent? Can you demonstrate it to the people present?"


Xu Tian said faintly.

Then, he pinched the seal with both hands and murmured:

""The Great Shift of the Universe."

In an instant, a white light flashed!

Xu Tian's figure instantly disappeared from the spot!

At the same time, Wei Wuji's embarrassed figure appeared there!

He sat down on the ground directly!

""What the hell! Space-related abilities!?"

The reporter was shocked when he saw this.

You know, there are no more than five people in the world who have awakened space-related abilities. They are extremely rare.

Basically, every one of them is famous all over the world!

The pillars of the country!

And as a space-related awakener, Xu Tian is actually unknown?

This is too abnormal!?

At this moment, a person who knew the inside story explained,"Madam, I can tell from the looks of it that you are a newcomer to Gouba City."

"Indeed, I just transferred here"

"That's right. Half a year ago, Xu Tian in Gou Bayi awakened his space ability, which shocked the mayor of Gou Bayi City. He sent people to check it out overnight."

"But unfortunately, Xu Tian's talent was only at the rubbish F level. Even though he had the extremely rare space element, it was useless. So he simply stopped paying too much attention to it."

"Oh I got it..."

The reporter touched his chin, not quite understanding.

Then he turned and left!

The protagonists were gone, why were they still here?

To breathe fresh carbon dioxide?

The onlookers around also dispersed!

Only Wei Wuji was left sitting on the ground awkwardly!

Swaying alone in the wind!

"Damn Xu Tian!"

Wei Wuji clenched his fists, his face full of resentment!

It was all because of him that he lost all his face!


There is no face left at all!!......

【Ding! Option 1 mission completed, rewarded with the Kirin Arm, which has been automatically stored in the system space, and the host can take it out by himself. 】

Xu Tian was walking on the way home. He was leisurely.

Although he won the first place, he was not too proud.

After all, this was just the beginning.

Besides, this was just a small simulation before the college entrance examination, and it was not too important.

Twenty minutes later...

Xu Tian arrived home.

There was no one at home. His father and mother were probably at work.

His sister Xu Xiaotang was probably still in school at this time.

Xu Tian did not stop, but returned to his room and locked the door.

He excitedly rushed to the bed.

""System, take out the Qilin Arm!"

Xu Tian silently chanted in his heart.

In an instant, many green lines appeared on Xu Tian's right arm, ancient and complicated.

【The host has automatically equipped the Qilin arm】

"Only the right arm?"Xu Tian asked.

He found that only the right arm had changed, while the left arm had no reaction.

He couldn't help but feel puzzled.

System: [Yes】

"What about my left arm?"

System: [I said I ate it, do you believe it?]

Xu Tian:"......"

I don't believe you! You old man, you are so bad!

But the system did not respond.

Xu Tian did not ask any more questions.

One is one!

Even if there is only one Qilin arm, it is already a very powerful helper for Xu Tian now.

Xu Tian circulated the spiritual veins in his body, and saw the complicated runes on his right arm glowing green!

In an instant.

Xu Tian only felt that his right arm was filled with infinite power, and it felt like he could blow up an Apple phone with one punch!

The slight weakness caused by the"omnipotent pill" just now also disappeared inexplicably!

But not long after.

Xu Tian began to pant loudly!

"Huhu~ The spiritual power required for this Qilin Arm is too huge. I, who is only at the scrap metal level, cannot control it for too long."

Xu Tian quickly retracted the Qilin Arm.

The main flaw now is that the level is too low!

Thinking of this,

Xu Tian took out the...

Urea bag. It contains many blue crystals!...Spirit stones!

Each one is about the size of a fist, and the urea bag is filled to the brim.

Xu Tian is a son of a wealthy family!

Not to mention the amount, it is still the job of Sou Yi Zei to have enough spirit stones!

In this world.

Spirit stones are the main resources for cultivation. By absorbing the spiritual energy in the spirit stones, they can be transformed into one's own spiritual power, helping to break through the limitations of one's own cultivation and reach a higher realm!

Of course, this is not the only way to advance in realm!

But it is the most common!

Xu Tian took out a few spirit stones and placed them in all directions of the bed, forming a simple spirit gathering array!

Spirit gathering array...

As the name suggests!

It can quickly gather the spiritual energy in the spirit stone and provide it for rapid absorption!

This simple formation method was taught by the teacher in class, and it is very simple to practice!

The arrangement is complete!

Xu Tian sat cross-legged on the bed and closed his eyes.

I saw that many invisible air currents began to gather around Xu Tian, forming a cyclone, completely wrapping his figure!

Xu Tian's talent is only F-level, which is considered to be the most joyful among the joyful colors!

So the absorption of spiritual energy is extremely slow!

Time passed slowly...

In the blink of an eye, it was night!

Knock, knock, knock! There was a knock on the door!

Xu Tian heard it and opened his eyes!

After a long period of absorption, his realm has reached the peak state of scrap iron nine stars!

You know!

There are nine small realms in each big realm!

So, Xu Tian only needs a small opportunity to be promoted to the silver realm!

At the same time, the illusory panel appeared in front of Xu Tian!

【Name: Xu Tian】

【Realm: Scrap Iron Nine Star Peak】

【Talent: F level】

【Awakened ability: Space-related 'Great Shift of the Universe' (can exchange positions with objects or creatures with space marks)】

【Strength: 22 (+8)】

【Speed: 25 (+15)】

【Mental strength: 32 (+12)】

【Defense: 12 (+8)】

【Skills: Come here, crows are on a plane!】

【Points: 2990 points (you can get points by improving your realm or killing monsters) (can be used to purchase store items)】

【Backpack: Years of butcher knife, unicorn arm】

【Store: (Click to view all)]

And just at this moment,

Xu Xiaotang's sweet voice sounded from outside the door again!

"geigei~I'm coming in!"


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