"Old Li, let me ask you something!" Xu Tian suddenly asked

"Tell me, what’s the problem?"

"that is...Have you ever heard of the Atlanteans?"

"Atlantis tribe?"

Li Qi touched his chin and thought for a while:"I seem to have some impression."

Xu Tian's eyes lit up:"Then can you tell me about it?"

Li Qi put his hands behind his back, looked out the window, thought for a moment and said:"I also heard it from hearsay!"

"Atlantis civilization, decades ago, experts discovered clues to this prehistoric civilization, and the level of civilization is extremely high, even higher than human civilization."

Xu Tian was stunned:"Why haven't we heard of such a powerful civilization now?"

In fact.

Xu Tian has also heard of Atlantis civilization, but he heard it on Earth in his previous life. During the break, some classmates were discussing it, and he was sleeping on the table, and heard these words in a daze!

"It seems to have been submerged by the sea!"

Li Qi shook his head:"I don't know the details, after all, I just heard it from others."

Xu Tian touched his chin, and suddenly his eyes lit up:"Hey! You can check it on Baidu!"

Xu Tian took out his mobile phone, opened Baidu, and typed the keyword"Atlantis" on it.

After a few seconds, the picture changed.

Xu Tian fiddled with his hands for a few times, but his face suddenly froze!

His eyes were fixed!

"What's wrong? Is there any big discovery?"Li Qi saw Xu Tian's confused expression and curiously leaned over.

But when he saw the awkward animated picture on Xu Tian's mobile phone screen, the corners of his mouth twitched wildly!

Oh my! I asked you to search for Atlantis!

What are you doing here?


Xu Tian smiled awkwardly and skillfully returned to the homepage of his mobile phone:"Hehe, I accidentally clicked on the small advertisement."

Li Qi (▼皿▼#)

I think you have intention!

"Forget it! I'll search it!"

Li Qi turned on his mobile phone and searched for the keyword 'Atlantis' on Baidu.

Then, he frowned and exclaimed:"Huh? Why is it like this?"

Xu Tian also leaned his head over, his eyes suddenly widened:"Fuck! Why are there two playing cards stuck on this guy's big white bun? Old Li, you don't like this, do you?"


Li Qi slapped Xu Tian on the forehead!

"I have a wife!"

Xu Tian rubbed his forehead in dismay:"Then you are a real beast! You are still so shy even though you have a wife?"

【Resentment from Li Qi +1000! 】


Li Qi glared at him and said,"Boy, your thoughts are dangerous!"

Xu Tian said aggrievedly,"Then...Then can't he have three wives and four concubines? Hug one on the left and one on the right!"

"Oh! I have recorded what you just said! I will play it on the screen at your wedding later! I will let you know how sinister society is!"

"I knock! So hard! ?"

Xu Tian jumped up from the bed:"Hey! Are you playing this? Do you believe me, I will teach your son to poop upside down?"

Li Qi(`-д-;)ゞ

You are really good at this!

Pooping while standing upside down?


【Li Qi's resentment value +1000! 】

Li Qi said helplessly:"Okay! The topic has deviated again!"

Xu Tian:"So...Why is there this picture on your phone? Is it because you didn’t turn on private browsing?"

"I don't want to talk to you!"

Li Qi rolled his eyes, and then a serious expression appeared on his face:"The news about the Atlantis tribe may be quite secretive!"

"It should be that the top leaders of the country took the initiative to block such news and remove all relevant information on the Internet."

Xu Tian did not speak, but just touched his chin and fell into deep thought.

Seeing Xu Tian's thoughtful look, Li Qi asked casually:"What are you thinking about?"

But the next moment.

Li Qi regretted asking this question.

Xu Tian:"I was thinking, do the top leaders of the country also like to watch this?"

Li Qi(╯>д<)╯⁽˙³˙⁾

Li Qi kicked Xu Tian out of the room!


The door was slammed shut!

""Hey hey hey! Damn you! This is my room!"

Xu Tian rubbed his butt and knocked on the door hard:"Zhao! You actually occupied my room! You bastard!"

"Humph! Forget it! I'll come back to settle the score with you tonight!"

"I'm hungry right now!"

""Hey hey hey!"

Xu Tianxiao rushed to the restaurant with a smile!

""Hello, young master!"

When they arrived at the entrance of the restaurant, they met four women wearing hip skirts, revealing their long white legs!

When they saw Xu Tian, they all greeted him with smiles.

They all knew that

Xu Tian was not only the son of the boss of Fengyue Club, but also one of the few space-based awakened people in China, with a promising future!

Although they didn't expect Xu Tian to notice them, it would be nice to be familiar with them!

Xu Tian was stunned at first, then he took out four stacks of red bills from the system space with a smile!

One stack was worth about 10,000 spirit coins!

He threw them directly to the four people, and then whispered quietly:

"I'm free tonight, remember to come find me!"

After saying that, he rushed into the restaurant without waiting for the four people to react, and started eating and drinking!

The four women were stunned, and then looked at each other!

Ah this...

What does this mean?

Although Xu Tian's words were very explicit, they still couldn't believe it!

The young master actually fell in love with them?

How honored!

They smiled at each other, and they all said nothing in tacit understanding, and silently put the red bills into their pockets! They walked away with a smile on their faces!

Hurry up and get ready in the room, don't let the young master down.......

In the bedroom, Li Qiping lay on the bed, looking at the ceiling with despair in his eyes....

"Space...The hope of China?"

"...That's it?"


He sighed helplessly, picked up his phone and called Lu Ming:"Xiao Ming, check Wei Wuji's identity!"


After a few seconds...

Lu Ming said on the phone:

"Wei Wuji, 18 years old, is a student of Gouba No. 2 Middle School. It is reported that his talent is S-level and his ability is [Golden Soul Stick].

Born in Kyoto, he is a branch of the Wei family, one of the five major families in Kyoto. He moved to Gouba City three years ago.

His father is the CEO of a listed company, and his mother is the director of a private hospital in Gouba City. His family address is Building 3, Fandou Garden.......Neither of them has a bad record."

Li Qi frowned when he heard this:"Someone from the Wei family in Kyoto?"

Lu Ming said:"Well, if it's from the Wei family, I think it's normal for them to be involved with the Night Demon."

"Oh? Tell me what you think"

"When I came out of the room, I suspected that Wei Wuji was involved with the Night Demon, so I searched for a lot of information about the Wei family...."

"...Three years ago, the old man of the Bai family in Kyoto celebrated his 70th birthday and invited everyone to a banquet!"

"The Wei family and the Bai family have been enemies for generations. The Wei family sent the eldest son of the Wei family to...A coffin..."

"The Bai family was furious and drove him away..."

"Then, when the banquet was halfway through, many night demons wearing red cloaks suddenly appeared and wanted to assassinate the old man of the Bai family...."

"But it failed in the end, because Zhu Lao was present at the time and killed hundreds of people in an instant...."

When he got to this point, Li Qi's eyes lit up:

"Zhu Lao? Is he the space expert?"

In China, Zhu Lao's name is very popular!

Not only because he possesses the rarest space ability in the world, but also because of his contribution to China, he can be regarded as an unparalleled national hero!

The battle that made him famous, if you want to say decades ago...

With the help of the Night Demon Organization, the ghost army forced open the space gate in a remote place in the north, allowing the demon army to enter the Chinese territory.

They attacked the city and were about to kill everyone!

Zhu Lao suddenly appeared and took the initiative to attack on the pretext of disturbing his sleep!

One move!

With just one move, all the millions of soldiers were killed, and not a single corpse was left, annihilated in the void!

No one knew where they went!

"Well, according to rumors, both Master Zhu and the old man of the Bai family were from the Lingyin Army, and they were very good comrades-in-arms!" Lu Ming explained. Li Qi nodded:"So, based on this, you concluded that the Night Demon was sent by the Wei family?"

Lu Ming said with a smile:"Of course not, there are other secrets!"

"Oh? Other secrets? Tell me about them!"

Li Qi was immediately alerted when he heard this, and he sat up from the bed.

His curiosity was burning!


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