The next morning.

Xu Tian opened his eyes in a daze.

He looked at the four women in tube-top dresses beside him and said with a smile:"Thank you for your hard work!"

Hearing this!

The four sexy women all perked up!

They said in unison:"Serving the young master! It's not hard!"

Xu Tian looked at the swollen dark circles under the four people's eyes, thinking that they were quite conscientious, so he took out four more stacks of red bills from the system space!

"Here! Your tip!"

The four girls took it with shining eyes!

The joy in their hearts was self-evident!

After all, they worked hard for a month and their salary was only 10,000, but just by serving Xu Tian all night last night, they could get 20,000!

This is really generous!

They secretly felt fortunate for their smart decision!

Xu Tian stood up and stretched comfortably:"Good massage! Keep it up!"

The four girls nodded heavily:"Thank you for the compliment, young master!"

Xu Tian walked out of the room with a bright smile on his face, and just met Nie Ying who walked out of the room.

Nie Ying was still dazed, rubbed her sleepy eyes, and greeted Xu Tian after seeing him:"Hi! Xu Tian! Good morning!"

Xu Tian glanced at the time, it was already ten o'clock.

Well...It was early!

Suddenly, the four waitresses in sexy tube top dresses came out:

"Young Master, let's go back and rest first."

Xu Tian waved his hand:"Well, you guys worked hard last night!"

Seeing four plump and beautiful women walking out of Xu Tian's room, Nie Ying was stunned.

Listen to what Xu Tian said...

Thank you for your hard work last night....

For a moment, Nie Ying looked a little confused.

""Xiaoying, what's wrong with you? Are you still asleep?" Xu Tian waved his hand in front of Nie Ying's eyes.

Nie Ying came back to her senses, puffed her lips, and stared at Xu Tian.

Without saying a word, she turned and left.

Xu Tian scratched his head with a puzzled look on his face, not understanding. What's wrong with this little girl?

Why did she leave suddenly?

But he didn't think much about it, rubbed his stomach:"Forget it! Let's eat first!"

Thinking of this, Xu Tian jumped and ran to the restaurant.

On the other side!

Nie Ying returned to the room and looked behind her. Xu Tian did not follow her, and she couldn't help stomping her feet angrily!

"Humph! You stupid straight man! Can't you just come and ask me why I left?"

"Also, he...He actually...And called four more?"

"All night long?"

"The cows in the countryside are not as capable as him in plowing the field!"

In a rage,

Nie Ying directly called Xu Xiaotang and complained to her.

In the restaurant,

Xu Tian didn't know that he had been labeled as a 'straight man' by Nie Ying, nor did he know why Nie Ying left.

But it doesn't matter!

Man is made of iron and rice is made of steel. If you don't eat for a meal, you will be hungry.

So, eating is the most important thing!

At this time, Xu Tian suddenly felt someone patting his shoulder, and he turned his head in confusion.

He found that Li Qi was looking at him with big dark circles under his eyes.

Xu Tian quickly swallowed the bun in his mouth and said in surprise:"Lao Li, what's wrong with you? Did you work all night?"

""Shit! What a beast! He already has a wife! And he still does this kind of thing?"

Li Qi didn't say anything, but just looked at him with empty eyes.

He looked empty!

As if his body was hollowed out!

"Where did you go yesterday?"Li Qi's words came out faintly.

"What's wrong? Why are you asking this?"Xu Tian was puzzled, not knowing why Li Qi asked this.

"Why didn't you come back last night?"

"Why should I go back?"

"Do you know? I have been looking for you all night! All night! I didn't sleep all night, I turned the Fengyue Club upside down, but I couldn't find you!"Li Qi's eyes were full of bloodshot, and he shook Xu Tian's body vigorously.

Xu Tian waved his hand:"Don't shake! If you shake me again, I will spit the buns on your face!"

As soon as this sentence came out, Li Qi took a few steps back.

Although this matter is very embarrassing, what can't Xu Tian do?

"Lao Li, what do you want to see me for? Why are you so anxious?"Xu Tian straightened his collar and asked curiously

"You said you killed Wei Wuji in the spiritual realm?" Li Qi asked weakly.

"That's right! They were all blown to pieces!"Xu Tian nodded seriously.

He witnessed with his own eyes that Wei Wuji was stuffed into a sack, thrown into the air, and blown to death!

How could this be false?

"What is this?" Li Qi took out his cell phone and pointed the screen at Xu Tian.

"What the hell is this?"

Xu Tian walked in and took a curious look, frowning:"Eh? Isn't this a photo of Wei Wuji? Why are you showing it to me? Are you going to make a black and white photo of him?"

On the phone screen, Wei Wuji was wearing a formal suit, sitting on the stage with a gentle smile on his face, his fingers on the piano, as if he was performing a piano performance.

There was nothing else unusual.

Li Qi said in a deep voice:"This is a photo from the auction held by Wei Wuji's father last night, almost when you just came out of the spiritual realm."

Xu Tian said lightly,"What's the matter? Do you want to go too?......"

But he stopped talking halfway.

His eyes widened suddenly:"What did you say? Last night? Funny, right? Could it be photoshopped?"

Li Qi shook his head slightly:"No! It's not photoshopped! This is a screenshot from the live broadcast."

Xu Tian was shocked, his mouth widened, he grabbed the phone and looked at the picture carefully.

His brows sunk deeper and deeper!

"Something is wrong! I clearly blew Wei Wuji to death! Why is he still alive?"Xu Tian whispered softly.

"When Lu Ming sent it to me yesterday, I was also stunned."

Li Qi took a sip of tea:"Because you said that you had killed Wei Wuji in the spiritual realm, but why is this picture?"

Xu Tian didn't say anything, just staring at the picture on the phone.

He looked at Wei Wuji's gentle smile, and felt a chill in his body, and a chill rushed from the soles of his feet to the top of his head.

"After seeing you yesterday, I wanted to find you to verify it, but I didn't see you all night."Li Qi sighed. Xu

Tian looked solemn and didn't speak.

Last night?

Wei Wuji performed on the stage in a dress?

How is it possible?

Even if Wei Wuji didn't die, he couldn't go back to Gouba City directly, right? There's no time for that!

Xu Tian stood up:"I don't believe it! Xiaoying also saw it with her own eyes! I'll go find her to verify it!"

As he said that, he took Li Qi to teleport to the door of Nie Ying's room.


"Xiaoying, open the door, I have something to talk to you about!"

At the bedroom door, Nie Ying hurriedly said to the phone:"Xiaotang, Xu Tian is here to see me, I won't say anything for now, I'll hang up first."

This was quite like the feeling of being discovered while cursing someone behind their back, and Nie Ying was extremely nervous.

It was as if she was caught in bed by the real owner.

After Nie Ying hung up the phone, she took a deep breath, calmed her nervous mood, and went to open the door for Xu Tian.


Isn't he here to see me!

Nie Ying just opened the door and saw Xu Tian and Li Qi behind him, and she couldn't help but look stunned.


Could it be that Xu Tian was embarrassed and asked Li Qi to take charge?

Li Qi greeted:"Hello! Xiaoying! Good morning!"

Nie Ying also recovered and waved with a smile:"Good morning, Uncle Li."

At this moment, Xu Tian suddenly grabbed Nie Ying's shoulder and said:

""Xiaoying, did you see with your own eyes that Wei Wuji was killed by me?"

Hearing this,

Nie Ying was stunned:"Who is Wei Wuji?"

"It’s the guy wearing the red Wangzai clothes!"

""Ah? Really?" Nie Ying scratched her mouth with her fingers, thinking. Xu Tian rolled his eyes helplessly. How long has it been?

Did he forget it so quickly?

He really has the memory of a fish!

"He was the one who attacked me with the golden stick! I killed him in return! You and Ma Zi also killed his five bodyguards!"

Nie Ying was still puzzled:"Ah? Is this true?"

"Have you forgotten who called the vampires here?" Xu Tian shook Nie Ying's body and said in a deep voice.

"Didn't they come directly here?"

Nie Ying felt a little dizzy and took a step back, getting rid of Xu Tian's clutches.

Xu Tian was stunned!

He staggered forward a few steps:"You...Are you kidding me?"

Nie Ying still had a face full of question marks. She had no idea what was going on.

Li Qi looked at Nie Ying's confused expression and narrowed his eyes.

With his experience in observing people, he could tell that Nie Ying was definitely not pretending.

That meant something....

This thing doesn't exist at all!

Did Xu Tian make it up?

Xu Tian suddenly raised his phone and pointed the screen at Nie Ying:"Xiaoying, are you sure you haven't seen this person?"

Nie Ying thought for a while:"I seem to have some impression. It seems that I have seen him at the airport. Wasn't Uncle Li there too?"

"Then don’t you remember seeing him in the spirit realm?"

"Don't ask me! I really haven't seen it!"

Nie Ying was also a little impatient and waved her hand:"Okay! I'm going to take a nap!"

With that, Nie Ying closed the door.

""So early in the morning! So weird!"

Nie Ying ran back to bed, covered herself with the quilt, and was about to fall asleep.

But she inadvertently saw a small gap in the window, and she was stunned!

"Eh? I remember I closed the window tightly last night!"

But she didn't think much about it. After closing the window, she fell asleep again.

Outside the door.

Xu Tian leaned against the wall, sitting on the ground weakly, and the scene of fighting with Wei Wuji kept playing in his mind.

""Xu Tian, think about it carefully, maybe you got it mixed up?" Li Qi also squatted down and said softly.

Although he knew that Xu Tian couldn't make up such a fabricated story.

Moreover, this story also involved a person, or even the future of a family.

If there is no evidence, it will be judged as defamation!


"wrong...wrong...None of them are right!" Xu Tian muttered in a daze.

"What's wrong?" Li Qi asked hurriedly.

He was secretly worried. This kid must not be stupid!

That would be more trouble than gain.

"It's okay."

Xu Tian waved his hand quickly, and a smile suddenly appeared on his face:"I'll be back soon!"

After saying that, Xu Tian's figure disappeared.

Li Qi didn't know where Xu Tian went, but continued to squat there, frowning and thinking. He did meet this person at the airport at that time, and he had some impression of him. After all, Xu Tian made Wei Wuji embarrassed in public!

Moreover, there is also surveillance of this video on Douyin now!

However, he did not enter the spiritual realm, so he did not know the truth of Wei Wuji's death.


Suddenly, Xu Tian came back again

"Where did you go?"Li Qi asked

"I went to ask Mazi....Ma Zi also said he had no impression."

Xu Tian sighed, and then a bright smile appeared on his face:"Hey! Maybe I remembered it wrongly!"

Li Qi rolled his eyes helplessly:"Oh! Is it because you are too nervous in the spiritual realm? So that you are mentally weak? Your memory is confused?"

"It should be!"

Xu Tian smiled and put his arm around Li Qi's shoulders:"Never mind! Let's go eat!"

"It's good that the problem has been solved!"

Li Qi smiled helplessly:"I thought you were stupid!"

"Who are you calling stupid? You are stupid!"

"Whoever says I'm stupid is stupid!"

"Hey! Are you still excited? Bounce, bounce!..."

"The rebound is invalid, add a period!"


The two of them walked to the restaurant while playing.

Suddenly, the system prompt sounded in Xu Tian's mind....

【Ding! Option 3 mission completed, reward skill 'God-peek’!】


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