In Fengyue Club,

Xu Tian directly recounted the series of events that had occurred in the spiritual realm before!...

Map of Liujixian...

Selling melons outside the ancient city...

Kill Cai Kunkun...

Get Vanity Fruit...

Wei Wuji's sneak attack...

The blood clan army arrives...

Empty City Strategy...

Gold strongman destroyed...

Diamond strongman comes...

Fight for Diamonds...

Shura Field Massacre...

Xu Tian described the situation vividly!

There were 10 people in the room, including Xu Tian....

Li Qi, Chen Mingzhe, Lu Ming, Pang Tong, Feng Mi, Lu Shou, Nie Ying, Wang Mazi, Xiong Hai.

Their faces were full of exaggerated expressions!

The more they watched, the more surprised they became!

When it came to the appearance of the diamond strongman, Chen Mingzhe exclaimed:


" Shit! Is this true? A diamond-level expert? This is hilarious!"

Li Qi slapped him on the forehead with a big dick!

"Don't interrupt! Listen carefully! Shut your mouth!"

Chen Mingzhe covered his forehead with his hands in grievance, muttering softly:"This is clearly on my mouth! Why can't I say it! It's really unreasonable!"


Another���Forced fight!

Li Qi:"I am the truth!"

Chen Mingzhe(╥﹏╥)o Feeling wronged...

After a short episode, Xu Tian continued to tell the story!

After telling the whole story, it took more than half an hour!

Basically, he said everything.

But he did not tell Jihun that Squirtle was the ancestor of the Water Source Tribe and Milosi.

Even though Xu Tian believed everyone in the room very much, he still did not tell anyone!

Because he felt that these things were definitely not as simple as they seemed on the surface, and there must be deeper involvement behind them!

Before leaving, Squirtle said that he still had his own mission to complete....

What is this mission

?...Milosi told about what happened in the ancient city of Loulan.

What was the black hole that transferred the ancient city?

Xu Tian didn't know!

After all the stories were told!

The room fell into silence for a while!


This is really too shocking!

The dignified blood clan actually sent so many people to surround and kill Xu Tian, and even dispatched diamond-level strongmen at all costs!

Such courage!

It made everyone feel scared!

Fortunately, the person being hunted was Xu Tian, who managed to escape with that mysterious trump card!

If it were someone else, the body might be cold now!

After everyone was shocked, they all left the room!

Chen Mingzhe wanted to ask something, but was directly pulled away by Pang Tong!

"Stop making trouble! Be careful or the captain will beat you up!"

"Humph! You dare to hit me? Believe it or not, I will report him to the police for stealing the spirit stone!"Chen Mingzhe said angrily

"Who did you say stole the spirit stone?"

Li Qi rushed out!

"What are you doing? I didn't say anything about you!"

"Ahhh! Don't hit my face!"

""Hey hey hey! It's squeezed! Ouch~ It hurts!"

Chen Mingzhe's shrill screams echoed throughout the club!

After a few minutes, the noise ended.

Li Qi came to Xu Tian's room again!

Xu Tian was lying on the bed looking at his phone, and seeing Li Qi coming back again, he was stunned:"Old Li, why are you back again?"

Li Qi smiled slightly:"You kid, are you still hiding something?"

Xu Tian whistled, looking like he knew nothing.



Let me think you know? In fact, you don't know anything, you just want to cheat!

If it were someone else, they might be fooled!

But how could Xu Tian, an old fox, be fooled by such a trick?

Li Qi saw that Xu Tian didn't react, and sighed helplessly.

"What's with that white light?"

Xu Tian just described the general process, but omitted the process of defeating the Diamond Realm Lonely Soul!

Chen Mingzhe wanted to ask earlier, but Xu Tian deliberately skipped it!

Xu Tian scratched his ears and said in confusion:"Old Li, what are you talking about? Why don't I understand?"

Li Qi:"Don't pretend, Xiaoying told me everything!"

Xu Tian:"???"

Before he came out, he specifically told Nie Ying not to tell anyone what happened in the spiritual realm!...He forgot everything in just a few hours?

Is it the memory of a fish?

Wait! Is it possible that he is lying to me?

"How is that possible? I have been with Sakura the whole time, and I haven't seen any white light!"

"Listen to what this is!"

Li Qi took out his cell phone from his pocket and flicked the screen. Then Nie Ying's childish voice rang out from the phone:

"Ah? Process? Uh.......The sky suddenly became bright! Then Xu Tian fell from the sky! He was crushed to death by that thing!"

"Anything else?...Yes, there is, but you need to give me more sugar! Otherwise, I won’t tell you!"

"Hey, that's right! Let me think about it! Oh, by the way! Xu Tian also gave the little turtle a big wooden stake to eat! After eating it, the little turtle began to bleed! And the wounds on its body also healed!"

"Then...Then...There's no after that..."

Xu Tian listened to the recording on his phone, and the corners of his mouth twitched wildly! Damn it!

Nie Ying, this little idiot!

Why did you tell it all?

Just for candy?

Funny, right?

Xu Tian was so angry that he almost vomited a mouthful of thousand-year-old turtle blood!

"How about it? Are you still going to make useless excuses?"

Li Qi put away his phone and smiled slightly,"I just want to ask a question."

Xu Tian covered his face helplessly and said in frustration:"...Just ask"

"What on earth was that white light?"

Hearing that,

Xu Tian took out the magic stick from the system space and handed it to Li Qi, saying,"This is it! It can summon white light! Wherever the magic light shines, it is a holy place!"

Li Qi took it, looked at it, and twitched his mouth,"Are you kidding me? It's just a toy? Can it break the field released by a diamond-level vampire?"

Xu Tian held the back of his head with both hands,"Believe it or not!"

In fact, the strong light at that time was indeed released by Xu Tian using the magic stick!

【Divine Light Stick: Injecting spiritual power to emit dazzling light can suppress the filth or evil things in the world to a great extent. Under the divine light, everything is bright! 】

The Divine Light Stick consumes a lot of spiritual power. After Xu Tian uses it up, his spiritual power will be exhausted, so Xu Tian did not take action immediately at that time! He was not waiting for the opportunity!

Instead, he was eating iced watermelon to restore his spiritual power! With insufficient spiritual power, Xu Tian always felt insecure!

Li Qi was still a little unbelievable, raised his eyebrows and said,"Are you sure you are not kidding?"

Xu Tian snatched back the Divine Light Stick and hugged it to his chest:"Humph! Believe it or not! If you don't believe it, forget it!"

Li Qi wanted to ask where he got this thing, but he didn't say it after all!

He was able to become the captain of the Lingyin Army, and he still knows how to do things!

This is Xu Tian's secret!

Don't ask too much!

Li Qi seemed to have suddenly thought of something and asked,"Oh, by the way! You said you met Wei Wuji?"

Xu Tian nodded.

Li Qi touched his chin and whispered to himself:

"Wei Wuji is in collusion with the blood clan...Maybe a hidden demon....Hey wait!"

"What's wrong?" Xu Tian asked

"You said before that you also wanted to take the Vanity Golden Fruit to help your childhood friend heal his wounds, and the one who caused your childhood friend to be injured was Wei Wuji? Is that right?"

Upon hearing this, Xu Tian's eyes condensed and he nodded solemnly:"Yes! That's true."

Li Qi got an accurate answer and couldn't help but take a breath:

"Wow! This plan is really perfect!..."

"Knowing that you have a deep bond with your childhood friend, I will definitely do my best to help him...."

"There is news that a golden fruit appeared in the spirit realm of Yunan City [Kyono]..."

"But those survivors who entered that year also died for no reason...."

"No clue..."

"I lured you in, and wanted to strangle you to get rid of my worries...."

"only...But I didn't expect you to have such a trump card!"

Xu Tian touched his chin and nodded:"Then why did the Lingyin Army leaders arrange for you to get the flashy golden fruit? There are also Lingyin Army stationed in Yunnan Province?"

Li Qi was stunned at first, and then his eyes became cold:"It seems......There is also a problem with the top brass of the Lingyin Army"


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