Looking at the scattered parts on the ground, Yuno scratched his head a little embarrassed.

Although he knew that the first attempt at mechanical construction would have a high probability of failure, but he could fail so completely, Yuno still did not expect it.

The corner of Guy Elvis's mouth, who was invited to watch, twitched slightly, so he was watching a loneliness?

Ikuno quickly chose to debug, but finally found that the problem appeared in the simple structural error of the machine's "head-to-body ratio" incongruity.

At first, he made this "tin can octopus" look less bulky and crude, so the eight legs were made a little finer.

After all, don't we all advocate "beauty with thinness" now!

Guy (embarrassed): So, is that already "beautiful" just now?

It was because of this "innovative" design of Ukuno that it was difficult for the eight small legs to support the large iron tank on it, which eventually led to the rapid collapse at the beginning of operation.

After learning this lesson, Ikuno learned a lesson, that is, don't fix those bells and whistles, all of them are false!

What "beauty with thinness"!

Let's just be "stout"!

Ugliness is not important, practicality comes first!

Soon, eight multifunctional mechanical legs that have been adjusted by the [Building Material Shaping ] skill are finally newly released!

The main thing is "stout"!

Ikuno experimented twice, but this time the "tin pot octopus" did not go wrong, planing the pit, sowing seeds, watering, filling the soil, and finally releasing a [activation] druid level 1 spell to warm the seeds, and the whole process went smoothly, it can be said that the functions that the [Spirit Plant Seeder] in Ukuno's vision are all available.

So, Ikuno looked at Guy with a "little proud" expression, hoping that the master would comment on it.

Guy looked at the hideous-looking huge machine and covered his face with some speechlessness.

How should this be evaluated?

According to Ikuno's blueprint, the architectural functions of this building all meet his own preset standards, and from this point of view, there is no doubt that this is a successful building!

But people, at least, shouldn't....

Or is he too old to keep up with the trend of the times of young people, or is this the average aesthetic standard of Blue Star?

Guy doesn't know much about the Blue Star people and doesn't have a good evaluation.

But no matter how he looks at it, this thing is completely the "bucket waist" in the machine, plus eight well-proportioned "elephant legs"!

Before, Guy thought that Ikuno's past failures were because of the "collapse effect", and the star power of the rune group crushed ordinary building materials, but now look...

Yuye really did not forget his original intention, riding on the road of ugly things to build, no one can look back!

So, man really can't be all-powerful.

Yuye's talent point in the architecture of the star power circuit is undoubted, Guy can definitely give a thumbs up and praise, it is difficult to find one or two to match after teaching for so many years, but this architectural aesthetic is really not a little lacking!

In order to knock him, Guy commented more implicitly: "On the whole, it's still good, after adding the [Self-replicating Type I] plug-in, the quality of the building should not be bad, that's how to say this appearance..." "It's

a little bit like a war building, not like a production building."

What he said was so tactful, Yuno should understand what he meant, right?

Looking at Yuye on the opposite side, his head was lowered and he fell into deep thought, and Guy touched his gray beard and nodded.

Children can be taught!

It turns out that I still know how to reflect!

It's not scary to walk crookedly, you can turn back!

I'm afraid that the ten cows of Yuye will not be able to pull them back, and they will run wildly on the strangely shaped road!

Sure enough, Yu Ye clapped his hands, and after a deep understanding, his eyes shone brightly and said:

"It's worthy of you!" Master Guy!

"A master is a master, this level is really unspeakable!" I didn't expect that the original [Spirit Planter Seeder] could still be used as a war building! "

Dual core buildings of production and war!"

"You still dare to think about it!"

"There is no shortage of offensive spirit plants in my territory! If you harvest their crops while still having combat effectiveness, it's really not poking! The

more Yuye thought about it, the more excited he became, feeling that this method was promising!

[Pea Shooter] and [Ice Shooter] are usually resting, but if the [Spirit Planter] cultivates and harvests day and night, collect all the [pea bullets] produced by these spiritual plants that are not used on weekdays and load them into a [bullet warehouse].

After encountering the enemy's attack, the "Tin Can Octopus" immediately transformed from a production building to a war building, picked up the [Jet] plug-in, inserted it into itself, directly transformed into a territorial ranger, and began to strafe...

Eight thick multifunctional mechanical legs can also fully meet the combat of diverse terrain, just ah!

In the future, the ammunition in the [Bullet Library] can be enriched as Dave's mysterious seed progresses.

What [cherry bomb], [hot pepper] all a [bullet library], before Yuno was worried about whether his "super virtue" was a little lacking in firepower.

Now it seems that there is not enough firepower?

It simply doesn't exist!

This is one of the 9 cores of "Super Shengde", [Spirit Plant Seeder]!

Our title is -

sow a seed for the enemy's brain flower!

"Your idea is simply powerful!"

These...... All I thought?

Guy was a little confused, but soon lost himself in Yuno's praise, and a little fluttered.

In the end, Ikuno rubbed his little hands, looking shy and humble to be taught, and then looked at Guy expectantly and said, "Teacher, since you have already asked the students for [Self-Replicating Type I], and some plug-ins such as [bullet library] and [injector], it shouldn't be difficult, right?" "

Tu Qiong saw that this is...

Guy finally understood what the previous kind words were for, this is another white.

But what else can he say as a teacher?

He would never admit that he really wanted to see what kind of strange building the [Spirit Plant Seeder] that Yuno incorporated into the weapon plug-in would eventually become.

Production and war dual-form architecture?

Seems a little interesting!

Neither of them is the character of the inkblot, since the plan has been finalized, Guy quickly brought various rune plugins from a certain grudge student, and Ikuno readjusted some of the peripherals of the [Spirit Plant Seeder], and finally the 3.0 and final version of [Spirit Plant Seeder] officially debuted!

Looking at the [Spirit Plant Seeder] that began to frantically reclaim the wasteland as soon as it was born, Yuye nodded, and with this amazing efficiency, by the time the angel brother (5) found himself, his territory should have been completely self-sufficient!

At this moment, it was just 12 hours since the arrival of the Yuye Territory to the [Void God Realm], a new window popped up on the virtual panel, and [Resource Chest] had already begun to be randomly dropped!

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