Fiddling with the huge "tin can octopus" in front of him, Ikuno is about to invite Guy to take a good look at this "perfect" masterpiece.

The virtual panel, which had not moved for a long time, suddenly popped up a series of windows.

[Tier 7 Legendary Entourage [Cave of Time Anaklos

] has joined [Time Tavern]] [Your Extraordinary Territory has obtained Anaclos' [Time Gift]] [Tier 7 Legendary Companion [Bushy Dragon Topio] has joined [Space-Time Tavern

]] [Your Extraordinary Territory has received [Nature Gift] from Topio] [

Your Extraordinary Territory has obtained

a total of 2 [Dragon Attributes], and the affinity of the dragon faction has been greatly improved! What's

wrong with this?

Yuno was a little puzzled, how could there be a new movement in [Bob's time and space] so decently, wasn't it already banned by the rule (7) set by himself?

After thinking for a long time, Yuye, who didn't know why, shook his head, decided not to embarrass himself, and clicked on the virtual panel.

Both cards are very familiar to Yuno.

[Anaklos] and [Shrub Dragon Topio] probably because of their high rank, did not bring skills to Ukuno.

Otherwise, if it really has a similar card effect to Hearthstone, with skills such as "send all enemies on the battlefield to the future in two days", or "summon a green dragon for every natural spell unleashed in this game", it will be too buggy.

Perhaps their strength restored to the legendary level of the body can do this, but it is by no means a power that Yuno can access today.

Although there is no blessing of skill, the addition of these two legendary entourage to the [Time and Space Tavern] also brings a new gift effect to Yuno's extraordinary territory.

[Time Gift]: The growth cycle of all crops in your current Extraordinary Territory will be greatly shortened, and this effect will only take effect within your Extraordinary Territory.

(Spiritual plants that receive blessings include: [Spirit Rice], [Shimmering Grass], [Sword Thorn], [Sunflower], [Pea Shooter], [Ice Shooter], [Gluttonous Nepenthes]) [

Nature Bounty]: Your transcendent territory will permanently receive a natural affinity of +3.

Looking at such a powerful effect, Yuye's pupils suddenly shook.

These two gifts are just right!

It was as if he knew that Yuno was pondering the "Super Shengde" genre and rushing to send bonuses.

[At present, [Bob's Time and Space Tavern] has 3 legendary entourages joined, meeting the unlock conditions for triggering

the card pool mode] [The currently available card pools are——

] [(1) [Fishman of the Sea of Tidals

] (1/8)] [(2) [Dragon Arrival] (2/8)] The

so-called opening card pool is that when Uno unlocks the opening conditions of this card pool, he will gain the ability to obtain new followers from this card pool.

Ikuno can give NPC Bob gold coins to purchase the corresponding card packs from [Time and Space Tavern] for a fee, each card pack will open 5 cards, ranging from 1~9 ranks, and the quality of the cards is different from Bluestar's "Hearthstone", but similar to the grade of extraordinary buildings, a total of 8 types are divided.

Ordinary, Excellent, Brave, Mysterious, Sanctuary, Epic, Radiant, Legendary.

The higher the level of cards, the lower the probability of winning, Yuye glanced at the probability of winning this "legend" draw, and the person was almost not scared stupid.

If you really rely on yourself to smoke, if you want to draw the "legend", I don't know when you have to smoke!

Fortunately, this card pack will not only be sold in Yuno's extraordinary territory, but also on the NPC Bob himself on the shelf for daily limited sales in the Face Store.

The pricing is also very close to the people, 10,000 gold a pack.

If you sell ten packs, you can exchange it for a Tier 1 extraordinary building [Teleportation Hall].

Sure enough, it is very "close to the people", and there is no krypton gold recharge channel for rune stones in the blue star!

As long as a customer draws a new card from the card pool that Ikuno does not have, Ikuno will also receive one along with the customer's draw.

So in any case, customers may feel very profitable, but Ikuno is definitely not at a loss.

Taking the [Dragon Arrival] card pool as an example, Yuno needs to unlock eight legendary dragon cards before the entire card pool can be lit.

However, the number of cards in this pool was so large that it almost didn't shock Yuye's jaw, there were thousands of completely different dragon cards, and this number was close to 10,000!

Whether the entire Hearthstone cards all add up to this amount, Yuno doesn't know, but it should be none.

But in this [Dragon Advent] card pool, there are hundreds of completely different legendary dragon cards alone.

Soon, Ikuno reacted.

This should not only be those dragon attribute cards in the Blue Star game in the previous life, but also add the local title legends in the explored plane, which can reach such an amazing number!

After all, there are few pure-blooded dragons, but there are not many dragon beasts with high bloodlines! It is also very reasonable for these dragon beasts to become a member of the dragon card.

In the same way, the card pool [Fish People of the Sea of Tides], just by looking at the name, you can know that there must be many native fish people.

And the fish-people, a race that has advanced by evolutionary lineage, the number of card pools in the entire card pool will only be much more than that of the [Dragon Advent] card pool!

Ikuno was a little stunned, this [Bob's Time and Space Tavern], as the first "legendary" building he transformed, has always been very powerful, and his "Amber Wine" does not know how much territorial economic pressure has been shared for Ukuno.

It's just that he didn't expect that the appetite of this building is really a bit big!

First he had the potential to become a "spectacle", and now he has hit the idea of local extraordinary creatures!

If there are Terran series cards, will there be legends and crowns of major classes?

No, the crown should not, and the highest quality in the pub is just a "legend".

But this is also terrifying, taking all the famous characters of all time in the history of the major races of the explored plane, and crafting them in the form of cards, may also give these cards some extraordinary powers.

No matter what dragons, zergs, undead, demons, and angels you are, all of them will be taken in!

Summing up the power of the heavens and races into the tavern, and then start playing cards?

It's incredible to think about!

But it seems reasonable to think about it from a certain angle, after all, this is what [Bob's Time and Space Tavern] really has!

However, it is a little too far away from today's Yuye.

After all, just to unlock a [Dragon Arrival] card pool, you must first unlock 8 legendary companions.

Although I don't know exactly what caused the two new additions to become cards, the [Old Blind] that Ikuno currently knows was born from a "legendary" quality building.

If you unlock it this way, it means that Ikuno will need at least 6 "legendary" extraordinary buildings that can give birth to dragon entourage!

In this regard, Yuno has no clue.

Instead of thinking about these things in a long way, it is better to win this 5v5 game first, maybe the unlock conditions of this card pool, like today, I will be fully unlocked?

Immediately, Ikuno once again set his eyes on his "tin can octopus", and finally couldn't help but try to urge forward.


A loud noise came, the iron can fell to the ground without expectation, eight multifunctional mechanical feet scattered horizontally, and a faint blue arc flashed on the metal case.

The first test, officially declared a failure!

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