Known condition (1): In the transcendent territory where [Tower of Fire Thieves] exists, it will never feel [cold], free from the negative effects of the ice system such as [frostbite]. Known condition (

2): The category of a transcendent territory is bounded by all the functioning transcendent buildings owned by that territory.

With both in mind, Ikuno developed a unique open-eye tactic in this icy environment to monitor everything around the territory.

As long as someone is placed on the periphery of the Transcendent Territory with the [Nature Signal Tower], then the effect of the [Fire Stealer's Tower] will be extended to the location of the tower, and all the ice and snow along the way will melt and become cultivatable soil.

After the ice and snow melt the grass, the right temperature will allow the blades of grass to start growing again, the natural breath will rise sharply, and the [natural signal tower] will also have a place to play, otherwise in the ice and snow, the natural breath is greatly suppressed, and the extraordinary building is almost abandoned.

Under this tactic, theoretically speaking, as long as the [natural signal tower] is inserted throughout the [green grassland], there will be a strange situation where the wind and snow are still permeated above the entire grassland, but the grassland is warm as spring.

Of course, this can be done, but I don't know how many Yuye have to die to build so many [Nature Signal Towers], and I don't know how many star stone reserves are needed to maintain the normal operation of these extraordinary buildings, and how much time it takes to fill star stones manually.

So, theory is always just theory.

If all of the above problems can be solved, Yuye's extraordinary territory is almost as big as [Green Grassland].

With so many practical problems, it is certainly impossible for Yuno to expand his territory wildly and expand the effective scope of [Tower of Fire Thieves] to an exaggerated extent.

He finally selected a safer section to place [natural signal towers], recorded these [natural signal towers] as 1 ring, and then extended outward to spread a layer of [natural signal towers], and the area connected by this layer was recorded as 2 rings, and so on, layer by layer.

After Ikuno formulated the "signal tower tactic", Ikuno sent a team of leaders wearing warm clothing, and each team took a [natural signal tower] to set up in the ice and snow.

Based on rule (3) [Distance limit], players do not meet for at least 3 days, so during these three days, this is why Ikuno is so relieved and boldly sends his lords out without worrying about encountering enemies.

In the end, a similar number of rings Ikuno laid a total of 5 rings, and once an enemy removed the [Natural Signal Tower] at this peripheral point, the other [Natural Signal Towers] linked to it would directly lose their signal, and then directly transmit information to the inner ring, and Ikuno, who was in the innermost ring, naturally knew that there was a new situation.

And if the enemy does not choose to be removed and chooses to sneak in, then on the 1st ring [natural breath distribution map] where Yuno is located, you can clearly see that a green light spot with a very thick "breath of life" suddenly appears around his territory, thus completely exposing his own traces.

Then whether Yuno is preparing for defense or taking the initiative to attack and set ambushes, he can easily deal with it.

Therefore, the other party, whether they remove [the natural signal tower] or not, will expose themselves.

This kind of combat method is placed in higher-level battles, Yuye is difficult to say, but for low-level battles, the enemy still cannot avoid it.

[Natural Signal Tower], one of the "9 cores of Chaoshengde", if you want to achieve such a "signal tower tactic" and directly prevent and control the perimeter of the entire territory, you must need more than one [natural signal tower].

And it's not mechanically built like the [Spirit Planter], which can replicate itself.

Then if Ikuno wants to promote the genre of "Super Shengde" in the future, the cost of [Natural Signal Tower] will have to be suppressed, after all, the extraordinary building is stationed outside the territory, and it has almost no defense, which is easily uprooted by the enemy and belongs to the "consumable" extraordinary building.

And if you want to completely prevent and control the entire territory, the number of extraordinary buildings needed is definitely quite large, and the larger the territory, the more [natural signal towers] are needed.

Well, fortunately, the building is just an inverse application of [natural induction], with a little bit of Ikuno's ingenuity, it is not technically difficult, coupled with the rough appearance, the production cost is still easy to suppress.

Yuno also did not expect that the "signal tower tactic" that he had sent people to implement before happened to be in time for the airdrop [resource treasure chest].

After many squads returned from placing the signal tower, they all carried an ordinary four-square box, and then respectfully handed them all to Yuno.

Yuno was in a good mood and gave these "lords" a large number of contribution points, which not only included the credit for their placement of signal towers, but also the reward of picking up [resource treasure chests].

This suddenly made many lords who did not go out to place the signal tower red-eyed.

In the eyes of these lords, it is difficult to get contribution points from working and working on weekdays, but now in this strange wind and snow world, they can earn so much at once!

Although these two thousand people are all subjects, their status is different.

Most of them were purchased from Kuta the Boar Man one after another after Mu Zhong, so they had not earned enough contribution points to completely remove the status of "slaves", and the earliest group of people had successfully promoted to real civilians because they caught up with the missions of Yuye and Dave released territories.

All civilians have the right to own a small house of their own, although it is not as big as the house of the 2nd order leader, but it is already a symbol of their "noble" status.

On one side is a dormitory with 4, 6 or even 8 people huddled together, and on the other side is a small house that is completely their own, with its own independent space, how can the slaves not envy?

Therefore, seeing that there were so many contribution points when they went out to pick up treasure chests, they all volunteered to go out and search for treasure chests as if they had beaten chicken blood.

Yuye saw that the people under his command were so enthusiastic, and it was difficult to refuse to attack their enthusiasm, and finally let go of the shackles of the lords going out to explore.

He also took into account that rule (3) [distance limit] gave all extraordinary territories a buffer period for the first three days, at least these three days can still allow these territories to move a little freely, plus the [Natural Signal Tower] is located within the extraordinary territory without worrying about extreme weather [blizzard], ordinary people can also move freely within the territory.

Maybe it's a good choice to let them collect more airdropped [resource treasure chests] for the first three days outside, and help the territory regain its combat strength as soon as possible?!

After three days, everyone was not allowed to leave the gate of the territory again!

However, by that time, the extraordinary arms of the territory should have been re-established.

With Yuye's permission, the lords rushed towards the outside of the territory, and most of the slaves who were sold were young and middle-aged men, and this rush out, the entire territory was empty in an instant.

Yuno shook his head, ready to open the treasure chest that the lords moved back to see what good things this so-called [resource treasure chest] could open...

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