[Hao Ran]: If something similar happened in the Red Empire, if ordinary people dared to do this, they would immediately be imprisoned by Red Dragon Wei.

[Hao Ran]: The absurd things that ordinary people judge the transcendent like this can only be done by the Star Sea Federation.


Yu Ye and Hao Ran chatted without a match, and he naturally knew that the other party would not come to the door so plainly and for no reason.

It was nothing more than watching Yuye be wronged on the side of the Star Sea Federation, and see if there was a chance to bind this potential seed to the chariot of the Red Empire.

After all, the birth point of each Blue Star player is randomly placed in the surrounding area of the Human Alliance by the Dawning System, and each place has a corresponding force division area.

For example, the group like Yuye can be regarded as the [Klein plane] divided under the Xinghai Federation, and geographically speaking, they belong to the jurisdiction of the Xinghai Federation.

But after all, what they occupy is still an unexplored random life plane, and even the specific coordinates cannot be found at present, and whether the future belongs to the Star Sea Federation, no one can say.

Players can't decide where they were born, but they can subjectively decide which side to lean into!

Hao Ran was obviously using such an idea at the moment, brushing favorability in front of Yu Ye.

But despite Hao Ran's detailed counting of the benefits of the Red Empire, Yu Ye did not hear it, nor did he make his own opinion of taking sides between several major human forces.

As the birthplace of the Dawning System, the Star Ocean Federation has passed affirmative action bills for citizens such as Transcendent and P-in in its districts over the years.

For the intelligence of the dawning system, the extraordinary have the value of the transcendent, the P citizen also has the value of the P citizen, and without the huge base of P and other citizens, how can more transcendent people be born?

The higher the level of life, the more difficult it is to give birth to children, this is the common sense of the boundless plane, and it is also a rule recognized by the "plane will" very early.

Imagine if a dragon was born as fast and as much as the Zerg.

So which race can still fight?

Therefore, from the perspective of intelligence, the value of P and other citizens is not weak, and from the analysis of big data, many of the crowns currently in the world are also born of P citizens!

There are even rumors that the new intelligent model being developed by the Dawning System, which can even calculate how many people are reached, will inevitably give birth to a crown, but at present, the intelligent model computing power is not enough, and there is no movement.

But there is no doubt that when transcendent and P citizens live together, the imbalance of strength, the imbalance of production capacity, and other reasons, all kinds of contradictions will inevitably erupt.

As a result, the Dawning System has this "isolation law", and now the "infinite division of the battlefield" strategy implemented by the entire human alliance is a small part of the bill, and the departure of a large number of transcendent people has also indirectly transferred this contradiction.

Without the extraordinary people with amazing productivity to grab jobs, P citizens have a lot to do, and the treatment given by the Xinghai Federation to P citizens is really good, just like a utopia that has been created.

Protecting citizens such as P has gradually become a kind of political correctness in the Xinghai Federation.

Against this background, if the transcendent clash with citizens such as P, it even causes death. The transcendent will be severely punished, as well as huge compensation.

But the transcendent are not without a little privilege, and this authority depends on the degree of their contribution to the whole of mankind in order to reduce their guilt or even acquit.

Regarding this, the Dawning Authority can be a good indicator that the higher the Dawning Authority, the greater its contribution to mankind, such as legends, crowns, their strength itself is part of the contribution, deterring not knowing how many alien races, so their Dawn Authority is very high.

This is the current situation of the Star Sea Federation, a human force that P-class citizens dare to confront low-level transcendents, the pervasive dawn system, and the mechanical cruise that the city moves all the time, providing confidence for P-class citizens.

The Star Sea Federation has its own problems, but the Red Empire has no problems?

Earlier in the Red Empire, ordinary people with no talent or weak talent, the words of the transcendent were golden rules for them, they could not refute and could only obey, the transcendent crushed one as easily as they crushed a worm, indiscriminate killing violence and so on, etc., it was not uncommon in the Red Empire.

Not only that, the magnates of the Red Empire were highly hierarchical, advocating force and struggle, and so on.

For Yuno, maybe the internal contradictions of the Red Empire will be greater!

Even if these off-site factors are excluded, Ikuno will not accept an olive branch from the human forces at present, which is something he decided on early on.

The secrets of the territory, without self-preservation strength, must not be exposed to the people of the Human Alliance, even if they really have to open their extraordinary territory, they must not expose the coordinates of time and space!

Hao Ran's behavior of brushing Yuye's favorability was a wasted effort.

In addition to this purpose, Hao Ran also knocked on the secret of Yuye's ability to reach the "first place in the challenge list".

Yuye didn't want to hide it, but when he thought of his "against the sky" masterpiece, he was still ... Uh, well, it's rough, it's not easy to show people at will, so in the face of Hao Ran's question, he had to answer with a short silence.

On the contrary, Hao Ran mistakenly thought that this issue involved Yuye's privacy, so he shrewdly snorted and didn't talk about it more.

But this conversation also gave Yuno a sense of urgency, as an [architect], an "artist", the extraordinary buildings he created, only if they are widely promoted, are the embodiment of these architectural values, not just for himself.

Perhaps, this is also a practice [of architects]?

As for the economic benefits of this promotion....

That's naturally the more, the better!

At the same time, on a [Belhimo]-class zerg battleship, Kraken stood in front of a huge crystal wall, and his burly body was almost up to the ceiling.

Lidal stood behind him respectfully, the [Ghost Ephemera], [Puppet Worm] and other zergs who had been called together had long since left, and in this huge room, except for Kraken, he was the only one left on the infiltration mission.

Lidal silently watched as Kraken stood in front of the crystal wall, constantly spreading mental power fluctuations, and various colors of light flashed on the entire wall, flattening a blurry high-speed picture.

This relies on insect waves for efficient information exchange and exchange.

That huge crystal wall was a [Lens Convergence Body] that had been upgraded to the Holy Domain Level.

Compared with the [Lens Cluster], which is only of the first order, its functions are too much more powerful.

In addition to the previous conventional capabilities such as projection and monitoring, today's [Lens Convergence Vision] also has both insect waves, mental power and other effects, and most importantly, it can achieve cross-plane communication!

At this moment, Kraken was communicating with the Zerg spies far away in the [Klein plane], exchanging the latest intelligence and the latest developments in the public opinion turmoil of "Yuno".

That's right, the public opinion storm that Ikuno was deeply involved in was carefully set by Kraken from the beginning.

For [Pig Princess] suddenly stepped in sideways, causing the original good form to be reversed at once, Kraken was not very satisfied with this result.

In his plan, through this wave of provocation and confrontation, at least a thorn must be rooted in the hearts of the Blue Star people and the local pioneers.

Wait until any little wind blows in the future, let the two sides remember this thorn, every mention is a pain, and then complain and hate each other, and finally form an infighting.

This kind of method is not uncommon, Kraken still learned the relationship between humans and the demon race thousands of years ago, which is called a typical case!

The result of this case continuing to this day is that the pro-human majority of the imps are still today.

As for Yuye in this conspiracy, in Kraken's opinion, he was just a casual victim.

In fact, this bureau was already in his planning "before the second round of defense".

[The mother nest] was teleported away and there was a lot of battle damage, and the first to get the news was of course the Zerg themselves! In other words, the speed at which the Zerg counted the "first place in the challenge list" was one day earlier than the Dawning System!

After all, Ikuno belongs to the first fault, a full 6 seats ahead of the second!

This also made Kraken use his brain.

It was also at this time that he discovered that something was wrong in Yuye's territory, and there was a scene where Kraken arranged for Lidal to infiltrate.

And Lidal lived up to his expectations and brought back valuable information.


"Are you sure this is an extraordinary building that can anticipate [the mother nest] devouring motion?"

Kraken frowned and looked at the simple model restored by Lidal with his mental power, and always felt a little sloppy, making him wonder if the other party made it up.

Can humans also create extraordinary buildings in this style?

Play with a piece of mud and pinch it, and it is a little more regular than this building!

"That's true! I dare to vouch for it with my life! Lidal

nodded solemnly, and he only braved the death faction to peek around Yuno's territory as the second round of defense entered the countdown.

This kind of building is ugly a little ugly, but all over the southeast, southwest and northwest corners of the Yuye territory, there are special guards, and from time to time to keep an eye on the news of the report, as far as Lidal's tactical literacy is concerned, it is the point where this thing is reporting [the mother nest]!

The three teams of Kraken glanced up and down, and the human-shaped Lidal finally rested his cold gaze on his handsome face.

Think of him as a little golden cicada, and dare not deceive and fool the guards of the [Blade Empress].

Kraken is a High Zerg [Blade Warrior], which cannot be fully "humanized", with three pairs of compound eyes distributed on both sides of the skull and six blade-like arms.

This unique structure allows [Blade Warriors] to attack with extremely terrifying attack frequencies, so that enemies are quickly chopped into meat sauce before they can react.

Kraken lowered his head slightly, and the three pairs of compound eyes all showed a thoughtful look, obviously thinking about whether this strange-looking extraordinary building would have a major impact on the Zerg battlefield.

"Fortunately, this is just a separate extraordinary architectural innovation, not a whole new extraordinary genre."

Kraken concluded, "If it is a new genre launched by the Little Ghost Art a thousand years ago, it may instantly change the low-level strength of the two races of humans and insects. "

Little Ghost Art, because the number of transcendent people who chose the path of warlock reached a new low, in order to increase the number of transcendent people in this class, the warlocks linked up with [architects] to release a super killer!

As soon as it appeared, it was a very mature genre system.

There are 13 large and small core buildings alone, not to mention other scattered extraordinary buildings.

"But fortunately, such an ugly extraordinary building should have been made by that otherworldly person from what Blue Star."

"Even if you need some unique spiritual material to make it, or use some kind of talent?"

"If there really was a prototype of a complete genre system, the Human Alliance would not be released so rashly."

Kraken vaguely felt that this may be the truth, to let a person create a complete genre system from scratch.

It's a bit of a fantasy.

But there has really been such a existence in the Terrans, and there is more than one!

The nearest hanging wall now has practiced all the way to the crown position unimpeded, in just over 200 years!

Its name is - De Zerell!

[Secret Words Sacred Texts Dezerell]!

One person created the Dark Shepherd genre, and its famous [Secret Word] series of spells are all its firsts!

This is a pure warrior, and some people in later generations have combined [architects] according to the characteristics of the Dark Shepherd, and they have continuously perfected a large wave of extraordinary buildings needed if they want to follow the Dark Shepherd genre.

The creation mode of this territorial genre is completely opposite to Ikuno's desire to create "Super Virtue".

The dark pasture flow is "top-down", smooth and natural, which is a kind of backward construction. As soon as the genre was born, with the strength endorsement of [Secret Word Saint Scripture Dai Zerell], from the Starmark step to the legendary level, it was all the way unimpeded.

Chaosheng virtue is "bottom-up", opening the world from scratch, like building a house to lay the foundation, how high the genre can eventually go, all depends on how solid the foundation is, and no one can say for sure the height in the future.

The former seems easy, but the premise is that there must be a "Dezerell"!

The latter is the norm in genres! There are constantly descendants who contribute to the research of predecessors, in order to go to the extreme step by step.

For Kraken to determine that Ikuno is like "Dezerell", who has opened up a whole series of spells on the wall, he must not believe it.

In fact, even if Ikuno really created the genre of "Transcendent Virtue", Ikuno himself did not expect to rely on it to reach the top.

Because if he continues to walk "supernatural virtue", won't he be the same as those architects of the boundless plane?

His extraordinary profession has always been [architect], and his "creation" is to build genres for other professions to perfect his [architect's] path!

Don't let go of the book, immerse yourself in the thrill of druids' creation, and go all the way to the dark.

Then "supernatural virtue" has no value?

Of course not, as a genre with great potential, if a druid is willing to dig deep into it and go out of his own way, he may not be able to rely on this understanding and perception to achieve his own holy realm, or even a higher realm.

Maybe one day in the future, Chao Shengde will also have its own crown, who can predict?

But precisely because this difficulty is so great, Kraken did not dare to think about this aspect at all.

"And you also said that his class is a fishman, so maybe he is a fishman?" Could it be some new building of Shaman-Renza?

Kraken nodded, the more he thought about it, the more likely it became.

Although this speculation is a little far from the truth, but this can't blame him, the fish man with the shaman, has formed a stereotype, even if the human transcendent thinks for himself, the moment he sees the fish man, the first reaction is also the shaman's profession.

Even more coincidentally, the "building" that Lidal saw exuded the breath of natural magic throughout.

In addition to the druids, another big player of natural spells is the shaman class, which perfectly fits their conjecture and pieces together a complete piece of the missing puzzle.

Therefore, both Lidal and Kraken came to a completely wrong answer based on a series of "evidence".

"Regarding this matter, I will report it to the Empress, let her encode [gene tree] on the [Mother Nest] terminal, let the lower [Mother Nest] after me distinguish this extraordinary construction, and be careful of shamanic occupation!"

The low-level [Mother Nest] produced after that will automatically have the classic case of Lidal dealing with Yuno, and edit the corresponding combat method.

Kraken is very satisfied with this precaution, even if this new building promoted by Ikuno catches fire in the shamanic profession in the future, they are not afraid!

But if you can get it, it's better to take another insurance....

With this in mind, Kraken once again used the [Lens Convergence] in front of him to launch a worm wave towards the [Klein plane].

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