This farce came to an abrupt end at the climax, but the hand that made up for the mistake, no one expected that it was from [Pig Princess].

On the night the ranking was announced, [Pig Princess] posted a video on her social platform without warning.

The content of the video is simple and crude, with a touch of gore.

This is a video of a public execution.

A man whose face could not be seen was pressed to the ground by a group of mechanized armed forces, and although he constantly wailed and begged for mercy, his voice was hoarse, trying to win the sympathy of those behind him, but he could not impress those behind him for a single minute.

Just from the picture, without knowing what crime this man has committed, he was treated so rudely and cruelly, which makes people unbearable to watch.


More cruelty is yet to come.

A guard in power armor, operating a lithography knife, cut a small hole in the man's neck, this hole is very slight under the control of data, only cut a layer of epidermis, the man's screams and begging for mercy finally stopped abruptly.

The eight slender tentacles first slowly widened the crack through the opening they cut, and then a swift and indecipherable shadow quickly pounced on the face armor of an armed team member who was close at hand.

The blue fire lit up, and the shadow that had not yet pounced was instantly hit by a plasma bullet by the team members who were observing on the side, and the bounce flew directly to the ground not far away, motionless.

This strange shadow with eight tentacles is completely exposed to the camera.

[parasitic crab], a higher zerg.

Unlike [brain worms], after this bug penetrates from the back of the human neck, it will eat all the flesh and blood in the human flesh little by little as nutrition for its own growth.

And when the flesh and blood of the [parasitic crab] completely fill the other party, the [parasitic crab] will actually become "he", and in the end, this human being will only have a layer of epidermis and a brain that "thinks he is alive".

But in fact, when [the parasitic crab] burrows into the back of a person's neck, the human is declared completely dead.

This substitution method is more hidden and difficult to detect than [brain worm], but the price is that once each [parasitic crab] has identified a host object, it can only live on that race for this life, and once there is no host for a long time, it will die quickly.

The [parasitic crab] in the video has obviously just penetrated into the human body and has not eaten too much flesh and blood, otherwise it would not have been able to escape from the parasitic body so easily.

But... [Pig Princess] What is the purpose of posting such a video at this time?

Seeing the Yuye here, I was also a little confused.

But soon, the subtitles typed in the next video made Yuno excited.

"Sorry to take everyone's precious time and the public resources of the society to talk about this matter, after the second round of resistance, many netizens questioned @ [Yuya Honno]'s performance in the 'first place in the challenge list', and hoped that I would give an evaluation."

"Here I will first state that for whether this score is valid or not, everything is subject to the judgment of the Dawning System."

"As we all know, the Dawning System is a supreme creation that combines a series of human supreme wisdom crystallizations such as space-time spells and module technology. While this doesn't mean that the Dawning System is infallible, at least it shouldn't be something that a Tier 1 Lord can catch mistakes in.

"Therefore, although I don't know how Mr. Ukuno did it, my evaluation is consistent with the Akebono system, and Mr. Ukuno won the first place by virtue of his own strength."

"In response to the public opinion storm that suddenly appeared and swept Klein, I quickly self-inspected my territory after the war and found that this staff member was one of the sources of provoking this public opinion."

"Under the guise of my name, he let the unscrupulous media slander and spread rumors against @ [Yuya Honno]."

"After finding out this fact, we immediately brought this staff member under control."

"Unfortunately, in the end, we found this [parasitic crab] in the body of this staff member. After investigation, the staff member is suspected to have died during the second round of defense when the enemy high-level zerg infiltrated the territory.

"The 'Princess Inho Foundation,' where I work, will compensate the family of the staff member with the maximum amount, and will also compensate Mr. [Ikuya Motono] who was inadvertently slandered."

"Finally, I would like to remind everyone to treat rumors sensibly, and do not become the muzzle of others and aim at fellow human beings from other worlds!"

"In addition, I also want to say that there is more than one source of this public opinion storm, please ask the relevant departments to track down and supervise, and be vigilant against the provocation and incitement of the Zerg undercover!"


The video arrived here, and even if Yuno didn't watch the content behind, he knew more or less the content inside.

This operation of [Pig Princess] can only be said to be a complete victory.

Not only did he directly expose the conspiracy of the Zerg, but he also brushed a wave of favorability in front of the Blue Star and the native Klein, and although [Pig Princess] showed great respect for the evaluation of the Dawning system, there was no lack of curiosity about Yuno's extraordinary territory in his words.

This is equivalent to indirectly making Yuno have to respond to this matter, after all, the [Pig Princess] who could have ignored the beak took the initiative to help Ikuno stand on the field to clarify, and Ikuno as a party pretending to be deaf and dumb is always a little too much.

Things that could have been calmed down, if it was due to Yuye's own non-response to Zuo Leng's treatment, then don't blame netizens for questioning him.

However, after finding out that this wave of black material was a ghost of the Zerg spies, a large wave of dark thoughts that Yuye originally had had has subsided a lot.

Not only that, Hao Ran, a quartermaster from the Red Empire, also expressed just the right amount of "indignation" after learning of Yuye's unfair treatment.

After all, he did not expect that a small lord who had invested casually at that time would suddenly break out of the siege and climb the "first place in the challenge list" of the Klein War Zone!

The Turin War Zone to which Hao Ran belongs, unlike the Klein War Zone, they are facing another old opponent of the human camp - [Death Abyss], known as the "End of All Souls" [Death Abyss]!

There are buried the corpses of many races in the boundless plane, and there are countless armies of the undead.

If the extreme explosive speed is the characteristic of the Zerg, then the characteristics of the undead's class are [Resurrection] and various abilities of [Dead Language].

In addition, these "living corpses" belonged to major races before their deaths, and still retained some of their abilities before death, which made the undead more treacherous.

Zerg, which is good at finding enemy weaknesses and actively screening and evolving corresponding abilities, is difficult to have a good way for the undead.

The undead, there is no doubt that they have become the peak race of the boundless plane with this!

The "Challenge List Rules" of [Turin Fortress] are similar to the rules of [Klein Plane], and they are ranked by the number of enemy [Lich] killed.

[Lich] This kind of high-level undead is almost equivalent to the lord of the human race, the will of the mother nest of the zerg, etc.

How high is the gold content of a Blue Star person who has only been in the boundless plane for less than a month to win the first place in the Warzone Challenge List?

Just look at the ranking of [Turin Fortress] and [Barbarian Realm] this time.

The top 10 are all local pioneers!

And the same is true of [Klein plane], except for the unique seedling of Yuno, the other 9 are all local pioneers.

Hao Ran was originally just casually playing chess in the region of the Star Sea Federation, but he didn't think that he had picked up a treasure!

Especially at this special sensitive time, he must not come out to brush the favorability in front of Yuye and add impression points to the Red Empire?

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