With a gloomy face, Mike paced back and forth outside the dark courtyard of the shack.

He looked up at the even leaky shack and the open-roofed yard that had been built haphazardly around it. It is hard to imagine that such a place can be found in such a developed modern plane as Klein.

What is even harder to imagine is that this is where Gao Li lives. It simply subverted all of Mike's impressions of her.

Prior to this, due to Mike's superiors, the relationship between the two people had always been approached by her initiative, and this was the first time Mike had come over.

There was an unhurried sound of footsteps, coming from the old rusty stairs, and Mike looked up and saw the beautiful face smeared with white powder and heavy eye shadow, fluffy hair tied haphazardly behind his head, a waistless leather jacket loosely and casually worn, and a clear view of the snow-white shoulders.

Mike glanced at Gaoli under the orange and yellow light, the whole person exuded a decadent and depraved beauty, and his mind suddenly recalled the joy of fish and water, and the scene of extreme pleasure made him roll his Adam's apple up and down.

Dragging heavy footsteps, she also moved down, and finally she stopped at the last few steps and did not continue down.

Gao Li glanced at Mike's greasy middle-aged face condescendingly, and said with some irritation: "What's the matter, I have to say it at this time!"

"Do you know what time it is?"


"If nothing else, then get out of here!" We'd better not meet in the future. "

This impatient tone again!

It was as if he was some kind of dirty and lowly thing, the contempt and contempt in his tone, Mike had faintly noticed, but now, Gaoli simply didn't even hide.

Mike's heart suddenly burst into flames, and a fierce stab rushed forward, stretching out his fan-sized palm to slap Gaoli.

"Mad woman, you still dare to dislike Lao Tzu?"

"Did you leak the private information such as Yuye's real name and every live broadcast video?"

"I really don't know what you're crazy about, you hate Bai Xiao and this Yuye so much? Even if you violate the rules and disciplines, you have to smear people and spread rumors?

"Even if you lose your job yourself, you are not a serious woman anyway, and you can fool around with a few wild men at will."

"But the good deeds you did, why do you want Lao Tzu to wipe your ass?!"

Thinking back to what happened these two days, Mike couldn't contain his desire to vent all his anger at once.

Regarding Bai Xiao's matter, although he acquiesced to Gao Li to squeeze him out, at most it was some workplace schemes.

In Mike's opinion, he hinted at Bai Xiao so many times, but she deliberately ignored it, which was just a means for him to teach her a lesson.

But he didn't expect Gao Li to be so frustrated, and after hearing that Bai Xiao had left and signed a free anchor contract with Yuye, he immediately spread rumors about Yuye's non-signing of the Plane Administration, trying to make Yuye "paste" from now on.

Before the second round of defense, Ikuno didn't start the live broadcast, and Mike thought that he was basically cold, so he didn't care much.

By the time Ikuno won the "No. 1 in the Challenge List", Mike already felt that something was faintly wrong.

But when Gao Li's strength was questioned, he jumped out at the first time and took the initiative to leak all of Yuye's private information.

If you leak it, forget it.

It was still leaked with his account!

Mike was going crazy, and he always felt that this scene was a little familiar.

Bai Xiao, wasn't it because Gao Li used the permissions of his account to transfer Yuye to his backstage account and wanted to cut off his beard?

Things have come to this point, and he regrets that he shouldn't have told Gao Li his account so much on weekdays, giving her an opportunity.

Just after the video of [Pig Princess" was released just now, people from relevant departments of Klein and the high-level of the Plane Administration Bureau have sent private messages to Mike wanting to contact Mike, but Mike does not dare to answer any of them.

Mike already knew that the water behind this inside story was deeper than he thought.

He was afraid that if he was not careful, he would be branded as a "Zerg spy", and then he would really jump into the Yellow River and could not be washed.

At this point in time, he still came to Gao Li to solve this matter.

Thinking of the grievances he received, Mike slapped the woman in front of him several times, but he was still uncomfortable, grabbed her hair with one hand, dragged directly on the stairs, and walked towards Gaoli's house step by step.

Although the quality of this shack is not good, and it is in such a bad area, there are not many people living around it, and it is not good if there is some movement. And after all, this is under the open air, and drones cruising in the city all the time may capture his hands at any time.

With these factors in mind, Mike wanted to enter Gaoli's house and punch more happily and exert himself a little more.

Of course, if it can still be called "home".

From the outside, the area of this shack is not small, but when Mike entered it, he found that he had almost no place to stay.

Mountains of garbage covered almost the entire room with a "sense of ritual", and the indescribable stench hit him when he opened the door.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Mike almost gagged, and he felt sick to his stomach at the thought of having skin-to-skin kisses with a woman living in such a place.

He casually threw the woman like a dead dog on a mountain of garbage, and his disgust became stronger, and he even lost the desire to torture and vent his anger.

Suddenly, his movements paused.

Looking at the woman lying motionless and completely unresponsive on the garbage mountain, there was some hesitation.

This isn't going to die, is it?

Mike's heart suddenly mentioned the eyes of his throat, he obviously only slapped her a few times, and threw her out, so as not to kill people, right?

What's more, he has no reason to kill Gao Li, only Gao Li who is alive is the evidence of his innocence!

Mike moved towards Gaoli little by little, looking at the woman whose neck was obviously twisted into an abnormal angle in the dim light, and a pair of beautiful big eyes stared blankly at the insects crawling on a certain garbage mountain, as a P-class citizen, such an injury obviously could not survive.

Mike's legs suddenly weakened, and he couldn't help but fall to the ground, and his whole body couldn't stop shaking violently.

His flustered eyes kept scanning the foul-smelling room, and the gloomy and cold aura filled the room from beginning to end, but Mike could never find the source, and finally his gaze rested on Gorly's corpse again....

And on the mountain of garbage where she lies.

In the corner of the garbage mountain that was knocked away by the corpse, a purple-black human face that was swollen and began to rot hung next to Gao Li's body, and a black spider the size of a thumb crawled in and out of the garbage mountain, making a thin rope sound, and finally stopped on the cheek of this human face.


Mike didn't dare to think about why there were still corpses hidden in Gaoli's shed, and now he looked back at the mountains of garbage, how it looked like a short grave.

"Gaoli, you died because of your own sins! Can't blame me!

"If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be suspected of being a Zerg traitor!"

Mike said something incoherently, wanting to prove his innocence, as a P-class citizen, living in a comfortable Klein, killing people was still far away for him.

He said as he stepped back, ready to leave here at any moment.

Only at this moment, a faint voice sounded in Mike's ears: "Who said that you are not a Zerg traitor?"

"Who is it?!"

Mike was like a fat cat that had been pricked by needles, his whole body shook and shouted in exasperation, cold sweat broke out on the corners of his forehead, and he quickly turned his head to look around.

In the houses with nowhere to stay, there are only mountains of garbage that look like grave bags.

"You don't even recognize my voice?"


The bone twisted sounded, Mike looked in the direction where the sound came from, and suddenly frightened, he saw Gao Li, who had been identified by him as a dead body, and his neck twisted abruptly to 180 degrees.

The back of the head, which was originally covered by fluffy hair, has become a new "front face".

The corpse plucked the silk slightly stiffly, revealing a face that was no different from "Gaoli" and was looking at Mike with a resentful expression, "You just grabbed my hair, it hurts me so much!" Brother, you don't pity people at all!

As she spoke, Gao Li slowly stood up, with a rebellious head on her neck and a face in front and back.

One face is delicate and delicate, and one face is heavy on makeup but lifeless.

Mike suddenly thought of a terrible possibility, and his entire back stiffened.

If there really is a Zerg traitor in the Plane Authority...

That is not yourself, who else could it be?

The answer is obvious.

Mike's fat body twisted, and he wanted to snatch out the door in an instant, but a fluffy black hair shot out faster than him, completely enveloping his whole person.

Soon, there was one more mountain of garbage in the shack.

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