Bai Xiao: Boss, just look at a lot of things on the Internet, don't think about it! Now there are too many brainless and low-minded people!

Bai Xiao: Anyway... I'm on your side no matter what time.

Yuye was looking at the [architect] knowledge inheritance that had just been harvested, and the Dawning System jumped out of a private message from Bai Xiao.

It's just that the cheerful tone was very different from before, but this time the message sent by Bai Xiao was endless.

Until he flipped through the [Klein plane] hot list, almost half of it was his own name.

Yu Ye casually clicked in and took a look, a large number of blockbusters were voices questioning the strength of their territory, and some inexplicably began to spread rumors and slander for no reason at all, and even led a large wave of unreasonable melon-eating masses to join the army of denunciations, and public opinion has intensified.

Yuye was indeed as red as Bai Xiao imagined, but it swept the entire [Klein plane] in a "black and red" attitude.

The root of this matter is still that the "second on the challenge list" [Pig Princess] is the daughter of the boss of a cross-plane group company in [Klein Plane], who has played the Internet very well since she was a child, and has always appeared in front of the public's field of vision since she was a child, which is a national girl in the true sense!

Its number of fans has reached nearly one billion, which is close to 5% of the population [of the Klein plane].

Therefore, when [Pig Princess] announced that she had officially joined the Pioneer Legion and became a Tier 1 Extraordinary Lord, she immediately attracted the attention of the whole people of [Klein Plane], and under the huge financial power, she also directly rushed to the top of the [Highest Resistance Round List] when she resisted in the first round, fully resisting 189 waves, 44 waves ahead of the second place!

At that time, Yuno was only able to withstand the 51st wave, and even the 51st wave was dangerous.

Looking at it this way alone, the difference in strength between the two is really a bit big.

But what many people overlook is that [Pig Princess] was already the peak of Tier 1 development before the first round of resistance.

If it weren't for a little accident when doing the territory upgrade task, [Pig Princess] would have been upgraded to Tier 2 early, and then quickly became an extraordinary territory at the peak of Tier 2 after falling with heavy gold. What restricts the development of the [Pig Princess] territory is only her own strength.

The Dawning System will rate each lord who wants to upgrade to ensure that they have a certain strength to protect their extraordinary territories, which is not only for the good of the lords, but also for the alliance people who will go to these territories to settle, travel, and work in the future.

Therefore, the territory upgrade task is still more important.

The development of Ikuno and [Princess Pig] are two completely different paths, every day after the first round of defense, his territory is getting stronger and his knowledge is being enriched, and it is these silent and subtle changes that allow Yuno to temporarily create extraordinary buildings on the battlefield to restrain the enemy, and finally win the crown.

Coupled with the challenge mode and [Mother Nest] 1v1, and the tower defense mode are completely two ways of attacking and defending reverse, the strength of the territory alone does not determine the record.

In fact, in the evaluation of the Dawning System, the score of Yuye Territory is still far lower than [Pig Princess], but there are many people with high scores and low energy, and successful counterattacks also happen from time to time.

If the score alone determines the first, what is the challenge mode?

But the fact is that many people only look at the 189 rounds of this anti-heavenly data, and they have long determined that [Pig Princess] must be the first in the second round of defense!

When things are different from the trajectory they expected, Ikuno's appearance is not to amaze the audience as a dark horse, but more like a villain who opposes the people, snatching away the first throne that they have seen since childhood! Especially this villain came out so abruptly, and there is a special identity of "Blue Star Man".

It's like a spark that suddenly ignites the lead hidden in the ground, and at any moment it will explode a bomb that does not know where it is hiding.

It was also at this moment that Yuno gradually realized that it was extremely important, even if it was in the human camp, it was simply whimsical to want to let the Blue Star and the local pioneers really achieve complete integration in a short period of time.

Your weak hour funded you, and that was their generosity; When your strength threatens them, you often only have to beware.

This time, things went to this point, from the beginning to question Yuye's strength, and then to the special group of Blue Star people, Yuno did not believe that this was the result of no one to guide it.

And the biggest object of suspicion is naturally - [Pig Princess], this pampered "little princess" who was overwhelmed by herself, perhaps just a few casual words in private can set off this overwhelming Internet explosion.

This unstable bomb has actually been planted since the Human Alliance issued the Dawn System to 7 billion Blue Starmen.

Although the Human Alliance gave a number of "convincing" reasons at that time, the 99.9999% awakening rate after the Blue Star people also supported these reasons, making people feel that the Blue Star Man Dawn System is valuable.

But the dawning system, which was difficult for citizens such as P to obtain, was given to the otherworldly people in this way, but they themselves were still using backward light brains....

Is there really no one to resent about this?

Apparently impossible!

Even if this kind of gift is to go to the front line to build territory to fight the enemy and gamble his life; Even if this gift is to be observed like a guinea pig.

But there are still a large number of P-class citizens who will naturally resent the group of "Blue Star people"!

Ikuno also once naively thought that he could easily integrate into the big environment of the boundless plane, become a member of the human camp, and then everyone worked together to fight against the alien race.

But if human beings are that simple, can they still be called human beings?

Along with the genre rivalry within a profession, it is often bloody, not to mention a whole new branch of humanity that wants to integrate into the human camp.

If you want to gain respect and recognition, I don't know how many years it will take!

At this moment when he was pointed at by Qianfu, Yuye finally realized a truth.

When the Blue Star is engulfed, even if there is no end to the boundless plane, all the Blue Star people are already homeless children - they are destined to drift in a foreign land.

Conspiracy theories point to point, what if the Human Alliance suddenly takes back all the Dawn Systems?

Blue Star people's 10 billion people currently only 7 billion people of school age have been released, so where are the remaining 3 billion old people and children?

Even though Yuye kept telling himself that the words on his light brain were not true, his mentality was still unbalanced, and all kinds of dark and negative emotions could not be suppressed in his heart.

Although he knew that these conspiracy theories were unlikely to come true, Ikuno still felt a kind of fear, and now he couldn't imagine what he would do after suddenly losing the Dawn System.

The Blue Star people's dependence on the dawning system is heavier than the mobile phone of the past!

There is no mobile phone in Blue Star, at most it will go back decades, but in this unknown plane suddenly lost the dawn system, for many Blue Star people, it is tantamount to crossing into a horror movie - because many Blue Star people may be in the plane where they are only a human being!

Many things cannot be suspected and suspected like this, which will only make Yuye's sense of security and trust in the Human Alliance decrease.

Not only Yuye, but all the Blue Star lords who share a signal source at the 5 space-time nodes around the [Klein plane], what will they think when they see these remarks?

Is it difficult for Blue Star people to achieve the first? Under the sky, you Klein people are the most bullish wall?

This is how the gap and gap are created, and if you don't hurry up to make up for it, the crack will only get bigger and bigger, and finally become a terrifying black hole that devours everything.

Those who can't see clearly are shouting and reveling, and those who can see clearly are waiting.

Wait for the hand that can make up for the mistake.

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